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taurine cause insomnia?

scibor1's Photo scibor1 06 Oct 2013

Microdose taurine (500-1000 mg) make me insomnia (two night) and always
I read that taurine antagonizes mt1 (melatonin receptors), this is cause?
thank you for answers

yet, increase taurine vasopressin or oxytocine? and gaba b(only gaba a ?)
Edited by scibor1, 06 October 2013 - 09:37 AM.

protoject's Photo protoject 06 Oct 2013

I wouldn't say 500-1000 mg is a microdose. I experienced similar problems with taurine and also glycine, which I was using to improve sleep, but they ended up worsening my insomnia in the end. I believe this may be due to the fact that they are gaba agonists, and my brain particularly rebounds from gaba agonists quite strongly.

I think some people on these forums would argue that these supplements are harmless or even that some gaba agonism is harmless. Though my past experience tells me perhaps for some people this won't work out. However my reasoning for these not helping insomnia or even worsening it is mostly speculative , even though the fact that they are gaba agonists is not speculative.

P.S are you taking pure taurine powder?
Edited by protoject, 06 October 2013 - 10:51 PM.

scibor1's Photo scibor1 07 Oct 2013

yes. pure taurine powder

Strelok's Photo Strelok 07 Oct 2013

I have had taurine give me insomnia, or otherwise reduce my quality of sleep. Other times it has seemed to improve my quality of sleep. I quit taking it though for this reason, and never really figured out why it had this effect with me. I've heard mixed results from other people as well, so I know we aren't isolated cases. Protojects assertion that taurine is a gaba agonist is correct, and this may very well be the basis for its mixed results.

bossmanglb's Photo bossmanglb 07 Oct 2013

Chronic taurine administration has, I believe given me anxiety. (And the anxiety has, in turn, made it difficult to sleep).
I'm otherwise neurotypical. No history of anxiety, depression or anything like that.

Taurine seems to exhibit different effects across chronic and acute administrations.
I've been taking Taurine for maybe 6months and haven't had a problem until just a few days ago.

Exercise may allay these adverse symptoms. But I'm not certain. I just noticed that today was much better even though I took Taurine. But I had a great lift.

For the record, I take on average about 4-5 grams a day.

protoject's Photo protoject 07 Oct 2013

I have had taurine give me insomnia, or otherwise reduce my quality of sleep. Other times it has seemed to improve my quality of sleep. I quit taking it though for this reason, and never really figured out why it had this effect with me. I've heard mixed results from other people as well, so I know we aren't isolated cases. Protojects assertion that taurine is a gaba agonist is correct, and this may very well be the basis for its mixed results.

I found the same true for Taurine, Glycine, and Beta-Alanine which are all Gaba-A Agonists to some degree.

Not only are they all gaba agonist but also a glycine agonist. I'd assume that it could cause downregulation of glycine receptors as well though I'm not sure if this effect translates into insomnia or not at this time.

stephen_b's Photo stephen_b 07 Oct 2013

I've been taking taurine, glycine, and arginine before bedtime with 100 mg pycnogenol. Taurine, because endurance exercise can deplete it, glycine for the sleep enhancements and collagen repair, and arginine to increase blood flow to the tissues during the night. I take about 2g of each. I sleep very well on this stack.

scibor1's Photo scibor1 08 Oct 2013

arginine make me too insomnia

probably cause is NITRIC OXIDE!

glicyne improve sleep good

theconomist's Photo theconomist 08 Oct 2013

I've been taking some kava tea, taurine, melatonin, l-tyrosine and magnesium before sleep. I sleep like a baby on this stack.
500 mg of taurine makes me mellow and sleepy, anything over 2g gives me energy and lots of libido
Edited by theconomist, 08 October 2013 - 05:43 PM.

scibor1's Photo scibor1 08 Oct 2013

anything over 2g gives me energy and lots of libido

taurine gives me sexual apettite

bossmanglb's Photo bossmanglb 09 Oct 2013

Has anyone noticed a difference with chronic/acute administration?

It's interesting that someone noted taurine is depleted by exercise. I noticed an amelioration
of my negative symptoms when I resume rigorous exercise.

I would also second the increase in libido.

BLimitless's Photo BLimitless 10 Oct 2013

Wouldn't it be a good idea to dose in the daytime then allow receptor rebound to knock you out?

That's what I did and it worked. At the time I was lifting 3x a week as well and in a very good routine and state of affairs, mind.

Mr Serendipity's Photo Mr Serendipity 10 Oct 2013

Didn't realise taurine would increase libido. I automatically think a connection between this, and GHB's effect on increasing libido; which also acts on GABA.

What I remember with taurine, is I would wake up groggy, and feel groggy for the rest of the day (like when I took too much tryptophan).

I also remember taurine giving me diarrhea.

protoject's Photo protoject 12 Jan 2014

Hey, so I haven't really had taurine for years, besides a couple times when I drank energy drinks a couple of years ago. Recently my insomnia's been kept under tabs pretty well. Yesterday I had 1g of taurine at 2pm. I didn't think it would affect my sleep. Guess what?? Insomnia hit pretty badly. It's too bad cuz I kind of like taurine. I'm gonna try a much lower dose on another day, maybe 250 mg or somethin.

zocco's Photo zocco 12 Jan 2014

I was getting tension headaches(above neck, behind ears) after few days of taking taurine + drinking green tea around that time + noopept on that day and occasionally nicotine gum. I was still getting them after removing noopept and nicotine and i never had headaches with green tea alone. Taurine made me awake or able to process info, while still being sleepy. I don't want to test to be 100% what and how much coused headaches but i'm pretty sure it is related to taurine. So be careful how you mix those substances since they all seem to have effect on same receptors.

nintendo1889's Photo nintendo1889 29 Apr 2016

I've been taking some kava tea, taurine, melatonin, l-tyrosine and magnesium before sleep. I sleep like a baby on this stack.
500 mg of taurine makes me mellow and sleepy, anything over 2g gives me energy and lots of libido

Did you become dependent on taking melatonin? "prescription for nutritional healing" by balch mentions that this is possible.



I've been taking taurine, glycine, and arginine before bedtime with 100 mg pycnogenol. Taurine, because endurance exercise can deplete it, glycine for the sleep enhancements and collagen repair, and arginine to increase blood flow to the tissues during the night. I take about 2g of each. I sleep very well on this stack.


I will try this one as well. I am wary of taurine because I have adrenal fatigue, which was partially caused by abuse of energy drinks, which have taurine. So I feel that I should stay away from taurine and get it from food. Is this possible?


I used to be able to take Melatonin for three days straight each night at exactly the same time, an hour before sleep, and I would then be able to fall asleep naturally at the same time each night after that. But this is no longer the case and I don't want to become dependent on it by trying to take it longer; to combat my 18 years of sleep problems, I am doing many things: I stare at the sun for 30 seconds when I wake up, and I try to engage in some activity where I view the sun indirectly at sundown such as walking or doing dishes (I have fair colored eyes so I should not look directly for this longer period). I have also been turning down lights and cover with towels and covers as the sun goes down, and turning off all power devices except for my small fridge in my room (can't put it elsewhere, roommates). So far I am not having as much luck as I want so far, but as I treat my overall health my sleep quality does improve.


One thing I've tried in the past is lotus leaf tea, but it is way WAY more strong than black tea; use much less than black tea or it will keep you up all night long. I'd only use it sparingly, when you really need to be at your top game, as I believe it draws on your jing reserves, in Chinese herbalism.


I quite recently saw Ron Teeguardian's video on youtube about gynostemmae so I am considering taking it daily, forever!
