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Promote curing aging at VOX - volunteers needed

vos.com curing aging

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#1 Maria Konovalenko

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Posted 18 June 2014 - 01:14 PM

Vox is a great website that explains various topics to the general public in an easy to understand way. They use so called card stacks to divide a huge and complicated body of text into concise parts that can be individually shared as cards what answer a particular question. The Vox website is gaining popularity and I propose to submit the content about curing aging to the editors of the portal. It is crucial to have the essential information about fighting aging on hand that can be easily shared, therefore such a card stack can be a valuable tool for all the members of LongeCity and anyone interested in longevity.


I need help writing the text pieces for the cards. I'm sure doing this as a team project can accelerate the creation of the card stack and be quite interesting on its own. I propose the following questions for the cards:


Everything you need to know about curing aging


1.     What is curing aging?

2.     Is curing aging feasible?

3.     Why is curing aging desirable?

4.     What kind of technology will eliminate aging?

5.     How will genetic engineering combat aging?

6.     How is regenerative medicine help extend lives?

7.     How is nanotechnology going to solve the problem of biological aging?

8.     How will we integrate our human bodies with robotic parts?

9.     What does mind uploading mean and how will it be used to eradicate aging?

10. What role will the Artificial Intelligence play in radical human life extension?

11. Why is cryonics the best choice in the worst possible circumstances?

12. When will curing aging be possible?

13. What can I do to accelerate fighting aging?

       14. Where can I learn more about curing aging? 


We can decide who's going to write the first draft of each part and work on those drafts together in Google docs for example. Any suggestions are more than welcome. Let's do this together!

Edited by cryonicsculture, 18 June 2014 - 03:42 PM.

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#2 John Schloendorn

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Posted 26 June 2014 - 04:37 AM

This is really cool.  I'm way too cynical to write something the general public would appreciate.  This should probably be written by laypeople for laypeople, yes?  I'd volunteer to talk things through over skype, if a writer has technical questions about any of the biotech topics. 

#3 onz

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Posted 26 June 2014 - 01:18 PM

Great idea, I'm keen to help


Will provide some more suggestions and input on the weekend once I've had some sleep ;)

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#4 Maria Konovalenko

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Posted 26 June 2014 - 02:09 PM

This is really cool.  I'm way too cynical to write something the general public would appreciate.  This should probably be written by laypeople for laypeople, yes?  I'd volunteer to talk things through over skype, if a writer has technical questions about any of the biotech topics. 


Thanks, John! I'll let you know if there are any  questions.

Great idea, I'm keen to help


Will provide some more suggestions and input on the weekend once I've had some sleep ;)


Thanks, onz! There already are people working on questions number 2,5 and 6. I look forward to talking to you more about what you have in mind.

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#5 onz

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Posted 29 June 2014 - 12:16 PM

I'm interested in doing the first drafts of number 3, and probably number 1 as well :)


I think it might be worthwhile doing a 'section' on the common myths of curing ageing/biological immortality such as overpopulation etc... Thoughts?

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#6 Maria Konovalenko

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Posted 30 June 2014 - 09:45 AM

I'm interested in doing the first drafts of number 3, and probably number 1 as well :)


I think it might be worthwhile doing a 'section' on the common myths of curing ageing/biological immortality such as overpopulation etc... Thoughts?


Very well! Thanks! A selection of myths would be good, but I think it should be done as a separate start of cards. I don't know yet. It will be clear when all the drafts are in place. Could you, please, create a google doc and share it with me? Thank you. My email is maria.konovalenko@gmail.com.

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#7 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 05 July 2014 - 09:06 AM

Hello Maria Konovalenko! In a topic in this forum I think, that I gave a very good argument about 3. The topic is located here:


I doubt if some one will beat it.


I think, that also will be able to help with 1


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Posted 06 July 2014 - 07:26 AM

I got on my profile and a thread why living forever is wanted and what we can have, and all the ways to live forever too, also more exactly than curing aging is that the consciousness needs to probably stay going as I explain why in one of my threads, and can be transffered as explained by neuron cords...

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