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My modern 'Fountain' regimen (let me know watcha think)

resveratrol vitamins supplements

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#1 TheFountain

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Posted 16 April 2014 - 10:17 PM

I am not going to be discussing the specifics of my diet here, just my supplement regimen


When I first awaken, before eating anything, 250 mgs of high quality Resveratrol extract with 1 gram of fish oil.


Usually wait about 30 minutes before eating at this point to allow the supplements to absorb on an empty stomach. I take the fishoil to give the resveratrol that extra delivery mechanism. 


So i'll eat, and then I will take half a dosage of Alive, low iron multi vitamin, along with some korean ginseng. 


Depending on the food intake I will also take some bioperin. I find that I may not want to take Bioperin every day or it should be subject to the kind of foods I may be taking it with really. There are times when you want to absorb the nutrients more and times when you don't. My opinion.


A few minutes after this I take 2000IU's of Gummy D3. The brand I take is Vitafusion. I take this same dose 3 times daily, about once every 2 hours or so. This first dosage I have been taking with vitamin k2 at a dosage of 50 mcgs. 


I am not sure why I am taking the D3 at 2 hour intervals during the first portion of my day, but I imagine that I am doing it because I hope to increase the longevity of the supplemental effects. Is it stupid?


Around the same time I take a zinc supplement containing picolinate and gluconate dihydrate around 30 mgs, sometimes 60 mgs. 


A little while after this (No specific time interval) I take Full spectrum Rooibas extract at about 400 mgs, along with Astaxanthan at 2 mgs. Rooibos is something I usually take double or triple doses of many days and at various points through out the day, and some times I even take it with Rooibos tea, just to increase its effect. Why take it with Astaxanthan? Not sure, they seem to have a double BANG effect. Both are antioxidants too. 


Shortly after this I take N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine at 600 mgs. It seems to have a cognitive enhancement effect. This is why I take this particular supplement. I actually stopped taking ALCAR in favor of this one a little while back.


Next I will have my second vitamin D3 gummy at 2000IU's


Right before my next meal I take a coctail of Aloe Vera Juice, 5 grams of MSM powder and 10 drops of jarrosil and mix it well before drinking with 1 grams of vitamin C and skin eternals Hyaluranic acid supplement which contains 1 gram of biocell collagen and 100 mgs of Hyaluranic acid. 


Another supplement I take sporadically (when I feel I need it, as opposed to every single day) is Papain (papaya enzyme). Not sure, just  following my instincts with this one, not trying to overdo it. I'll usually take it with a nutrient rich meal on whatever days I feel like i'm in a fun mood and wanna take it.


Workout days I take 1-2 grams of Beta-alinine and 300 mgs of testofen (Fenugreek extract containing 50% standardized fenusides). With Testofen I sometimes take a break of a few days, then start it again. Not sure why, I guess giving my hormone receptors time to recalibrate and get ready for more. Testofen is one supplement I actually experience an overt sexual effect from. It definitely increases my hard-ons and helps with testosterone, if not biologically then definitely via placebo effect. But my instincts tell me there is something to this particular extract.


Shortly after this I'll grab for another dose of Rooibos extract. Either after the workout or shortly before. 


Then it's 2 grams of SOD enteric encoated or a proprietary anti-oxidant blend containing a lesser dose, along with Catalase (fungal enzyme) at 125 mcgs, L-Glutathione, green tea extract and Grapeseed extract (all at about 100 mgs each). This supplement seems to have a decent energy boosting effect. 


Shortly thereafter its another D3 gummy at 2000IU's bringing my total Vitamin D3 intake up to 6000IU's. Which, to me is a decent dose if you are taking the most absorbable kind. And this for me is honestly the gummy version. There is something about chewing the damn thing that increases sublingual absorption. The same concept as when you eat nutrient dense foods, chew chew chew! I have taken the liquid Gelcaps at various doses, I have taken the drops that dissolve slowly in your mouth, but for some reason the gummies seem more effective to me. And my instinct tells me that it being chewable is the primary reductant.


Which reminds me, I would like to try vitamin D3 skin lotion sometime as someone mentioned to me in the local health store that she takes it and has experienced the best effect yet from this. I guess the theory is vitamin D from the sun has its entry point right on your epidermis. So the skin lotion absorbs this way as well. Anyone here tried it?


Okay, before I digress more. 


This leads me to two supplement I take on and off. 


NAC and Andrographis. 


The NAC I have taken for a few days at a time, but stop due to slight anxiety I feel it may create.


The Andrographis on the other hand does the opposite for me. It seems to not only increase lung output but in doing so, lessens anxiety. I take an extract containing 10% Andrographolides. And I only take it about 3 times a week. Sometimes I go an entire week without taking it because this is a supplement that is advised against taking constantly, even though tests verify its long term safety. I guess the reason one would not take it consistently is that it is such a powerful adaptogen that you don't need it on a constant basis.


I also take Astragalus root for weeks at a time, then stop taking it for a week or two to allow my body to re-adapt to it not being in the system. I usually take about a gram of this stuff. 


Entering into the nighttime hours, I begin to wind down with dinner, and a cup of Tulsi tea (Holy basil extract containing 2 grams of three different varieties of Holy basil). 


I list this as a supplement because It has an overt cognitive effect. I would definitely define this tea as good stuff. After slowly sipping it over the course of 10 minutes my body begins to feel light, and I enter a quasi meditative state. I am guessing this is due to the cortisol blocking effect Holy basil is said to have. It also seems to help with the following days work outs.


I alternate nights, some nights I do the Holy basil tea and some nights I do 50 mgs of L-theanine chewables. Either or seems to help for winding down the evening and preparing for bed time. 


Melatonin is something I only do about once a week, as it adds an extra boost to my brains ability to produce the hormone. But I find that too much effects my sexual potency. The dose I take once a wee is less than 1 mg, probably around 500 to 700 Mcgs. I cannot tell because I just bite the tablet in half and let the half absorb in my mouth. You really don't need a lot of melatonin, last night for example I took half the tab and slept a whopping 13 hours. I overslept so I could not make Judo practice today. Instead I will just do a work out and likely attend Judo tomorrow.


Another supplement I take at night is Magnesium Citrate. Usually do about 200 mgs. Why? because my nutrient rich diet will take care of the rest. I eat a lot of greens and some mixed nuts through out the day. Plus a lot of foods contain lesser amounts.


Glucosamine Suflite I take about 3-4 times a week. I just don't seem to need it every day.


Ginseng I take sporadically too, to help with Tinnitus and as a temporary brain booster. 


Tribulus is another one I take on and off to aid my libido. And this one does seem to help, at least with Libido. I cannot speak for its testosterone boosting ability. 


I've been doing a whey protein that contains Creatine Monohydrate. Been doing it twice daily, usually after work outs too. 


Hmm, I don't think I am leaving anything out.


So, whatcha think? 
















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#2 TheFountain

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Posted 16 April 2014 - 11:47 PM

Somehow I forgot to mention Taurine. I take it between 500 mgs and 1 gram a day. Oops. 

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#3 TheFountain

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Posted 18 April 2014 - 10:22 PM

"Ginseng I take sporadically too, to help with Tinnitus and as a temporary brain booster."


Here I meant to say Ginko Biloba. 


I actually take Ginseng almost every day. 


#4 Vitalityseeker

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Posted 19 April 2014 - 08:45 AM

As a supplement newbie who is constantly researching and improving his knowledge of supplements, their forms, and their effects, take what I say with a pinch of salt and please correct me if you disagree with anything I say... With that in mind, here goes. I'll only mention stuff from your list that I either have personal experience with or have read a fair bit about.


I believe vitamin D is stored in the body so whether you take it once a day or split it into 5 doses seems to be irrelevant. I personally take capsules of 10,000 IU of D3 as I find them very economical to buy (360 capsules for a low price, will last me a long time) however I usually only take one every 2nd or 3rd day.


As for multivitamins I've been a very sporadic user of those. In the past I have used LEF mix, ortho core, various store brands, stop-aging-nows multi, and various others. From this I have experienced varied results but the most noticeable thing was green urine! I usually try to look for one with decent doses of B1 & B12, mixed tocopherols instead of just alpha form of vitamin E, a generous dose of K in K2 form (importantly mk-4, mk-7, optionally mk-8 and 9) good dose of selenium, magnesium, and zinc, and low if any calcium. I've never had any life changing results, LEF mix definitely gave me a little more energy but I felt that it wasn't justified by the price. I'm currently on Garden of life's raw one/ vitamin code for men but plan to switch to another multi next month, and I am currently looking into which. I also prefer a multi to be food sourced in its origin. Alive is definitely a good multivitamin - if the advertised ingredients are anything to go by. I've came across it in the past but never bought it, perhaps I'll try it out.


I've taken 2-6mg of astaxanthin for most of this month and finished my supply now. I do feel it had a positive effect on me and plan to buy more in the future, so I'd say you should stick with that.


I don't know anything about N-Al-Tyrosine, although I have been taking 750mg-2g of ALCAR a day with mixed results. Some days I feel like I'm faster at everything (motor skills, processing information, reactions) and other days I seem to get a headache and brain fog. But I plan to continue taking it for the foreseeable future. I've heard a lot of good things about taking alpha lipoic acid with alcar, and even bought it but have been holding off because I read that alpha lipoic acid chelates mercury and can carry it around the body including across the blood brain barrier into the brain, but can also drop it in places, and that the body can naturally deposit mercury in safe places so taking a chelator can cause harm if it's moving it around your body. I plan to take ALA in the future after getting my mercury amalgam fillings removed and I am currently looking into getting that done.


I've only read good things about MSM and vitamin C, and plan on trying both MSM and an individual generous dosage C out some time, so I would keep that up if I was you.


Only read good things about astralagus. As for NAC, one one hand it seems to be great at cleaning toxins and helping people recover from anything negative in their bodies including hangovers, but I've read a lot of anecdotal accounts of people saying it dried up their sinuses and nasal passage and caused nosebleeds, so it could be dodgy in that respect to take it a lot - I'd advise to continue as you are doing, stopping taking it to give your body a break.


Magnesium I have read great things about supplementing, so I would keep that up. Ginseng from my research has a wide range of benefits and plan on getting some myself. Gingko biloba is also good from what I've read.


A whey protein with added creatine sounds good, I would just make sure it is minimal in added sweeteners/ sugar, there are a lot of brands that offer simple whey isolate with nothing at all added, for example, even grass fed and organic but they may (or may not) be an unnecessary extra.



#5 niner

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Posted 19 April 2014 - 12:21 PM

Vitalityseeker, you're right about the D3. It has such a long half life, you could take it weekly if you wanted to. You still need to take the right number of IU per day, week, month, etc. Personally, I think the D craze was a little overdone and I don't want massive amounts of it myself.
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#6 TheFountain

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Posted 25 April 2014 - 05:35 PM

As a supplement newbie who is constantly researching and improving his knowledge of supplements, their forms, and their effects, take what I say with a pinch of salt and please correct me if you disagree with anything I say... With that in mind, here goes. I'll only mention stuff from your list that I either have personal experience with or have read a fair bit about.


I believe vitamin D is stored in the body so whether you take it once a day or split it into 5 doses seems to be irrelevant. I personally take capsules of 10,000 IU of D3 as I find them very economical to buy (360 capsules for a low price, will last me a long time) however I usually only take one every 2nd or 3rd day.


As for multivitamins I've been a very sporadic user of those. In the past I have used LEF mix, ortho core, various store brands, stop-aging-nows multi, and various others. From this I have experienced varied results but the most noticeable thing was green urine! I usually try to look for one with decent doses of B1 & B12, mixed tocopherols instead of just alpha form of vitamin E, a generous dose of K in K2 form (importantly mk-4, mk-7, optionally mk-8 and 9) good dose of selenium, magnesium, and zinc, and low if any calcium. I've never had any life changing results, LEF mix definitely gave me a little more energy but I felt that it wasn't justified by the price. I'm currently on Garden of life's raw one/ vitamin code for men but plan to switch to another multi next month, and I am currently looking into which. I also prefer a multi to be food sourced in its origin. Alive is definitely a good multivitamin - if the advertised ingredients are anything to go by. I've came across it in the past but never bought it, perhaps I'll try it out.


I've taken 2-6mg of astaxanthin for most of this month and finished my supply now. I do feel it had a positive effect on me and plan to buy more in the future, so I'd say you should stick with that.


I don't know anything about N-Al-Tyrosine, although I have been taking 750mg-2g of ALCAR a day with mixed results. Some days I feel like I'm faster at everything (motor skills, processing information, reactions) and other days I seem to get a headache and brain fog. But I plan to continue taking it for the foreseeable future. I've heard a lot of good things about taking alpha lipoic acid with alcar, and even bought it but have been holding off because I read that alpha lipoic acid chelates mercury and can carry it around the body including across the blood brain barrier into the brain, but can also drop it in places, and that the body can naturally deposit mercury in safe places so taking a chelator can cause harm if it's moving it around your body. I plan to take ALA in the future after getting my mercury amalgam fillings removed and I am currently looking into getting that done.


I've only read good things about MSM and vitamin C, and plan on trying both MSM and an individual generous dosage C out some time, so I would keep that up if I was you.


Only read good things about astralagus. As for NAC, one one hand it seems to be great at cleaning toxins and helping people recover from anything negative in their bodies including hangovers, but I've read a lot of anecdotal accounts of people saying it dried up their sinuses and nasal passage and caused nosebleeds, so it could be dodgy in that respect to take it a lot - I'd advise to continue as you are doing, stopping taking it to give your body a break.


Magnesium I have read great things about supplementing, so I would keep that up. Ginseng from my research has a wide range of benefits and plan on getting some myself. Gingko biloba is also good from what I've read.


A whey protein with added creatine sounds good, I would just make sure it is minimal in added sweeteners/ sugar, there are a lot of brands that offer simple whey isolate with nothing at all added, for example, even grass fed and organic but they may (or may not) be an unnecessary extra.



In my next supplement cycle purchase I plan to include Ubiquinol and plant sterols. I have read almost nothing about plant sterols on this site that make them seem worthy but there are dozens of citations elsewhere. And Ubiquinol is a no brainer for performance enhancement.

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#7 TheFountain

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Posted 06 May 2014 - 03:49 AM

Vitalityseeker, you're right about the D3. It has such a long half life, you could take it weekly if you wanted to. You still need to take the right number of IU per day, week, month, etc. Personally, I think the D craze was a little overdone and I don't want massive amounts of it myself.


Why do you think it was overdone and why don't you want a lot of it in supplemental form? 

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