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R-Lipoic HPLC Plasma Study

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#31 vastman

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Posted 15 June 2005 - 06:40 AM

Pete, just want to thank you for all the info as of late... I now understand why your blog has been blogless since sunday! Guess I'll start popin one of those Doctors Best caps each couple hours to normalize the peaks till they're gone rather than take 2 or 3 at a time as I have been. In a couple weeks I will have recovered from my latest investment in Metformin, dessmopresson, deprynel, hydergine and a few other tools (if they ever get here gived FDA's latest Nazi move against clarity.) Geeeeze, with all that's goin on in the world, messin with folks trying to improve their ability to achieve more on this challenging planet...

But back to the point, thanks again for all the info and I eagerly await the info to come; will be ordering either the new G products or the gold soon... Given all the time spent on this and the obviously interesting dialogue as of late in these posts I hope you get a good supply and offer one of your rare extra discounts to those of us trying to afford the gold. I say this with a smile, as you do give the best deals on the best stuff already but a "buy three get one free" blog might get me hooked for the long run a bit sooner (depending on how soon my house re-fi comes through (ha ha!)

Enough rambling...guess I'm just a little giddy about having moved my real computer out to my late night cottage hangout and being able to kick it on the couch with a real wireless keyboard and fast type rather than slow peck in a two finger fashion on my Treo! Shit, now I'm really in trouble...the Treo limited my time here. But it suckes as an input device! Now I've just got to exercise disciplin and limit myself myself.... so hard when this all is sooooo much more interesting than invoicing my customers....

cheers, all

cheers all

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#32 psychenaut

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Posted 16 June 2005 - 12:28 AM

HI Ryan,

Actually, the hand filled caps contain R-ALA that is very fat soluble but has very little water solubility. The salt is water soluble, and thus can more readily be absorbed. The peak for hand-filled is indeed higher than the commercial caps, but this is because the commercial caps are more densely packed, and since R-ALA is fat-soluble with almost no water solubility, the more densely packed R-ALA is more likely to form a "clump" as it enters the small intestine if not administered with fatty food and oil. The R-ALA gel shows these results because the R-ALA is dissolved in a stable, high-quality fat medium.

The reason the commercial caps are less soluble is because under the compression of heating the RLA in the caps it starts to polymerize, it's not only in the stomach, which is the second problem. The caps have already gone through the heat in the encapsulation process.

Hope that helps and thanks for your post.


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