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Can I get Vinpocetine from UK supplier?

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#1 Matt

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Posted 18 June 2005 - 06:00 AM

Im looking to Vinpocetine to help me take as much in from a huge book Im reading at the moment " Molecular biology of the cell (over 1500 pages!) " and I'm learning another langauge so I want to try and improve my learning abilities...

I Just found 5mg x 100 tablets from biogenesis but it says they don't ship to the UK http://www.biogenesi...vinpocetine.asp

Where am I able to get Vinpocetine online?

#2 jeromewilson

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Posted 18 June 2005 - 02:00 PM

It's not really possible to get anything much more exciting than Vit.C from the UK unfortunately (I'm in the UK too). The best you'll get is http://www.qhi.co.uk, who are officially in the UK but actually ship from various places in Europe. Saying that, they've got a good selection (including vinpocetine), good quality and good prices. They take about 2 weeks to deliver.

As a side note, I wouldn't worry too much about ordering from the US (e.g. www.bulknutrition.com), particularly if you want a reasonable amount of stuff - the shipping is a bit pricey but I usually have the goods within 5 days with no problems from customs.

Edited by jeromewilson, 18 June 2005 - 03:13 PM.

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#3 Matt

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Posted 18 June 2005 - 06:02 PM

So I guess these suppliers are licensed and safe etc..

Im going to order from qhi.co.uk . Is there anything Else I should get in combination that will help?

I am kind of new to all this, is it very safe? and how long has this drug been studies and are there any negative long term effects when using it regularly?

#4 jeromewilson

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Posted 18 June 2005 - 10:43 PM

Oh gawd, I just wrote loads of blurb about choosing a supplement, supplement safety, choosing a supplier... blah blah blah. And then I lost it. You got lucky ;)

Basically, suppliers of nutritional supplements aren't licensed (thankfully) but if they get a good mention on here (e.g. QHI), or they sell 'brand name' products (e.g. QHI), or they can provide a CoA (certificate of authenticty) then you're fine. All of the suppliers in the list on this forum have been going for quite a while, and they wouldn't be listed if they weren't kosher.

As far as I'm aware Vinpocetine is considered very safe...

Vincamine and Vinpocetine have been widely researched and used clinically for over 25 years ... Anyone wishing to use a generally very safe, low side effect, brain metabolism enhancing, vigilance enhancing, cognition activating "smart drug."


From what LifeMirage has said I think Pyritinol would probably be a good choice for you, and some Piracetam and Choline (or Alpha-GPC) for general congition enhancement. But hopefully the man himself might stop by with some advice, or one of the other seriously knowledgable peeps on this fourm.

In the meantime I'd recommend you have a look at the Nootropic Research forum and maybe search for posts on anything that interests you.

#5 Matt

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Posted 18 June 2005 - 11:45 PM

Just found all the info I need here http://www.imminst.o...&f=199&t=383&s=

I hope I notice an improvement after a few weeks:)

#6 Matt

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 09:13 AM

I just had a letter from Quality health inc. Its basically an Indemnity and Disclaimer letter and I have to sign it.

One part it says

" Will be used under guidance and with the consent of a physician. I hold hqi harmless from any legal action resulting from the purchase or use of products I am about to purchase. I understand that I am responsible for complying with my countrys mail importation laws and that all goods are shipped at purchasers own risk."

I've never ordered anything like this from another country. I assume people on here have got Vinpocetine imported into the country without a problem.

Please let me know soon as possible! . I don't know the UK law on importing smart drugs like vinpocetine.

#7 jeromewilson

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 03:35 PM

You're absolutely fine, I think QHI has some blurb that specifically addresses UK law - they basically say that you're OK with up to 3 months personal supply of anything listed on the site.

Besides it's only a bit of Vinpocetine, it's not like you're arranging a shipment of 800kg of Clenbuterol :)

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#8 magister

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 01:19 AM

ahh just go search froogle.google.co.uk type in vinpocetine you'll get uk suppliers,
maybe not the best price...but faster than anything overseas...

#9 jeromewilson

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 01:04 PM

Oh yes, you're right... sorry Matt I just assumed that it wouldn't be available anywhere. I also noticed Equazen Eye Q is a great alternative to the Omega 3 Mood I've been getting from iHerb. Ahhh, good old Blighty ;)

#10 rhdrury

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Posted 23 July 2005 - 05:25 PM

I was about to post to ask you and other UK people to discuss best suppliers for the UK, and whether any of you would be interested in joining some kind of bulk buying consortium.

But I have just heard that the EU has banned 300 vitamin supplements and 5000 other supplement products as of 1st August, and that anyone trying to import of buy such items off the internet can be considered to be attempting to obtain illegal products.

I'm not sure where this puts us, but would be interested in any comments.

#11 jeromewilson

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Posted 23 July 2005 - 09:44 PM

Hi rhdrury. Yes, Codex etc. is a bit worrying, but this quite encouraging commentary is from the Alliance for Natural Health website:

Although the Directive was upheld following the Court's ruling, important gains have been made to protect the availability of food supplements through clarification and narrowing of the Directive's scope. Prohibitions by Regulators will now be much more difficult, and we predict that the anticipated wide-scale bans set to come in to force on 1 August in countries such as the UK will now not occur. www.alliance-natural-health.org

It's very hard to find out what's going to happen, exactly what supplements will be banned, but I guess time will tell.

In terms of suppliers, I have never had any problems at all with deliveries from abroad (unless you count having to pay, albeit 'under-quoted', duty). America seems to be the best price-wise, while you'll need to go to Europe and elsewhere for things like Deprenyl and Hydergine.

These are my current favourites:


With regards a bulk buying consortium, have you come across http://www.nootropica.org/ ?

To be honest, if you're after reasonable quantites of supplements, I reckon it probably best to give Nootropica a shot. I know I said that I haven't had any problems with customs, but once you start importing kilos you will attract the wrong kind of attention very quickly. QHI is based in the UK but there must be a very good reason that they ship from abroad.

You have to pay 20% commission for Nootropica buys but then you only need to worry about taking delivery of your own portion of the buy, and I'm sure Jeff would oblige with plain / 'creative' packaging ;)

Don't get me wrong though - I think it's a great idea in principle and would have loved to be involved (especially with putting a website together).

Edited by jeromewilson, 24 July 2005 - 10:57 AM.

#12 x_brt

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Posted 24 July 2005 - 09:28 AM

Btw Jerome,
As you were involved in that thread I thought you might be interested.
I took up Jeffs offer to forward an order of bulk Vinpo powder from CWN (only place I could find with powder) and it got to me no worries.

Matt, I'm not sure it Jeffs offer is still open (ask?) but it is another option if you want bulk powder.

#13 jeromewilson

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Posted 24 July 2005 - 10:55 AM

I took up Jeffs offer to forward an order ... and it got to me no worries.

Hey, that's good to know. Maybe it's time for me to cancel my USGlobalMail forwarding, I'm sort of loathe to though - it was a real pain in the arse to get it all set up (where do you find a notary when you need one?) ;)

#14 rhdrury

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Posted 24 July 2005 - 09:51 PM

Thanks for your reply.
I don't know the sort of things you take but a couple of kilos of ALC would keep say four of us going at a gram a day for a year and a half.
I was also thinking (secure member's area) website. Do you know how many UK people are involved here? Enough people, maybe 10 or so, each receiving an kg of something once a year and we'd have a good supply to cover everyone's basic stack.

For some reason, I also find paying customs charges highly offensive. Is that why you have the US Global Mail? Maybe some kind 'friend' in america, sending his friends 'gifts' could avoid that. I don't know.

Thanks for the links. Is there any specific UK nootropicer's tread or (future?) website you know of to discuss current best suppliers/pertinent info, etc...?
Incidentally, are you at Cambridge? I think I remember you (or Matt) posting a link about some kind of conference at Queens' College. Just curious.

Edited by rhdrury, 24 July 2005 - 11:55 PM.

#15 jeromewilson

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Posted 25 July 2005 - 08:51 PM

That's a good point, I'm sure ALCar would be fine, and various other supplements. I'd dearly like to get hold of a definitive list of what customs will / won't let through, and in what quantities. I guess such a list must exist otherwise they'd just be making it up as they go along. Hmm.

I think my current favs for a bulk buy would be: SAMe (enteric coated), Oxiracetam, ALCar, Theanine... also Deprenyl and Hydergine but those last two aren't going to happen.

The only people who I know are from the UK are your good self, Matt and Bart above. I guess there are others though, and more to be found on Avant forums ( http://forum.avantla...hp?showforum=41 ) and the Nootropica / MondoNootropica discussion groups ( http://health.groups...oup/Nootropica/ http://health.groups...ondoNootropica/ ). Unfortunately I haven't come across a specific UK forum, but I reckon almost every topic (apart from specific country's import regulations) is really internationally relevant. It would be nice to have an area just for us Brits though (we could discuss our favourite varieties of tea without fear of interruption from any uncouth Americans [lol]).

Yeah, paying duty is pretty annoying but the reason I got a US forwarding address is that there are a number of suppliers who will only ship within the US, or won't ship to the UK. Unfortunately USGlobalMail reproduce the original customs declaration on the packaging, so there is still duty to pay. As you say, though, Jeff from Nootropica could be you 'friend in America' for a small fee (jeff@nootropica.com).

I'm from a village just outside Bath (well, actually it's probably closer to Bristol, but, you know...) and I think Matt lives in Wales. Are you a bicycle riding, scarf wearing type then? ;)

#16 rhdrury

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Posted 26 July 2005 - 01:48 AM

I checked out Unique Nutrition, and they send their bulk powders "in a seal pill bag and sent in a letter". I can just see customs opening a letter and finding a little plastic bag full of white powder...

I think Smart Nutrition ship to the UK, and they have deprenyl, although they might not ship that.

There must be some kind of online meet we could do that would be useful to discuss best suppliers, prices, shipping charges...? Where do you get your Carnosine from (if you take it)? The cheapest UK source I can find is Jarrow (but made from meat) or Ethos Endymion.

I was also romantically thinking of something like matching our basic stacks, mixing it all up in a big vat once a year, and then taking away a year's supply of ready-mixed protein drink or whatever. Cheaper bulk buying, less time spend running short, re-ordering, counting out pills...

Edited by rhdrury, 29 July 2005 - 02:24 AM.

#17 the bricoleur

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Posted 26 July 2005 - 03:23 PM

I am also in the UK - new to nootropics but have worked out my basic stack and am now looking for suppliers. Very interested in the bulk buying if cost permits.

#18 uniquenutrition

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Posted 26 July 2005 - 04:27 PM

I checked out Unique Nutrition, and they send their bulk powders "in a seal pill bag and sent in a letter". I can just see customs opening a letter and finding a little plastic bag full of white powder...

Our Aniracetam and Oxiracetam are sent in sealed hard containers, while at the moment our centrophenoxine, piracetam, and pyritinol are in sealed bags.

Sincerely Steve
Unique Nutrition

#19 rhdrury

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Posted 26 July 2005 - 11:42 PM

Yes, bricoleur, it seems silly to be paying retail prices when a few of us could split 800 grams of independently tested bulk buy from http://www.nootropica.org/.

Do you want to try to co-ordinate? We'd need to find maybe one or two others, match our basic stacks... Jerome?

Edited by rhdrury, 29 July 2005 - 02:25 AM.

#20 jeromewilson

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Posted 27 July 2005 - 10:33 PM

Yeah, the more I think about it the more I think it's hard to beat the Nootropica offerings - they do all the leg work and organise the testing and they have the exposure to get enough people to make a bulk buy worthwhile in the first place (probably 10kg minimum).

It's not mentioned on the site but Jeff has said (in the discussion list) that he's prepared to accept orders from people who don't want a whole unit (kg), I guess down to about 25% of a unit.

#21 scottl

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Posted 27 July 2005 - 11:10 PM

You may wish to read the threads on...I think it is rec.drugs.smart Re: Jeff before buying from him. I have no idea who is right and who is not but there was significant controversy regarding him in the last....month or so.

#22 jeromewilson

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Posted 28 July 2005 - 02:24 PM

That's interesting, thanks Scott I'll have a look. I think a lot of sh*t has stuck to him from his association with Rizzer.

#23 the bricoleur

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Posted 02 August 2005 - 10:34 AM

Yes, bricoleur, it seems silly to be paying retail prices when a few of us could split 800 grams of independently tested bulk buy from http://www.nootropica.org/.

Do you want to try to co-ordinate?  We'd need to find maybe one or two others, match our basic stacks...  Jerome?

Count me in, but before I disappoint, due to financial constraints I may have to say "no" after confirming what it will cost me. A drag I know... sorry.

#24 uniquenutrition

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Posted 14 August 2005 - 10:28 PM

Buy from the US, great quality and price.

Sincerely Steve Sliwa
Unique Nutrition

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#25 streety

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Posted 05 October 2005 - 11:55 PM

The nootropica site is coming up as a blank template for me at the moment but from what has been posted here it sounds like a promising idea.

I'm still developing my stack but would be interested in anything that saves me money in the long run.

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