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Accidental Sunifiram Megadose


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#1 Aiion

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Posted 04 October 2014 - 10:44 PM

I confused my bag of Alpha GPC with my bag of Sunifiram.  I do not weigh out but rather approximate my dosages.  I feel that this enables flexibility within my system.  


Anyway, I started to swirl the Alpha GPC in my mouth, anticipating the almost sweet taste it has.  Instead, I was greeted with a very sharp bitter taste.  I froze.  What do I do?  Do I spit it out?  I don't want to spit out this much Sunifiram.  Wait..that's silly, you can't swallow it.....  and after about 20 seconds, I spit it out.  The thing is, I had swirled it all around and my entire mouth felt bitter and numb.  Nothing like my usual dose experience.  I swirled a scant 1/8 teaspoon in my mouth.  No telling how much I spit back out but I don't think it was much.


This was approximately an hour ago.  I felt it almost immediately.  5 minute later colors were brighter, I the sun suddenly shown through the clouds for the first time today and I pondered if it was actually the sunifiram causing the sun to shine (a though not unlike my everyday thoughts) and 10 minutes in I saw a tracing of a hand movement.


Now everything is fairly normal.  Before the dosage, my husband had been asking me a LOT of questions about a project he is working on and my patience was thin.  15 minutes in I felt calm and ready for more questions.  Other than all that, I do not feel any profound effects.  Maybe bits of color brightly dancing in and out of my sight.


Anyway.... I normally would not post something like this but I know that Sunifiram is new and info can be of value.  

#2 Aiion

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Posted 05 October 2014 - 05:35 AM

Update:  Quite a few hours later and nothing extremely profound.  I played some Lumosity games.  I reached my top 5 in most games but that is usual.  I did poorly in a coupld games. I blew my top score away in another.  That was pretty cool since I haven't played in a week.  I have also gotten a lot of work done.  A few things clicked in a way I hadn't seen them before.  I had a moment of sad brat behavior when dinner didn't go as planned.  I don't know how unusual that is either...lol  Thank goodness my amazing husband doesn't take me too seriously most of the time and lightens my mood in the process.


Right now I feel like I have a lot of work I could be doing and I am in no way ready to stop working.  I am jumping around to many different tasks for which I blame multiple browser tabs.  Also somewhat normal.  All of these somewhat normal times have stood out in a little bit of an extraordinary way.  I also feel maybe a little forever changed.  A slight shift in perspectives.  Enhanced like vitamin water...ever so slightly.  I wouldn't blame it completely on the Sunifiram.  I'm sure the other supplements do their thing from day to day.  All in all it has been a good day.


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#3 Geoffrey

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Posted 09 October 2014 - 11:23 AM

Interesting experiment! I doubt you would have absorbed a huge amount if you spat it out. The evidence from rodents is that doses of 1000 x effective dose produce no ill effects. However, I wouldn't make a habit of it. Stick to doses between 1mg and 5mg, as the effects of suni build up quickly.

I now take suni with a magnesium supplement to ward off the concerns that in combination with glutamate or other NMDAr activators, there is potential for excitotoxicity. Having said that, I've taken it regularly, with periods off, in doses never more than 2-3mg at a time, and have never had an adverse reaction except some fogginess if I let it accumulate over too many days, and the occasional racetam-like headache that goes away fairly instantly on administration of choline. It's one of the few nootropics that makes me feel lucid, and allows me to connect up my thinking. Piracetam makes me feel really sleepy and sluggish even with sub-gramme doses. Aniracetam spaces me out too much. Oxiracetam gives me stuffy ears (literally). Noopept is the next best for me, and I occasionally take it in combination with sunifiram, though getting the dose right so as not to produce fogginess is hard.

Microdosing currently works best for me: I literally scrape some dust particles off the side of the bag of suni into the micro-scoop, until it is about a quarter full of non-compact powder. I can then repeat this dose if I need to during the day without producing over-stimulation. I am convinced the "recommended doses" of sunifiram, and indeed many other nootropics, are too high. Either that or my metabolism of nootropics is haywire.

Edited by Geoffrey, 09 October 2014 - 11:25 AM.

#4 Aiion

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Posted 09 October 2014 - 02:45 PM

Well...lol  I contemplated swallowing it for so long that when I did spit some out, I spit it back into the 1/8 teaspoon and it was clear and only filled it halfway.  It was an interesting moment in time.


I can see how micro dosing could be effective as well.  I am more of a mega doser myself.  A cautious mega doser.  


I've been taking Noopept and Suniferam for over a month now and it is changing my life.  I started taking Adderall at the beginning of the year and it was great for the first month.  Then my anxiety level was at an all time high.  My psychiatrist kept prescribing me seizure medication.  After several months of trial and error, not only was I anxious but I was psychotic, paranoid and massively depressed.


Once I found out about nooptropics, I fired my psychiatrist.  The first time I tried Alpha GPC and Noopept, a new calm washed over me and I could tell that I was on the road to recovery.  I mean... that psychiatrist totally messed up my brain chemistry.  I was afraid there was no coming back.


The effects of my stack have exceeded all expectation.  I find myself starting up conversations with strangers when I go out.  My social anxiety showed all over my being and it used to make people uncomfortable.  I see others are much more at ease with me now.  Even people I know see a huge difference.  My thoughts are much more clear and I am able to choose which thoughts occupy my head space.  The answers to math equations are just there, I don't need to think about the answer, I just know it.  Words flow more freely.  I am both inspired by the futures potential and anchored into this existing now like never before.  I am making healthier choices in all areas of my life.  It's all good so far.


I haven't experienced any tolerance.  If anything I have experienced a reverse tolerance.  I don't feel like I need to take it when I wake up in the morning.  I feel like I did the day before when it was active.  Then I take my stack and I feel even more clear and ever so slightly mentally stronger.  Just like the experience of taking up an exercise routine.  Every day a little stronger.


Like I said, I don't weigh my doses but every once and a while I do weigh them to make sure I am not straying too far from median.  Every day I read more about what I am taking and what is available.  I personally feel like the Suniferam recommended dose is highly conservative due to it's relative newness.  Effects can be felt at the microdose level but I have had no adverse reactions at 10-20 mg.  I occasionally take 5 mg and like I said, still feel a reverse tolerance effect.  I take about 20-40 of Noopept per dose.  I usually dose them 2 times a day.  I also take Alpha GPC every time with I take Suniferam and Noopept but I keep that down to 100-200 mg unless I skipped a day for some reason and then I dose up.  I don't want to overdue it but I feel like it is perfect considering no headaches and no depression/brain fog.  From what I can tell from the reports of others, it seems like adverse nootropic reactions are due to an imbalance in choline more than anything.


I am also taking ALCAR, n acytyl tyrosine, ALA, lion's mane, B8 inositol, fish oil, no flush inositol niacin, , l arginine, calcium d3,  l lysine, spring valley hair skin & nails, a mega b complex, revresatrol with pterostilbene,  sometimes low doses of l glutamine, subutiamine and at night I take magnesium, and sometimes GABA but I might add that more frequently with more niacin.  I also take picamilon and vinpocetine once in a blue moon during the day.  I really don't know much about vinpocetine as I haven't gotten around to any hardcore research on the topic and my mind was in a fog when I bought it so I don't remember what I thought the benefit would be.  I only learned about all this a supplementation awesomeness a couple months ago so I am learning as I go.  I feel like I am missing one or 2 supplements but that is about right.


I finally found some grass fed butter, so yesterday I started the butter/extra virgin coconut oil coffee thing.  I found some a compelling report about avoiding carbs in the am, so I waited until well into the afternoon to eat and I was completely full after a large salad.   I had zero cravings for carbs and a satiated feeling, even before bed which is usually when I go snack crazy.  It's probably a combination of things.


One really interesting thing I noted.  Yesterday I sat down at the yoga mat for an hour for the first time in ages.  Last time I wasn't eating well and with the whole adderall thing the practice was such a horrible experience.  It took all I could muster to get back on the mat after that.  So this time, yesterday, when I was doing the breathing exercises, the instructor would say to breath all the way in and then hold it until the desire was strong to exhale.  In the past I was not able to make it past her talking before I felt uncomfortable.  This time I waited long past the time that I expected to feel uncomfortable and was fine.  I was able to hold my breath at least 30 seconds longer than in the past, effortlessly.  That was kinda cool.  I took ALCAR and l arginine 30 minutes prior.


Anyway, that's my info and experience so far.



#5 aquabatsarecool2@gmail.com

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Posted 14 December 2014 - 06:00 AM

You are a badass. Wow.
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#6 Jun Han

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Posted 15 December 2014 - 07:30 PM

This thread may be old, but thank you for reporting this effect.
May benefit the community in understanding Sunifiram through the addition of this anecdote.
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#7 jroseland

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 12:45 AM

Maybe suni isn't so evil after all...

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