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I'm a simulist. This was not an easy thing to accept but it's the only thing that completely makes sense.


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#1 hathor

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 09:59 AM

I've seen what I consider to be irrefutable proof that this reality is a simulation. Namely I've been to other simulations that are just as real and convincing as this one is.

The deepest conclusion I've been able to dig out of the rabbit hole is that the simulation was likely created by a post-human society and that it was modeled after their planet of origin.

#2 platypus

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 10:10 AM

Isn't the simplest explanation that your brain is the only "simulator" involved?

#3 Layberinthius

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 11:39 AM

I believe that its possible that aliens have recreated/started this society by transplanting some of their own onto this planet, Considering just how old the universe is its entirely likely in my mind.

I've never taken a trip to another reality however, except for the fact that I go to sleep every night and the part of my brain then enters into a self generated imaginary world, completely and utterly generated within my own mind.

When I was a teenager my mind was much more interesting, when I was 14 I came up with my nickname:

In a strike of genius and several bottles of Dr Pepper and coke I randomly brought together the words "Layberinth within all of us", at the time I thought that Labyrinth was spelt as "layberinth" and the rest is history. It sufficiently describes how complex and mysterious and endlessly vast my brain was at that time and I guess it was good enough for a nickname 15 years later.

I've had some sufficiently strong dreams over the years, one of them while on a really strong tobacco was very scary. In the lucid dream I had two chinese soldiers with weapons break into my front door and shoot me as I stood up awake in my bed. It wasnt an awake dream or hallucination though.

#4 hathor

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 05:23 PM

Isn't the simplest explanation that your brain is the only "simulator" involved?

I'm a simulist not a solipsist...they are completely different things.



#5 Brainbox

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 05:34 PM

I wonder in which simulator these aliens resided. ;-)


#6 hathor

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 05:46 PM

In a strike of genius and several bottles of Dr Pepper and coke I randomly brought together the words "Layberinth within all of us", at the time I thought that Labyrinth was spelt as "layberinth" and the rest is history. It sufficiently describes how complex and mysterious and endlessly vast my brain was at that time and I guess it was good enough for a nickname 15 years later.

I'm not sure what to think about that because in my original timeline they spelled it "schitzophrenia" but in this timeline it's spelled differently. The timeline jump happened before I even met that cult, which is part of what gravitated me to them.

A friend of mine has physically been to the "Uru" simulation. And she has never had any psychotic breaks or mental illness nor has she ever used psychedelics.

#7 hathor

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 06:15 PM

I wonder in which simulator these aliens resided. ;-)


I'm not really sure what to think about "aliens". It really depends on the context. I mean one way that people from one simulation can visit another simulation without disrupting anything is by utilizing those "gray alien" spacesuit/avatar things that the military made.

My desire to figure out what all is going on there is pretty low ever since dealing with some kind of black ops pseudo-military types interrogating me, and having the NSA tell me at some point what "the rules" are of what I can and can't talk about without if I want to be left alone by those creepy "MiB" types who are still conducting MKULTRA types of experiments.

If you're really that interested in that stuff though it might not hurt to read something like Chasing Phantoms so you know what you might be getting into if you research it too closely. I've only skimmed thru the ebook so I can't really give any kind of testimonial as to how accurate it might be. But from what I did read it hit a bit close to home to where I feel like she's not BSing about it.

What I will say is that I have met in person pretty much everyone on the phoenix lights documentary. I used to go to some of the groups some of those guys had set up in the mid-late 90's. But I've either supressed or been memory wiped of most of the specifics. When I take enough piracetam I start remembering enough things to where I know that I don't really want to go there.


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Posted 10 November 2013 - 11:25 PM


You kinda remind me of "Griff the invisible' or 'Safety not guaranteed".

I guess if I were to identify with any simulated world it would be more of a 'Truman show' world with me at the center or 'Dark City' with the experimental aspect.

#9 hathor

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Posted 10 November 2013 - 11:50 PM


You kinda remind me of "Griff the invisible' or 'Safety not guaranteed".

I guess if I were to identify with any simulated world it would be more of a 'Truman show' world with me at the center or 'Dark City' with the experimental aspect.

Have you heard of The Truman Show Delusion? It's an actual thing, LMAO.

I tend to avoid pop culture references when possible because I'm sick of people claiming that my knowledge of simulism is somehow a "delusion of reference" when I've yet to see any tv show or movie or book that has come reasonably close to the realities I've experienced.

Dark City is a great movie, but the entities are a lot more like the adjustment team from PKD books, they seem more self-righteous than evil. I felt some kind of connection to the show Charlie Jade because this isn't my original timeline and he skipped from one sim to another one so I could relate to that feeling. I also felt some connection to Fringe because the parallel universe they went to reminded me in some ways of my original timeline. I loved The Matrix, but really only The Second Rennessance really seemed to be in the vein of stuff I've been told, like from the cult/secret society I was part of, but I'm not sure if I really believe that anymore or if it's just something they influenced me with. Most simulations seem to be centered around one kind of ideology and isn't the melting pot it is here.

From what I've gathered about the objective reality, most simulations are a lot more flexible with the avatars and people use their avatars more like timeshares than some kind of birth to death sort of thing. This sim seems to be based on the idea of replicating the original ancestors whereas presumably in the objective reality it's more like a big MMORPG that you infuse your conciousness into somehow. And the avatars kind of like the ones in the show Dollhouse, they're human beings, but they don't have real souls; people input their conciousness into those avatars somehow and it's time-limited and once the time is up they go back to being these kind of robotic zombie type things.

But anyway I'm not 100% confident of the workings of this stuff, I just am trying to sort out the stuff I've been told, the stuff I've personally experienced, and the stuff that makes logical sense.

#10 Layberinthius

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 12:24 AM

I'm going to reply to the idea surrounding avatars.

People are being controlled by others, just look at how we are all addicted to television and pop culture.

In a way famous people are living out the lives of others through sharing thoughts, I tend to refer to them as viruses, or trojan horses.

They work much in the same way, you get someone to like an idea, implant it into their own mind and integrate it into their daily lives, then they execute it by remembering the idea/program every single day.

Like for example, if a small child is sitting down and watching television, and he sees a stunt car racer on television, he will instantly associate excitement and fun towards doing dangerous things and will want to become a stunt car racer when he grows up.

Its the exact same pathway that is used in computers when someone is infected with a virus or trojan.

Only in the first time in our existence have we been so helpelessly intertwined with the lives of a few people on our entire planet, and that can lead to severe manipulative tactics going on. If it wasnt for television and hollywood I wouldnt be suprised if we would have ever gotten out of the 1940s.

Frankly I think the 1800s-1940s is an ok place to live, it gives each individual human being on the planet a place to live in peace and harmony without conflicting or new ideas being enforced upon many from just a few people.

Radio wasnt really all that big of a deal when you think about it, people made it a big of a deal when they started listening to science fiction, for example when the war of the worlds broadcast was aired and everybody thought there was genuinely alien spacecraft landing on our planet killing everyone.

But that was the limit to the hysteria.

With television you have entire nations on knife edge, ready willing and able to go to war with one another over a single terrorist attack. I fully respect what happened on 9/11, but without television the rest of the world would have more than likely not gone along with the plan to invade the middle east.

It was used against us.

Yes with radio we had propaganda out the wazoo surrounding WW2, but there were more people willing to doubt the material, the level of control over people was less than it would have been with television.

With my life for example, I like to limit the amount of control that other people have over me, which is why I apsolutley hate watching television, and other peoples personal opinions are typically heavily scrutinised aswell. Other peoples thoughts and ideas can actually be very dangerous to my psychology, and its my psychology its not their damn play thing.

My personality is my own, its not someone elses, I decide what is let in at any point in time. most people however are willing to let anybody just walk in and do whatever they want to to their minds. those kinds of people scare me :)

This doesnt mean that I'm not open to new ideas, the new ideas are just put into a sandbox, thats the whole idea being the feelings of "doubt" and "mistrust" that I have over new people, its a way to control the thoughts without integrating them into my psychology.

Edited by Layberinthius, 11 November 2013 - 12:38 AM.

#11 hathor

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 12:38 AM

yeah...I limit my exposure to stuff because there's just too much junk brainwashing out there. Some may debate whether it's Huxley or Orwell's distopia but I'd say it's a bit of both, probably more Huxley-leaning here, which I find preferable to Orwellian stuff.

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#12 Layberinthius

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 12:41 AM


#13 platypus

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 06:55 PM

So what have you actually experienced that makes you think the standard reality is "simulated"?

#14 hathor

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Posted 11 November 2013 - 08:58 PM

You mean like having my friend who'd died in a car accident and whose funeral I attended having never gotten into an accident in the first place?

#15 Layberinthius

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Posted 15 November 2013 - 05:44 AM

You mean like having my friend who'd died in a car accident and whose funeral I attended having never gotten into an accident in the first place?

I can totally understand your world, I remember now that I used to be in that world as a teenager. Now that you mention it.

The thought that you can control everything in the world simply by doing certian small acts, small things. :)

The Butterfly effect and the domino effect.

Thank you for remind me of its existence :)

Edited by Layberinthius, 15 November 2013 - 05:49 AM.

#16 hathor

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Posted 16 November 2013 - 09:07 PM

Thank you for remind me of its existence :)

Sure, no problem.

The Butterfly effect and the domino effect.

Exactly, which is why I've changed my approach from directly hacking the simulation to trying to do my own thing. Even though I notice glitches periodically.

Yesterday, the time.nist.gov ntp server was reporting time 5 minutes fast for several minutes. I had a couple friends verify this as well. Then it corrected itself before there was a chance to figure where the failure might be or who to report that info to.

Supposedly, NIST is using atomic clocks for thier system. That server is one of the defaults that is used by windows computers to sync clocks across millions of PC's.

Now, I'm not sure what the issue really was, but from what I've learned about how the simulation reports time, it is all based on the number 5. I haven't noticed much from the micro level but from the macro level I've observed patterns based on 5 year increments of time, and those people I was involved with had told me about these 5 year increments and how they work. It also correlates roughly to the idea of 10,000 hours to master something...well that's 40 hours a week for 5 years (with two weeks off).

If I focused enough energy on figuring out how the atomic clocks are doing updates to propogate time to everyone, and started paying enough attention to micro-level stuff like this, then I could likely discover another back door.

However I don't really want to work for the NSA; I don't really care for their approach to stuff. I don't want to work for Microsoft either. I just like doing my own thing. But it seems like the more I do my own thing the more those who run things want to get their talons in me.

#17 Layberinthius

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Posted 16 November 2013 - 11:22 PM

Now, I'm not sure what the issue really was, but from what I've learned about how the simulation reports time, it is all based on the number 5. I haven't noticed much from the micro level but from the macro level I've observed patterns based on 5 year increments of time, and those people I was involved with had told me about these 5 year increments and how they work. It also correlates roughly to the idea of 10,000 hours to master something...well that's 40 hours a week for 5 years (with two weeks off).


I agree with this too, my life has been progressing in 5 year increments, maybe it has something to do with the planetary alignment? If the earth is part of the simulation then it makes sense that the universe is part of the simulation aswell?

Its exactly the same thing with the zombies of this planet (who have naturally occuring high levels of serotonin) and the reason why we have a regular periodic time gap between each major world war, I wouldnt be suprised if its every 50 years/5 decades!!

EDIT: Nope, its every 19-20 years apparently.

Do you trust computers that were made after 2008? I don't, Personally I wouldnt trust ANY computer or CPU that was manufactured after the Pentium 1 was released and stopped being manufactured. I COULD bring myself to trust the Pentium 2 range but there really isnt much point to going that far ahead. the Pentium 2 wasnt that much faster than the pentium 1.

The AMD K6-2 range of CPU's all the way through to the AMD Athlon XP range and the Cyrix M2 or M3 cpu's are probably the LAST cpu's that I would EVER trust.

And even though I own a modern Core system that was made merely last year, I just dont trust it!

The Pentium 3 has illuminati written all over it with the admission of that serial tracking number. Do you really think that they stopped there? I dont think so!! They just hid it! :P




Btw have you seen my website? http://www.lotekcity.com/

Better to be safe than sorry, right?

Edited by Layberinthius, 16 November 2013 - 11:48 PM.

#18 hathor

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 12:57 AM

Our entire solar system is simulated. The Moon, Mars, etc, those are all part of the simulation too. I'm not sure about the rest of the universe though. I can only speculate that it's set up in some sort of way so as to create a feedback loop, perhaps by using data from the objective universe.

You have to ask yourself, why are all these billionares starting up their own space programs? Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, James Cameron, et tal.

I'm buddies with Woz, and even he admitted to me that he's working with the Google guys on their "space" program. And he seems to be the only person I've been able to talk to about the technical aspects of the sim who knows wtf I'm talking about. He's a good guy, but I've had a lot of mixed luck with some of the people he's put me in contact with, so I don't trust him entirely. However, I'm fairly confident that you can genuinely trust the original Apple II's, lol.

I haven't seen your site but I'll take a look.

#19 Layberinthius

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 03:45 AM

Our entire solar system is simulated. The Moon, Mars, etc, those are all part of the simulation too. I'm not sure about the rest of the universe though. I can only speculate that it's set up in some sort of way so as to create a feedback loop, perhaps by using data from the objective universe.

MAYBE the output is the input to the universe, maybe what occurs in the universe is fed back into the computer/machine and then is output and influences the input data, MAYBE its a feedback loop?

You have to ask yourself, why are all these billionares starting up their own space programs? Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, James Cameron, et tal.

I've always personally thought that its because if they can then they will. but meh you can never really know for sure.

I'm buddies with Woz, and even he admitted to me that he's working with the Google guys on their "space" program. And he seems to be the only person I've been able to talk to about the technical aspects of the sim who knows wtf I'm talking about. He's a good guy, but I've had a lot of mixed luck with some of the people he's put me in contact with, so I don't trust him entirely. However, I'm fairly confident that you can genuinely trust the original Apple II's, lol.

omg, steve wozniak <3 , he should know about my website, hint hint.

I haven't seen your site but I'll take a look.


#20 hathor

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 09:00 AM

Your site confuses me a bit. I'm not entirely sure what you are going for exactly. It seems a bit scattered.

I had a site set up for a while; I can upload it again at some point I suppose. It's on my linux partition though so I can't get to it atm.

But here is the logo I made for it:

Attached Files

Edited by katimaya, 17 November 2013 - 09:03 AM.

#21 JackO'Roses

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 08:17 PM

As I understand it, basically, 'A Course in Miracles' uses the same principle: we imagined all this & got so wrapped up in it that we think that it is real (i.e., forgot to laugh).

Please correct me if I'm wrong....

#22 hathor

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 11:52 PM

I've never heard of that. But yeah I think pain and suffering weren't meant to be as prominent here as they are, and that people take life way too seriously and forget to be child~like and have a bit of fun.

#23 cats_lover

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Posted 05 March 2014 - 09:31 PM

So, we have no explanation for the origin of the universe because what we analyze is not a real universe is a universe simulated.

Out of our simulated universe there is real universe with a logical explanation for its origin?

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