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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Writing to mp


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#1 Karl909

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Posted 07 February 2015 - 02:26 PM


Am thinking of writing to my mp about LE. Is there a good template for this? Not sure whether it's worth it or what to say really...
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#2 Droplet

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Posted 09 February 2015 - 02:59 PM

Did this ages ago. I just got a letter back from Parliament saying "thank you for giving your opinions." I felt brushed off in a way but maybe if enough people do this, politicians will realise that it isn't the view of one lone crackpot and actually take notice. :)


As for what to say...you could draw attention to the financial burden of an ageing population, the misery mentally and emotionally that it brings and then maybe bring up the notion of life extension as a possible solution. Ensure that you mention the fallacy of the Tithonus error and overpopulation!


I also wrote to one of the House of Lords who replied and seemed keen to dismiss "this depressing topic."


Good luck! :)

Edited by Droplet, 09 February 2015 - 03:00 PM.

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#3 Karl909

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Posted 11 February 2015 - 01:24 PM

Got one response so far which isn't bad as I only sent it last night! From labour mep for south west of England Clare Moody.

She said:

Thank you for your email regarding biotech research. I must admit that this is not an area of which I have a great deal of experience. However, my Labour colleague in the European Parliament, Glenis Willmott, is an experienced medical researcher and has a great deal of expertise and interest in this area. I will pass on your suggestions and concerns to her.

Unfortunately, as I’m sure you are aware, our present Tory-Lib Dem government has made significant cuts to science research funding over the last five years. I am a firm believer that cutting-edge scientific research has significant benefits, both to our society and to our economy.

I would like to thank you again for bringing it to my attention.
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#4 Karl909

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Posted 11 February 2015 - 01:28 PM

If anyone else wants to give this a go you can do it very easily online via this website: https://www.writetothem.comjust put your postcode in and will let you contact your mp, councillors and meps.
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#5 Droplet

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Posted 11 February 2015 - 04:16 PM

Well done Karl909! :D


If anyone reading this DOES write to their MP or government, please share your results here and help to encourage more people to take a stand for life extension. :)

#6 Karl909

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Posted 26 February 2015 - 12:28 PM

Got another response this time from the Green MEP for the South West of England. While it wasn't a direct response, 'written on her behalf' it certainly ticks all the boxes on exactly what SENS is all about and said that she would like to explore SENS ideas further. So seemed good, not sure I agree with her Guardian article saying a lack of a free market is what makes drugs expensive but that's a different discussion...


Email from Green MEP:


Thank you for your email to Molly Scott Cato on research into ageing, to which she has asked me to respond on her behalf. I would like to offer my sincere apologies for the delay in our response - as MEP for over 5million people, Molly receives a lot of correspondence that can take longer to reply to than we'd like.

While Molly is interested in the treatment of disease and illnesses, and has worked on driving a systemic change towards a more equitable and public-minded pharmaceutical industry (having had her articleon the subject published by the Guardian), she recognises that there are limits on the effectiveness of merely treating the symptoms of illnesses (for example, ongoing medication to treat the pain of a condition) rather than the causes (often ageing). With modern lifespans far surpassing those enjoyed mere decades ago, the importance of healthcare in improving quality of life, rather than just extending lifespans themselves, is becoming ever more crucial.


For this reason, Molly was very interested to read about the SENS Research Foundation, and their aim in working towards a system where regenerative medicine enables people to live long and healthier lives with a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to health. This approach is in line with Green policies in many other areas such as environment or social policy, where it is generally far more efficient and effective to prevent problems before they occur rather than trying to find solutions afterwards. However, Molly is keen to do further research on this organisation specifically and other similar ones, to investigate where they stand with regards to ethical research.


As an economist, Molly is also very aware of the costs of healthcare to society, which in an ageing population are of course set to grow. She will be sure to follow the developments of rejuvenation biotechnologies in this sense, with the potential that this system has to eventually be a cheaper option than merely 'treating symptoms'. While the Greens see free healthcare as a universal right that should be as well-funded as possible, innovations that could not only improve quality of life but also do so in a manner that would save health services money, enabling them to provide better care for a greater number of people, are of course of much interest.


In summary, Molly and the Greens in the European Parliament are very interested in the possibilities that research into ageing and regenerative medicine bring, both in terms of increasing quality of life and the potential to eventually enable health services to more efficiently and effectively treat the public. However, they stress that all research should be carried out with the utmost respect for ethical standards - for example, in animal testing - and Molly will be keen to further research the specifics of this particular case.


Additionally, Molly's colleague and fellow UK Green MEP Jean Lambert is on the Intergroup on Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity (now the Intergroup on Active ageing, intergenerational solidarity & family policies), which among other areas investigates research into ageing. Her website is http://www.jeanlambertmep.org.uk/ and more information on the Intergroup can be found here.


Thank you again for taking the time to write to Molly. If you'd like to keep updated with the work that she does in the European Parliament, there is a fortnightly e-newsletter that can be subscribed to here.

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#7 ceridwen

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Posted 26 February 2015 - 01:06 PM

I used to know her

#8 Karl909

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Posted 27 February 2015 - 11:40 AM

Another very positive response today! Anyone know much about the part of £600 million the UK gov is putting into regenerative medicine? Response was as follows:


Thank you for contacting me in regards to biotech research. The video about the SENS Research Foundation's work raises some interesting points for science to tackle over the coming years; particularly in the field of regenerative medicine.

Medical research is extremely important not only to British industry but it has also advanced the way in which we deliver health services in the UK and across the world, no doubt improving quality and length of life.

The Chancellor has previously announced funding of £600 million to invest in "eight great technologies" in which Britain can become world leaders. This included regenerative medicine. This demonstrates how government can bring together industry with academia and research to deliver world class technologies.

This link from Research Councils UK explains a little bit more:


In the meantime, I will always support further funding for research in these areas on the appropriate platforms.

Thank you again for contacting me.

Yours sincerely,

Julie Girling
MEP for the South West of England & Gibraltar
Environment, Public Health & Food Safety
Agriculture and Rural Development
Womens Rights & Gender Equality

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#9 Droplet

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Posted 27 February 2015 - 01:30 PM

This is wonderful work, Karl909. Please keep up the good work and let us know how you get on. :)

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#10 Karl909

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Posted 04 March 2015 - 05:49 PM

Another response from another south west of England mep:

Thank you for your email and please accept my apologies for the delay in
getting back to you. You make a perfectly valid point, and I will endeavour
to ensure that this is reflected in the European Union's research funding

Yours sincerely,

Ashley Fox MEP
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#11 Droplet

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Posted 05 March 2015 - 07:15 AM

This is superb Karl909. :) You are obviously way better at writing to MPs than I ever was. :) PLEASE keep up the good work!

#12 Karl909

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Posted 05 March 2015 - 11:47 PM

Ha, thanks but don't think I'm doing anything special. Below is what I sent which you could use as a template. Don't send what I wrote as the system filters out stuff that's copied and pasted but maybe something along the same lines, reworded and what not.

I wrote:

"Dear William (The Earl of) Dartmouth, Julia Reid, Molly Scott Cato, Julie
Girling, Ashley Fox and Clare Moody,

I am writing to you, to ask your thoughts on the important topic of an
ageing population and the biotech research that is looking at extending the
years we stay heathy and pain free.

The SENS research foundation (http://sens.org) is one such group that is
working on these sorts of ideas. The following short video explains their

Huge sums of money are spent each year treating old age, which doesn't seem
to be working very well. The above ideas could be a far more effective way
of dealing with the problem. Very little public medical research money goes
into these ideas which are so important and could potenially elevate a lot
of suffering.

I would ask that you bring up these issues, whenever possible and work
towards increasing funding for basic aging research rather than treatment of
established age related illnesses.

Yours sincerely,

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#13 Droplet

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Posted 08 March 2015 - 10:13 AM

One for you and perhaps anyone else who is reading this: http://www.people.co...-marigold-hotel

Perhaps you could consider contacting her about this cause? She may not have even thought of it.

#14 Karl909

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Posted 08 March 2015 - 10:27 AM

One for you and perhaps anyone else who is reading this: http://www.people.co...-marigold-hotel

Perhaps you could consider contacting her about this cause? She may not have even thought of it.

I would post that in the outreach forum here and see where it goes: http://www.longecity...m/387-outreach/
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#15 Karl909

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Posted 15 February 2016 - 12:32 PM

I recently moved to London meaning I have new MPs I can spread these ideas to! :-) so have sent similar messages using the above techniques. I see no reason anyone interested in this living in the uk or any other country for that matter shouldn't try. What have you go to lose and by doing it you're putting these ideas in the scope of influential people!
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#16 Droplet

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Posted 15 February 2016 - 07:00 PM

That's wonderful that you are constantly trying to reach new people! :) Be sure to post your successes here to inspire others!

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