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Aniracetam Log and Noopept Comparison.

aniracetamreview noopept cdp choline comparison effects

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#1 PDW

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Posted 11 August 2014 - 06:44 AM

So I've used Aniracetam for about a week now and wanted to detail my experience. I take a 700mg capsule twice a day, so 1400mg total per day. This nootropic is subtle at first, its not like a rush you might feel with something like noopept. Essentially I defiantly find this nootropic helpful with Anxiety. My anxiety comes with shortness of breath but when on aniracetam that goes away and I breath normally. I also notice a nice mood enhancement, like I'm just content with the world. I find myself never getting angry or irritable basically ever and if something does make me angry it has to be pretty substantial or annoying, and even then I approach the situation calmly. When on this stuff theres this nice clarity and clearness in my mind, like my mind becomes quiet and I can really take in what’s going on around me in the here and now. Because of the clarity and emotional balance I feel on aniracetam I'm able to focus a little better, but its nothing intense, I can just as easily not focus too. My memory seems to benefit pretty nicely as well as my reasoning, its not huge but its there. I also see a little boost in energy, however I do feel a little tired on this stuff too though because of the relaxation it provides for the first couple hours. That about sums up the effects. I don't feel any boost in motivation when using this stuff or any sensory enhancement. No boost in confidence or verbal fluidity either that people talk about. However, sometimes I say weird things when I'm on it or I'm not so good with my words.

I take cdp choline with it at the moment but still adjusting the dose. The capsules are 250mg each. If I take cdp choline in the morning it makes me tired so I don't do that anymore. I generally take it at night. I took 500 mg a couple of times at night and wake up tired as anything with a slight headache but when I took the aniracetam the headache began to subside. However, for whatever reason all the effects of the aniracetam were basically cancelled out and I was just in a piss ass mood and had a little anxiety. When I took my second dose in the day I began to feel the positive effects a little bit more. If I don't take enough cdp choline the aniracetam doesn't seem to work as well and the antianxiety effects aren't as pronounced. At the moment my cdp choline sweet spot is either 250mg once a night before bed or every other night, still figuring that out. My sole purpose for trying aniracetam was for its antianxiety effects as well as it supposedly being synergistic with noopept? Onward to nopept.

So noopept is pretty great in alot of ways. Its not subtle. Once it kicks in your not wondering about it, its more like your wondering how this is possible and not by prescription only lol. That is, if your not one of the non responders. I happen to be pretty sensitive to noopept and only take 10mg a day split into two 5mg doses. The first thing I notice on my morning dose is like a light bulb has turned on in my brain and I'm ready. My vision becomes brighter and colour is more saturated and crisp. My eye to hand coordination increases, I notice this most in my typing as I make little or no errors. My fluidity in typing and verbally speaking becomes awesome. I really feel a sense of waking up and I tend to drink less coffee when I'm on noopept. My focus and motivation are superb, I have to be doing something. I've honestly never gotten as many things done as when I'm on noopept, and I don't just get them done, I get them done fast. My memory slightly improves. In terms of cognition and logic, I found that when I took IQ tests I could do them easier and score higher. I especially noticed this with one IQ test that mainly involved shapes, patterns, and sequences with both. On noopept I was able to sit there and visualize these very well, it was almost trippy in my mind watching these 3 dimensional shapes moving in my mind. My reasoning and problem solving skills also increased. Noopept I found is a very social nootropic, when I was on it I was a social butterfly, it was almost like a high. I always knew the right things to say, I was very witty, very confidant, and seemed to always find the right words with the lady's when I would flirt, I certainly got more numbers and dates when using this stuff. It all sounds pretty awesome right? Well there are negatives.

Generally when I would take my first dose of noopept I would notice a very slight anxiety for the first hour which was strange in the sense of interacting with people, but then I became very social. I also noticed after a few hours I would feel irritable with stupid people and undesirable situations. I had a few anger bursts even which I did not like. Sometimes I would have a problem with being patient. After about 4 or 5 hours I would feel a bit tired. When I would take my second dose I still felt all the positive effects but for the first hour I would feel very anxious and experience shortness of breath, tense, and hot and sweaty, that was very unpleasant. Also still had the anger, irritability, and impatience. Sometimes I would experience headaches which I couldn't really figure out. However, I suspect there may have been to much glutamate activity, but I have a different thread discussing that. Those negative effects really killed noopept in a lot of ways for me but not enough to give up because the positive effects were on the verge of outstanding for me personally.


So back to aniracetam. A lot of what I read in terms of the chemical mechanic's of noopept and aniracetam shows me that they may be very synergistic together. Most notably in terms of glutamate activity. Noopept helps glutamate to be released and flow more freely and stay in the brain longer. Whereas aniracetam burns up glutamate and uses it up quicker kind of in the same sense it uses up acetycholine. My theory is that a lot of my negative effects from noopept were due to, to much glutamate in my brain verging on excitotoxicity and if I use aniracetam that should help relieve that well also providing more fuel for the aniracetam to work with, hence providing me with the best of both world. I should mention I am a little bit sensitive to glutamate. I read many reviews on the noopept and aniracetam combo (some coining it Anipept) on longecity as well as other sites and it was mostly nothing but very high ratings, one person even called it "god like" haha. I'm mainly hoping that aniracetam will relieve my anxiety, irritability, anger, impatience, and headaches when using noopept all of which I really feel are due to, to much glutamate in my brain. I also read that aniracetam has a kind of two stage effect where you feel a little tired for an hour or two and then wake up and feel energized for like 4 or 5 hours which would help counteract the tiredness I feel when the noopept wares off after about 4 hours. Since the noopept provides me with a good energy boost about 20-30 minutes after ingestion this should hopefully counteract the tiredness I feel when first ingesting aniracetam. Will see what happens in a few days after I straighten out my cdp choline dosage. Thanks for reading everyone! I'm open to any suggestions or something better to stack with noopept to relieve my negative symptoms!

#2 Elusive

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Posted 08 October 2021 - 02:01 PM

Interesting post for sure.
Please share your experience on what happened after 2014... did Anipept work for you the way you wanted to or expected.

Some details on how your taking of Nootropics have changed from 2014 to 2021. What it has changed and why?
And how your understanding of Noots has evolved over time... this is also very important.


#3 Elusive

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Posted 08 October 2021 - 02:04 PM

And most importantly... has your erection and libido been affected positively or negatively by taking Noots in all this time...

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: aniracetamreview, noopept, cdp choline, comparison, effects

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