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Can a programable self-replicating nano robots be made

nano bots

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#1 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 02 March 2015 - 09:02 PM

Self-replicating machines are supposed to revolutionize our world and give us a lot of things, including an immortality. Hopes are even given even for gathering energy, and providing us with food. The progress so far seems to be helpless in creating a nanobot, that can duplicate itself. Even the simplest cells are much more advanced from this point of view - they can take all of the needed atoms and molecules from the environment and self-replicate. The difference, is that they have a program, that they follow - the DNA.

If we want to build a self - replicating machine, is it only missing the software coding and the information transfer from machine to machine? Maybe we should take an example from the nature, and find some way to insert ones and zeros into the small nanobots. What do you think about that?

#2 Russ Maughan

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Posted 20 March 2015 - 08:54 AM

I could design and build a fullsize robot that would farm, cut trees, mill them into lumber, build houses and build copies of itself. I could not design and build a set of micro bots that shared a common mind. I think the technology will be possible someday but I don't think they will use radio to think together. If not a comunal mind but programmed with that much information in such a small container, maybe. I'd need to learn more about programming languages to develop an analog computer and optimised language for them. Digital, no. Too slow.

#3 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 20 March 2015 - 09:15 AM

Perhaps you are an engineer. I wonder why farm robots are not spread already. This may stop the food shortage problem.


At this moment the nature has succeeded in building only one type of successful self-replicating microscopic thing, and this is the cell. It uses DNA as a program (a set f instructions) for how to build its parts. Do you think, that this is exactly what is missing for the construction of a microscopic self-replicating machines?

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#4 David Middlemiss

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Posted 20 March 2015 - 03:06 PM

I believe in organic living technology as the next nano tech to advance nature as a whole,
Ingesting diversification, absorption of living cells, raw cells with the intent of sharing expansion of consciousness and co existent growth allows cellular and conscious expansion, invest in natural diversity, cultural diversity and free up patents, free sharing of copy written information and create, naturally, organically, globally as a unified entity and support systems will emerge as they have been pre supposed to, supporting and co creating all life simultaneously

Please do not read the whole of the next passage unless you feel it is the right thing to do

Bow humbly before each Being and carry each other to Creation, alchemise your eternal healing abilities universally, When the present calls listen with all that you are for you are present and Love, Time Is only relevant to the dream of ego, ego dissolves and all and everything GOOD awakens, Expands universally through all dimensions and concepts, The Universe Formed and the First Expansion awoke. The First inbreath, Big Bang of Our Eternity. Gigantic stars formed across the Universe upon their Trillion Trillions, out of their Love they Gave themselves to Life, became unstable and threw their Creation across the Universe, allowing their light energy to Unite throughout it all, combining and growing. Ego protects the fabric of source with false corruption and disempowerment until it's role is fulfilled, this is now, source now self aware in each particle of physicality and potential, dissolves ego's dream, ego diminishes to become fuel for life to expand limitlessly into the vacuum of spaces to fill as has been agreed, all and everything with the song and Glory of GOOD subtle light energy connecting with the countless beings across this vast universe, diversity unlimited in GOOD Enlightened energetic interplay. I love all and everything with all that I Am, Believe that the natural world to be the majority within the sphere of Our sister the Earth.... That ego may humble all, to be selfless, There being more life in a square inch of earth atmosphere than there is creatures above the size of an ant in the entire world, humble us and lift us to love each and everyone, with this in mind we should act as protectors of a great treasure not as unruly children , a god in definition is a male deity that is a dominant aspect of one fraction of the whole, ego created, yet ego is only a dream and it is Awakening that we are. heavy energy solidifies and becomes static or cyclic in nature, moving little and with little of its potential energy. being Good However lets energy release and flow the, heavy energy begins to enlighten allowing the light energy that it is actually made up of to energetically counter play with all and everything that is. God is Ego based GOOD eternite and never ending, imagine everything GOOD as a GOOD Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Daughter and Son To All And Everything and you have Become Source, Creation and Co Creator will you play with me my family of LOVE next The great Outbreath

#5 Russ Maughan

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Posted 19 April 2015 - 01:37 PM

I think I just discovered the soul. (the entity in us that views our memories) We really are made of light, not electricity.


I still think particle fountains will if they haven't already, be found all throughout the human central nervous system.

Food for thought.

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#6 treonsverdery

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Posted 17 September 2015 - 08:41 PM

um yeah on imminst.org a person said how would a person build a three dimensional printer that made eentsier three dimensional printers

it is possible there was a reply like make the inkjet nozzle out of a electromagnetically responsive polymer then external electromagnetism could cause the nozzle to squinch causing microdroplets at each generation to be even eentsier.  It is possible I thought of this.


That way three dimensional printers could printe eentsier three dimensional printers


There could be numerous solutions though to producing a nozzle that prints eentsier nozzles.


#7 TheWisdom

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Posted 02 November 2015 - 02:21 PM

I think the problem is, if we cannot programme them, or at least include hard limits, what do we have to prevent the self replication growing out of control, and Earth becoming the grey goo?

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#8 rauzal

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Posted 13 June 2016 - 10:04 AM

I think we are a bit behind on this tech so far, but in, say, 10 years, we might see such a tech become reality. One also has to consider the risk factors involved, but from a medical point of view, nanites could be really awesome.

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#9 treonsverdery

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Posted 20 July 2016 - 11:22 PM

That there are numerous supporters of nanotechnology cheers me. 


another nanoassembler technology idea


um, think of graphene, then fold the graphene till it snaps; then the graphene has a ragged edge; the thing is what if graphene were made of something other than hexagons like heptagons and octogons and possibly 3 or 4 carbon structures (although these are nonstable /_\  [ ]) then the raggedy edge would have fine, predictable structure that fine, predictable, monoatomic structure could be used to motion atoms or give atoms to a construction, so folded novel geometry graphene (or borene) could prodcue customized atom giver or implement shapes.


think of a sphere rolling through a maze, at every corner it picks up an atom from the ragged edge novel geometry graphene; it rolls on determined course, building up a particular new molecule, so that is a kind of geometry programmed molecular assembly

Edited by treonsverdery, 20 July 2016 - 11:25 PM.

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