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Podcast with Maria Konovalenko

Mind's Photo Mind 14 Feb 2015

Coming up this Tuesday, an interview with Maria Konovalenko, aging researcher and vice president at Science For Life Extension Foundation.


I will find out more about her current research and the status of the Science for Life Extension Foundation's recent activities.


If you have any questions for Maria, please post them here in advance and I will be sure to ask them.

Attached Files

Edited by Mind, 15 February 2015 - 03:38 PM.

Antonio2014's Photo Antonio2014 14 Feb 2015

The link doesn't work.


Mind's Photo Mind 15 Feb 2015

Strange, the link works for me. It is to the foundation's facebook page.


Here is the link to their website: http://scienceagains.../index_ENG.html


Antonio2014's Photo Antonio2014 15 Feb 2015

Thanks for the second link. That works.


Avatar of Horus's Photo Avatar of Horus 16 Feb 2015

A while back in another topic I was wondering about an important issue of the life extension movement, that is its community's small size, and mentioned her speech with a similar topic:

... about a recent speech of a Russion life extension activist Maria Konovalenko, titled the 'Dark matter of Transhumanism', that is 'Why hasn't the movement won (yet)?'. She calls it the dark matter, because, as she says: "It's something that we cannot explain and we don't understand."
And I must admit it's hard to understand, truly.


I wanted to ask her about this in the Introduction subforum, but perhaps here would be better. Namely that:
Has she (or they, the foundation) any updates on this thing? Could she/they figure out something about the possible underlying causes and possible solutions?

Musli's Photo Musli 16 Feb 2015

Definitely ask Maria

- about the longevity cook book; how it's going, when we can expect it, etc

- what she's been up to lately apart from the cook book (i.e. conferences, research, outreach)

- what upcoming trials, research, projects she's looking forward to the most



LeeYa's Photo LeeYa 16 Feb 2015

I would be glad to hear her opinion on

-methionine restriction

-and of course, her current own anti-aging strategy


Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 16 Feb 2015

I would be glad to hear her opinion on

-methionine restriction

-and of course, her current own anti-aging strategy


Her current anti - aging strategy may be the roadmap to immortality, that was made by her, (or by the anti - aging foundation, that she participates). The roadmap has tried to collect all the possible ways of development of the technologies, that can make us immortal.


Mind's Photo Mind 16 Feb 2015

Great! Thanks for the questions everyone.


alc's Photo alc 17 Feb 2015

I would like to ask the following:


What can be done internationally so all these separate efforts are somehow consolidated and we actually have REAL progress in age reversal in next few years?


We see lots of research, but it is disparrated. On top of that some of the research is just "theoretical" and after couple years nobody is picking up on those initial studies. So I would like us to focus on

bringing as much a possible, and as soon as possible, real solutions to humans and our pets.




Antonio2014's Photo Antonio2014 17 Feb 2015

I would ask her about the Russian Longevity Party. Is it becoming popular? What activities it did? Has it influenced research?

Edited by Antonio2014, 17 February 2015 - 08:39 AM.

Mind's Photo Mind 18 Feb 2015

I podcast is recorded and should be available in a day or two. I was able to get in all of your questions in one form or another.


Mind's Photo Mind 19 Feb 2015

File Name:

File Submitter: Mind

File Submitted: 19 Feb 2015

File Category: Podcasts

Guest: Maria Konovalenko

In this podcast, rejuvenation researcher Maria Konovalenko discusses the Russian-founded Science for Life Extension Foundation, current longevity research, and the "Longevity Cookbook".

Click here to download this file


Mind's Photo Mind 19 Feb 2015

The first 5 minutes cover successes with the Science for Life Extension Foundation and reasons why the Longevity Party has not materialized as expected. After the 10 minute mark more about the Longevity Cookbook and supplementation. Not too much additional information on methionine restriction.


Musli's Photo Musli 21 Feb 2015

Great podcast. Thanks a lot, Mind.


smccomas01's Photo smccomas01 21 Feb 2015

Great I would be interested in the cook book 
