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Vitreous eye floaters

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#1 Pablo M

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Posted 04 August 2005 - 04:42 PM

I have noticed several floaters in my field of vision that are extremely annoying. Would N-Acetyl-L-Carnosine eyedrops treat this problem? If not, what will? Thank you in advance.

#2 Da55id

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Posted 04 August 2005 - 06:04 PM

I've got this problem as well in one eye. any suggestions?

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#3 ajnast4r

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Posted 04 August 2005 - 09:37 PM

i ALSO have one... when im come home tonight ill research it and post my findings

#4 ajnast4r

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 03:44 AM

from what ive found they are a pretty normal part of aging... ive had one since i was a child. now if they start to appear in large numbers, suddenly... that could be a sign of something more serious(developing retinal detachment) and you should go to a eye-doctor immidiately.

seems the standard eye supplements(lutien, billberry, beta carotene) & antioxidents -might- help...N-Acetyl-L-Carnosine sure wouldnt hurt.

if i was trying to get rid of them, ide go through a few month cycle of taking: lutien(20mg x 1), billberry(1cap x 3), mixed carotenoids(10,000UI x 2), gammaE+t3(200ui x 2) complex, coQ10(100mg x 2), k-rala(100mg x 2), and the carnosine eye-drops.

if they are really bad you can always get laser surgery

#5 LifeMirage

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 07:52 PM

Based on the research N-Acetyl-L-Carnosine eyedrops would appear to be at least helpful.

[Correcting link -MR edit]

Edited by Michael, 15 July 2012 - 08:54 PM.

#6 Pablo M

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Posted 19 August 2005 - 02:45 AM

I received 5 vials of AOR CarnoSee today and I will report back after a while of daily use.

#7 LifeMirage

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Posted 19 August 2005 - 03:54 AM

It may take up to 3 months.....fyi.

#8 Pablo M

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Posted 20 August 2005 - 12:55 AM

Thanks, LifeMirage. ajnast4r, I believe the supplements you mentioned would be good for prevention as they are excellent for ocular health, but as for treatment I think something stronger is in order. If carnosine eye drops can reverse cataracts in many cases then hopefully they will help with floaters. I have started using 1 drop 3x daily and will resurrect this thread after a few months.

A note to all: the container for AOR's CarnoSee drops is not well designed (it is of a different design than those drugstore eye drops). If you aren't careful you can lose a lot of fluid. The cap has a built-in seal breaker. If you store the eyedrops with this part of the cap in the puncture hole, the vial will leak fluid when you withdraw the cap unless you are very, very careful not to squeeze it in the slightest. Best to store the vial without the seal breaker actually in the hole.

#9 singularist

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Posted 21 August 2005 - 02:09 AM

All I know is prevention. I remember when I was staying at a mental institution (hospitalized for depression) I added six floaters to my already one. I was eating a lot of really bad foods, high in cholestoral and trans fats. The first appearance I had with a vitreous floater was about two years back, and subsequently I have had them piling ontop of each other. It is a normal part of aging as I understand, and I believe that I went through a period of hyper intensive aging.

P.S. I wouldn't consider any form of surgery to correct the problem, as sometimes it may cause more floaters to appear. It is not worth the risk, in my uneducated opinion.

#10 jasen

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Posted 09 September 2005 - 08:54 PM


This is not necessarly a direct answer to your orginal question, however I am curious about a few things.

1. Did the floaters just recently come on?

2. Are you currently or have you recently taken any antibotics?

3. If you look up towards the ceiling are they worse?

4. What is the effect on the floaters if it was a bright white ceiling or similar (sky etc), due you find this very very difficult to handle?

The reason I am asking these questions are as follows; if your conditions are similar to my questions, I would venture to guess you have a reasonably serve bacterial infection of some sort (not related to the eye) .

If what I am asking describes you (or anyone reading this post) EXACTLY then I would speculate on a 99% probability of CHRONIC LYME diease (unknown/ unaware ever bitten by tick 2+ years before). The lyme spiroketes love to hang out in the eyes, especially when on antibotics. Floaters was the name given to them by those who can watch them swim. A very disturbing event.

In any event I am not sure my post fits in regards to what any of you have been talking about (I HOPE IT DOES NOT) but if it does, you have much bigger issues to handle, so it would be suffice to say the drops wouldn't solve anything.

I do know exactly what needs to be done if it is lyme or bacterial infestation though, thankfully.

I sincerely hope that this post is worthless and offtopic, but if not I will be glad to provide any help I can.


#11 johnmk

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Posted 10 September 2005 - 09:40 PM

Where are l-carnosine, and n-acetyl-carnosine, each most cheaply purchased?

#12 Mind

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Posted 11 September 2005 - 11:28 AM

A few years back I had a lot of floaters. When I got an eye check-up, the doctor said nothing was wrong, just normal aging, although to me it seemed like a lot of floaters. Anyway, they slowly went away over the last 3 to 4 years. I attribute this development to supplements and a better diet.

#13 Pablo M

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Posted 11 September 2005 - 11:55 PM

Jasen- LOL. I don't think I have lyme disease (although come to think of it, I seem to recall that the floaters came on suddenly after several days of frolicking in a field full of tall grass while I was wearing shorts and a tanktop). I see that your first post on this forum was in reply to this thread. Okay, I'll bite. What's the cure for my condition? Hopefully you just happen to have whatever it is I need.

Johnmk- Please note that AOR's CarnoSee is the same product (ie manufactured in the same facility) as the Can-C drops sold on some antiaging/nootropic sites. Relentless has them for $33, I believe, less is you purchase in quantity. You could do a froogle search for Can-C too.

#14 philmicans

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Posted 29 September 2005 - 12:57 PM

The FDA have recently deceided that N-acetylcarnosine is a drug, therefore it is likely that the eye-drops will disappear off the US market in the next few months. However it is possible to import 3-month supplies of "unapproved drugs," so the answer lies "abroad." There's a lot of detail about N-acetylcarnosine and the work of Dr. Mark Babizayev from the Helmholtz eye hospital in Moscow (the man who ran the studies and published the facts) at this website: www.nacetylcarnosine.com Plus now there's a book written for the public by Dr. Marios Kyriazis (the founder of the British Longevity Society). It's called "The Cataract Cure" and available in print or digital- check out Amazon.com or http://www.antiaging...alog/media.html

#15 cheyenne

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Posted 29 September 2005 - 03:20 PM

A lot of times this is an indication of allergies, and this is that time of year once again.

#16 johnmk

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Posted 29 September 2005 - 08:19 PM

The FDA have recently deceided that N-acetylcarnosine is a drug, therefore it is likely that the eye-drops will disappear off the US market in the next few months.

Would you please provide a source for this?

#17 ajnast4r

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Posted 30 September 2005 - 05:20 AM

man, ive always had this one floater... and recently its gotten really bad. right after i got pretty sick. sucks

#18 LifeMirage

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Posted 30 September 2005 - 05:50 AM

Hello Phil

I met you awhile back and am pleased to have you post on Imminst as a representative of International Antiaging Systems...please keep us updated on new items IAS carries and any thoughts or comment are welcomed.

I've spoken to Mark regarding LEF & other US companies selling N-acetyl-l-carnosine eye drops....he was quite upset and frankly I don't blame him he worked hard to get N-Acetyl-l-Carnosine eyed drops studied and quality assured with the CAN-C eye drops.

For those who don't know IVP (Innovative Vision Products) a company based in Delaware produces N-Acetyl-L-Carnosine eye drops patented by Doctor Mark Babizayev as CAN-C drops…..using Japan source N-Acetyl-L-Carnosine conducted all the research in Russia.

If anyone has some serious questions regarding N-Acetyl-L-Carnosine sent him an e-mail: markbabizhayev@mail.ru

Yours In Health
Immortality Institute

Edited by LifeMirage, 30 September 2005 - 05:09 PM.

#19 philmicans

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Posted 30 September 2005 - 01:49 PM

Hi, many thanks for your comments LifeMirage (I'm sorry I don't know your name!) I agree with you that Dr. Mark Babizayev is the source of knowledge for the N-acetylcarnosine (NAC), after all his group have been experimenting with various forms of carnosine since 1993.
As is so often the case with pharmaceuticals, the "devil is in the detail." It's not simply a matter of the right molecule and the right purity, delivery applications are important too.
In the case of the eye-drops developed by the Russians (Innovative Vision Products/ IVP) as you know they worked with a Japanese company to produce not only a very specific purity of NAC, but also very specific moieties. They found that the product worked best (i.e. most efficacious and side effect free) within a very specific/ narrow band. Naturally, they keep this information proprietary.
Of course nobody else is using this specific material if they are not working with IVP, they just save money by buying the ordinary stuff. Also others have changed the original formula by adding things like vitamins. Whilst these substances have been shown to be efficacious by themselves, it doesn't mean to say that they will be when combined with the NAC. Specifically Mark's issue is that the branched skeletons of the A & E actual inhibit the transformation of N-acetylcarnosine through the membranes of the eye into l-carnosine (which becomes the active ingredient) in the aqueous humor. This is the fundamental activity of the Can-C eye-drops, so the bottom line is if the product isn't approved by IVP then the activity, formula, efficacy and safety are unproven, I would have thought those things to have been ever greater importance in an eye-drop...
Lastly on this subject, I now expect some manufacturers in America who will no longer have access to NAC due to the FDA's recent action to call it an unapproved drug, will revert to adding L-carnosine in order to hoodwink the public into the "same" thing.
What needs to be known is that Mark's work highlights that L-carnosine is poorly absorbed into the eye (specifically the aqueous humor the liquid surrounding the lens). This is because it is being hydrolyzed into histidine and alanine in the membranes by carnosinase. Accordingly these chemicals in the membranes are actually known to cause damage in long term use. A 5% L-carnosine eye-drop was on the Russian market for 2-years before being withdrawn due to side effects. The difference is that NAC is very resistant to carnosinase and delays transference until entering the eye, whereby it is then eradicated through the normal means into the blood stream.
Anyway, I do hope to be in more regular contact to this group, I suddenly realized the other day how long it had been since my last post! All the best, Phil.

#20 outsider

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Posted 02 October 2005 - 05:43 AM

Well there seems to be a powerful eye formula called eyebright from the christopher herbalist. Included in the formula eyebright has been used to treat many eye deseases since many century and it is combined with cayenne which open up your blood vessels so the healing herbs penetrate faster and deeper into the eye. I believe it is one of the best fomula to heal the eye in the world. And the herbalist claim it heals floaters too.

#21 LifeMirage

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Posted 02 October 2005 - 09:06 AM

Well there seems to be a powerful eye formula called eyebright from the christopher herbalist. Included in the formula eyebright has been used to treat many eye deseases since many century and it is combined with cayenne which open up your blood vessels so the healing herbs penetrate faster and deeper into the eye. I believe it is one of the best fomula to heal the eye in the world. And the herbalist claim it heals floaters too.

Claims perhaps.....clincal studies....no

#22 tham

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Posted 05 October 2005 - 09:00 AM

I have noticed several floaters in my field of vision that are extremely annoying. Would N-Acetyl-L-Carnosine eyedrops treat this problem? If not, what will? Thank you in advance.

Maybe you could contact Similasan and ask
which of their homeopathic eye drops might help.

I think Cineraria Maritama, which is normally used
for the treatment/prevention of early cataracts,
might be useful here too.

#23 ajnast4r

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Posted 05 October 2005 - 04:06 PM

Maybe you could contact Similasan and ask
which of their homeopathic eye drops might help.

i posted a link to one of the similasan eyedrops that i used in my other vision thread, they were quite effective at improving my blurred vision. no luck on the floater so far though

#24 tham

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Posted 07 October 2005 - 06:19 PM

I remember I emailed my usual supplement supplier,
Betterlife.com in California, some time ago asking
which was the best antioxidant eye drop he had.

He mentioned St Lucia, made from some Peruvian herb, I think.
I can't find it on his website anymore, but maybe you could contact
him, Kaz, if he still stocks it should you wish to order it. I remember
it costs about $29 or so. One of my friends, of whom at least two
siblings had the rare blinding eye disease retinitis pigmentosa,
did order it, but they didn't really have the guts to try it out, since
the literature mentioned a kind of healing crisis when the drops
pulls toxic materials out of the eyeball. Frankly, I think they had
nothing to lose, since they were already in danger of losing their

Here's some info :


Edited by tham, 12 October 2005 - 02:27 PM.

#25 agnes

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Posted 17 August 2006 - 03:23 PM

Thanks for the information on this page. I searched for Carnosee eyedrops and the item came up about the container and floaters. I read through all the info on this page and have learnt quite a bit about NAC. I have a cataract in my right eye. Following a trial on television here in the UK when a group of people tested an eyedrop that was reported to dissolve the cataract, I searched the web, read up about the Russian research, and tried to get my local doctor to prescribe the eyedrops for me. I was told the eyedrops did not undergo clinical trials in the UK so the doctor could not prescribe them, and our national pharmacy would not stock them until clinical trials were conducted on humans in this country. Nevertheless I decided to buy the drops on the internet because I did not want surgery. This is where I became thoroughly confused. The eyedrops were advertised as Bright Eyes coming in five vials each containing 2ml. The box was quite distinctive. They were supposed to contain N-Acetyl-L-Carnosine. When the packet arrived, there were two little bottles, the box differed from what was on the site, the ingredients on the box only listed glycerin and Carboxymethylcellulose. There was no mention of NAC not even on the box. This stuff came from Switzerland. I thought I was just being finicky so I decided to ahead and use it. I began about three months ago and used both bottles. I noticed a slight improvement in the affected eye. But the product did deteriorate over time. When the eyedrops were advertised it was said they came in five vials to reduce the risk of contamination by bacteria and oxygen. I thought that was a good idea. So I contacted the people in Switzerland asking if I could buy the stuff in the five vials as the contamination would not be as great. They appear only to be selling the stuff in two bottles. Since reading your discussion I now learn that this is perhaps not the original stuff. So I am really grateful to you for putting me straight. I will try to contact IVP and look for another source. Cheers

#26 Pablo M

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Posted 23 August 2006 - 05:00 AM

Well, the new OrthoEyes formula is a significant improvement over CarnoSee. The container is much, much better. Floaters are still there though. Or maybe they have been reduced-- it's hard to tell.

#27 ortcloud

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 03:30 AM

I am wondering if anyone has had any results with NAC and floaters. Also, has anyone had any success with serrapeptase and floaters ?
Suppose to dissolve dead tissue.

#28 browser

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Posted 04 December 2007 - 02:06 AM

I am wondering if anyone has had any results with NAC and floaters. Also, has anyone had any success with serrapeptase and floaters ?
Suppose to dissolve dead tissue.

It's very hard to get anything into the ocular fluid. I took serrapeptase as part of my 4 month journey into the Linus Pauling Institute regimen. Didn't notice a dang thing except that 24 hours after I stopped the regimen I was finally able to get my shit together.

#29 kowboy

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Posted 04 December 2007 - 02:26 AM

Supposedly the formula from Can-C with the formula from IVP, may have a positive effect on floaters. Purely anectodal and no clinical tirials to back this up. I just started the treatment for catarcts and will let you all know how it turns out. Takes up to 6 months for the cataract treatment.

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#30 Matt

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Posted 26 February 2008 - 08:36 PM

Did anyone actually manage to get rid of floaters using any supplements then??? I'm asking because I'm doing some research on it as I have been speaking to a lot of people who have Eye Floaters because of either Levaquin, Cipro or Avelox antibiotics.

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