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Piperlongumine experience/knowledge?

cancer natural compound ros

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#1 studentlost

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Posted 06 July 2014 - 02:02 AM

Piperlongumine, a compound found in long pepper, has been shown to have significant anti-cancerous properties by enhancing ROS accumulation in cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. 



Have any of you purchased purified  piperlongumine, consumed it, or do any of you have knowledge of it? My family member has stage 4 lung cancer and I am curious if purchasing a purified form and consuming it would be realistically on the table.




Thank you

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#2 Logic

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Posted 09 February 2016 - 10:27 PM

I remember reading interesting things on Piperlongumine, but my reason for replying:

Beta-lapachone micellar nanotherapeutics for non-small cell lung cancer therapy.



Cancer can generally be stopped by reversing the Warburg Effect and restarting the mitochondria that have been 'switched off' so that they can't send a 'kill me/this cell' message to the immune system.


Don't go looking up Warburg effect on the general net:  Every snake oil salesman on earth misquotes Otto Warburg.

Look here using GoogleSiteSearch in the search dropdown menu. (top right) 

Antiagingfirewalls.com has the best, most concise, and easy to understand info on the subject and you will find links to there using the above.


Also search Mebendazole IIRC. And look at the dog with bowel cancer thread.
The dog was given 2 weeks to live.  It got 3 or 4 years and died at 14, IIRC, using the above method/info.


Also be more specific about the type of cancer as that enables the lookup of the epigenetic changes that lead to that specific type and thus enables one to search for things to counter it.

I feel that attacking cancer from every epigenetic angle is the way to go as there are always 1 or 2 cells, that by pure chance, have a mutation that allows them to survive 1 'cure'.

Thats why cancer goes into remission and whatever worked the 1st time does not the second time round...

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#3 sativa

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Posted 13 February 2016 - 10:31 AM

Piperlongumine seems like it is worth a go, I first learnt about it from a psychoactive context (http://herbs.mxf.yuk.../Piperlongumine)

I made a simple extract of long pepper (piper longum) which contains Piperlongumine with the intention of assessing it's psychoactive porential.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: cancer, natural, compound, ros

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