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Help on regimen


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#1 Cassandra Coleman

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Posted 15 November 2013 - 12:15 AM

Good Afternoon,

This site has been so much help. Thank you to everyone!! The following are suppliments already taking as well as some I would like to add. My questions is what should or should not be taken together, do some benefit from another, do some work against another or if they work best alone, also should they be take with food or away from food and how long before or after food. I have a general idea but you guys are so much better then I am at interpretting all of the data.

(in order of how currently taken)

With Breakfast around 9am


1PM IP-6



ANTIOXIDENT CONTAINING: Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) d-alpha Tocopheryl Succinate (Vitamin E) Methioine (Enteric Coated) L-Cysteine (Enteric Coated) L-Glutathione (Enteric Coated) Alpha Lipoic Acid Magnesium (as Magnesium Ascorbate) Beta Carotene L-Lysine HCI Pyridoxine HCI (Vitamin B6) Hesperidin Rutin Catalase (Enteric Coated) Zinc (as Zinc Picolinate and Zinc Citrate) Palmitate (Vitamin A) Super Oxide Dismutase (Enteric Coated) Quercetin Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone) Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (Vitamin B6) Manganese (as Manganese Gluconate) Copper (as Copper Gluconate) Selenium (as Selenium Amino Acid Chelate) Molybdenum (as Molybdenum Amino Acid Chelate) Vitamin B-3 (as Niacin) Vitamin B-6 (as Pyridoxine HCI) Folate (as Folic Acid) Vitamin B-12 (as Cyanocobalamin) Biotin Pantothenic Acid (as d-Calcium Pantothenate) Zinc (as Zinc Oxide) Alpha Lipoic Acid Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone) Lycopene from Tomato Extract Green Tea Extract 40% ECGC


#2 Cassandra Coleman

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Posted 16 November 2013 - 09:07 PM

No input or experience here? Disappointing

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#3 MizTen

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Posted 16 November 2013 - 09:56 PM

I read this and thought it was a really good stack, not too different from what I've done in the past.

But I don't usually comment. It's gotten a lot harder for me to provide helpful comments on other people's stacks because:

*Lifestyle (a major co-factor) may not have been stated by the poster
*Diet and fitness habits are probably key to the efficacy of any stack in the long term, thus if not stated, the stack is hard to evaluate
* Individual biochemistry, including age, weight, body fat, gender, health issues and medications are also key to how the stack will work (not that I, as a woman, plan to post all that info on a public board!)
*The person's expectations of the stack are important in how it works
* The source (and type) of supplements can sometimes make a big difference. An example of this would be methylcobalamin vs cyanocobalamin
* The influence of unknown variances in the above factors
* I don't want to wrongly advise someone, especially with noots and supplements

The best way to tell if this is a good stack for you is to keep a log of what you are taking and doing, as well as results. If you don't have your optimal diet and fitness habits nailed down, work on that as well. It can make an enormous difference.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: regimen

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