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Antifreeze protein from ticks fights frost...

Sanhar's Photo Sanhar 25 Feb 2015

May have applications for cryonics, either at the time of procedure or as a prep beforehand while patient is still animated?




Antonio2014's Photo Antonio2014 26 Feb 2015

Well, it hasn't been tested at cryogenic temperatures. Also, the most important problem of current cryoprotectants is toxicity, and that seems to not be addressed in this study. But maybe it can be useful someday. Simply it's not clear now. More research is needed on this protein.

Edited by Antonio2014, 26 February 2015 - 08:49 AM.

YOLF's Photo YOLF 26 Feb 2015

Perhaps we could design a study and apply for a grant from LC to test it? I'm sure the cryonics companies would love to help out.


Sanhar's Photo Sanhar 27 Feb 2015

Given how little cryonics based research I can find it might be appropriate... let's talk to them about what they think the uses might be.


YOLF's Photo YOLF 27 Feb 2015

I have emails for the people at the various cryocompanies and for a few labs run by cryonicists. There may be reasons why they haven't done this already, we'll have to talk to some people. I know Ben Best was sourcing AFPs for experimentation sometime back in '13 or '14.


Antonio2014's Photo Antonio2014 27 Feb 2015

The grant would be a great idea. I would donate to it.


Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 27 Feb 2015

Why not you simply contact the authors and suggest them to write a project for grant at Longecity?


YOLF's Photo YOLF 27 Feb 2015

Why not you simply contact the authors and suggest them to write a project for grant at Longecity?

Not a bad idea, we could do that, but I'm skeptical over whether or not cryobiologists will want to get involved with cryonics. There is a history here, though that doesn't mean that advancements in technology doesn't benefit both of us.


Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 27 Feb 2015

Some of you people may try ... If they refuse, then nothing bad will happen, if they agree, then nice.


Sanhar's Photo Sanhar 27 Feb 2015

Definitely the first step imo is to get people who are in a position of responsibility over cryonics research to figure out if this could help them.  If they think so then someone should further a research grant request.


YOLF's Photo YOLF 27 Feb 2015

So here's an excerpt of the important part that I'm going to send to those who work on this stuff.




We over at LongeCity keep hearing about all these great antifreeze protein discoveries and we're looking to advance cryonics technologies. LongeCity has a variety of grant and fundraiser options that we could use to help with this and we'll be seeking additional funding.

Perhaps we can all come together to determine what research could be most beneficial or give us some places to start?



Sanhar's Photo Sanhar 28 Feb 2015


So here's an excerpt of the important part that I'm going to send to those who work on this stuff.




We over at LongeCity keep hearing about all these great antifreeze protein discoveries and we're looking to advance cryonics technologies. LongeCity has a variety of grant and fundraiser options that we could use to help with this and we'll be seeking additional funding.

Perhaps we can all come together to determine what research could be most beneficial or give us some places to start?



Good work.  It's very important that we make attempts to build on opportunities like this.  It's not whether or not it turns out to be appropriate or effective that matters but that we try, because if we don't try, who will, and how will we ever know?
