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#1 kevtoon

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Posted 15 January 2014 - 06:10 PM

Howdy all. Long time lurker on these forums first time poster. Just looking for a bit of advise when it comes to my current list of supplements that I take from those on here who know a whole lot more about this subject than me. To give you a bit of a background. Im 29, 5'9 190lbs(abit over weight) and looking to live forever and rule the world. All joking aside, I want a list of supplements that is going to let me feel like im in my mid twenties for years to come with all the physical and mental agility that entails. Ok here is the current list of supplements I am currently taking

Vitabiotics Wellman Sport Multivitamin containing:
Octacosanol 3 mg; L-Tyrosine 50 mg; L-Arginine 20 mg; L-Lysine 20 mg; Alpha Lipoic Acid 20 mg; L-Carnitine Tartrate 50 mg; Co-enzyme Q10 10 mg; Natural Mixed Carotenoids 2 mg; Siberian Ginseng Extract 50 mg; Citrus Bioflavonoids 60% 10 mg; Vitamin A 750 µg RE; Vitamin D (as D3 600 IU) 15 µg; Vitamin E 30 mg; Vitamin C 60 mg; Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 12 mg; Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 5 mg; Niacin (Vitamin B3) 24 mg NE; Vitamin B6 10 mg; Folacin (Folic Acid) 400 µg; Vitamin B12 15 µg; Biotin 75 µg; Pantothenic Acid 10 mg; Iron 6 mg; Magnesium 50 mg; Zinc 15 mg; Iodine 150 µg; Maganese 0.5 mg; Copper 1000 µg.

Caffeine 100mg
Echinacea 6400mg
Noopept 20mg
Choline Bitartrate 650mg
Resveratrol 500mg
Cod Liver Oil 1000mg

Soon to add
Astragalus Root 470mg

PQQ 20mg

NADH 20mg

Any thoughts on how to inprove this would be appreciated or anything I should just get rid of.

Many tanks in advance.

#2 GoingPrimal

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Posted 13 March 2014 - 09:45 PM

I too am a fellow long time lurker ;)

Just curious, how are you doing on the 500 mg of Resveratrol? I found that I got some pretty bad joint pain eventually, seems it happens to some and not so much to others..

How's your diet and lifestyle looking? I'm a big proponent of fixing exercise and dietary issues before or in tandem to moving on to supplements, seeing as how I didn't even know it was possible to feel as good as I do now prior to fixing my diet. I'm talking plenty of greens, fresh, real whole foods, preferably organic, cutting out sugars/ refined grains, prob going a bit lower carb, cutting back on vegetable oils/omega 6s, yada yada. I mean, I would be running circles around my old self if I met him today.

Play around with the nootropics and racetams, I've found them very useful for certain things but in terms of "youthful energy", or feeling like you're in your mid-twenties, I've found certain adaptogens to be just what I was looking for. I'm big into Chinese herbs right now, so a combo of cordyceps, astragalus, polyrachis ant and ginseng are definitely giving me tons of energy every day and great workouts in the gym. I was in New Zealand recently and got the chance to buy some quality Deer Antler, and that stuff is definitely energy boosting, aphrodisiac and makes me more of a "go get em" type of guy. You gotta make sure you're buying high quality versions of these products though, lot of bunk deer antler and cordyceps on the market. If I would recommend just one, it'd be cordcyeps - broad spectrum, definite enhancement of energy/libido/stamina, immune boosting.. I personally don't take the pills, either take some powder and make a quick decoction of it, or if you do buy the pills just try to get a good product.

Also recommend the PQQ and maybe bumping up the CoQ10, great for enhancing energy at the cellular level. I just started playing around with NADH at 20 mg myself - very energizing, smooth energy too, but I only take it prior to a good workout, maybe 2-3 times a week. I've heard it can increase cellular oxidation, so something like CoQ10 or another cellular antioxidant is recommended.

Other than that, plenty of greens to detoxify all those nasty chemicals lodged in our endocrine glands, heavy compound lifts and HIIT for optimizing hormone and neurotransmitter levels, yoga/meditation to reduce stress (amongst other things), and proper sleep patterns are all absolutely crucial and come before any supplements in my book.
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