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Growing New Cartilage

mikey's Photo mikey 05 Jan 2015

I had loss of cartilage in my right knee. This is on in the inside of the knee. I had four Prolozone injections into the area, spaced about two weeks apart, to allow the ozone to facilitate cartilage growth.


The first MRI was done 4/4/2011.


The second MRI was done 10/04/2012.


The doctor called me when the second MRI was sent to him.


He said, "Michael, the MRI shows what appears to be new cartilage. Now MRIs aren't perfect, but it does look like there is new cartilage there.


Subsequently, my left knee had pain in two areas, 4 on a scale of 1 - 10. The inside and the front both hurt.


I had one set of Prolozone injections and the pain was decreased to about a 2.


Then I had a series of three more to become pain-free.


I've had Prolozone injected one time in my right shoulder and it stopped the pain entirely.


And I've had several friends and family that have become entirely pain-free.


My step-mother, a retired nurse, had nearly bone-on-bone knees and moved in pain for years.


She went to the inventor of Prolozone, Dr. Frank Shallenberger, for three injections and her knees had no pain until about 8 years later. So she went back and had more Prolozone injections and is pain-free again.


Prolozone unleashes tremendous energy where it is injected, so that fibroblasts can create cartilage quickly.

Edited by niner, 05 January 2015 - 11:16 PM.

Antonio2014's Photo Antonio2014 05 Jan 2015

Ozone therapy is pseudomedicine and can be dangerous:






Summarizing the substantial and growing body of study results showing deleterious health effects of breathing ozone, in 1976, and reiterated in 2006, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reflects the scientific consensus that ozone is a toxic gas which has, as yet, no demonstrated safe medical application in specific, adjunctive, or preventive therapy. One possible reason, noted by the FDA, is that in order for ozone to be effective as a germicide, it must be present in a concentration far greater than can be safely tolerated by man or other animals.[7]




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mikey's Photo mikey 07 Jan 2015

Actually, the FDA and profit-driven medicine would like us to believe that ozone therapy is dangerous pseudomedicine.


It's not patentable and it is quite inexpensive. Thus ozone and Prolozone are tremendous competitors to conventional medicine.


For instance, I and my step-mother avoided knee replacements by having Prolozone injections in our knees. That took - what -maybe $80,000+ away from knee surgeons and hospitals? Or maybe it would have cost more.


Profit-driven medicine seeks to provide expensive solutions. Ozone is inexpensive.


"There are over 3000 medical references in the German literature showing the effectiveness and safety of ozone in over 50 years of applications to humans by way of millions of dosages. The International Ozone Association and the ozone machine manufacturers report over 7000 MD's in Europe using ozone safely and effectively, some for more than 40 years, yet for the past 20 years the FDA has prevented human testing and issuing any ozone-generating device approvals."

"There are no legitimate studies proving ozone doesn't work"

Please see http://www.oxygenhea...one_Cancer.html


As to using American Cancer Society pages as references, that doesn't pass the smell test. Whoever wrote the ACC page doesn't know the difference between ozone and hydrogen peroxide.


They also make many statements that beg to be confirmed with citations, but they don't provide them.


It's the "Trust me. I"m a doctor" school of thought.


In God I trust, all others must provide references!


As well, I wouldn't use Wikipedia as a source.


Wikipedia has a history of its editors being so biased against forms of "alternative" medicine that they censor it, delete fully-referenced information and generally make a mockery of the notion that it is "The Free Encyclopedia," because Wikipedia is not free from bias.


To learn more about the real Wikipedia, please see these pages:







Anyone that can show solidly-grounded science that confirms that Prolozone doesn't work, please elaborate.


I have the MRI discs to prove that Prolozone grew new cartilage in my right knee. I don't know how to post the files, but would be happy to if instructed.


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Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 07 Jan 2015

This post was ment for another topic. Sorry.


Edited by seivtcho, 07 January 2015 - 07:19 AM.