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CES Device

djtickleknobs's Photo djtickleknobs 21 May 2013

First let me apologize in advance if this post has found itself in the wrong portion of the forum.  I promise that I had a good look around before I chose to post here.
I wanted to take a moment to talk about the CES device that I use on a regular basis and about many of the benefits that I have been able to reap from it's use. Cranial Electro Stimulation (or CES) is done primarily with a device of low voltage (9v) and varying frequency (1hz to 100hz). These devices are used for many different purposes one of it's uses is for stress management and focus. I use it as a focus aid. When reading a large sheet of facts or specification I will do so with the help of CES in order to stay in "The Zone" (Cliché I know!) I find that this is doing nothing more than allowing me to recall these facts easier by recalling the feeling of the device and therefore remembering what I was reading while using it. I also use custom made audio programs with CES while I am in a meditative state. Many things can be achieved by this but that is a topic for another time.

Here are some photos of the device that I have. I will gladly answer any questions there may be about it or it's use.
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sugarmedan's Photo sugarmedan 21 May 2013

It's coincidental you posted this as I just received my CES Ultra device yesterday. I used it this morning for 30minutes whilst meditation and listening to Dr Jeffrey Thompson's Gamma Meditation tracks.

I felt relaxed and great for about 30 minutes after and then reverted back to normal. I read it takes about 6 weeks of daily use to move this to a more permanent state. Has this been your experience?

I'm also interested in your custom audio tracks. What are they and how do they help?

Any other benefits and experiences with CES would be appreciated!
Edited by sugarmedan, 21 May 2013 - 11:55 PM.

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Godof Smallthings's Photo Godof Smallthings 22 May 2013

I'd be interested to know how a CES circuit differs from a TDCS one. I understand that a CES employs alternating current while a tDCS device uses direct current.

How is this reflected in the circuit design? Would it be difficult or fairly easy to build a circuit/device capable of delivering both CES and tDCS?

djtickleknobs's Photo djtickleknobs 22 May 2013

Hello everyone!

The CES Ultra is a great device, I love the way it feels. The creator put some thought into it's design. However I find a predefined pattern to be a bit counter intuitive for the experimenter. I prefer the AP because it is a manual device. I can choose the frequency and the intensity for as long as I want it. Now the downside to this is I can't then sit back and wait for the frequencies to change, I have to continue to do it manually. As far as audio tracks are concerned, I use a collection of binaural tones with carefully constructed audio and visual tracks. My focus was put into the wording of the scripts and the setting of the visual cues. I am able to achieve roughly 2 hours of intense relaxation after a 30 minute session.

Godof Smallthings:
Many CES devices are indeed AC and pulse electricity at specific frequencies whereas tDCS is direct current at specific amperages. The placement for CES is traditionally via earclips and tDCS is in the form on sponge electrodes either on the sides of the head or one above the eye and the other on the back of the head. A CES device can be easily modified to do tDCS or pulsed tDCS. The 2nd generation Astral Projector does tDCS in addition to CES. I have one and it works very well, I am interested in selling it at some point.

It is nice to be talking to others on this subject. The locals here are a bit weary of the gent with the electricity going to his head. ;)

Have a good day!


sthira's Photo sthira 22 May 2013

Interesting. But how do you know it's doing anything and not just power of suggestion?

sugarmedan's Photo sugarmedan 23 May 2013

I'm having some fantastic benefits with the CES Ultra. Compact, portable, looks good and hassle free.
Could you elaborate on how you can use the manual frequency/intensity to increase results?


Hello everyone!

The CES Ultra is a great device, I love the way it feels. The creator put some thought into it's design. However I find a predefined pattern to be a bit counter intuitive for the experimenter. I prefer the AP because it is a manual device. I can choose the frequency and the intensity for as long as I want it. Now the downside to this is I can't then sit back and wait for the frequencies to change, I have to continue to do it manually. As far as audio tracks are concerned, I use a collection of binaural tones with carefully constructed audio and visual tracks. My focus was put into the wording of the scripts and the setting of the visual cues. I am able to achieve roughly 2 hours of intense relaxation after a 30 minute session.

Godof Smallthings:
Many CES devices are indeed AC and pulse electricity at specific frequencies whereas tDCS is direct current at specific amperages. The placement for CES is traditionally via earclips and tDCS is in the form on sponge electrodes either on the sides of the head or one above the eye and the other on the back of the head. A CES device can be easily modified to do tDCS or pulsed tDCS. The 2nd generation Astral Projector does tDCS in addition to CES. I have one and it works very well, I am interested in selling it at some point.

It is nice to be talking to others on this subject. The locals here are a bit weary of the gent with the electricity going to his head. ;)

Have a good day!



jolly's Photo jolly 30 May 2013

@sugarmedan What are you using your CES Ultra for? I have one, but it hasn't given me the boost in sleep quality that I was hoping for.

Dwinn's Photo Dwinn 08 Aug 2013

Where did you get your Astral projector? I understand there is a gen 1 (CES) and a gen 2 (CES/TDCS). I've looked around on the Internet, but have not found a place to buy one.

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xks201's Photo xks201 08 Aug 2013

I'm interested in the russian sleep device that uses square waves to minimize sleep time. Anyone else heard of this?