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Nanotechnology for Changing Your Looks

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Poll: When Nanotechnology will be available for changing the body shape to a living organism but whom shall look however you'd wish, what will you do with it to your looks? (99 member(s) have cast votes)

When Nanotechnology will be available for changing the body shape to a living organism but whom shall look however you'd wish, what will you do with it to your looks?

  1. I'll do absolutely nothing, I love myself as I am, and always will (4 votes [4.21%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.21%

  2. I'll do absolutely nothing, I really don't care how I look like (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  3. I'll do nothing BUT healing scars from wounding and wounds (8 votes [8.42%])

    Percentage of vote: 8.42%

  4. I'll only ameliorate my looks by improving my natural looks(Change only little annoying things I've always dreamed of) (17 votes [17.89%])

    Percentage of vote: 17.89%

  5. I'll only ameliorate myself and add decorations for more *godly* looking, but will NOT change my base... (15 votes [15.79%])

    Percentage of vote: 15.79%

  6. I'll change a LOT, I'll keep only ->very few<- things I love (4 votes [4.21%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.21%

  7. I'll totally change myself, other looks. as a new person (10 votes [10.53%])

    Percentage of vote: 10.53%

  8. Who said I'm going to remain with a human looking...? (30 votes [31.58%])

    Percentage of vote: 31.58%

  9. Other (7 votes [7.37%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.37%

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#31 justinb

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 10:21 AM

Well, but you and your copy might want to look the same... I mean not like you two will like to look like each other, but simply the design you two will want to be will be the same. After same mind heh.

Yours truthfully

That is why we would flip a coin! [tung] We would obviously agree that flipping a coin would be fair.

#32 Infernity

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 10:59 AM

Yes, if you think so, so will the copy :)

Yours truthfully

#33 antilithium

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Posted 30 June 2005 - 05:21 AM

Hey Kid, interstellar death-mobile, why do you want to be it?!

Because I like to blow_things_up... And I want to rule the universe. Is that too much to ask?

Is this attracting you to be such... thing


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#34 Infernity

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 10:14 PM

[8)] ... good luck to you.


Yours truthfully

#35 Infernity

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 10:17 PM

By the way, I absolutely didn't think of it, I will probably look much older than 14 when this will apply, hence most of the *godly* additions should be the youth again, I'd like to remain as I'll be in my 21 I think, and maybe few more ornamentions...


#36 quadclops

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 10:54 PM

I agree with Utnapishtim on the disadvantages of being "aesthetically insufficient."

I have always found my own rather bland appearance, as you can see below, somewhat dissatisfying.

Posted Image

I would much rather look like either of my two favorite fictional immortals.

Or perhaps my favorite fictional extropian.

Heck, even looking like Don Spanton at 22 would be an upgrade! [lol]

Then, once I'd gotten that out of my system, I'd be ready to join Lazarus Long's Polymorphic Office Furnitire Ensemble, perhaps as a bookcase or filing cabinet! [tung]

#37 Infernity

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 11:26 PM

Hehehe, the highlander Posted Image nice hahaha.


#38 justinb

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 09:54 PM

I bet a lot of women would want to look like this.

Posted Image
Image Link

#39 Infernity

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Posted 14 July 2005 - 05:17 AM

Lucky me not being one of them...

Yours truthfully

#40 Jay the Avenger

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Posted 16 July 2005 - 09:14 PM

There's an option missing:

Other: I'll change a LOT, I'll keep all things I love, and nothing I hate.

#41 Infernity

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Posted 16 July 2005 - 10:40 PM

Jay, again, what can I do there are only 10 options? [tung]

Yours truthfully

#42 stormheller

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Posted 19 August 2005 - 04:17 AM

Wow, this is cool. I sure would like to experience how it's like to be good looking for a change. Genetics be damned!

#43 spiritus

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Posted 24 November 2005 - 04:26 AM

With the invention of the computer I think if I was to live forever I would eventually consume more room then I could be social in.

Eventually everything around you would die, planets, spacestations, suns.

You would probally eventually become your own planet like the deathstar, and you'd be the metroid like core center. You'd have slavebrains as a team as advisors\mates that would control non-essential functions while you control space, war, electrical, technologoical etc. aspects of you\your planet.

At this point I'm sure you could place or more likley 'focus' your concious into a seperate entitty for events, 10000's of miles away. And you could fire rockets out of your ass. I'm getting tired of these normal rockets, they are sh##

#44 Reno

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Posted 05 December 2005 - 04:52 AM

I’ve not gay but I’ve always wanted to see life from the point of view of the opposite sex. I’m also 6'6" and hit my head on absolutely everything. So chances are I would want to be shorter. I would also want to take care of some minor health problems.

The thought of being immortal is an overkill to me. I would much rather be able to choose a time of my own death. Weather it is in 100yrs or 50,000 yrs. Living forever would get boring eventually and being stuck that way seems more like a curse than a gift.

#45 Infernity

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Posted 05 December 2005 - 02:34 PM

The thought of being immortal is an overkill to me. I would much rather be able to choose a time of my own death. Weather it is in 100yrs or 50,000 yrs. Living forever would get boring eventually and being stuck that way seems more like a curse than a gift.

In other words: "When I'll feel like I am bored I will want to die"

Sounds pretty foolish to me.... and that's just what you said.


#46 Reno

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Posted 05 December 2005 - 04:21 PM

In other words: "When I'll feel like I am bored I will want to die"

Sounds pretty foolish to me.... and that's just what you said.


How so? What makes being able to choose your time of death foolish? There will be a point in everyones life when the best life had to offer you is behind you. Just living for the sake of living would be like eating for the sake of eating. Eventually the food isn't going to taste as good as it once did and all the food in the world won't make you happy.

#47 Infernity

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Posted 05 December 2005 - 05:17 PM

You are missing my, point, dying 'cause of boredom?!?

You live because you have got consciousness. Death means- all that did have point now is gone! Vanished! as before birth! That's pointless!!

If you'll get "bored", then you are just indolent, because there are infinite things you can do. Really. The world will always develop.


Edited by infernity, 05 December 2005 - 11:25 PM.

#48 quadclops

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Posted 05 December 2005 - 08:26 PM

Yeah, boredom has got to be just about the lamest excuse for killing yourself. [8)]

Seriously, has anyone ever taken thier own life to escape terminal boredom? [huh]

Boredom goes away, but Death is permanent! Just wait awhile, something new will come around.

Even if you live to be a billion and are getting tired of the same old friends, just Alcubierre yourself over to another galaxy and go prospecting for new alien civilizations! [alien] New weird languages to decode! New weird cultures to explore! How could you get bored going where no Picotech Intellect has ever gone before?! [thumb]

Besides, eventually we'll discover the means to manipulate and control our own emotional states, and then we just won't get bored anymore. We won't allow ourselves to.

HAPPY, HAPPY, JOY, JOY! [lol] [lol]

#49 Infernity

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Posted 05 December 2005 - 11:34 PM

How can you be bored at all? I REALLY have forgotten this feeling... Didn't feel "bored" since like 3rd grade where I remember myself spending most of my time out of class, walking around the school, with nothing to do...

I desire to get myself into "boredom" again, I am endlessly under pressure, that's hard. I must have space grrr, and you freaking complain you have got free time, and not only that - - extra free time?!?! either, that you are rich and did so many things, or that you are just indolent enough to do absolutely nothing and cry you are bored [angry] wipi! "I'm bored, lets die!!!". So sad, what can I say. A moment of "I have extra time!!! let's enjoy it!!!" to "Oh, nothing to do, I want to die!"..

Lame excuse indeed. Just my humble opinion.


#50 Reno

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Posted 06 December 2005 - 01:26 AM

Well i wonder if you think the same 1000 yrs from now. I wonder if you two will last that long. Ever get tired of doing something? How long did it take to get to the point when you were tired of doing it. I know i can only get enjoyment out of renting movies for so long before i have to find some other form of entertainment. That only takes me a few months to get tired of that passtime. Imagine you can remember with perfect clarity everything you did from this point on. Most people wouldn't gain pleasure from doing it again. Why would they when they have the memories in their heads as fresh as the day they did it. There will be a time when it becomes possible to loose your will to live. When a constant flow of new sights and sounds becomes mixed together with those youve seen previously. Will you still wish to continue on? Even when all life has to offer seems like a bland pasty dream that you can't wake up from?

Im no atheist, i beleive there is something after this life. I don't know what, but I do know theres something more. To live forever wouldn't be freedom it would be imprisonment. It will just take "time" for you two to grasp.

#51 Infernity

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Posted 06 December 2005 - 04:07 AM

That's great having this option.

OK, if you think there's after life I can't continue arguing... because I'd say, death is a total oblivion, hence death would take all you had too.

Afterlife is a comfort, a hope for those who can't handle the fact they will not be.

Now I see why our argue is pointless.


#52 Reno

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Posted 06 December 2005 - 04:19 AM

Your one rude little shit. If i was arguing with you i would be saying your dead wrong. This has turned into a debate topic. What im doing is supporting my statement with an explination and all i get is unspecific counterpoints with little to offer but an "I know all" mentality. On most forums when someone utters and opinion that persons opinion is held with at least a small amount of respect.

One day you will learn when you become "immortal" that there's more to life then just induring. "For every beginning there is an end."

#53 Infernity

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Posted 06 December 2005 - 07:23 AM

End of an age, new beginings... Death IMO will take it all tho.

Sorry for being abit harsh, really sorry... I don't mean to be mean, it's just I'm a bit upset lately and... sorry.


#54 quadclops

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Posted 08 December 2005 - 08:01 PM

Bobscrachy, I can't make any guarantees of endless optimism during the long ages ahead (provided I get to live through them in the first place, of course), but it has always been my experience so far, that boredom goes away.

I've gotten tired, I've gotten bored, and I've gotten exhausted with frustration. Many times life has seemed bland, samey, and dreary yet always, ALWAYS, something comes along to keep me interested. Sometimes it's just a little thing. Sometimes it's just something that makes me giggle. [tung] Sometimes it's some new fact that shocks me out of my momentary lethargy, and gets me thinking in a wider perspective again. Something ALWAYS reboots my enthusiasm.

I can't guarantee the distant future, but for now, I have no plans to ever stop living.

#55 kingneo

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Posted 25 December 2005 - 04:55 AM

Hi everyone!

Well if I were use nanotech to change my appearence I would easily just take the most suitable forms that I can think of. I might be a dog one minute, and something out of a book another, but most likely I will take the form that fits my inner self. Every form would be my own different version of me. Wouldn't that be great?

Also I really, really doubt I will ever get bored in the near future, there are just too many possible possiblities. Nanotech, full immersion virtual reality, the possiblities are just endless. If we can to this in say in two or three decades imagine what we can do in a couple of thousand years! Could we create and master time travel? Could we bring back from the dead people who died years, decades, centuries, maybe even millinia? Who knows, and thats why I doubt I will ever get bored once we reach a level where we could prolong our life and live to be as old as we want and where we master something like nanotech. Its just going to be too fun!

But there is a possiblity of people getting bored, but hopefully that will not happen. For now I doubt that will happen, now and forever.

Your friend

#56 th3hegem0n

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Posted 26 December 2005 - 12:52 AM

Well if I were use nanotech to change my appearence I would easily just take the most suitable forms that I can think of. I might be a dog one minute, and something out of a book another, but most likely I will take the form that fits my inner self. Every form would be my own different version of me. Wouldn't that be great?

Also I really, really doubt I will ever get bored in the near future, there are just too many possible possiblities. Nanotech, full immersion virtual reality, the possiblities are just endless. If we can to this in say in two or three decades imagine what we can do in a couple of thousand years! Could we create and master time travel? Could we bring back from the dead people who died years, decades, centuries, maybe even millinia? Who knows, and thats why I doubt I will ever get bored once we reach a level where we could prolong our life and live to be as old as we want and where we master something like nanotech. Its just going to be too fun!

But there is a possiblity of people getting bored, but hopefully that will not happen. For now I doubt that will happen, now and forever.

Your friend

Hey man you are exactly right. There is gonna be so much crazy shit in the future that is going to be so fun.


#57 smight

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Posted 23 February 2006 - 01:54 PM

A lot of you people are simply odd.. :)

#58 th3hegem0n

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Posted 24 February 2006 - 12:52 AM

A lot of you people are simply odd.. 

Crazy, caffinated, white people, mostly.

#59 corb

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Posted 20 January 2012 - 05:32 AM

I will gladly give away my human looks away for enhanced survivability.

Gills. Better lungs and heart. Spare heart. Unbreakable bones. Heat/damage resistant skin. More efficient muscles. Adaptive eyes which can see in low light conditions and in the full spectrum. Enhanced ears. And so on.
I'll just keep my brain and parts of my nervous system.
Aaaaand probably my reproductive system too - you know pure masculine egoism (more like machoism ;) ).

Posted Image

#60 Link

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Posted 21 January 2012 - 06:37 AM

I'd definitely change myself in lots of ways if i had access to the technology.

In terms of looks, I'd probably take inspiration from actors and celebrities i think are good looking, like Mickey Rourke (when he was young), Tom Cruise, Richard Dean Anderson, Jason Statham.

And ofcourse a body like Arnold.

Edited by Link, 21 January 2012 - 06:55 AM.

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