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Lithium Orotate -

lithium orotate supplement natural bipolar

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#91 aribadabar

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Posted 16 November 2014 - 05:35 PM

Swanson's lithium ororate product is also no longer available.

I saw it available as recently as early this month.


A sign of times?


Swanson rebranded their product from their Premium to their Ultra line and brought it back to the market:


#92 mustardseed41

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Posted 16 November 2014 - 07:16 PM


Swanson's lithium ororate product is also no longer available.

I saw it available as recently as early this month.


A sign of times?


Swanson rebranded their product from their Premium to their Ultra line and brought it back to the market:




Good to know. I've been buying mine from them.

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#93 Omega 3 Snake Oil

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Posted 06 June 2017 - 08:10 PM

good stuff here: https://www.globalhe...or-bad-for-you/

Not able copy/paste. 

Also, this study suggests lithium may help with prion disease:  https://www.ncbi.nlm...pubmed/19702575


Prion diseases are rare, rapidly progressive, fatal neurodegenerative illnesses caused by an abnormal isoform of the native prion protein. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is the most prevalent human prion disease with three possible etiologies: sporadic, genetic, and acquired. Although acquired forms of prion disease have received the most attention, most cases are sporadic or genetic and are thus unpreventable. There is some literature on neurotransmitter system dysregulation in animal and human models of prion diseases. Several studies indicate that there is a disproportional amount of serotonin dysregulation in prion diseases and that prion-mediated cytotoxicity may be blocked by N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists. Prion disease therapeutic investigations have mainly consisted of basic science research, which has elucidated the importance of molecular structure in preventing prion protein conversion. Typical neuroleptics and tricyclic antidepressants have been the primary psychotropic medications studied in humans due to their heterocyclic structures. Recent studies have correlated lipid disruption to these structurally similar compounds with antiprion activity. Preliminary studies suggest that lithium mediated inhibition of glycogen synthetase kinase 3 and lithium-induced autophagy may be avenues for further research. Many studies require replication in other experimental settings. Thus far, treatment strategies have focused on aborting prion protein conversion and as such have limited therapeutic usefulness given the rapidity of disease progression and difficulty in establishing ante-mortem diagnoses of prion diseases. There is a paucity of research examining the prevention of prion diseases in at risk populations (i.e. genetic and acquired prion diseases)."

I'm thinking of trying this one. I'm concerned because I've had BAD reactions to many substances other people are fine with (NSI-189, pregnenolone, macrobid the antibiotic):



  • Memory Protect
  • 12 Colostrinin-Lithium (C-Li) Capsules | 24 Lithium (Li) Capsules
  • Item Catalog Number: 02101

Memory Protect combines a unique colostrinin polypeptide complex with the trace mineral lithium for unrivaled memory and cognitive health support for the aging brain. Colostrinin supports cognition, memory, and also inhibits inflammatory factors in the brain which can lead to reduced cognitive function and memory loss. And research now shows that lithium helps inhibit an enzyme sometimes associated with cognitive decline, as well as providing benefits for longevity and mood. Harness the power of Memory Protect … and help maintain your brain.

Benefits at a Glance

  • Promotes healthy memory and cognitive health
  • Supports the natural breakdown of abeta proteins
  • Encourages healthy tau protein function
  • Inhibits GSK3 enzyme production
  • Helps maintain brain glucose levels already within normal range

Healthy brain proteins and cognitive function

Amyloid beta (or abeta) are "misfolded" proteins which are quickly and efficiently cleared from a youthful, healthy brain through natural processes. But as we age, these proteins begin to accumulate, affecting memory and cognitive function. Plus, abeta can chemically affect tau proteins, cellular components responsible for moving essential molecules throughout the cell.

Colostrinin Proline-rich polypeptide complex

Memory Protect's Colostrinin polypeptide complex promotes cognition, memory, and helps inhibit inflammatory factors in the brain. Colostrinin also favorably affects gene expression associated with abeta protein production,1encourages production of enzymes which support the natural breakdown of abeta proteins,1 and encouraged learning and memory in animal studies — along with a 26% median life-span increase.2

Laboratory studies demonstrate that colostrinin favorably altered the gene expression of cells in culture to those produced by natural nerve growth factor, promoting differentiation of primitive cells into functioning adult neuron cells, and encouraging healthy neurite growth — tiny structures essential for cell-to-cell communication.3,4

Lithium, the "brain element"

Memory Protect also delivers lithium, which has long been used to promote healthy mood.5 But now, research indicates that lithium helps inhibit the GSK3 enzyme, which affects tau protein phosphorylation.6 Phosphorylated tau proteins can contribute to age-related cognitive decline and memory health.

Inhibiting GSK3 may help maintain healthy glucose levels already within normal range in the brain.7,8 Lithium also promotes autophagy,5 the healthy breakdown of tau and abeta proteins through natural processes. And in animal studies, lithium helped maintain memory health and cognitive performance.9

So don't wait to maintain your brain. Choose Memory Protect, a memory and cognitive health support supplement made with powerful, brain-friendly ingredients — only from Life Extension."

This product contains colustrum, but only for the first couple of weeks (pills are numbered by days). Any idea why they would do this? I already take proline rich polypeptides.

EDIT Here's the part of the first linked article I thought I couldn't paste:

  • “Technically, lithium is not a drug but a mineral, similar to salt.” -VA Research Currents
  • “In fact, lithium isn’t a drug at all. It’s actually a mineral-part of the same family of minerals that includes sodium and potassium.” -Jonathan Wright, M.D., author of “The Importance of Lithium Supplementation”
  • Medical doctors are now speaking out about the essential trace mineral known as lithium, promoting its incredible therapeutic benefits at low servings.
  • “Shocking but true — lithium is an essential trace element.” -Emily Deans, M.D., (Harvard trained psychiatrist) author of “Could You Have a Lithium Deficiency?”
  • “Lithium is an essential micronutrient… It is present in all organs and tissues in the body. It has similar chemical properties to that of calcium and magnesium.” -Mark Hyman, M.D., best-selling author of “The UltraMind Solution”
  • “Lithium is one of the most important elements in the human body.” -Lawrence Wilson, M.D., author of “Lithium”


  • In animal studies, lithium has been shown to be an essential trace mineral. When lithium is removed from the diet of farm animals, they appear to develop numerous chronic, degenerative diseases. These include atrophy of the spleen, development of cysts and tumors, severely depressed immune systems, and decreased fertility. Additionally, the quantity of breast milk is diminished in nursing mothers with inadequate lithium stores.
  • A study from Texas analyzed 27 state counties between the years of 1978-1987. It was discovered that the incidence of suicide, homicide, rape, drug abuse, and felonious acts were about 50% lower in the 27 counties with lithium-containing drinking water. The water had lithium levels ranging from 70-170 micrograms/L. Additionally, the study found a significant reduction in drug-related arrests within the same time period and locations.
  • Lithium orotate “…does not require blood tests to establish a therapeutic level as prescription forms do, nor is it toxic to the kidneys like lithium pharmaceuticals.” In addition, “…Prescription lithium is poorly absorbed by cells, the main site where it performs its functions.” -Ward Dean, M.D.
  • Medical doctors have found servings of lithium orotate 80-90% lower than the orthodox Pharma-lithium serving for major depressive disorder, also known as clinical depression, unipolar depression, major depression, or unipolar disorder. 50-70% of patients have shown fair to good response with lithium use for depression.
  • According to Jonathan Wright, M.D., America’s top authority on lithium orotate, a total daily intake of 30 milligrams of elemental lithium will have unnoticeable effects on serum lithium levels, with levels usually residing in a non-detectable range. Even 40 mg per day appears to be completely safe, presenting no negative side effects or signs of toxicity.
  • Dr. Wright also testifies that, “After decades of clinical research and laboratory testing of the compound on my patients, I discovered that administering lithium orotate up to 40 mg per day to be completely safe (without negative side effects or toxicity) and absolutely effective in the control of numerous mental, neurological, and physical conditions.”
  • Another form of lithium, called lithium orotate, is preferred because the orotate ion crosses the blood-brain barrier more easily than the carbonate ion of the pharmaceutical lithium carbonate. Therefore, lithium orotate can be used in much lower servings (e.g. 5 mg) with remarkable results and no side effects. -Shaheen Lakhan, M.D., author of “Nutritional Therapies for Mental Disorders”
  • “Lithium itself is not a drug; it’s a naturally occurring mineral salt like potassium, and is something you need for proper mental and physical health… Lithium orotate may be a safe and simple way to help beat the blues.” -Al Sears, M.D.
  • “The lithium salt of orotic acid (lithium orotate) improves the effects of lithium several-fold by increasing lithium bio-utilization.” -Ward Dean, M.D., author of “The Unique Safe Mineral with Multiple Uses”
  • Dr. Dean also states, “Lithium orotate has also been successfully used in alleviating discomfort from migraine and cluster headaches, improving low white blood cell counts, juvenile convulsive disease, alcoholism, and liver disorders. Lithium Orotate is extremely safe, with no known adverse side effects or drug interactions.”
  • “Prescription lithium is poorly absorbed by the cells, where it needs to be to do its job… Because it is so poorly absorbed, blood levels need to be fairly high to “drive” it into the cells. Unfortunately, these “therapeutic” blood levels are dangerously close to the toxic level. That’s why patients on prescription lithium need to be carefully monitored… Successful serving with lithium orotate is measured by clinical effects on the patient, rather than by blood levels.” -Ward Dean, M.D.
  • “Lithium Orotate will not cause weight gain, nor will it cause sedation or sleepiness.” -Ward Dean, M.D.


  • In one study, 42 patients hospitalized for the management of their alcoholism were given 150 mg of lithium orotate every day. It was found that lithium orotate helped improve the effectiveness of alcoholism treatment. Ten of the patients experienced no relapse for over three to ten years. 13 patients remained alcohol-free for one to two years, and the remaining 12 experienced a relapse between 6 to 12 months. Lithium orotate therapy was seen as relatively safe, with minor adverse side effects seen in some patients (muscle weakness, appetite loss, mild apathy). For these patients, symptoms subsided following the reduction of lithium orotate administration. Over 50% of the alcoholic patients who completed this study were without relapse for over one year and 25% of them made it over 3 years without a relapse. NOTE: The discovery of decreasing mild side effects through slightly reducing lithium orotate supplementation provides further scientific evidence that lithium has no inherent toxicity when taken in smaller, reasonable serving sizes. -A study titled: “Lithium orotate in the treatment of alcoholism and related conditions.”
  • Available without a prescription, lithium orotate has been marketed as an alternative to the prescription known as lithium carbonate. In lithium orotate, lithium is joined with an orotate ion, rather than to a carbonate ion.
  • “Lithium orotate is a highly bioavailable form of lithium that is available as an over-the-counter dietary supplement.” -Linda Fugate, Ph.D., author of “Lithium’s Potential Role in Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease”
  • “In small servings (15 mg/day), lithium orotate has been shown to protect the central nervous system.” -Dietrich K. Klinghardt, M.D, Ph.D.
  • “Lithium is a trace element which has important functions in the brain, including protecting brain cells from various toxins and reducing the ill effects of certain excitatory neurotransmitters which are harmful in large amounts.” -Alice R. Laule, M.D., author of “Lithium”
  • “Lithium orotate, on the other hand, is more bioavailable and safer than the lithium carbonate.” -Jeffrey Dach, M.D., author of “Beating Depression Naturally”
  • “Lithium is one of the most important elements in the human body.” -Lawrence Wilson, M.D., author of “Lithium”
  • Harvard Medical School has analyzed over 30 human meta-analysis studies and has determined that lithium reduces the rate and risk of suicide attempts by 80-90% in patients with major depression, bipolar disorder, and schizoaffective disorder. In fact, the overall risk of suicides was five times less among lithium-treated subjects compared with individuals not treated with lithium.
  • In human studies among healthy populations, lithium has been shown to significantly increase brain mass in both gray and white matter.
  • Lithium is the most powerful essential trace mineral ever discovered for promoting optimal functioning of the brain and central nervous system.
  • Lithium augmentation appears to be a promising therapy for geriatric depressed patients who are unresponsive to, or cannot tolerate, other standard therapies.
  • “In some cases, adjunctive lithium leads to improvement in depressive symptoms very quickly, usually in 2 or 3 days.”
  • In a placebo-controlled human study, lithium reduced histamine and bronchial reactivity in airway smooth muscle, improving symptom scores and significantly reducing the need of inhalers. Lithium also significantly reduced the contractile effect of histamine on the tissues of the lung and trachea in guinea pigs.
  • Lithium may prevent calcification of blood vessels in humans. Animals rendered lithium deficient in lab testing developed calcification of blood vessels, increasing the risk for heart disease.
  • Lithium has been shown to reduce excessive levels of arachidonic acid in the brains of rats. “…lithium might be considered for treating human brain diseases accompanied by neuroinflammation.”
  • A comprehensive review of contemporary research conducted in 2010 and published in the Harvard Review of Psychiatry, determined that lithium is still the gold standard for the treatment of bipolar disorder.
  • Lithium has been discovered to produce profound improvement of immune function by increasing these white blood cell components: granulocytes, monocytes, natural killer T-cells, and immunoglobulins.
  • Multiple studies have suggested lithium’s possible role in preventing and alleviating migraines. In a study involving cyclical migraines, nineteen out of 22 patients (85%) responded to treatment and showed significant improvement in the frequency and severity of migraine headaches. 25% of the patients had complete remission of their migraine headaches and the remaining had a 50-75% reduction. In cluster headaches (the most severe type of headache), lithium is mentioned repeatedly in the research to be effective as a preventative measure.
  • Lithium also provides robust protection from heavy metal toxicity. Lithium has been shown to protect cells from aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury toxicity. Animal studies has positioned lithium as having a protective effect against toxic metals.
  • Lithium has profound antiviral properties against herpes infections and may significantly reduce the frequency and severity of herpes outbreaks. “Overall, lithium treatment resulted in a consistent reduction in the mean number of episodes per month, the average duration of each episode, the total number of infection days per month, and the maximum severity of symptoms.”
  • Lithium has anti-inflammatory effects upon the bowel. Lithium has demonstrated benefit to ulcerative colitis in humans. Lithium has been shown to decrease symptoms of IBD in children. Lithium works at the core of stress-related illnesses by balancing, normalizing, and regulating stress hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline. “Lithium, a widely-used drug in bipolar disorders, plays a gastro-protective role. The effects of lithium on several tissues are mediated through nitric oxide…”
  • “One substance that I have found to be surprisingly effective for shingles is lithium orotate. Three to four capsules per day have been reported to dramatically reduce disabling pains. Lithium orotate seems to greatly reduce the pain and itching of post-herpetic neuralgia which can linger for months and years after the lesions of shingles have resolved.”
  • In 1973, Dr. Hans Nieper reported that approximately 90% of his migraine patients reported significant relief in the frequency and severity of their headaches. He states that he was able to produce these results by utilizing a unique mineral transporter known as orotic acid (aka, orotate), thus allowing him to administer only minute amounts of lithium to achieve maximum results.
  • “Lithium orotate contains unparalleled efficiency in the treatment of constitutional migraine, constant headache, and hemicranias, as well as in the treatment of depression, alcoholism and epilepsy… Lithium orotate is effective at uncommonly low serving sizes and causes no negative side effects.” -Dr. Hans Nieper
  • Studies of lithium’s effect upon hyperthyroid conditions consistently demonstrate major regulation of thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). The most common cause of hyperthyroid hormones is Grave’s disease. In a study of lithium’s effect upon Grave’s disease, it was determined that lithium reduced T3 by 42% and T4 by 28%. These amazing changes occurred in just 7 days.
  • “Lithium has been reported to be beneficial in animal models of brain injury, stroke, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, and Parkinson’s diseases, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), spinal cord injury, and other conditions. A recent clinical trial suggests that lithium stops the progression of ALS. The stimulation of endogenous neural stem cells may explain why lithium increases brain cell density and volume in patients with bipolar disorders.”
  • The majority of OCD patients are significantly helped by serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SRIs). “In open-label reports, the addition of… lithium… has yielded encouraging results.”
  • “Technically, lithium is not a drug but a mineral, similar to salt.” -VA Research Currents
  • “In fact, lithium isn’t a drug at all. It’s actually a mineral-part of the same family of minerals that includes sodium and potassium.” -Jonathan Wright, M.D., author of “The Importance of Lithium Supplementation”
  • Medical doctors are now speaking out about the essential trace mineral known as lithium, promoting its incredible therapeutic benefits at low servings.
  • “Shocking but true — lithium is an essential trace element.” -Emily Deans, M.D., (Harvard trained psychiatrist) author of “Could You Have a Lithium Deficiency?”
  • “Lithium is an essential micronutrient… It is present in all organs and tissues in the body. It has similar chemical properties to that of calcium and magnesium.” -Mark Hyman, M.D., best-selling author of “The UltraMind Solution”
  • “Lithium is one of the most important elements in the human body.” -Lawrence Wilson, M.D., author of “Lithium”


  • In animal studies, lithium has been shown to be an essential trace mineral. When lithium is removed from the diet of farm animals, they appear to develop numerous chronic, degenerative diseases. These include atrophy of the spleen, development of cysts and tumors, severely depressed immune systems, and decreased fertility. Additionally, the quantity of breast milk is diminished in nursing mothers with inadequate lithium stores.
  • A study from Texas analyzed 27 state counties between the years of 1978-1987. It was discovered that the incidence of suicide, homicide, rape, drug abuse, and felonious acts were about 50% lower in the 27 counties with lithium-containing drinking water. The water had lithium levels ranging from 70-170 micrograms/L. Additionally, the study found a significant reduction in drug-related arrests within the same time period and locations.
  • Lithium orotate “…does not require blood tests to establish a therapeutic level as prescription forms do, nor is it toxic to the kidneys like lithium pharmaceuticals.” In addition, “…Prescription lithium is poorly absorbed by cells, the main site where it performs its functions.” -Ward Dean, M.D.
  • Medical doctors have found servings of lithium orotate 80-90% lower than the orthodox Pharma-lithium serving for major depressive disorder, also known as clinical depression, unipolar depression, major depression, or unipolar disorder. 50-70% of patients have shown fair to good response with lithium use for depression.
  • According to Jonathan Wright, M.D., America’s top authority on lithium orotate, a total daily intake of 30 milligrams of elemental lithium will have unnoticeable effects on serum lithium levels, with levels usually residing in a non-detectable range. Even 40 mg per day appears to be completely safe, presenting no negative side effects or signs of toxicity.
  • Dr. Wright also testifies that, “After decades of clinical research and laboratory testing of the compound on my patients, I discovered that administering lithium orotate up to 40 mg per day to be completely safe (without negative side effects or toxicity) and absolutely effective in the control of numerous mental, neurological, and physical conditions.”
  • Another form of lithium, called lithium orotate, is preferred because the orotate ion crosses the blood-brain barrier more easily than the carbonate ion of the pharmaceutical lithium carbonate. Therefore, lithium orotate can be used in much lower servings (e.g. 5 mg) with remarkable results and no side effects. -Shaheen Lakhan, M.D., author of “Nutritional Therapies for Mental Disorders”
  • “Lithium itself is not a drug; it’s a naturally occurring mineral salt like potassium, and is something you need for proper mental and physical health… Lithium orotate may be a safe and simple way to help beat the blues.” -Al Sears, M.D.
  • “The lithium salt of orotic acid (lithium orotate) improves the effects of lithium several-fold by increasing lithium bio-utilization.” -Ward Dean, M.D., author of “The Unique Safe Mineral with Multiple Uses”
  • Dr. Dean also states, “Lithium orotate has also been successfully used in alleviating discomfort from migraine and cluster headaches, improving low white blood cell counts, juvenile convulsive disease, alcoholism, and liver disorders. Lithium Orotate is extremely safe, with no known adverse side effects or drug interactions.”
  • “Prescription lithium is poorly absorbed by the cells, where it needs to be to do its job… Because it is so poorly absorbed, blood levels need to be fairly high to “drive” it into the cells. Unfortunately, these “therapeutic” blood levels are dangerously close to the toxic level. That’s why patients on prescription lithium need to be carefully monitored… Successful serving with lithium orotate is measured by clinical effects on the patient, rather than by blood levels.” -Ward Dean, M.D.
  • “Lithium Orotate will not cause weight gain, nor will it cause sedation or sleepiness.” -Ward Dean, M.D.




Edited by Omega 3 Snake Oil, 06 June 2017 - 08:12 PM.

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#94 normalizing

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Posted 07 June 2017 - 12:22 AM

you are copy pasting from a commercial advertising based site about various herbs and stuff. i was checking on it, it has no references to any actual studies, it just some guy who claims lithium does this or does that and then referring to his name as if he knows what he is talking about and he is the reference point to be taken serious.


not sure why would you revive an old thread just to copy paste from a herbal commercial advertising site... at first i thought you are gonna end up with giving us url to your own selling site since you "convinced" us its good to use lithium, but that didnt happen so im baffled why did you copy paste all this??

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#95 Omega 3 Snake Oil

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Posted 07 June 2017 - 12:27 AM


not sure why would you revive an old thread just to copy paste from a herbal commercial advertising site... at first i thought you are gonna end up with giving us url to your own selling site since you "convinced" us its good to use lithium, but that didnt happen so im baffled why did you copy paste all this??

As I explained in my post, I'm not sure about using this product and was looking for feedback on it.


not sure why would you revive an old thread just to copy paste from a herbal commercial advertising site... at first i thought you are gonna end up with giving us url to your own selling site since you "convinced" us its good to use lithium, but that didnt happen so im baffled why did you copy paste all this??

As I explained in my post, I'm not sure about using this product and was looking for feedback on it.

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#96 normalizing

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Posted 07 June 2017 - 12:29 AM

ok well, try NCBI or various medical literature websites with actual studies on it, dont bother with herbal homoepathic gurus type of websites, thats my best advice to you

#97 Omega 3 Snake Oil

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Posted 07 June 2017 - 12:31 AM

ok well, try NCBI or various medical literature websites with actual studies on it, dont bother with herbal homoepathic gurus type of websites, thats my best advice to you

My post also includes a link to an NCBI article with its text copy/pasted. Read an entire post carefully before commenting, that's my advice to you. 

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#98 normalizing

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Posted 07 June 2017 - 12:36 AM

yes, i saw you posted one single study and whole lot of copy pasting from that website. maybe you should have gone through most of NCBI before wasting the time to copy paste information without references? but anyway, its not my business carry on

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#99 gamesguru

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Posted 07 June 2017 - 10:48 AM

we've been over this as many times as we've been over the natural toothpaste debate.  listen here you hobgoblins of a white collar, the orotate brand is 3-5x more bioavailable[1], works like a charm and is completely non-toxic at clinical doses (it usually only requires monitoring in the case of renal failure, where lithium just sort of builds up in your blood).  there were suggestions made in another thread that the orotate could cause, you guessed it, gene damage, but yeah only at doses way higher than what you would ever encounter in day to day life.  the orotate ion may even lessen the diuretic symptoms of the lithium ion[2] and have favorable effects in itself on the glutamate system.  i gather that 'magnesium orotate' would be one of the more well-tolerated forms

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#100 ceridwen

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Posted 07 June 2017 - 03:03 PM

I am currently taking a mixture of memory protect Dihexa and MSM. I think it might be beginning to work in that I feel much better. Slowly watching my memory return
I am currently taking a mixture of memory protect Dihexa and MSM. I think it might be beginning to work in that I feel much better. Slowly watching my memory return
I am currently taking a mixture of memory protect Dihexa and MSM. I think it might be beginning to work in that I feel much better. Slowly watching my memory return
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#101 normalizing

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Posted 07 June 2017 - 05:02 PM

gamesguru, what are non toxic clinical doses? i was told people would be taking up to 200mg of the stuff for alcoholism, is that even safe at all??

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: lithium, orotate, supplement, natural, bipolar

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