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Starting My Father on Nootropics

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#1 jack21

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 03:08 PM

Hello all,

My father has worked a very high stress job for 23 years and recently I have begun to worry about the toll that 8+ hours of stress per day has taken on his body and cognition. I confronted him about his health and suggested nootropics, telling him that I had very similar temperament- high anxiety, high stress, resultant depression (and so much pride that I'd sooner die than ask for assistance) and they had helped me immensely, effectively abolishing my anxiety. Luckily and suprisingly, he listened to me and even said that he would consider this alternative treatment option if I prepared a regimen for him. I'd like to ask the bright minds here for some input on which of the nootropics that I have on hand would be most helpful for him.

He is a 55 year old male with cardiac arrythmia that has persisted for five years. He is currently on medication to control his heart rate. One of his major concerns is that his blood cannot be thinned at all by anything he would take. He runs about 3 times a week but does not weight train. His job has him sitting behind a computer screen all day and his diet could be better.

I have assembled a list of the medications he is currently taking:
Warfarin Sodium 5mg/day.
Flecanide 100mg/ twice daily.
Lipitor 10mg/day.
Levoxyl 75mcg/day.
Cymbalta 60mg- As recently prescribed by his doctor for the anxiety and depression. I'm not sure if he's started taking it yet because he sounded both reluctant and distrustful when referring to it.

Nootropics I currently have on hand:
Deprenyl (coming soon)
Gingko w/ Vinpocetine
Choline Bitartrate (I know, I know.)
Creatine monohydrate.

He is currently taking fishoil but I suspect he will need to up his dosage.

Goals are primarily anxiolytic but additionally I'd like to reverse as much of the damage done as possible. Increased energy and mental clarity would of course be beneficial and I trust these substances would do the trick. My main concern is that the bevy of drugs I put him on show results quickly so that he'll be more likely to continue supplementation and also that there is not even a shadow of a chance that anything I give him adversely interact with his medications, which he will most likely continue. Of course I will refer him to one of his doctors to ask about the regimen, but I have the feeling that they are inclined toward mainstream pharmaceuticals which makes me nervous, as I believe from past experience and from the poor testing standards that many of the mainstream SSRI's are evil.

That's all for now. Thanks very much for any input. I've been wanting to help him out for a while and finally feel as though I'm in a position to do so.


#2 jeromewilson

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 03:42 PM

One of his major concerns is that his blood cannot be thinned at all by anything he would take ... He is currently taking fishoil but I suspect he will need to up his dosage

I think fish oil is quite effective as an anti-coagulent so you might want to be careful when combining it with warfarin.

L-Theanine is good for anxiety and Deprenyl and Tyrosine would be good for depression - I can't say about drug interactions though, I'm afraid.

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#3 enigma

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 03:55 PM

Perhaps Rhodilia Rosea, according to this site http://www.wholeheal...5,10162,00.html

There are no known drug or nutrient interactions associated with Rhodiola rosea. However, much remains to be learned about this herb and how it may interact with other adaptogens, such as Siberian ginseng, as well as with other dietary supplements.

Some people speak very highly of Rhodilia.

#4 zoolander

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 09:59 PM

Good work Jack21 and great thinking. Its nice to see that you want to share the success and happiness that you have achieved with nootropics with your father.

Its a beautiful and compassionate thing to do.

We should all try to share and extend our experiance to others. When they experiance the same clarity I am sure that they will do the same. The world will be a better place when less people are fighting daily stress. The world will be a better place when we are all functioning at our optimal levels. Besides, these people will then become more interested in the topic of immortality and this community will grow.

Nice work Jack21

#5 eternaltraveler

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 10:16 PM

I've been trying to get my grandfather to take nootropics, thus far to no avail. My father would be more willing, but at this point I'm more worried about getting him signed up for cryonics (grandfather seems to be a lost cause in that regard unfortunately, he's had too much time to accept his fate).

I don't think your father's potential regimen would vary all that much from the common routines most of us are already doing. If anxiety is the main concern l-theanine would be good.

#6 JMorgan

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 11:37 PM

From what I understand, if you are worried about not thinning his blood, then avoid Gingko Biloba and forms of Phosphatidylserine. Both inhibit blood clotting and are not recommnended for people who've had problems with aspirin. (Although, aspirin gives me nose bleeds and I haven't had any problem taking Gingko.)

Also, considering your father's condition, avoid Vincamine as long-term use is known to cause cardiac arrhythmias. Since this is something he already has, it may be advisable not to make it worse.

The way I see it, your two main concerns are stress & depression and Deprenyl is supposed to be good for depression. That leaves stress... He needs to find some way of reducing stress which, in the long run, may help more than any of these supplements. Stress kills.

#7 jack21

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 04:36 PM

Thanks all for the kind words and support. I'm taking all suggestions under consideration.


#8 lynx

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Posted 24 June 2005 - 10:32 PM

I hope Scott and LifeMirage can jump in here and offer some detailed suggestions, given their backgrounds and education.

#9 LifeMirage

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Posted 24 June 2005 - 11:30 PM

That's all for now. Thanks very much for any input. I've been wanting to help him out for a while and finally feel as though I'm in a position to do so.


CoQ10 100-300 mg is important considering the statin drug he is taking delete levels.

Theanine 400-800 mg would be safe for stress relieve.

Most of your nootropics he should not take.

I would just have him take the above for a month or so and see how he does on that.

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#10 jack21

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Posted 25 June 2005 - 01:04 AM

Ok thanks. Luckily I haven't started him on anything yet.


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