Posted 19 September 2014 - 10:29 PM
5-HTP daily can be bad, tryptophan not so much.
Be very very careful toying with GABAergic anything like neurontin/lyrica or baclofen. These very subtly bring on nasty tolerance with withdrawal syndrome in some.
Seroquel is nasty stuff, it made me feel like a brain dead zombie for over a day the one time I tried it. Not worth it for just insomnia, leave it for serious antipsychotic/mood stabilizing purposes as intended.
Trazodone feels "dirty" to me likely due to the antihistamine and blanket antiserotonergic effects. Blockade of 5-HT1&2 is not something I want regularly.
Magnesium (I like glycinate as citrate is a laxative), L-theanine, and just the right dosage of bacopa (50-150mg 40% std. ext.,any more or less causes insomnia) work for me. Ambien does too, but that's not really what I'd recommend if you aren't already taking prescription pharmaceuticals.
Wake up earlier, exercise to exhaustion, maintain sleep hygiene, sleep a little less intentionally.