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16 months since last dose of Ativan (loraz...

Agomelatinehope's Photo Agomelatinehope 09 Jul 2014



A long time ago (16 months) I started this nightmare. I had been taking Ativan 1mg for a year to sleep. 


Following my Dr's advice, I switched to Diazepam equivalent (10mg) and slowly withdrawn from there. After about 2 months I somehow managed to stop taking lorazepam.


I have to admit that I feel better that in the first months but I'm still having so many problems, among them:


-Non restful/deep Sleep (I never wake up feeling refreshed and I wake up with the slightest sound) 

-Generalized Anxiety 

-No motivation or energy

-Memory Problems 


Over the last 6 months my Dr has put me on some antidepressants with little success (Citalopram, Escitalopram and now Duloxetine) 


I'm right now on Duloxetine. It worked wonders for me in the past for anxiety and depression a few years ago but I didn't have this benzo WD problem in the background. Right now it does help with depression but does nothing for sleep or anxiety. (During my firsts months on benzo WD I had suicidal ideation)


I've spent hundreds of dollars in supplements and doctors, and no one knows how to treat this.


Things that I have tried (and that I remember right now):


-Sedative old TCAs (Elavil, etc) 

-Mirtazapine or Trazadone 


-Magnesium (various kinds)

-B group Vitamins


-Rodhiola Rosea


-Melatonin (various kinds)

-Daily Physical Exercise

-Sleep restriction


-Light Therapy

-Avoid sugar/caffeine/alcohol




Does anyone know anything about this problem and how it can be solved?


Thank you so much!


PS: I visited the benzobuddies forum a lot but I realised that it did more harm than good so i stopped reading it




Tuskentank's Photo Tuskentank 15 Jul 2014



Get some resistant starch (RS) (Bob Mills is the 'go to' source), psyllium husk and a good probiotic. I don't know what your diet is like but these are an excellent starting point. Just beware that if your diet is unhealthy, RS will rapidly rebalance your gut flora so you might get a herx reaction. It may take anywhere up to 6 months to notice profound changes doing this, but believe me you will feel better than ever. You can start with a lower strength probiotic and work your doses up. L Rhamnosus is the most beneficial as it encourages regrowth of your GABA receptors, but go for a broad spectrum one if possible. Exercise alongside this will also help encourage regrowth of the beneficial bacteria in your gut. If you don't tolerate conventional probiotics well, then you could look at soil-based probiotics but I have heard to avoid broad spectrum ones like Threelac. Latero-Flora seems to be a good source, but if you do take an SBO like Latero-Flora then make sure you are taking the Resistant Starch as it needs prebiotic food. The best thing about Resistant Starch is that is pretty cheap.


Take care, and if you have any other questions just ask,



Edited by Tuskentank, 15 July 2014 - 06:51 PM.

Plasticperson's Photo Plasticperson 19 Aug 2014

looks like u damaged your gaba receptors.. don't worry they'll up regulate/regenerate again after a couple more months. 


Introspecta's Photo Introspecta 20 Aug 2014

Some people have had success with Bacopa and L-theanine as they upregulate Gaba Receptors.


Yoga can be extremely beneficial in improving Gaba function. Of course you will have to force yourself to do it or go to the class due to your lack of motivation but once you build some momemtum it will become easier.


You could also be stuck in your head. Stuck in a Rut. Not taking action which exaggerates withdrawal and PAWS symptoms in my experience. With good diet, exercise, meditation some yoga and a social life I wouldn't be surprised if all your symptoms would be non existent. The brain has a funny way of working properly when things in our life our in alignment. There is no science for this only subjective experience that i've noticed.


How are things in your life going overall? Do you spend alot of time online and watching movies?


Michael Rian's Photo Michael Rian 20 Aug 2014

Have you ever tried glycine for the sleep issues? 3-5g before bed works wonders for me. Hope you get some answers soon! Best of luck in your recovery