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Warning: Avoid BBC America "Journalists"/"Documentarians" Seeking CR, Anti-Aging Science, and Transhumanism Interviews


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#1 Michael

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Posted 14 January 2015 - 10:52 PM


If you want to avoid being made into a caricature on national television, as well as bringing yet more laughing dismissal upon Calorie restriction, rejuvenation biotechnology, and all efforts to extend healthy human life, I urge you to beware a group who will present themselves as BBC (or BBC America) journalists working on a "documentary" about a couple from the British aristocracy "exploring the culture of America."

Details here:

  • Pointless, Timewasting x 1
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#2 Mind

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Posted 14 January 2015 - 11:06 PM

Thanks for the warning Michael. They did contact LongeCity. I told Peter to be cautious when discussing things with them because you never know when it might be a comedic set-up nowadays. 


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Posted 15 January 2015 - 03:09 AM

I'm not sure they're trying to make fun of us, maybe they're being self-deprecating? BBC America will be airing this in the US right? I think the idea is to give Americans something to laugh at about British people, especially the aristocracy... I don't think they want to interview Aubrey because he's British.


That said, they're looking to be provided with something to characterize. They're looking to be entertained. If we can find an interesting and innovative way to entertain and enlighten them, and our culture is noble, we may win their favor. If we offer them a dry and egotistical interview we'll have earned their humor. These are socialites, if academics are all we have, they won't be interested in us, they want to know what our culture is and they want something that will make their viewers laugh. We need to send them our more personable and socially wise people. I have a few that come to mind, but they're in SFL and I'm not personally aware of a socialite in California who is well versed in who we are or who presents a compelling culture or need for our existence. All the more compelling reason to try to win their favor over boring them with scientific details. Then again, I may have some new comers that would fit the bill, but no one that's been around for a while.


Perhaps the best thing to do would be to fly such a person to California to meet with them and give them a tour of LEist activities/facilities and light introductions to our scientists in their "habitat."


What would you think of sending me to fulfill such a role?




Edited by PerC, 15 January 2015 - 03:48 AM.

#4 Mind

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Posted 15 January 2015 - 08:03 PM

There is a time in every radical organization's life when all publicity is good publicity. For LongeCity that was 5 or 10 years ago. Now we pick and choose who we want to talk to and how we want to be portrayed. We want to be interviewed because we raised almost $20,000 in 6 days for cancer research at Ichor. We don't want to be made fun of, unless it is media that is driven from within, where we produce it and laugh at ourselves.


I watched a video from "Almost Royal". It looks like an entertaining show. They are trying hard to earn laughs. They laugh at themselves because they are not really 57th and 58th in line for the throne. It is not a show where we want to be a caricature. 

#5 Michael

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Posted 15 January 2015 - 08:55 PM

Speaking my own opinion, and not purporting to represent Longecity as an organization:

I'm not sure they're trying to make fun of us, maybe they're being self-deprecating? BBC America will be airing this in the US right? I think the idea is to give Americans something to laugh at about British people, especially the aristocracy...

If you watch some of the trailers or online episodes, it's quite clear that they specialize in mocking both sides. It's fair and balanced mockery ;) . Trust me: as a radical life extensionist, you (and the cause) are not going to come off well.

I don't think they want to interview Aubrey because he's British.

You misunderstand. They did want to interview him. SRF's Director of Outreach figured out who they really were, and stepped in to turn them down. I only found out about this later when I asked him if he'd had any contact with them, since Elizabeth seemed to be eliding the issue.

That said, they're looking to be provided with something to characterize. They're looking to be entertained. If we can find an interesting and innovative way to entertain and enlighten them, and our culture is noble, we may win their favor....

Perhaps the best thing to do would be to fly such a person to California to meet with them and give them a tour of LEist activities/facilities and light introductions to our scientists in their "habitat."

What would you think of sending me to fulfill such a role?

 Here is the thing: you don't get to choose the role you will play. All journalists come in with at least some preconceived notion about the story they're going to tell and the role that the subjects they interview are going to play in that story, and all but the most serious science journalists will stick you in that slot and to a greater or lesser degree get you to say and do what they want you to say and do, and/or edit their interview to cast your comments into that narrative. This happens even to the most disciplined of subjects — and, unfortunately for all concerned, this leads to an artificial calcification and stale talking-point recycling on the part of subjects that do become disciplined through experience. You can do your best to speak your truth and the science and values of your cause, and avoid sticking your foot in your mouth (or having them kindly help you to insert it), but you can't choose the narrative they're going to stick you in.
I've been the subject of many, many interviews around these subjects, and been present for Aubrey doing the same; only a small fraction of those actually made an honest effort to present what I was telling them instead of some predetermined outcome — and on many occasions, I was genuinely shocked by what came out of the process, the journalists having seemed sympathetic, serious, and sincere.
This is an unambiguous case: you are being asked to place yourself in pillories. I'm not clear whether you've actually been contacted by these people, or are stepping up as a volunteer: either way, I strongly advise you to step away from the stockade.

There is a time in every radical organization's life when all publicity is good publicity. For LongeCity that was 5 or 10 years ago.

Even then, I don't think we got anything from Jay Fox (a good and serious guy) getting on The Daily Show:



(I'd appreaciate it if someone would tell me how to properly embed a video ...).
I am quite certain (and quite sure that you and anyone else who remembers will agree) that nothing good came of that experience, except for the staff of the Daily Show. We knew he was going to be at least poked fun at, and he was prepared; it was, at absolute best, a waste of the poor man's time and made him (as our surrogate) look boring and just a tiny bit crazy.

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