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The Negative Effects of Stress

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#1 aurora

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Posted 21 August 2005 - 01:54 AM

Hi there, :)

I have just been reading alot of the posts on food and nutrition which have been extremely compelling and one of the most important pieces of advice anyone can give to accompany these recommendations is to not let stress get the better of you.In this post-modernist life it can often be chaotic in expanding cities and the stress levels can increase when one is so intimate with this environment.I think it's undoubtedly good advice if you can remain in a state of rational thought and not let the "dramatic side" outway the tranquillity that can be found when you learn to deal with everyday matters in a positive way.The general populace(the majority who are not yet aquainted with or supportive of the Immortalist movement)can let the most silly things get in the way of calm self-preservation and have the most trivial arguments which can be so extreme that they led to a decline in health.Inducing a serious state of stress over some ridiculous domestic tiff or temporary traffic jam is so insignificent when compaired with eternity.The negative effects of stress to the human condition should not be ignored and recent research has shown that those under a higher level of stress have shorter telomeres.As we learn more about the negative effects of modern life in the bustling and polluted city we can at least attempt to do something to balance the tip in scales.By maintaining a sensible exercising regime you can combat these negative precursors of ill-health and focus on a more enlightening path.Any reflective individual would tell you there are many benefits to be had not just with usual forms of strength bearing exercises,but also with meditative ones.Forms of yoga,pilates and general meditation have been universally regarded as a fantastic way of overpowering stress and eliminating unnecessary worries which may arise in a busy modern society.Though their are many pressures at work and home and time is usually short for most citizens I believe one has at least an extra fifteen or twenty minuets that they can put aside each day to engage in relaxing pursuits.Even by quietly meditating in solitude while listening to your favourite classical artist is beneficial and music(Chopin,Mozart and Beethoven are especially good for meditation-they are on my list of favourites) has also been shown to have a massive impact on the state of mental health.I would also advise others with any musical tendencies to continue practicing your choosen instrument/s.I myself enjoy playing piano,which I have studied as an extra pursuit from an early age,and always find it to have such a therapeutic effect on me.Everytime I play the piano I notice the beautiful transformation that it can have on the mind,it's truely something which should be encouraged,especially for all of those individuals out there looking for extra ways to dissolve the negative impacts of stress.So my tips to add to your list would be to consider yoga,pilates or musical meditation and take up a instrument in your spare time.Stress will only age you or worse-KILL YOU-so vanquish it today!Good luck everyone!

#2 susmariosep

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Posted 21 August 2005 - 04:14 AM

Thanks, Aurora, can't be more timely an advice!

Dear Aurora:

I agree completely with you about the devastating effect of stress on our physical health and mental sanity.

You mention exercise, music, mediation. Very true, in my own opinion and experience also; but more on meditation, on and off later, if I may?

I know about Yoga meditation even though I don't engage in it myself, and also playing a musical instrument which can truly soothe one's nerves -- just to be funny, don't be annoyed, what about playing the big drum, the biggest one in a parade? (any smile from you? hahaha...).

Humor I believe, like a very good laugh on witnessing something genuinely funny, what do you think, it certainly can banish stress, tension, yes?

Tell me, what is that kind of meditation you call 'pilates'; no intention to be impertinent, it sounds like Pilate as in Pontius Pilate.* I know about other kinds of meditation, as for example you mention Yoga, and I am informed about Buddhist meditation which also I had many a discussion on with people in another message board. But that kind you call 'pilates', what is it?

Listening to classical music in addition to playing an instrument, most relaxing and best for unwinding.

What you do think, what about some light alcoholic drink, like a can of beer? I myself don't drink unless it is offered to me -- and I don't keep alcohol beverages in my home, but friends and family members who visit bringing their own supply, I don't mind drinking with them, but absolutely to moderation only.

There is the testimony of the Bible, "Wine delighteth the heart of man" -- can't remember the exact quotation according to King James, but I got the thought I believe very correctly. And I agree with the Bible, it does delight the heart of man; and many people do declare: "Drink and make merry, for" -- and here is the therapeutic reflection, "for tomorrow we die", very sobering thought. Just the same, if delight is preent can release from stress and tension be far if not identical?

About exercise, are you aware that sometimes people subject themselves to stress by adding more and more to it, like jogging, wanting to cover more distance at shorter time.

That happened to me until I came to my senses: What am I trying to prove to myself? It got to the point that I felt guilty if I skipped my jogging schedule even though for a perfectly good and important reason, like having to finish some work for tomorrow.

Now I do exercise by keeping busy with car maintenance and car repairs and all kinds of chores at home, and also by playing pelota by myself against a wall (pelota, you can play that sport alone with a tennis ball and a tennis racket and a good concrete wall in your yard).

No, now I am not going to be enslaved by my devotion to exercise, I will exercise when I feel like it and spend as much or as little time as I like. Before I forget, you know what happened to me for trying to jog longer distances at shorter times, I started feeling some kind of gnawing in my stomach and on consulting my home collection of medical books, it turned out that I was in the initial stage of stomach ulcers. See?

I won't take more of your time. Just that I will add my voice to yours about all of use needing to be on the watch-out for stress.

Yes, I agree with you: exercise, meditation, playing a musical instrument (maybe not that big big parade drum, which might cause stress in the neighborhood), listening to classical music, and very important we must not overlook it: lying in bed with our muscles all loosened up and eyes closed, no not locked up. And of course a very good laugh: hahahahahaaaaa and heheheheheeeeee!

May I just add a small word about meditation like Yoga and the Buddhist kind, those from the Far East generally: in my opinion, better than to adopt any of the physical postures their advocates impose on you, like sitting on your haunches with your legs crossed for long hours, not anatomically sound in my humble opinion and experience; sit comfortably in a well-stuffed low armchair, and remember you are into the meditation to release stress not to assimilate esoteric metaphysical systems from the Far East.

Thanks for your message to which I think I have contributed comments of relevancy in regard to our mutual concern to tell our fellowmen to beware of stress.


*Pontius Pilate, according to one kid when I used to teach Sunday school classes, he is the guy who flew the Holy Family to Egypt. Hahahaha.

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