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Should Site Be Limited to Posts About Life Extension?


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Poll: Poll (28 member(s) have cast votes)

Should this site be limited to posts about Artificial Life Extension and Cryonics?

  1. No (22 votes [78.57%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 78.57%

  2. Yes (6 votes [21.43%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 21.43%

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#1 Luminosity

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Posted 27 July 2014 - 05:38 AM

LongeCity is and has always been a community that is open to everyone regardless of their interest in indefinitely sustainable health, artificial life extension, cryonics, or other such things. We do our best to support the interest of all of our members. We don't however appreciate it when our community members seek to interfere with our charitable mission or promote things that run counter to our mission. We also don't permit people to hold leadership roles who aren't thoroughly committed to our mission. - Moderation



Should this site limit users to those who pursue Artificial Life Extension or Cryonics or as it has been doing, should it allow a broader group of people to be here?  If you limit the site, the vast majority of the posts will not happen.  The vast majority of the posters will not be here.  The depth of knowledge on science, medicine, supplements and wholistic medicine will be gone.  If someone posts something, the likelihood of a timely response is much lower, causing that person to be less likely to come back.  


A huge population that seeks alternative answers to learning disabilities found a place here.  They seemed to have made progress.  Another large group seeks alternative answers to mental illness.  Many people came here looking for answers to health problems.  I did.  I was amazed with the depth of knowledge.  Also, just knowing that there was an answer was amazing.  I have found a lot of help here.  It's like a vitamin university.  


It appears that those running the site have allowed a broader group to be here but that some among them are sniping at people who have other interests.  If you want to limit your site, you can do that.  You have a collective decision-making process.  It appears that the inclusionists won.  If you make another decision, just give us six months notice so we can form an alternative site/flee to another site, and exchange contact information.  That will leave you with most of your posters gone and much less knowledge to draw on.  It's your decision.










Edited by cryonicsculture, 27 August 2014 - 01:00 AM.

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#2 Dakman

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Posted 27 July 2014 - 09:27 AM

Give it a rest will you. If the whole site is ruined because someone said something you didn't like about your posts then only you are seeing it. How many times and how many ways will you try to enforce your personal feelings of tradgedy on the site. Bad things happen, even to you, who now we know shouldn't.
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#3 Luminosity

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Posted 26 August 2014 - 06:52 AM

Dakman is a serious troll and I don't know why he is allowed at this site since he makes no contributions.  


Does anyone else have anything to say about this?

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#4 Dakman

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Posted 26 August 2014 - 11:24 AM

You've decided to troll the site and it's admin/moderators because you got unfavourable feedback from the content of your posts.

Put your big girl pants on darling
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#5 Avatar of Horus

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Posted 26 August 2014 - 12:23 PM

Being a life extensionist (LE) I would say yes, but considering the current state of affairs, and the site as a whole, the answer can only be no. Because the LE portion of the human enhancement community is so small, and hence the participation and posts in those parts of the forum, that such a step would possibly ruin the site.
And besides, who knows that the path to LE doesn't include the supplements, noots, vitamins and whatnot.
Futhermore being a pro-health person I can only be supportive to threads that may help other people to rebuild theirs.

But I don't think that there is an intent for such limiting, at least I don't see that.

#6 niner

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Posted 26 August 2014 - 01:50 PM


At least half of our community is here for nootropics. Some of them are also interested in LE, but I don't think it's their first love. I'm not willing to throw all of them under the bus.

A lot of people come here for advice on medical problems that aren't being adequately treated with FDA-approved medicine, or that their doctors just can't figure out or don't take the time to. Those are not strictly LE, but they are very important.

Edited by cryonicsculture, 27 August 2014 - 01:04 AM.

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#7 Brafarality

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Posted 26 August 2014 - 02:24 PM

No!! I have come back to this site to browse the most recent topics since 2008 precisely because of the range of subjects. Most of the time, I click on topics about how people stay young looking, followed closely by threads with recent news on promising supplements and technologies for life extension and then by everything else imaginable from consciousness to astronomy. I think it would be a slam to the heart of Longecity to limit all discussion to artificial life extension and cryonics though, I guess, to some, it would be more focused and less busy, which isn't always a bad thing, but I think would be for these forums.


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Posted 26 August 2014 - 10:15 PM

At least half of our community is here for nootropics. Some of them are also interested in LE, but I don't think it's their first love. I'm not willing to throw all of them under the bus.

When did we morph into a nootropics site and is that really what we want to be known for? Maybe better to spin that side off? Most of the posts I see are unrelated to life extension in any real way, you can see this if you browse only new posts every day. If you want to alter your brain (mostly chemically) come to longecity, if you want to discuss life extension, not so much.

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#9 niner

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Posted 26 August 2014 - 11:22 PM

At least half of our community is here for nootropics. Some of them are also interested in LE, but I don't think it's their first love. I'm not willing to throw all of them under the bus.

When did we morph into a nootropics site and is that really what we want to be known for? Maybe better to spin that side off? Most of the posts I see are unrelated to life extension in any real way, you can see this if you browse only new posts every day. If you want to alter your brain (mostly chemically) come to longecity, if you want to discuss life extension, not so much.

In the early days we were known for transhumanism as well as LE, and nootropics are kind of transhuman... I'm not sure when it became big, since I mostly hang out on the LE side. I hear what you're saying- we don't want to be known as the next bluelight or something like that, but the majority of the noots people are not just trying to get high. I think that we pretty much are the place to go on the web to talk about LE. LEF has a forum, but it's pretty quiet, and google groups has the modern incarnation of the old sci.life-extension group. Longecity seems to be where the LE action is, though.
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#10 YOLF

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Posted 27 August 2014 - 12:20 AM

The fact of the matter is that we want the site to be open to everyone so that we can show them the way to a radically extended lifespan of sustainable health. The more people we can draw in and introduce to our mission the better. But we must always stay true to our mission and be clear about our goal. We've never tried to send anyone away for not being with us on indefinite life extension, but we may from time to time send people away who interfere with our mission. Anyone would do that. some would do worse.

#11 YOLF

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Posted 27 August 2014 - 01:05 AM

I'm considering deleting this topic. It's very trollsome. LongeCity has never aimed to be only for LE and it benefits us to be open. We have high standards, as any mission company might, that don't permit people who aren't interested in LE to hold any kind of authority here. Lumi has requested more than once that we give her a moderation position or more, but has been denied due to her open opposition to LE. I think that many fear that we would lose direction and just become a cash cow site for supplement advice.


That being said, is there any reason we should keep this topic around other than to make it clear that everyone is welcome to be a part of the community so long as they aren't interfering with our mission? 


I've had to moderate this topic at least 5 times now for inappropriate content and other things... 

Edited by cryonicsculture, 27 August 2014 - 01:05 AM.

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Posted 27 August 2014 - 01:31 AM

Cryonicsculture, it sounds like a fair and reasonable question to me. This site is supposed to be focused on life extension and yet more that 75% of posts are not about that at all. That may be ok but it is still reasonable to question this.


I think there may be a bit of overmoderation going on because the question was asked by Luminosity and she is a contravertial figure but the question remains fair in my book. I think you should remove the preamble from Luminositys first post and put it as a seperate post.

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Posted 27 August 2014 - 01:35 AM

In the early days we were known for transhumanism as well as LE, and nootropics are kind of transhuman... I'm not sure when it became big, since I mostly hang out on the LE side. I hear what you're saying- we don't want to be known as the next bluelight or something like that, but the majority of the noots people are not just trying to get high. I think that we pretty much are the place to go on the web to talk about LE. LEF has a forum, but it's pretty quiet, and google groups has the modern incarnation of the old sci.life-extension group. Longecity seems to be where the LE action is, though.


The Cryonet newsletters were able to keep very busy with what was pretty much pure LE and Cryonics topics. Are you saying that you don't think Longecity can ever emulate that?


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#14 niner

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Posted 27 August 2014 - 02:15 AM


In the early days we were known for transhumanism as well as LE, and nootropics are kind of transhuman... I'm not sure when it became big, since I mostly hang out on the LE side. I hear what you're saying- we don't want to be known as the next bluelight or something like that, but the majority of the noots people are not just trying to get high. I think that we pretty much are the place to go on the web to talk about LE. LEF has a forum, but it's pretty quiet, and google groups has the modern incarnation of the old sci.life-extension group. Longecity seems to be where the LE action is, though.


The Cryonet newsletters were able to keep very busy with what was pretty much pure LE and Cryonics topics. Are you saying that you don't think Longecity can ever emulate that?


I don't know.  A newsletter is pretty different from a forum.  I didn't read Cryonet, but I'm guessing it didn't come out daily and wasn't as interactive as a forum.  If we want more LE posts, then we need to attract LE posters.  I'm not sure that kicking out half the community would actually get us any more LE people, it would just be less overall traffic, less money for the organization, and a worse page rank.  I think some things that would probably help would be making the forum more pleasant for users, which would mean giving users more of a voice in how the forum is configured.   I think that a lot of people probably don't know about the miracle of the Recent Topics tool.  It allows you to see the latest posts from all the forums you're interested in, while filtering out those that you aren't interested in.  That makes it easy to ignore all the nootropic stuff if you're so inclined- you'll never even see it.

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Posted 27 August 2014 - 02:57 AM



There is a huge archive of cryonet messages here:




Take a random look at some of the messages. Typically anything from 5 to 30 messages per day and mostly dealing with cryonics which is a smaller topic than LE. Wouldn't it be nice if we could have at least just some part of that here? I'm not anti noot or anything else, I just would like to see more LE/Cryonics here. Not sure why it is so quiet here in that regard but I do wonder if people are put off by the focus of this forum?

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#16 niner

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Posted 27 August 2014 - 03:23 AM



There is a huge archive of cryonet messages here:




Take a random look at some of the messages. Typically anything from 5 to 30 messages per day and mostly dealing with cryonics which is a smaller topic than LE. Wouldn't it be nice if we could have at least just some part of that here? I'm not anti noot or anything else, I just would like to see more LE/Cryonics here. Not sure why it is so quiet here in that regard but I do wonder if people are put off by the focus of this forum?


Lotta stuff there, but it looks like cryonet closed in 2011.  Did traffic die down there too?    We get waves of excitement here, when there's an exciting new paper or new compound that people want to try.  These inevitably drop off- you can't talk about resveratrol forever... I guess that's just the natural order.  It seems awfully quiet these days, other than the thread that will never die- about celebrities that look young.  I wish that one would go away...

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Posted 27 August 2014 - 03:30 AM

Lol, yes that one is here to stay......


I think cryonet probably died because it was not a great communication tool and forums are much better. (probably more to it than that). Just think we could have picked up where they left off.

#18 niner

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Posted 27 August 2014 - 03:40 AM

Well, it does make one wonder where all the cryonet people went.  Floating in LN2?   If someone ever manages to cryosuspend an animal for a month and bring it back to healthy sentience, you can expect the interest in cryo to skyrocket.  Likewise, when SRF (or someone) finally manages to achieve a significant rejuvenation of an animal, then this place will go nuts.  We can but hope, eh?


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Posted 27 August 2014 - 03:48 AM

I remember when claims about rabbit kidneys or was it heart was being frozen and revived by a South African woman. Turned out to be a hoax but the interest was huge and lessons were learned. There must be new research going on  and new projects underway. I feel really out of touch these days. Anyone here know the total number of patient in suspension? I haven't got a clue myself but used to know that all the time.

#20 Luminosity

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Posted 27 August 2014 - 06:23 AM

Thanks everyone for your contributions.


I would appreciate it if Cryonicsculture would take his comment off my post and post it separately.  It looks like I wrote it.   It's troubling that once again, Cryonicsculture is considering removing a woman's voice from the forum, but I'm glad that this time he hasn't done it unlike the five or so other threads of mine that were disappeared from this section.   Thank you for removing the troll comment from Dakman (which is all that he does as far as I can see) and any others.  I appreciate that.  Removing actual trolls can help the site.  I'm not that.


As far as my actively opposing Life Extension, I'm surprised by that comment.  You encourage vigorous debate here.  Occasionally, I have put in my two cents on Life Extension and Cryonics in a thread where it seemed appropriate.  I haven't done more than that partly because I know this site is created and maintained by people that support those things and I like it here.  This site is open to all kinds of people.  The statement that I actively oppose Life Extension is not true and it troubles me.  I don't do anything to interfere with your activities there.  


As far as not allowing Life Extension people to be moderators, please to rethink that.  I can do that job.  I don't seek to vote on anything related to your foundation or Life Extension or Cryonics.  I didn't even think I'd be able to vote on anything.  Females are horribly under-represented in your administration and it shows.   

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#21 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 28 August 2014 - 12:43 AM

This thread is interfering with our mission/activities. People read the topic title and stop feeling welcome and may even lie to us. LC has never had any interest in limiting our organization to just LE people. Some here might feel that way, but our goal is to not only be a forum for LE people, but also to attract others and introduce them to our views. This is very important. Yet this topic suggests that someone is trying kick everyone out who isn't here for LE. This thread makes us look like elitists and I'm really not sure why you feel like you have to write things like this, but I do remember you saying that you'd like to start a site in place of LC.


When someone contacts a moderator, this is an opportunity for us to promote our cause, if you're not passionate about it, how will you help them become interested in RLE? I invite you to find women who are active proponents and attract them to our forum so they can become leaders here. All that is required is 8 months of membership, an applicable skillset, and regular forum activity (as well as being a proponent of RLE of course). 

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#22 YOLF

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Posted 28 August 2014 - 12:46 AM

Oh, there is also a NewCryonet. I don't think it's activity really compares to LC though. It would be nice if they'd move into our forum and take over the Cryonics section so they could be more easily found. I was recently in a PM where our SEO ranking was being complimented. I can't imagine that NCN could offer so much.

#23 Luminosity

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Posted 29 August 2014 - 05:17 AM

Again, this just seems to be fragility on the part of Cryonicsculture that comes up when a woman even has a voice.  This is a legitimate topic and doesn't violate the rules.  There are in fact, administrators who take pot shots at people who are posting about certain subjects that are not life extension.  My threads on the paranormal are popular, many have been designated as hot, but some administrators, like Caliban and Niner have gone out of their way to put them down.  They seem to feel that the site should only be about what they want it to be about, even if it is a topic of interest and is not prohibited.  I sometimes get the feeling that my having a personal/general interest blog that I use a lot has made some administrators feel nauseous.  The site design was changed to make it less prominent as I am the most active blogger.  Maybe that is because they envisioned all the blogs being about life extension and mine isn't.   Maybe there are other reasons.


I have have contact with several administrators who say they are not active here because the site is not exclusively about life extension, and this upsets them.  They wish it was.  So this topic is apropos.  It seems like you would be wise to accept moderators who are not into life extension as that would give you 90% more people to draw from.  There is no reason we cannot moderate and have input into how the site works.  Then people who are into Life Extension can concentrate on that more.  


As for somehow having more women here,the women that are here are hated and disrespected.  Dakman makes troll posts against me regularly.  Only once was anything done about that.  The one woman who is trying to be a moderator, me, you block, and you remove legitimate threads that I start.  

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#24 blood

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Posted 29 August 2014 - 05:24 AM

Important skills & tendencies a moderator should possess include
- a preference for *de-escalating* conflict, as opposed to ramping it up
- equanimity
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#25 Dakman

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Posted 29 August 2014 - 05:56 AM

Oh oh, the crazy level on this thread just rose sharply.
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#26 Luminosity

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Posted 29 August 2014 - 06:48 AM



Do Niner and Cryonicsculture qualify? I was and can be moderate.  The reasons why I might be otherwise are something you need to look at before you speak.  No one is or should be calm when subjected to misogynist trolls, personal abuse, slanders, discrimination and a system made to amplify all of the above.


When I first came here I was on good behavior but I found that the moderators weren't doing enough about misogynist posts, and were even enjoying them or posting them themselves.  The Women's Forum was hated to death in plain view of moderators who did nothing about it.  They often usurped this space themselves to discuss their theories on women, which is ridiculous.  After a while I started to fire back.  No one has to silently endure constant abuse to be considered "moderate" or a "good woman."


Try moderating the site and see what happens.  Make a commitment to a site that isn't a misogynist cell pool, deal with trolls, get rid of the "nuanced feedback system" aka CrapStorm Twenty-Fourteen, and go on from there.        

Edited by Luminosity, 29 August 2014 - 06:57 AM.

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#27 niner

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Posted 29 August 2014 - 01:25 PM

There have been a number of women here who have my utmost respect.  You seem to think that people here have a problem with you because you are female.  That is not only wrong but insulting.  Calling people misogynist is kind of like calling them racist. 


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#28 Dakman

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Posted 29 August 2014 - 02:52 PM

Luminosity is a psychological bully. Trying to guilt and shame by creating a crime that doesn't exist. It's all a game, a long slow crazy game.
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#29 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 29 August 2014 - 06:59 PM

Again, this just seems to be fragility on the part of Cryonicsculture that comes up when a woman even has a voice.  This is a legitimate topic and doesn't violate the rules.  There are in fact, administrators who take pot shots at people who are posting about certain subjects that are not life extension.  My threads on the paranormal are popular, many have been designated as hot, but some administrators, like Caliban and Niner have gone out of their way to put them down.  They seem to feel that the site should only be about what they want it to be about, even if it is a topic of interest and is not prohibited.  I sometimes get the feeling that my having a personal/general interest blog that I use a lot has made some administrators feel nauseous.  The site design was changed to make it less prominent as I am the most active blogger.  Maybe that is because they envisioned all the blogs being about life extension and mine isn't.   Maybe there are other reasons.


I have have contact with several administrators who say they are not active here because the site is not exclusively about life extension, and this upsets them.  They wish it was.  So this topic is apropos.  It seems like you would be wise to accept moderators who are not into life extension as that would give you 90% more people to draw from.  There is no reason we cannot moderate and have input into how the site works.  Then people who are into Life Extension can concentrate on that more.  


As for somehow having more women here,the women that are here are hated and disrespected.  Dakman makes troll posts against me regularly.  Only once was anything done about that.  The one woman who is trying to be a moderator, me, you block, and you remove legitimate threads that I start.  

Just to be clear. If we talk about it and it isn't about ILE/ISH. It's bait. We have it so people will be exposed to our mission and become supportive of it. As a small community it would be difficult to have our members believing in Aliens/UFOs because of our site and still like us and want to live forever in a decade. That kind of thing is more likely to drive people away ILR and there seems to be a lack of activity on Alien/UFO websites even though these shows virtually own the History Channel these days. There are alot of liars in the UFO crowd and they are always misrepresenting things. In order to do something like this, you have to accept death and short lifespans because you're propagating an ignorance that can't be maintained if the ignorant isn't going to eventually die. I'm not familiar with your UFO posts, but given the reality of UFO stuff, you could be damaging the relationships that we have with our members or you could be helping us debrief them... I'm not really sure. Perhaps it would be better to have a disclaimer and delink TY points in forums that don't deal with ILE/ISH matters.

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#30 YOLF

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Posted 29 August 2014 - 07:16 PM



Do Niner and Cryonicsculture qualify? I was and can be moderate.  The reasons why I might be otherwise are something you need to look at before you speak.  No one is or should be calm when subjected to misogynist trolls, personal abuse, slanders, discrimination and a system made to amplify all of the above.


When I first came here I was on good behavior but I found that the moderators weren't doing enough about misogynist posts, and were even enjoying them or posting them themselves.  The Women's Forum was hated to death in plain view of moderators who did nothing about it.  They often usurped this space themselves to discuss their theories on women, which is ridiculous.  After a while I started to fire back.  No one has to silently endure constant abuse to be considered "moderate" or a "good woman."


Try moderating the site and see what happens.  Make a commitment to a site that isn't a misogynist cell pool, deal with trolls, get rid of the "nuanced feedback system" aka CrapStorm Twenty-Fourteen, and go on from there.        

You're right, we're understaffed. We don't see the problems with things unless people take the time to report them for us. That's why we now require everyone to prove that they aren't bots when they sign up. 


I've probably posted in some of these mysogynist threads too, but when I do, it's to do something about it. Sometimes you need to talk to people to figure out how things went wrong for them. It's neither justifiable or acceptable to send them away without trying. A sick man needs a doctor and our UA asserts that as we may not be sufficiently staffed to moderate things and catch every impolite thing. Please understand that we do our best to help our users who are in need and that we don't abandon immortalists to ignorance b/c we are their community and we and we're futurists who believe we can shift the progress of the world to a better trajectory where we don't have this phenomena. How would you like to live 1000+ years as an idiot? B/c that might just happen to people if we don't do something about it.

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