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Racetam Infographics...

racetams aniracetam noopept oxiracetam phenylpiracetam pramiracetam

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#1 jroseland

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Posted 20 June 2014 - 05:28 AM

I've been doing Racetams for +3 years and I've put together a couple of infographics on the Racetams... I hope you find them useful!
Why Racetams?
Racetam Studies
Cost of Racetams by Dosage
Cost of Racetams by Gram
Any suggestions, corrections or additions??

Edited by jroseland, 20 June 2014 - 05:36 AM.

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#2 jroseland

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Posted 20 June 2014 - 05:30 AM

My sources for these are Pubmed, Wikipedia, Examine and of course Longecity... Any other good sources?

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#3 gt35r

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Posted 20 June 2014 - 08:03 AM

Wikipedia is not a primary source. 


If you want another site to look up publications you can try Science Direct.


My advice is do not go mining for studies that tangential make a statement that you want to put front and center. I can stand when people take an authors words and make it appears as though the study is supporting something that it is investigating as a pilot study; pieces of shit like Dave Asprey are notorious for this.


In my opinion most nootropics are no well established and when they do have rigorous controls placed on them they only end up doing slightly better than control.


If you wan't to be honest about the efficacy of a nootropic try to use a double blind study, ideally in humans. You will find the claims that are made in other studies rapidly evaporate when more rigorous controls are in place 

#4 koala_muncher

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Posted 20 June 2014 - 08:10 AM

why not nooept?  it's much cheaper to take :- any idea of the differences?

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#5 gt35r

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Posted 20 June 2014 - 08:12 AM

"The inventor of the most clever cocktail toast ever, former participant in a bank robbery, almost died underwater twice, raconteur & smart drug dealer. - See more at: http://www.limitless....gkRn7qvl.dpuf"


Is that from your site? You tried to rob a bank and almost drowned twice? Now you want advice on how to help persuade people that you can sell them the equivalent of NZ48 which we both know is bullshit. 

#6 jroseland

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Posted 22 June 2014 - 08:12 PM

"The inventor of the most clever cocktail toast ever, former participant in a bank robbery, almost died underwater twice, raconteur & smart drug dealer. - See more at: http://www.limitless....gkRn7qvl.dpuf"


Is that from your site? You tried to rob a bank and almost drowned twice? Now you want advice on how to help persuade people that you can sell them the equivalent of NZ48 which we both know is bullshit. 

Yes that's my Twitter bio and no I certainly don't need your advice. I'm just sharing infographics that people can use on their blogs.

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#7 jroseland

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Posted 22 June 2014 - 08:23 PM

why not nooept?  it's much cheaper to take :- any idea of the differences?

Yes Noopept is a tremendous value... 

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#8 gt35r

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Posted 22 June 2014 - 08:27 PM


"The inventor of the most clever cocktail toast ever, former participant in a bank robbery, almost died underwater twice, raconteur & smart drug dealer. - See more at: http://www.limitless....gkRn7qvl.dpuf"


Is that from your site? You tried to rob a bank and almost drowned twice? Now you want advice on how to help persuade people that you can sell them the equivalent of NZ48 which we both know is bullshit. 

Yes that's my Twitter bio and no I certainly don't need your advice. I'm just sharing infographics that people can use on their blogs.



First of all that wasn't advice that was criticism.


"Any suggestions, corrections or additions??"

-That sounds like a request for advice to me.


If you want my advice here is goes.


You website is a mess and poorly organized. The site has an abundance of grammatical and spelling mistakes; kinda of speaks volumes for some one who is trying to push nootropic medication but does not have the attention to detail himself. You cite a personal story where you supposedly caught yourself making a financial mistake (thanks to nootropics :) ) that would have cost you money; despite this story your site is riddled with grammatical and factual errors.  Before you consider trying to push products on people I advise you to actually make you site and promotion presentable; at least factually correct. 


Here is another piece of advice (I am feeling generous today). You should actually get some basic training in biology and/or biochemistry. Right now its sounds like you are just memorizing some bits here and there and reciting them without know what you are talking about.


It seems like you come by to this forum once in and while and and spam your youtube channel and website here shamelessly despite being asked not to.


I am sure that the movie Limitless changed your life but you are not Bradley Cooper.

Edited by gt35r, 22 June 2014 - 08:29 PM.

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#9 koala_muncher

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Posted 22 June 2014 - 11:31 PM

Jroseland, for the record I would like to state that I found the infographics rather interesting and certainly don't consider your post spam. I also like the mindmap presentation format and think it's a great way of presenting information.  As far as your website goes, it's a pretty good example of the "long copy" copy writing method and reads pretty well and makes pretty good use of bold and images.  I like the fact that you also present information for products that you don't sell for completeness.  This is very rare in a commercial site.  Spelling / grammar is critical and you might want to get a second person to proof it (you can use rentacoder or elance to get a proof reader cheaply). What might be good is an overview table comparing each of the items.  It would be good if you could make evidence a feature of your website by indicating the best evidence for each - eg trial type, number in trial, ?blinded, p value etc.  We need more nootropic companies to focus on evidence!  I assume that by "participating" in a bank robbery you were are unwilling participant rather than a robber.  I also would like to know the cleverest cocktail ever.



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#10 jroseland

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Posted 24 June 2014 - 12:50 AM

If you want my advice here is goes.


You website is a mess and poorly organized. The site has an abundance of grammatical and spelling mistakes; kinda of speaks volumes for some one who is trying to push nootropic medication but does not have the attention to detail himself. You cite a personal story where you supposedly caught yourself making a financial mistake (thanks to nootropics :) ) that would have cost you money; despite this story your site is riddled with grammatical and factual errors.  Before you consider trying to push products on people I advise you to actually make you site and promotion presentable; at least factually correct. 

Thanks for the advice... A constant challenge of anyone with a brand, a community and a message is discerning between haters and those who have useful criticism. 


I'm aware that my site has a number of issues, if there's some glaring factual errors that you can point out I would appreciate it in an email or private message! Maintaining a website with almost 1000 pages of content on Biohacking and lifehacking is increasingly time consuming. Every Monday that passes that I don't publish fresh content or a new video I actually lose newsletter subscribers.


Are you referring to the personal story about the invoice? You'll notice I try to admit my own mistakes and fuck ups throughout my content... We may all want to be Bradley Cooper in Limitless but can any of us actually relate to someone with that level of intelligence who didn't have to work for it at all?? I think not. You'll notice I use my real name and my real photo on everything. I don't hide behind a nickname or fake online persona. You can add me on social media and see that I'm a normal person who has a pretty cool life because Biohacking and lifehacking have actually worked for me...


Is that from your site? You tried to rob a bank and almost drowned twice? Now you want advice on how to help persuade people that you can sell them the equivalent of NZ48 which we both know is bullshit. 

The tone of this comment is just argumentative - makes you just come off as just another hater, angry that people are trying to build a brand. And no I didn't rob a bank, I was a banker and we got robbed.

Edited by jroseland, 24 June 2014 - 01:15 AM.

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#11 jroseland

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Posted 24 June 2014 - 01:28 AM

Jroseland, for the record I would like to state that I found the infographics rather interesting and certainly don't consider your post spam. I also like the mindmap presentation format and think it's a great way of presenting information.  As far as your website goes, it's a pretty good example of the "long copy" copy writing method and reads pretty well and makes pretty good use of bold and images.  I like the fact that you also present information for products that you don't sell for completeness.  This is very rare in a commercial site.  Spelling / grammar is critical and you might want to get a second person to proof it (you can use rentacoder or elance to get a proof reader cheaply). What might be good is an overview table comparing each of the items.  It would be good if you could make evidence a feature of your website by indicating the best evidence for each - eg trial type, number in trial, ?blinded, p value etc.  We need more nootropic companies to focus on evidence!  I assume that by "participating" in a bank robbery you were are unwilling participant rather than a robber.  I also would like to know the cleverest cocktail ever.

Thanks! I've had a bunch of Internet marketing guys tell me that 'long copy' or A LOT content isn't the best way for me to make money but philosophically my approach to life is to work obsessively towards acquiring mastery of a topic that can actually help people. While in the past that may have meant being a monk and studying in a closet for 20 years. Today it means starting a blog, conducting lifestyle experiments, reading a ton, writing A LOT of content, producing videos, getting feedback, iterating, connecting with like minds...

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#12 gray.bot

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Posted 27 July 2014 - 12:52 AM

Thanks! I've had a bunch of Internet marketing guys tell me that 'long copy' or A LOT content isn't the best way for me to make money but philosophically my approach to life is to work obsessively towards acquiring mastery of a topic that can actually help people. While in the past that may have meant being a monk and studying in a closet for 20 years. Today it means starting a blog, conducting lifestyle experiments, reading a ton, writing A LOT of content, producing videos, getting feedback, iterating, connecting with like minds...



Let me ask you a question or two, just because I'm curious...


Do you enjoy what you do everyday on your website/blog? Is it passion driven effortless gliding... or do you constantly feel under the pump to promote more, increase traffic, build your list etc?


And, do you earn a decent income from your website/Internet Marketing... as in, do you do it full time? Or is it really a hobby/passion project style of gig?


To give you some feedback, the promise of infographics in the title of the thread attracted me. What I ended up seeing was mindmaps and bar charts; I felt it was low quality and under par.


I did end up on your website but I left within 10 seconds because I wasn't attracted to it in any way... which is funny because I'm very interested in the topics that your discussing (or that I imagine you discuss based on your thread here, the infographics, your responses to this thread).


I hope that was helpful feedback for you and I look forward to hearing back from you regarding my questions.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: racetams, aniracetam, noopept, oxiracetam, phenylpiracetam, pramiracetam

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