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Reishi extremely underrated nootropic

Plasticperson's Photo Plasticperson 12 Jan 2015

Triterpenoids with neurotrophic activity from Ganoderma lucidum

A new triterpenoid, 4,4,14α-trimethyl-5α-chol-7,9(11)-dien-3-oxo-24-oic acid (1), together with seven known triterpenoids, were isolated from the dried fruiting bodies of Ganoderma lucidum. Their structures were elucidated by extensive spectroscopic analyses. Bioassay results revealed that compounds 1 and methyl ganoderic acid B (5) had nerve growth factor-like neuronal survival-promoting effects, whereas compounds 1, and 4-7 showed brain-derived neurotrophic factor-like neuronal survival-promoting activities.

I seriously feel that I get at least a 10-15 iq boost from this compound. The ngf/bdnf cause ideas to flow to the point where Ull amaze your self what you come up with. Also u get extreme tunnel vision focus. I think people should try this mushroom out. I find that it easily surpasses cerebrolysin in nootropic efficiency. I take 8 caps of host defense brand every morning. I'm looking for stronger ethanol extracts because the nootropic triterpenoids can only be extracted via ethanol.

The only problem is that the triterpenoids inhibit 5 alpha reductase...I've been running it with a strong tribulis extract that promotes 5 alpha reductase to compensate. However that only takes the edge off. I'm honestly debating running masteron or dht gel with it.

oppenheimer82's Photo oppenheimer82 12 Jan 2015

what exact product are you using and waht dosage please?


oppenheimer82's Photo oppenheimer82 12 Jan 2015

-edit- never mind. i might be blind as a bat.



Plasticperson's Photo Plasticperson 12 Jan 2015

i'd also like to note the the effect builds up.. don't judge it until about the 4th or 5th day 


Galaxyshock's Photo Galaxyshock 13 Jan 2015

Long-term use of Reishi also significantly promotes slow-wave sleep I've read. The deep calming wisdom effect is what usually first hits me. I've ordered 500 grams of extract that is extracted with both ethanol (triterpenoids) and hot water (polysaccharides). I wanna see what this mushroom is truely capable of.


LiquidGib's Photo LiquidGib 13 Jan 2015

I have been using dual extraction (alcohol and hot water) reishi for about a year now. I use it mainly for allergies. They are supposed to be effective for allergies at low doses and I had also heard about the possible anti-androgenic effects so I only take a little at night. I have noticed that certain areas of my body are more sensitive, like my fingertips. I've wondered if it was the Reishi.


Fenix_'s Photo Fenix_ 13 Jan 2015

Medicinal mushrooms are good for preventing cancer, which is why I take a blend of 14 different mushroom powders from mushroomharvest. Taking neurotrophic drugs means more cell divisions from neurogenesis so I had to step up my cancer defense :)


Certain species, including Reishi, have antiviral properties. Viral infections in the brain can negatively impact cognition (though they did not test mushrooms on this virus, it serves as an example). http://news.sciencem...-brain-activity

Edited by Fenix_, 13 January 2015 - 04:17 AM.

LiquidGib's Photo LiquidGib 13 Jan 2015

Fenix_, are they extracted in anyway?


Galaxyshock's Photo Galaxyshock 13 Jan 2015

I wonder if wild Reishi has some superior benefits over the cultivated type? It's quite rare, Dragon Herbs does have a wild Reishi product though.


Plasticperson's Photo Plasticperson 13 Jan 2015

the anti androgen effects are a real let down.. i try to take dht promoting compounds to compensate but in high doses the extract can inhibit five alpha reductase up to 80 percent. Regardless the nootropic and even antidepressant effect is insanely good; after a few days of taking it I'm fearless...however my libido is also down :(


I'm positive the future is enhancing growth factors..i honestly hate take seams and selank however because of the chance of generating an autoimmune reaction to the short peptides...you just never know how your body could react.


Galaxyshock's Photo Galaxyshock 13 Jan 2015

Lower the dosage and combine with Cordyceps? It's another medicinal mushroom but with strong libido increasing effect.




Fenix_'s Photo Fenix_ 13 Jan 2015

Fenix_, are they extracted in anyway?


This is the product I take. Just straight powdered fruiting bodies and mycelium. I am always weary of taking extracts because they might leave out some of the good stuff! Straight powder is cheaper too ofc ;)


Plasticperson's Photo Plasticperson 17 Jan 2015

After 2 weeks on reishi stacked with tribulis and minor dht gel I have to say this is the BEST nootropic I've ever experienced

StevesPetRat's Photo StevesPetRat 17 Jan 2015

Is joint pain (in hands) a common response to reishi? It's something that has been a problem for years but my ultra-fastidious diet and regiment had banished it until very recently. Have also run out of a couple sups and started trying niacin, so it's not 100% sure that it's the reishi. Hey, on the bright side, I'll be drawing a steady paycheck again soon, so I can run a consistent stack for a change and actually control for variables a bit better!

Plasticperson's Photo Plasticperson 18 Jan 2015

No it isn't but...hmmm it may be a possibility because it effects inflammation.. does arthritis run in your family, specifically rheumatoid?


I only experience phenomenal effects from reishi. The only problem is the alpha reductase inhibition, it can get pretty annoying. Im about to try out 7,8-dhf and NSI-189 to compare it to reishi. Everything is good to go just waiting to get over a cold. I still plan on running a water extract of reishi with the NSI and DHF, however the water extract docent contain the ngf, bdbf and anti-DHT compounds. Those are only found in an ethanol extract. 


YoungSchizo's Photo YoungSchizo 18 Jan 2015

I've tried RedReishi for a couple of months (1/2g a day in powder-form) and never noticed any (nootropic) benefits but since it has good reviews and a wide documented list of benefits for the immune-system I kept taking it until I saw this topic and stopped because of it possible anti-androgenic effect.


Does someone have a video or more info on how to make a water/ethanol extract from nootropics?


Fenix_'s Photo Fenix_ 19 Jan 2015

Isn't it ironic that you have a cold despite taking reishi?


StevesPetRat's Photo StevesPetRat 19 Jan 2015

No it isn't but...hmmm it may be a possibility because it effects inflammation.. does arthritis run in your family, specifically rheumatoid?

Yeah, RA killed both my grandfather and his brother, and my aunt has Hashimoto's. But from what I've read, I thought reishi was reputed to help in autoimmune conditions.

Plasticperson's Photo Plasticperson 19 Jan 2015

Isn't it ironic that you have a cold despite taking reishi?

It would look that way..however, everyone in my family has the cold and I easily had the most gentle symptoms. 


I've tried RedReishi for a couple of months (1/2g a day in powder-form) and never noticed any (nootropic) benefits but since it has good reviews and a wide documented list of benefits for the immune-system I kept taking it until I saw this topic and stopped because of it possible anti-androgenic effect.


Does someone have a video or more info on how to make a water/ethanol extract from nootropi

Way low of a dose I'm using 3.5 grams of powder..i used half a gram the first time I tried Reishi and the Host defense bottle sat in my desk for 3 months until I gave it another go at an extended period of high doses. It doesn't work the first day it took about 5 days before I really felt it. Hopefully, you can give the mushroom another chance.


When I read the NSI thread It reminds me of the effects I get from reishi


No it isn't but...hmmm it may be a possibility because it effects inflammation.. does arthritis run in your family, specifically rheumatoid?

Yeah, RA killed both my grandfather and his brother, and my aunt has Hashimoto's. But from what I've read, I thought reishi was reputed to help in autoimmune conditions.


Reishi helps my autoimmune disease immensely. However, Reishi is easily one of the oddest mushrooms. Ive read studies about how it boosts TNF alpha and how it suppresses it depending on the presence of bacteria. Essentially, reishi causes a inverse relationship between the presence of bacteria and immune system activation.  The mushroom is suppose to support and modulate the immune system and not just boost it like other herbs such as ginseng. 


Rhematoid Arthritis is a unique AID in that it is primarily carried out by B cells with little to no T cell activation. Its behaves much more like an allergy. Other autoimmune diseases such as MS are carried out predominantly by rouge TH1 T cells. 


I think that Reishi exerts its benefits in AID by boosting IL-10. However, if your lacking T regulatory cells that block immune system activation from auto antigens il-10 may be useless


An ethanol extract doesn't extract polysaccharides which circumvents the main immune stimulation properties of Reishi, yet contains all the neurotrophic triterpenoids. 



Off topic but I've read some great things about niacinamide and RA

Edited by Plasticperson, 19 January 2015 - 08:44 AM.

the_apollo's Photo the_apollo 19 Jan 2015

the anti androgen effects are a real let down.. i try to take dht promoting compounds to compensate but in high doses the extract can inhibit five alpha reductase up to 80 percent. Regardless the nootropic and even antidepressant effect is insanely good; after a few days of taking it I'm fearless...however my libido is also down :(


I'm positive the future is enhancing growth factors..i honestly hate take seams and selank however because of the chance of generating an autoimmune reaction to the short peptides...you just never know how your body could react.


So it's a no-no for men then,, who would like to stay that way.

Unless, Is there any 5-alpha reductase promoters existing that could activate the enzymes as much as reishi inhibits them?


Plasticperson's Photo Plasticperson 20 Jan 2015


the anti androgen effects are a real let down.. i try to take dht promoting compounds to compensate but in high doses the extract can inhibit five alpha reductase up to 80 percent. Regardless the nootropic and even antidepressant effect is insanely good; after a few days of taking it I'm fearless...however my libido is also down :(


I'm positive the future is enhancing growth factors..i honestly hate take seams and selank however because of the chance of generating an autoimmune reaction to the short peptides...you just never know how your body could react.


So it's a no-no for men then,, who would like to stay that way.

Unless, Is there any 5-alpha reductase promoters existing that could activate the enzymes as much as reishi inhibits them?



Tribulis deff takes the edge off


pure's Photo pure 20 Jan 2015

If Reishi is such a strong inhibitor of 5-AR, then why isn't it raved about on all the hairloss forums?


I wouldn't worry about Semax and Selank and short peptides in general. If any adverse effects were synonymous with

them you would find reports somewhere on the internet, specially considering they have been on the market for years.


I think there's a pure DHT prescription medication, which seemingly would counter the DHT suppression effects as

a result of any 5-AR inhibition by Reishi.


xks201's Photo xks201 21 Jan 2015

Reishi is something I don't mess with because of the DHT inhibition. Finasteride and similar drugs were derived from natural DHT inhibitors and those drugs can permanently shut down DHT production in some people. It's too bad Reishi does that because it has other properties that make it intriguing. 


Knowledge Is Powre's Photo Knowledge Is Powre 21 Jan 2015

Ive been taking Reishi for a month and have been enjoying it however effects seem to have been capped at the lower doses I've been taking them. I've noticed the crisper, more vivid vision associated with a lot of nootropics as well as more intense, insightful dreams. I've been using Hostdefense and a tincture. I've read that the fruiting part is way more potent which hostdefense does not offer so I'm going to be switching to something else. I'm currently looking on alibaba, theyre a lot of chinese suppliers who offer KGs of all fruiting body powder.


Reading about the DHT / anti-androgen is slightly alarming but I'll come up with a plan to balance before cutting off Reishi.


Plasticperson's Photo Plasticperson 22 Jan 2015

after educating my self on the effects of 5AR inhibition, other than the obvious DHT lowering effects, Ive decided to drop the reishi. Its a real shame because the effects from Reishi were the strongest nootropic effect I've gotten from anything so far. Its just in time for my 3 month NSI cycle however!


progesterone is converted to alloprogesterone via 5AR. And alloprogesterone is implicated in antianxiety and neuron protection. Subsequently, dropping reishi is the best thing. 


LiquidGib's Photo LiquidGib 22 Jan 2015

damn, you guys are convincing me to stop reishi. Definitely has its benefits. I haven't gotten sick since I started it over a year ago and seems to help with night allergies. But I have those sensitive finger tips I mentioned before and have had extra trouble talking with people because of extra social anxiety. Possible my libido has gone down, but hard to tell.


RobertPaulson's Photo RobertPaulson 12 Sep 2015

@Plasticperson: What exactly are you afraid of? I mean Chinese taken it for thousands of years and looking on their population, their male-parts seem to work properly.

To me it sound a little paranoid to stop this stuff, because of its claimed alpha reductase antagonism. I mean, this fungus has over 100 active ingredients, working in a complex composition, not yet really understandable. And if hormon problems are a serious concern, that would already have been noticed in the last thousand years, wouldn't it?

After all, maybe the way the mushroom acts on male hormons is a healthy thing after all. Isn't complaining about this, like complaining about, say, frequency 5500 Hz in a complex Bach-concert? (You know what I mean?)

I mean, you can't understand such a complex ancient grace, by reducing it to a single action. Like you judge Bach by a frequency analysis of his music,or like you say, a human is 70% Hydrogen, 15 carbon, 0.00001% lead ect. and since lead is toxic, I don't want to be friend with him...
Edited by RobertPaulsen, 12 September 2015 - 01:22 AM.

Area-1255's Photo Area-1255 12 Sep 2015

I've tried RedReishi for a couple of months (1/2g a day in powder-form) and never noticed any (nootropic) benefits but since it has good reviews and a wide documented list of benefits for the immune-system I kept taking it until I saw this topic and stopped because of it possible anti-androgenic effect.


Does someone have a video or more info on how to make a water/ethanol extract from nootropics?

Yeah Reishi definitely has anti-androgenic effects; I flew off the handle a couple times whilst on it. 

It isn't good for men, except in very small doses..it does seem to have a euphoric effect though if you combine it with Cordyceps, but the decrease in libido is not worth it.


RobertPaulson's Photo RobertPaulson 12 Sep 2015

Strange that this never came up in >1000 years of Chinese history. Maybe your libido is just unhealthy hyper and to be be more balanced it need to be reduced? I never had something like that...

Area-1255's Photo Area-1255 12 Sep 2015

 Maybe your libido is just unhealthy hyper and to be be more balanced it need to be reduced? I never had something like that...

There's no such thing as "unhealthy hyper" libido - unless it is impairing your ability to work or go out. 

Mine is able to be switched on and off on demand.

In a world where we have monks and nymphomaniacs which a higher percentage of nymphos..I'll take the nympho. 

Besides...I'm on a conquest here. lmao!
