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Looking For Help

supplements health bipolar psychosis fatigue halucinations depression anxiety mania scizephrenia

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#1 12812873

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 03:44 AM

Hey i wanted to know if anyone has any experience with what Ive been going through and any insight as to what to take, what tests to order and how to move forward. Since childhood I have had halucinations and delusions, trouble thinking etc. The delusions were things like thinking I had cancer or thinking I would get diabetes from eating candy etc. I thought it might be bipolar with psychotic features, since I also struggle with very high anxiety ( I cant have a full conversation with anyone without feeling like im about to pass out) and generally feel out of touch with reality. Ever since childhood I never had any energy, got frustrated easily and still am.

My body has pretty much been in a catabolic state my whole life. I can pretty much feel all my bones and I look like a skeleton even though I eat a healthy diet. I also have been doing weight training but I still dont pack any pounds. Im actually 5 10 at 120 and im 20 years old.

I stay in bed all day cause I have no energy, constant apathy, anxiety, psychosis, depression, no libido, mania, insomnia, withdrawl, brain fog, excessive tissue breakdown,etc.

I got plenty of tests done but the only things that were confirmed were that I have a sinus infection ( which didnt go away even after treatment) and that I had elevated b12 and b9 levels in the blood. I thought that perhaps the b12 and b9 werent being converted due to some Gene mutation due to the fact I only took a b complex a day. I honestly dont want to take antipsychotics because I dont want to possibly get another disease down the line. Anyways any supplements you guys recommend for hallucinations and delusions/ psychosis? I would really appreciate it.

#2 formergenius

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 04:01 AM


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#3 12812873

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 05:13 PM

Thanks Ive looked into it and im considering it if I can find a place that sells it. Anything else?

#4 ILIkeBeer

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Posted 05 June 2014 - 04:11 AM

Sorry I don't know much about this issue.. but what about glyx-13, bcm-95, or perhaps alks-5461... I want to help but I do not know much about this issue sorry.

#5 12812873

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Posted 05 June 2014 - 07:28 AM

Its cool ill look those up right away. I appreciate your input.Im going to the therapist soon and I honestly would like to end my halucinations before then ( even though thats highly unlikely). I know my psychosis has to do with stress as when I get very stressed out symptoms flair up so im gonna try some ashwagandha even though thats probably not gonna do the trick. I just really dont want my family to know cause I dont want them scared,and I dont want the world to know that I suffer from this so please anything, anything at all that is said to at least improve psychosis even a little bit dont hesitate to comment. I really need your guys help.

#6 jth334

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Posted 23 June 2014 - 08:12 PM

I'm not a Doctor and I am recovering from Lyme disease so my response might be somewhat biased but...

Have you been tested for Lyme disease? Specifically the igenex test or a culture test?

If not, a good place to start would be to watch the documentary Under Our Skin which is about lyme and see if you can draw some parallels to what you are experiencing. I thought I had chronic fatigue for 5 years before my doc figured out I have lyme.

If you can find a doctor in your area that practices functional or integrative medicine I would strongly recommend that. Typically this type of doc will specialize in autism, auto immune disease, lyme and other complicated conditions. Also see an infectious disease specialist.

If it turns out you do not have lyme, I would still recommend seeing the integrative doc I described above AND would check out the book Betrayal by the Brain: The Neurologic Basis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome, and Related Neural Network by Dr. Jay A Goldstein. Very innovative treatment methods for conditions that we're not successfully treated otherwise.

While they might help some symptoms, I doubt nutritional and herbal supplements available over the counter are going to cure your ailments.

My last piece of advice would be to tell your family what is going on. I made the same mistake.

#7 12812873

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Posted 23 June 2014 - 08:56 PM

Yeah I got tested for lyme disease when my fatigue started up in April 2013. It came back negative so I've just been looking for other possible causes. I'm actually having a hair minerals anylasis done and having a complete program set up by analytical research labs, and I just found out that I have four severe chronic imbalances from a metabolic test I just had done by a new nutrional balancing specialist. So I'm just waiting for results.

#8 YoungSchizo

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Posted 23 June 2014 - 11:00 PM

Smartpowders.com has Sarcosine in stock, 100g for $16,-


If anyone from Europe is interested in Sarcosine PM me, I've got 500g to sell.

#9 jth334

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Posted 23 June 2014 - 11:50 PM

Yeah I got tested for lyme disease when my fatigue started up in April 2013. It came back negative so I've just been looking for other possible causes. I'm actually having a hair minerals anylasis done and having a complete program set up by analytical research labs, and I just found out that I have four severe chronic imbalances from a metabolic test I just had done by a new nutrional balancing specialist. So I'm just waiting for results.

Was the test from igenex? The standard test accepted by the CDC and done by most labs is often unreliable. Mine showed up negative as well and consequently suffered for 5 years without treatment.

Igenex has a more sensitive test which is what diagnosed me and I'm getting a test done in a month where they are actually culturing the lyme (from my blood I assume).

Point being just because the test came back negative does in no way mean lyme is not causing your symptoms. Some people never test positive from lyme but have luckily had doctors that treated them anyways and got better.

Have you tried a course of doxycycline or some other antibiotic?
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#10 FeelsNumbMan

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Posted 15 July 2014 - 12:29 PM



First time I've heard of Sarcosine. What is it for and what does it do exactly? Yes, I'll be on my way to Google, but I'd also like to hear personal experiences too!  :laugh:

#11 Flex

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Posted 03 August 2014 - 10:26 PM

Its a gltamate activator.

Afaik mainly on the glycine side of Nmda receptors.

Those receptors show promising results for Psychosis and lack of affect.


You could also try Acetylcysteine, starting with arround 500mg.

It has dulling effects but this could be helpful for the mania and psychosis.


But this all is rather bby the way.

More important is to visit a Doctor.

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#12 Tom_

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Posted 04 August 2014 - 08:40 AM

You haven't described any psychosis.


Hallucinations but nothing you described would count as an actual delusions.


If you are lying in bed all day, you have not had an episode of hypo/mania.

If you are truely eating a good diet then you are under minimum weight on a BMI scale.


It doesn't sound like an infective process.


The two most likely diagnoses are either a neurodevelopmental disorder including elements of an eating disorder, OCD and ADHD with comorbid depression. However its certainly worth looking at a physical diagnosis. You should present to a general practicioner. Tell them all of your symptoms and they should as a matter of course get bloods (TFT's, LFTs, FBC and Chem-8).

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: supplements, health, bipolar, psychosis, fatigue, halucinations, depression, anxiety, mania, scizephrenia

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