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incest between govt and too big biddniss getting in the way of selegiline sales

govt. sleeze

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#1 ron45

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Posted 15 June 2014 - 05:57 AM

Sorry if this is old news. It concerns getting selegiline, a generic from Canada for way less money. The enforcement arm for too big biddniss, our government, is interfering in Canada's ability to offer selegiline to people sick of the high prices in pharmacies in the u s of more and more and more and even Europe for inflated drug costs. Our govt. who only have our best interest…. [WEEEEELLLLllllllllll if you change that to big biddniss's interest it would be closer to the truth]…. at hart, is preventing Canada. from accepting any credit card except Carl Malden's little cash cow`amurakin express' for payment. I didn't even know it was still around. Nothing but a bank check or international money order will work.


I balked at the delay at the first two places then the third one explained, after I ventured it might be just as fast to get on a horse and come up there, that our govt. forces them to only accept those two things mentioned above.


Level the playing field my ass!


I got quoted a 95 dollars co pay from a local pharmacy for 30 10 mg tablets. Hey! It's jist biddniss!!  I just bought 100 10mg tabs for 140.00 including shipping. That price is nearly reasonable. The place before offered me free shipping but that was before I knew about the international strong arm bullshit from the two shithouses where legislators are bought and sold. It's more like an auction. A slave auction!!


It may take two weeks or more but I'll tell you what I'm done with american pharmaceuticals. When big pharm sleeze has enough money to kill single payer healthcare with  a shit storm of lies and fear mongering and whining about socialism….. It's obvious they have way too much money. No one sez a word. Did this subject ever make it to the 6 o'clock news in this country? You can bet it was in the Gardian. I live in the boonies and try to stay away from current events horror stories.


The sheeple of this country have their heads in the sand just trying to get by they are too stupid to notice who is doing this to them. 


If they would just pick one non essential item and boycott it for a month nation wide, all the blow junket and golf job buyers would sit up and take notice. The Agent was correct we are a virus on the earth. I wonder where the lions are……….



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