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Help me find a regime

hyraluronic acid supplement anti-aging skin wrinkles

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#1 bosharpe

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Posted 06 May 2015 - 12:50 PM

Hi I'm a 28 year old male looking to start a daily supplement regime. Me aim is for maintaining firm/wrinkle free skin and reversing/slowing skin ageing. Also in tandem with that brain health/concentration is very important to me.  I've come across a lot of information on this forum and others and compiled a list that if possible I'd like some feedback and recommendations on  :)


I'm on a budget so maybe the 3-5 you think are best would be very grateful. (I've copied this over from the Ageless Looks Forum. I originally tried posting it here but for some reason couldn't)


Ubiquinol CoQ10 
K2 Complex
Pine Bark Extract
R-Alpha Lipoic Acid 
Msm Sulphur
Hyaluronic Acid
Pomegranate Extract

#2 OneScrewLoose

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Posted 08 May 2015 - 11:15 PM

Dump all that for now and start over. First of all, for general health, I would take Omega3s with 300+ EPA and 200DHA, and around 2000IU of Vitamin D. Out of the things I immediatle reccognize out of that list, these have the lowest scientific evidence (double-blind studies) for their efficacy:



Pomegranate Extract

And MitoQ seems like a straight rip off.

Here's an idea. What are the specific goals of your cognition? What are the specific goals of your skin?

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#3 bosharpe

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Posted 09 May 2015 - 08:06 AM

Dump all that for now and start over. First of all, for general health, I would take Omega3s with 300+ EPA and 200DHA, and around 2000IU of Vitamin D. Out of the things I immediatle reccognize out of that list, these have the lowest scientific evidence (double-blind studies) for their efficacy:



Pomegranate Extract

And MitoQ seems like a straight rip off.

Here's an idea. What are the specific goals of your cognition? What are the specific goals of your skin?


I'm fair skinned so preventing premature wrinkles and creases and minimising the appearance of the ones I have already. My next Goal is to improve cognitive function. Thanks for your help

Edited by bosharpe, 09 May 2015 - 08:09 AM.

#4 OneScrewLoose

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Posted 09 May 2015 - 08:16 AM

That's way too broad. Let me pick some aspects of cognition, and for each of them, tell me how you feel about yours:


Short-term memory
Implicit Memory (like seeing the right answer on a multiple choice test and recognizing it)
Explicit Memory (like recalling facts for a free response test)

Episodic Memory (the events of your life)

Attention on a specific task

Duration of attention

Ability to not be distracted be extraneous stimuli

Sense of clarity in your mind
How efficiently you get things done, vs being slow or constantly having to stop and restart
Satisfaction with the things you do complete/accomplish
Social cognition, awareness and skill
Strength of sense of self.

I realize that's a lot, but there's so much more to cognition than people realize. You don't need to answer them all, just what's important to you. But, I would like you to answer the one's you feel strong in as well.

BTW,  I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir, but the beginning of longevity for fair skin begins with the letters 'S' 'P' 'F'

Edited by OneScrewLoose, 09 May 2015 - 08:17 AM.

#5 niner

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Posted 10 May 2015 - 03:24 AM


Ubiquinol CoQ10 
K2 Complex
Pine Bark Extract
R-Alpha Lipoic Acid 
Msm Sulphur
Hyaluronic Acid
Pomegranate Extract


MitoQ is kind of expensive.  If you're talking about the oral version, you could use c60 olive oil instead; it's much cheaper and has better pharmacokinetics.    At your age you might not need either, but you might see effects you like.  Topical MitoQ might be worth a look, but is pricy.  Ubiquinol is the reduced form of CoQ10.  It is absorbed better than regular CoQ10, but not better enough to make up for the higher cost.  It's cheaper to just take more ordinary CoQ10 (ubiquinone)  At your age, you probably don't need either of them.  I'm in favor of K2, for vascular and bone reasons.  Pycnogenol and Pine Bark Extract are essentially the same thing, but pycnogenol will cost a lot more.  I don't use R-ALA.  I like Carnosine.  I don't see much in your list that will help cognition.  DMAE might do something, but it's not on my radar screen.   You might want to look at acetyl L-carnitine (ALCAR).    As OSL pointed out, the number one item for skin is UV protection, particularly UVA.  Retinoids can do a lot for your skin, but it's essential that you know what you're doing.  Don't just start using tretinoin without learning a lot about its use first.  I like retinaldehyde, trade name = Retrinal.  No nasty side effects for my fair skin, and I really had a problem with retinoic acid.

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#6 The Beauty of Peace

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Posted 12 May 2015 - 12:17 PM


And MitoQ seems like a straight rip off.


What makes you think it's a rip off?

#7 bosharpe

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Posted 12 May 2015 - 03:18 PM

Short-term memory. 2/5 - Difficulty memorising phone number read out to me over the phone first time around.
Implicit Memory (like seeing the right answer on a multiple choice test and recognizing it)
Explicit Memory (like recalling facts for a free response test)
Episodic Memory (the events of your life)
Attention on a specific task 2/5 - Fair to poor. Tend to get distracted easily, fidgety too. 
Duration of attention - 3/5 - I can read 30 pages of a book maximum at one time.
Ability to not be distracted be extraneous stimuli - 2/5 (This is something I'm getting better at but requires concentration.
Sense of clarity in your mind - 2/5 Struggle with this. slightly a.d.d but I don't think it's that. I'm dyslexic so that could have something to do with it. Limiting certain foods help - sugar, dairy.
How efficiently you get things done, vs being slow or constantly having to stop and restart. 2/5 - Planning and organising is a skill a bit lacking in myself.
Satisfaction with the things you do complete/accomplish 2/5 - I rarely see-through project to completion. I tend to over complicate and set high goals and get overwhelmed with the amount of work then required. I'm usually happy when something is completed though. I do see the areas that need improvement but generally I try and learn from that.
Social cognition, awareness and skill 3/5- another skill I constantly work on. I'm very very good at judging people's reactions/moods and my own. Sometimes I'm not always aware about how I come across
Strength of sense of self. - 2/5
I really appreciate you taking your time our to ask those questions. I'm answered best I can above. I'm actually dyslexic if that's useful to note.
Yes definitely! I use a Zinc Oxide SPF44 sunscreen, topical VitC and Vit A. I also sometimes another sunscreen on top - a non-zinc SPF50.

#8 bosharpe

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Posted 12 May 2015 - 03:30 PM



Ubiquinol CoQ10 
K2 Complex
Pine Bark Extract
R-Alpha Lipoic Acid 
Msm Sulphur
Hyaluronic Acid
Pomegranate Extract


MitoQ is kind of expensive.  If you're talking about the oral version, you could use c60 olive oil instead; it's much cheaper and has better pharmacokinetics.    At your age you might not need either, but you might see effects you like.  Topical MitoQ might be worth a look, but is pricy.  Ubiquinol is the reduced form of CoQ10.  It is absorbed better than regular CoQ10, but not better enough to make up for the higher cost.  It's cheaper to just take more ordinary CoQ10 (ubiquinone)  At your age, you probably don't need either of them.  I'm in favor of K2, for vascular and bone reasons.  Pycnogenol and Pine Bark Extract are essentially the same thing, but pycnogenol will cost a lot more.  I don't use R-ALA.  I like Carnosine.  I don't see much in your list that will help cognition.  DMAE might do something, but it's not on my radar screen.   You might want to look at acetyl L-carnitine (ALCAR).    As OSL pointed out, the number one item for skin is UV protection, particularly UVA.  Retinoids can do a lot for your skin, but it's essential that you know what you're doing.  Don't just start using tretinoin without learning a lot about its use first.  I like retinaldehyde, trade name = Retrinal.  No nasty side effects for my fair skin, and I really had a problem with retinoic acid.






Cool, thanks so much for that. As I said I'm faired skinned (A ginger) so my skin reacts more to dryness, lack of sleep, too much exfoliation etc. I've got a lot of fine lines and beginnings of tear troughs as well as nasal to mouth creases. Anything anyone thinks might improve this I'd like to hear. I've just bought some pomegranate extract, Vit D3, Hyraluronic Acid and Bladderwrack to test. I'll look in to Fish Oil, Carnosine, C60 Olive Oil and Pine Bark.


I started with Paulas Choice Retinol and used too much too soon. My skin became very dry so I stopped altogether for a while. I'm slowing bringing it back once a week along with my Vitamin C serum. I use a thick repairing moisturiser from PC and a antioxidant serum too. Sunscreen everyday. Pretty decent diet. Don't smoke, barely drink.


What type of results have you seen from Carnosine? Any other supplements/topical's you have positive experience with?

Edited by bosharpe, 12 May 2015 - 03:56 PM.

#9 bosharpe

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Posted 19 May 2015 - 11:30 AM

So I'm going with-



Cod Liver Oil

Vitamin D3

Hyraluronic Acid

Pomegranate Extract


C60 Olive Oil

#10 OneScrewLoose

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Posted 19 May 2015 - 11:57 AM

It seems, at least based on your answers, you might have just straight-forward ADHD, and people underestimate how difficult that can be, especially when they or others thank their simply not being disciplined enough, or even worse, lazy.

Have you ever been treated officially for ADHD? Have you ever taken any stimulants like RItalin or Adderall, even from a friend?

#11 bosharpe

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 02:00 PM

It seems, at least based on your answers, you might have just straight-forward ADHD, and people underestimate how difficult that can be, especially when they or others thank their simply not being disciplined enough, or even worse, lazy.

Have you ever been treated officially for ADHD? Have you ever taken any stimulants like RItalin or Adderall, even from a friend?


No never. I have a short attention span but I assumed that was Dyslexia/ Discipline skills that was the culprit as there are times I can hold my concentration better than others. I took an online ADHD test once but I don't really take those things that seriously tbh. No never take any of those drugs. I have always known my brain works and learns in a different way though.

#12 OneScrewLoose

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Posted 27 May 2015 - 08:35 AM

It would be worth trying just to see. ADHD brains do indeed learn very differently.

I gave a friend some Adderall one night so she could stay up to study more. She then told me she never felt that calm in her life. That made it a quite likely that she has ADHD, because stims calm people with ADHD (I knew someone who was addicted to meth that was most calm when she was on meth due to her ADHD), while the tweak out those without ADHD. She ended up getting diagnosed and getting her own prescription. it was incredibly freeing to her to understand that it wasn't just a like of character or discipline.

I recommend trying 1 or 2 doses of Ritalin or Adderall just to see the effect and to see if it calms you and helps you focus, instead of tweaking you out.

As far as sometimes holding better concentration than others. Look at it like this:


Normal attention span:   |               |
ADHD attention span:   |                                     |

There is a very greater range of concentration, and sometimes you can even hyperfocus. Unfortunately, when that happens is never within the control of someone with ADHD. Here's the best description of the experience of ADHD I've seen so far.

Edited by OneScrewLoose, 27 May 2015 - 08:37 AM.

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