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TDCS out for purchase

Dashwolf's Photo Dashwolf 17 May 2013

Here are the settings according to Engadget:

The default setting is 1.0mA for five minutes, but if you pair it with the iOS app it's configurable from 0.8 to 2.0mA and sessions can last up to 40 minutes.

Looks like I'll be at a disadvantage, given that I don't own (or want) any product running iOS.


soulfiremage's Photo soulfiremage 17 May 2013


I have android, apple, windows 7 and yucky 8, and I've backtrack -a Linux distro somewhere.

But I'm dead practical - does it do a job I need or want.

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travis_w's Photo travis_w 22 May 2013

Michael responded again saying that he is having the engineers give the unit more amperage flexibility without the iPhone app being required, but said that the time would still be 5 minutes. I responded with more questions and concerns, of course.

They are changing the 5 minute default to 10, they are listening to customer input, people said 5 minutes was too short. Also, you can just reach up and hit the start button again when it stops with about as much effort as clicking a mouse (which is probably what you'd be doing anyways). The 10 minute default makes it not-so-bad while we wait for an app to better control it.

Lets see, process for setting the unit to 30 or 40 minutes in an app: Put unit on head(.5), open app and wait for it to load(1), tap the little box that says time (2), keyboard pops up, type 30 (3), hit enter and start (4-5).
Put unit on head(.5) and hit start(1). 10 minutes later hit start again(2). 10 minutes later hit start again(3).
--I guess as long as there isn't some awkward process or interface for starting a session it might even be less hassle to not use the app even if you can.

In related news, Android 4.3 comes out June 10th (almost a month before shipments start), so perhaps they can pop an app out (they might have one written already) that caters to Android users as well. It would be a shame to be the first, nice, commercially available tdcs and only support iPhone.

The first wave of customers the company gets is going to be people with current tdcs knowledge, the product better be capable or it probably won't make it too far past that. I'd certainly promote it to my friends (hell, I already did on here) if it was a good product, but if I have to ask my friends if they have an iPhone first...

He also said that the emails on who purchased a unit would be manually checked, so the email page won't show progress at all I guess.

In completely unrelated news: I am doing a modafinil test right now to see how tired I get if I stay up all night taking one every 4-6 hours starting at 6pm. I'll even try more than one night in a row if I feel up to it when tonight comes. This test is mostly for personal information to see what the effects are in case I find that I -need- to do it for some reason (work/school). I'm going back to college at the moment after 8 years in the Army and I didn't have the balls to test this out during the semester (I was taking over %150 the average course load). If you want to respond to this write me a message and I'll make a new thread...lol.
Edited by travis_w, 22 May 2013 - 10:51 AM.

lourdaud's Photo lourdaud 22 May 2013

Just placed an order, used your referral code Travis!

If anyone wants to order this, please email me for a referral code! :)

soulfiremage's Photo soulfiremage 22 May 2013

In completely unrelated news: I am doing a modafinil test right now to see how tired I get if I stay up all night taking one every 4-6 hours starting at 6pm. I'll even try more than one night in a row if I feel up to it when tonight comes. This test is mostly for personal information to see what the effects are in case I find that I -need- to do it for some reason (work/school). I'm going back to college at the moment after 8 years in the Army and I didn't have the balls to test this out during the semester (I was taking over %150 the average course load). If you want to respond to this write me a message and I'll make a new thread...lol.

Don't do this with modifinil, it has a half life of 15hrs. Take what you need up front; if you must re-dose, wait till at least 12 hrs.

I've used modifinal, daily, for 90% of days, for over 2 years - that's my other source of information :).

travis_w's Photo travis_w 22 May 2013

Don't do this with modifinil, it has a half life of 15hrs. Take what you need up front; if you must re-dose, wait till at least 12 hrs.

I've used modifinal, daily, for 90% of days, for over 2 years - that's my other source of information :).

At least this brand doesn't have that effect on me (worth noting that most everything has about half effect on me). I have Modalert. If I take one only it wears in 4-6 hours. If I take another in that gap it lasts about 12 total. Haven't pushed it beyond that before which is what I'm trying now. I had one at 7pm, one at midnight, one at 4am. Feeling a bit brain foggy, but awake. We'll see how the day goes :)

soulfiremage's Photo soulfiremage 22 May 2013

Are you sure it's not adrifinil?

How much is the dosage?

travis_w's Photo travis_w 22 May 2013

Modvigil - contains 200mg Modafinil U.S.P.

travis_w's Photo travis_w 31 May 2013

Just an update on this, they sent an email and updated the website saying there is now a 30 day money back guarantee "for any reason". So, if you get one of the first ones and it sucks, just send it back and get your money back. Also the website says 10min default instead of 5 now.

Edit: Oh, and it comes with a case now too.
Edited by travis_w, 31 May 2013 - 04:50 PM.

Elus's Photo Elus 31 May 2013

Just an update on this, they sent an email and updated the website saying there is now a 30 day money back guarantee "for any reason". So, if you get one of the first ones and it sucks, just send it back and get your money back. Also the website says 10min default instead of 5 now.

Edit: Oh, and it comes with a case now too.

Hey, when you gets yours, could you do a small review/analysis on how well if works? I'm curious about these, but not sure if I want to spend the money, so feedback from other users would be great.

travis_w's Photo travis_w 31 May 2013

Hey, when you gets yours, could you do a small review/analysis on how well if works? I'm curious about these, but not sure if I want to spend the money, so feedback from other users would be great.

Sure, will do.

soulfiremage's Photo soulfiremage 02 Jun 2013

Me too. I ordered with the extras. I'm considering a head shave just because I'm not sure I'm doing a proper job of electrode placement where hair is thick. I always have less than 3.5 kohms of resistance. My bald mate gets 5. Same setup and saline etc.

Btw try anode right temporal, cathode left sometime. For me, unsure of effects. For him, manic doodling-nice abstract art lol.

magnelectro's Photo magnelectro 08 Jun 2013

Hi everyone,

If anyone is interested in purchasing this, please use the referral link here to get your shipping fee waived.


Dashwolf's Photo Dashwolf 10 Jun 2013

If anyone's interested the Biocurrent kit came back into stock today (for US only). It's $200 with shipping.


hapcloud's Photo hapcloud 16 Jun 2013

i could use some emails especially before you buy. could help me save a few $$$

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SucubbusLT's Photo SucubbusLT 23 Jul 2013

Does anyone already bought from foc.us? What are the experiences? Does it work? Is it worth buying?