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Stack Critique

pramiracetam piracetam noopept oxiracetam sulbutiamine fish oil alpha gpc beginner first time advice

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#1 Jack Herd

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Posted 10 April 2014 - 11:15 PM

Hey guys, I've spent countless hours here reading posts, posts and more posts, but now I think it's time to get some more specific feedback on the stack I plan on purchasing/consuming. 


Just a bit of background information. I'm 21 years old, I train 6 times a week and my diet could be described as Paleo. I'm at university and have previously experimented with some nootropics (noopept, piracetam & modafinil).


Okay so now for the reason I'm here. This is the stack I'm currently thinking of taking:

- Noopept

- Pramiracetam

- Oxiracetam

- Alpha GPC

- Sulbutiamine

- Fish Oil


I'm yet to figure out dosages, as I would rather deal with that once I settle on the specific supplements. Please criticise my stack as much as you can. I'm open to all advice!





#2 AmpleBeingdotcom

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Posted 14 April 2014 - 08:59 PM



This stack seems to be pretty hardcore combination. Have you ever thought about trying something more natural that is geared towards studying/absorbing information?

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#3 GoingPrimal

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Posted 18 April 2014 - 07:42 AM

What are your goals? Seems very mental oriented, is this for studying purposes?


You could look into some more natural alternatives as Ample said, like Lion's mane mushroom for increasing NGF, and/or ashwagandha. Personally I'd keep the fish oil ( a quality one), drop the Pram as I really don't think you need 3 racetam substances, and look into whether you really need the Alpha GPC, if you're eating paleo you are probably getting enough choline. Also, sulbutiamine might not be the best as a daily substance - I have some and use it when I have to work early, maybe twice a week.


Again, need to know your goals to give an accurate critique  ;)

#4 Jack Herd

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Posted 18 April 2014 - 11:41 AM

Hi GoingPrimal,


After reading your reply, I'm thinking that I should maybe have two stacks, one for heavy study sessions and one for everyday use.


The above stack would be used when I plan on studying for long hours at a time, or if I have a very important/full on day at uni. 


Do you have a stack you'd recommend for everyday use? I like the fact that the Racetams help me to speak more fluently and pull information out of my mind at a moments notice. My objectives would be to improve memory (both short- and long-term), improve my mood and energy levels, and finally increase my well being.


Thanks for taking your time to help me out. Much appreciated.





#5 AmpleBeingdotcom

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Posted 18 April 2014 - 01:03 PM



You should look into an LTP stack. One that has Artichoke + Forskolin. I have been using/testing our stack for over a year and have had great results. Our customers use it for the exact reasons you are looking for.


They want a mental edge when studying and an increase in their mood is definitely a benefit as well.

#6 GoingPrimal

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Posted 18 April 2014 - 04:41 PM

I have heard and read good things about the CILTEP (chemically induced long-term potentiation) stack mentioned above. I've used it before and found it so-so, but check it out if you want.


For a daily stack, a good fish oil, your racetam of choice (mine's usually a combo of piracetam and aniracetam, though I don't use it daily, use whichever you prefer), and look into something like Lion's Mane mushroom to increase memory capacity. Uridine would be a good addition as well. This would be a very simple, effective and cheap stack. 


For energy and well-being, as well as improved mental capacities, there's nothing like a really dialed in diet and exercise regimen - regular, vigorous exercise, along with plenty of real, nutrient dense whole foods, lots of greens and clean grass-fed cuts of meat and eggs. Oh, and proper sleep. Kind of a boring statement, I know, but it by far has the most profound effects, so if you don't have this nailed down already, make that a goal. You could look into a good enteric coated SAM-e product, I've found it very effective for increased energy, motivation and mood, and it has a ton of other good benefits as well. We all like the magic pill solution, and I've found SAM-e to be a nice, reliable addition.


For the more hardcore study stack, add to your basic stack above caffeine and theanine. I don't know how you feel about using nicotine, either in gum, patch or vaporized form, but I used it as a gum to great success last semester for studying, taking a small amount during each study session and then again during the tests (state dependent learning). You could do sulbutiamine for the really intense, longer study sessions, but I don't believe it to be one of the more sustainable supplements, so keep that in mind. 


Also, look into dual-n-back training if you haven't started already - you almost don't need any noots if you use dual-n-back as directed, crazy effective.


#7 AmpleBeingdotcom

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Posted 18 April 2014 - 05:43 PM

Going Primal,


Did you order a pre-made stack or just source your own ingredients? If it was sourced, what did you take together?

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#8 Ritchie

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Posted 22 April 2014 - 03:14 AM

This looks fine, but if you can, try to add in a dopamine precursor. L-tyrosine is fine but Mucuna pruriens is also good. Just remember to also add in a serotonin precursor(5htp is fine) if you do this. Also make sure to add in an antioxidant like Cysteine or green tea as they are always neuroprotective.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: pramiracetam, piracetam, noopept, oxiracetam, sulbutiamine, fish oil, alpha gpc, beginner, first time, advice

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