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Repairing brain after depression

depression neurogenesis memory concentration social anxiety herbs noots

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#1 ctoo135

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 02:32 AM

Hi everyone,


New member here.  I've done a lot of research but haven't found much information that were 1st person testimonials.  I hope that anyone who has gone through anything similar can offer me some advice.  It would be greatly appreciated, to say the least.


Background: I've had major depression and social anxiety on and off (mostly on) for about 15 years, and in the past year I've finally come out depression and stayed out for a long time (many months to a year, recovered with no antidepressants).  This is due to my own self-taught thinking, right action, life/death motivation, and using OTC herbs.


However, I noticed I was left with many terrible after effects of my brain being affected.  I still have social anxiety where I can't relax in environments where you are expected to behave a certain way (work) or maintain relaxed eye contact or listen to people talking for a long time, especially only to me.  Incessant thinking sometimes. Can't really read well without going back and rereading a ton, take forever to write emails b/c analyzing how to not come across unnatural, and big trouble remembering things.   I also seem to be very tired on some days even though I'm more or less on a constant sleeping schedule give or take ~2 hours.  Sometimes I try NOFAP (not masturbating) to see if that was a factor and I'm also uncertain if it wastes the herbs I take, or effects any of these symptoms.  It's difficult and I can't seem to hold it off for too long.   I wonder is it even normal to have urges to orgasm everyday?  Even if I do it after it seems it the urge doesn't go away while trying to keep a clear mind. 


Currently taking these almost daily: 480mg gingko biloba, 2g EPA/1.5g DHA fish oil, 1g rhodiola, 400 mg magnesium glycinate.    Less commonly I'll take men's multi, 950 mg gotu kola, 450 ashwagandha, 1.22g fo-ti.   Been on this about a month now.  Once in a while I'll have a good social interaction which is awesome and hasn't happened in the past.  Sometimes I feel really good too, but I still have many days where it sucks.


On the list for the future I plan to try out bacopa, alpha gpc, noopept + choline.




I know this is detailed but I wanted to give the forums a shot to see if anyone has been in a similar situation; conventional medicine will just want to use antidepressants.  I tried that on and off for a decade and it didn't do anything while herbs and my own right action and thinking put an end to the depression.


Anybody out there repair their brains and restore cognitive function?   Please let me know or any others that might need help if something's worked for you or someone you know.


Much thanks.










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#2 jroseland

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 01:38 AM

The big one I see you are missing is Vitamin B12. Really high correlation between Vitamin B12 and all manner of depression related challenges...

B12 is relatively inexpensive so with your history why even take a chance of Vitamin B12 deficiency causing a relapse...?

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#3 tunt01

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 01:41 AM

Maybe low dose lithium.

#4 gamesguru

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 03:03 AM

a little bit of everything

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#5 entheogenic

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 03:47 AM

Consult with your doctor on amino acid therapy.


Get your GABA levels balanced with GABA.

Get your Serotonin elevated with 5-HTP, Tryptophan

Dopamine with N-acetyl L tyrosine, L-DOPA, mucuna


Start taking mineral supplements, magnesium is the most important one.


Acetyl L Carnitine works too. :laugh:

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#6 ctoo135

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 06:05 PM

Hey everyone,


Thanks for all the input.  grateful for any feedback at all.  I'll take these all into account.

#7 OneScrewLoose

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Posted 28 May 2015 - 01:25 AM

This is likely due to shrinkage of the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a unique part of the brain that shrinks with depression, and grows when you get out of it. Unlike the rest of your brain it is still growing until you are 45. It is one the main parts of your brain involved in memory (it seems to act like a partition table in a hard drive, a list of pointers to where all your memories are stored, but that's still hypothetical), and is the main part of your brain involved in directions and mapping. This would explain your difficulty in remembering what you read and your cohesion in writing. I recommend things that can increase BDNF to help this. Bacopa (I recommend BacoGold) and Curcmin can help with this.

The best thing would be Amitriptyline, as it uniquely activates TrkA and TrkB receptors, the sites where BDNF and NGF work. I feel that the difference between natural and synthetic is a cultural distinction. The only reason natural seems safer, is because that tribesman, 2000 years ago, ate that random plant and died, warning the rest of us not to. Which would you rather do, take 3 random pharmaceuticals in a pharmacy, or 3 random barriers in a forest? I know i"ll take the former.

I recommend the amitriptyline above all. A low dose of Ami at 25mg + Bacopa + Curcumin would be a potent combo.

I also recommend video games with large maps, and trying to memorize them. The people with the largest hippocampi are taxi drivers, which comes from memorizing city layouts. Maybe try to remember as much as you can of the GTA5 map? FPSs with large maps are a good option. Try playing one of the Europa Uniiversalis games, they are intense war-game style RTSs where map awareness is important. Speaking of map awareness, StarCraft 2 probably takes the cake in that.

Edited by OneScrewLoose, 28 May 2015 - 01:27 AM.

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#8 stan08

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Posted 28 May 2015 - 11:01 AM

This is likely due to shrinkage of the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a unique part of the brain that shrinks with depression, and grows when you get out of it. Unlike the rest of your brain it is still growing until you are 45. It is one the main parts of your brain involved in memory (it seems to act like a partition table in a hard drive, a list of pointers to where all your memories are stored, but that's still hypothetical), and is the main part of your brain involved in directions and mapping. This would explain your difficulty in remembering what you read and your cohesion in writing. I recommend things that can increase BDNF to help this. Bacopa (I recommend BacoGold) and Curcmin can help with this.

The best thing would be Amitriptyline, as it uniquely activates TrkA and TrkB receptors, the sites where BDNF and NGF work. I feel that the difference between natural and synthetic is a cultural distinction. The only reason natural seems safer, is because that tribesman, 2000 years ago, ate that random plant and died, warning the rest of us not to. Which would you rather do, take 3 random pharmaceuticals in a pharmacy, or 3 random barriers in a forest? I know i"ll take the former.

I recommend the amitriptyline above all. A low dose of Ami at 25mg + Bacopa + Curcumin would be a potent combo.

I also recommend video games with large maps, and trying to memorize them. The people with the largest hippocampi are taxi drivers, which comes from memorizing city layouts. Maybe try to remember as much as you can of the GTA5 map? FPSs with large maps are a good option. Try playing one of the Europa Uniiversalis games, they are intense war-game style RTSs where map awareness is important. Speaking of map awareness, StarCraft 2 probably takes the cake in that.


I think you're a little confused.  There is no such product/extract called BacoGold.  The product I think you're referring to (and linked to on amazon in another thread) is manufactured by Nutrigold and used to contain the BacoMind extract.  The Nutrigold Bacopa product now uses the Synapsa extract.  The description and pictures on Amazon have not been updated to reflect this change.

#9 OneScrewLoose

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Posted 28 May 2015 - 01:19 PM


This is likely due to shrinkage of the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a unique part of the brain that shrinks with depression, and grows when you get out of it. Unlike the rest of your brain it is still growing until you are 45. It is one the main parts of your brain involved in memory (it seems to act like a partition table in a hard drive, a list of pointers to where all your memories are stored, but that's still hypothetical), and is the main part of your brain involved in directions and mapping. This would explain your difficulty in remembering what you read and your cohesion in writing. I recommend things that can increase BDNF to help this. Bacopa (I recommend BacoGold) and Curcmin can help with this.

The best thing would be Amitriptyline, as it uniquely activates TrkA and TrkB receptors, the sites where BDNF and NGF work. I feel that the difference between natural and synthetic is a cultural distinction. The only reason natural seems safer, is because that tribesman, 2000 years ago, ate that random plant and died, warning the rest of us not to. Which would you rather do, take 3 random pharmaceuticals in a pharmacy, or 3 random barriers in a forest? I know i"ll take the former.

I recommend the amitriptyline above all. A low dose of Ami at 25mg + Bacopa + Curcumin would be a potent combo.

I also recommend video games with large maps, and trying to memorize them. The people with the largest hippocampi are taxi drivers, which comes from memorizing city layouts. Maybe try to remember as much as you can of the GTA5 map? FPSs with large maps are a good option. Try playing one of the Europa Uniiversalis games, they are intense war-game style RTSs where map awareness is important. Speaking of map awareness, StarCraft 2 probably takes the cake in that.


I think you're a little confused.  There is no such product/extract called BacoGold.  The product I think you're referring to (and linked to on amazon in another thread) is manufactured by Nutrigold and used to contain the BacoMind extract.  The Nutrigold Bacopa product now uses the Synapsa extract.  The description and pictures on Amazon have not been updated to reflect this change.



You are right, I portmanteau'd the two. So it uses no Nutrigold at all? is there any Bacopa that does?

#10 gamesguru

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Posted 28 May 2015 - 01:52 PM

At 45%, Bacognize should be nearly as good as BacoMind/KeenMind.



#11 stan08

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Posted 28 May 2015 - 02:18 PM



This is likely due to shrinkage of the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a unique part of the brain that shrinks with depression, and grows when you get out of it. Unlike the rest of your brain it is still growing until you are 45. It is one the main parts of your brain involved in memory (it seems to act like a partition table in a hard drive, a list of pointers to where all your memories are stored, but that's still hypothetical), and is the main part of your brain involved in directions and mapping. This would explain your difficulty in remembering what you read and your cohesion in writing. I recommend things that can increase BDNF to help this. Bacopa (I recommend BacoGold) and Curcmin can help with this.

The best thing would be Amitriptyline, as it uniquely activates TrkA and TrkB receptors, the sites where BDNF and NGF work. I feel that the difference between natural and synthetic is a cultural distinction. The only reason natural seems safer, is because that tribesman, 2000 years ago, ate that random plant and died, warning the rest of us not to. Which would you rather do, take 3 random pharmaceuticals in a pharmacy, or 3 random barriers in a forest? I know i"ll take the former.

I recommend the amitriptyline above all. A low dose of Ami at 25mg + Bacopa + Curcumin would be a potent combo.

I also recommend video games with large maps, and trying to memorize them. The people with the largest hippocampi are taxi drivers, which comes from memorizing city layouts. Maybe try to remember as much as you can of the GTA5 map? FPSs with large maps are a good option. Try playing one of the Europa Uniiversalis games, they are intense war-game style RTSs where map awareness is important. Speaking of map awareness, StarCraft 2 probably takes the cake in that.


I think you're a little confused.  There is no such product/extract called BacoGold.  The product I think you're referring to (and linked to on amazon in another thread) is manufactured by Nutrigold and used to contain the BacoMind extract.  The Nutrigold Bacopa product now uses the Synapsa extract.  The description and pictures on Amazon have not been updated to reflect this change.



You are right, I portmanteau'd the two. So it uses no Nutrigold at all? is there any Bacopa that does?



Nutrigold is a supplement brand, not an extract. Nutrigold makes many different products.  Personally, I've used their bacopa, ashwagandha and triple strength fish oil (liked all three).

Edited by stan08, 28 May 2015 - 02:19 PM.

#12 stan08

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Posted 28 May 2015 - 02:20 PM

At 45%, Bacognize should be nearly as good as BacoMind/KeenMind.




True.  I like the new synapsa extract that nutrigold now uses in their bacopa product.  It's standardized to 55% and to me, it was more energizing/mood-lifting than the bacognize (of course, individual results will vary).

#13 OneScrewLoose

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Posted 28 May 2015 - 08:14 PM




This is likely due to shrinkage of the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a unique part of the brain that shrinks with depression, and grows when you get out of it. Unlike the rest of your brain it is still growing until you are 45. It is one the main parts of your brain involved in memory (it seems to act like a partition table in a hard drive, a list of pointers to where all your memories are stored, but that's still hypothetical), and is the main part of your brain involved in directions and mapping. This would explain your difficulty in remembering what you read and your cohesion in writing. I recommend things that can increase BDNF to help this. Bacopa (I recommend BacoGold) and Curcmin can help with this.

The best thing would be Amitriptyline, as it uniquely activates TrkA and TrkB receptors, the sites where BDNF and NGF work. I feel that the difference between natural and synthetic is a cultural distinction. The only reason natural seems safer, is because that tribesman, 2000 years ago, ate that random plant and died, warning the rest of us not to. Which would you rather do, take 3 random pharmaceuticals in a pharmacy, or 3 random barriers in a forest? I know i"ll take the former.

I recommend the amitriptyline above all. A low dose of Ami at 25mg + Bacopa + Curcumin would be a potent combo.

I also recommend video games with large maps, and trying to memorize them. The people with the largest hippocampi are taxi drivers, which comes from memorizing city layouts. Maybe try to remember as much as you can of the GTA5 map? FPSs with large maps are a good option. Try playing one of the Europa Uniiversalis games, they are intense war-game style RTSs where map awareness is important. Speaking of map awareness, StarCraft 2 probably takes the cake in that.


I think you're a little confused.  There is no such product/extract called BacoGold.  The product I think you're referring to (and linked to on amazon in another thread) is manufactured by Nutrigold and used to contain the BacoMind extract.  The Nutrigold Bacopa product now uses the Synapsa extract.  The description and pictures on Amazon have not been updated to reflect this change.



You are right, I portmanteau'd the two. So it uses no Nutrigold at all? is there any Bacopa that does?



Nutrigold is a supplement brand, not an extract. Nutrigold makes many different products.  Personally, I've used their bacopa, ashwagandha and triple strength fish oil (liked all three).


LOL, I was tired and did it again. I meant Bacomind. Does any supplement use Bacomind, because that's the extract the majority of studies use, and that's significant.

#14 stan08

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Posted 28 May 2015 - 09:00 PM





This is likely due to shrinkage of the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a unique part of the brain that shrinks with depression, and grows when you get out of it. Unlike the rest of your brain it is still growing until you are 45. It is one the main parts of your brain involved in memory (it seems to act like a partition table in a hard drive, a list of pointers to where all your memories are stored, but that's still hypothetical), and is the main part of your brain involved in directions and mapping. This would explain your difficulty in remembering what you read and your cohesion in writing. I recommend things that can increase BDNF to help this. Bacopa (I recommend BacoGold) and Curcmin can help with this.

The best thing would be Amitriptyline, as it uniquely activates TrkA and TrkB receptors, the sites where BDNF and NGF work. I feel that the difference between natural and synthetic is a cultural distinction. The only reason natural seems safer, is because that tribesman, 2000 years ago, ate that random plant and died, warning the rest of us not to. Which would you rather do, take 3 random pharmaceuticals in a pharmacy, or 3 random barriers in a forest? I know i"ll take the former.

I recommend the amitriptyline above all. A low dose of Ami at 25mg + Bacopa + Curcumin would be a potent combo.

I also recommend video games with large maps, and trying to memorize them. The people with the largest hippocampi are taxi drivers, which comes from memorizing city layouts. Maybe try to remember as much as you can of the GTA5 map? FPSs with large maps are a good option. Try playing one of the Europa Uniiversalis games, they are intense war-game style RTSs where map awareness is important. Speaking of map awareness, StarCraft 2 probably takes the cake in that.


I think you're a little confused.  There is no such product/extract called BacoGold.  The product I think you're referring to (and linked to on amazon in another thread) is manufactured by Nutrigold and used to contain the BacoMind extract.  The Nutrigold Bacopa product now uses the Synapsa extract.  The description and pictures on Amazon have not been updated to reflect this change.



You are right, I portmanteau'd the two. So it uses no Nutrigold at all? is there any Bacopa that does?



Nutrigold is a supplement brand, not an extract. Nutrigold makes many different products.  Personally, I've used their bacopa, ashwagandha and triple strength fish oil (liked all three).


LOL, I was tired and did it again. I meant Bacomind. Does any supplement use Bacomind, because that's the extract the majority of studies use, and that's significant.



I haven't noticed any others using Bacomind.  However, from what I've seen, just as many or more studies are based on the CDRI 08 extract.  The synapsa extract website (http://www.synapsa.i...nical-research/) links to them as studies showing how effective it is.  I'm not positive about this but I think the synapsa extract is the same as the CDRI extract.  They're both standardized to 55%.  Also, I read on a few online sites (don't have a link) that the CDRI extract can only be bought in Australia or Europe (i.e. not United States).  So, I'm wondering if that same extract was recently patented under another name when they started selling it here.  If not, then I don't understand why the synapsa extract website links to the CDRI extract studies.

#15 Mr Matsubayashi

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Posted 31 May 2015 - 12:23 PM

When I had to shake the blues and recover the following really helped.


- All the things nagging you in the background, get them sorted.

- Stop living so hectically, let go. For me this meant stop trying to self medicate my way out of it, letting go of some of my crazier goals at least for the time being. 

- Find someone to squeeze. If you can talk to them about what you're going through it's a bonus.

- Accept that it will take time to get back to normal.


The following also helped some.


Get some high intensity cardio happening regularly.

Reduce masturbation and porn consumption.

Ease your morning shower from hot to cold before you get out.

Do your best to be in bed with plenty of time for sleep if getting enough sleep and sleep anxiety is an issue for you.

Set yourself small goals and when you achieve them treat yourself.


As far as medications go Cerebrolysin has been effective at removing depression but I would recommend the above over using supplements / drugs.

#16 ctoo135

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Posted 14 June 2015 - 04:21 AM

Thanks guys....didnt see the later responses.  Gonna try the Bacopa and curcumin (read good things about longvida) after my ashwaganda/gotu kola/rhodiola/magnesium glycinate/blueberry stack.    dunno if it's good to take too many at once lol...i've read just about everything I could find and plan to try everything.  hope this thread helps others that may come across it.  the stuff i've mentioned here are the supplements with recurring accounts of good effects on anxiety n depression.


Some extra advice for getting out of depression from my 1.5+ decade experience:

- to quote mr. matsu above me, you need to get the stuff in the background sorted.  all the things you know you should have done or need to do, come to terms with them to put your subconscious mind at peace and so you can concentrate on what's in front of u.  otherwise it'll weigh you down in ways you dont realize.

- above all else, do what ur inner true self instinctively feels it needs to do before your mind starts rationalizing and learn to act on it fast before getting distracted.  take the steps and after its done do what it tells u to do next (it wont give u a long list from start to finish, rather just a few steps for the time being - do those before u get mind poisons/rationalizations from not acting).  dont let yourself stray off your path or let others talk u out of it or lead u somewhere else if it contradicts.  took me YEARS to figure this out.....it's pretty much the only answer i've personally found.   anytime i contradicted this i would be brought back to this lesson until i was forced to accept it.  if ur stuck in depression u should definitely do this if it makes sense to u.

- getting out of depression is subtle......ur entire being, ur thoughts, ur daily actions and habits all should be aligned to whats true at ur core.   ur core is the thing when ur young gave u dreams and what u know/feel u need to be doing before all the self convincing comes in.  Use ur brain instead of being lazy and expect a doctor,  'professional' lol, or a friend or mentor to tell you.  

- ask ur brain to figure out the immediate plan and wrack ur brain/fine tune ur brain ....u need to teach urself that ur brain is enough to help urself and u can rely on it.  get the plan from urself!!!  u need to believe in it's own ability.


- when u make the internal shifts, thats the seed to the path out of darkness u are sewing.  know when ur in the shit uve already planted the seed (if u decided to do so).......climbing out of it is (and ******here is where ur focus needs to be at******  to make sure u are on the path out of depression...always check this everyday if u are on the path*******) - are the new actions and habits u are sustaining/building daily.  u gotta keep taking the actions while being tortured, its the way of life u adapt but this time cool stuff actually happens intermittedly. Do it to find out what i mean.

- u get to expererience different 'aspects of reality' and walkin the path out yourself (pretty much u do it all on ur own) the momentum and ferocity u use can be sustained after u get out to take u to places other people wouldnt be able to go to.  u earn a lot of self respect from dealing with everything on ur own (others can def make a big difference - use their help if it works) but mostly its ALL U.

- ull shed all ur weaknesses and draw from deep reservoirs of strength u didn't know you had from inside ....good luck.


Edited by ctoo135, 14 June 2015 - 04:34 AM.

#17 toto75015

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Posted 14 June 2015 - 09:08 AM

Hi there,


to calm down anxiety, what helped me the best so far is Kava Kava... but you have to find the best strain for you, there is a lot and not everyone react the same to a given strain. You also have to experiment on the best way to prepare it also. Depending on the strain, I cook it, or I mix it with fat, or I prepare it in the traditional way...


Kava really helped me to be more social and care free in social situations, and thus helped me to rebuid my self confidence... Social life is a skill, and you need to rebuild it, but to rebuild it you need to experiment social interactions so this is a dead loop, but you can escape it if you find the right tools to do the first steps.


For something like 20 years I was unable to smile to strangers, I've recently regained this skill and now I practice it naturally without any effort, and this simple change makes a huge difference on the way people react to you. Anxiety is a kind of feedback loop: if you are uncomfortable, you make people around you (especially strangers) uncomfortable, and thus you are more uncomfortable etc. 


Kava helped me escape this loop, by being natural and happy and it made all the difference in the way I interact with people.


After that I would advise you practicing some challenging intellectual skills. It's what will rebuild part of your brain, especially the hippocampus. At first it may seem difficult, but if you practice daily, you'll gain more and more mental stamina and power. For me the brain is like a muscle, you need to train it, otherwise you lose your gains...


Any challenging mental activity can help: learn music, painting or drawing, learn a new language, learn how to program software... Just be consistent on your activity.



#18 normalizing

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Posted 14 June 2015 - 10:28 AM

toto, you purchase bulk of raw kava and cook it yourself? wow thats not something i have seen yet. people take kava in supplements always unless living on the island producing it. very complicated this, to purchase good quality kava and actually do all the produce yourself!

#19 toto75015

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Posted 14 June 2015 - 11:46 AM

Hi. Many shops online are selling raw powdered kava root. You can find good quality kava pretty easily. The main problem is to find the right variety for you. I use two types of Kava: a daily kava, a stimulating one. One that makes you anxiety free and motivated to socialize. From time to time I also use a night kava: it relaxes you so much to the point where you fall asleep. The day after you also feel fresh and relax.

I searched kava because of the up regulation of the gaba b receptors.

I took my daily kava for six to eight weeks and then I felt that taking it daily was no more necessary.

Now I take it only from time to time when I feel I need to.

Generally my anxiety levels have decreased a lot and since then I am involved on many projects I no more have time to worry or ruminate. This is a good sign that I'm getting out of depression even if I must stay careful.

It's interesting to see how many we are to try to find the solution to our depression by ourselves.

But my late conclusion is that by finding the right combination of plants that work for you, you can achieve better results than with chemical medication.

But you have to experiment a lot.

#20 normalizing

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Posted 15 June 2015 - 06:31 AM

wait, there are many types of kavas some which are stimulants others just relax agents? i always thought kava was one medicial plant sold specifically for relaxation and stress help. if i know of nice stimulating kava, i might try that one. the problem is, all the pills i brought just say kava and some percent of kavalactones, i havent encountered any different than generally specified kavas out there. im not sure maybe you tried some other plant also called kava?

#21 OneScrewLoose

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Posted 21 June 2015 - 11:45 AM

I find that, unfortunately, a tolerance to Kava builds quite rapidly, just like Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, and other adaptogens. It may be great for occasional use though.

I highly recommend Amitriptyline. It's an extraordinarily unique drug in that, as far as I know, it's the only drug that agonizes both TrkA and TrKB receptors, the binding sites of BDNF and NGF, and other endogenous neurotrophic ligands. That means it acts as all of these in a single substance. If you rare looking for repair, this could help tremendously with dendritic growth.

Amitriptyline inhibits SERT and to a lesser extent NET. But the time needed to take effect seems to be only 1-3 weeks, as opposed to 5 weeks for SSRIs.

The 5HT2a antagonism and 5HT2c inverse agonism may help you with your incessant thinking and social anxiety. The alpha-1 antagonism could help you calm down in general. It's potent H1 antagonism may deepen your sleep and allow you to feel more rested in the morning.

The 'benefits' of not masturbating are 100% broscience, finding most of their beginnings at reddit.com/r/nofap. This is essentially a collection of guys who haven't had the best luck with girls and have convinced themselves, through shitty science and poor interpretation of studies, that somehow not masturbating will turn them into alpha-males (not joking). The worst thing you can do is let yourself feel guilty for having a nice wank, which would probably itself want to make you do it more since you're not enjoying it the first place. Just sit back, relax, bring yo dick out, and keep jerking it until you find that prono that's just right to finish to. There's no shame in that, and there is no evidence that avoiding this will somehow make you healthier, unless you are doing it so frequently that you're just exhausted.

#22 normalizing

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Posted 22 June 2015 - 09:54 AM

amitriptyline is one of those outdated antidepressants tho. nobody really discusses it or recomends it now days. why would you even do that? from wikipedia i read a lot of shit side effects, i dunno how good it is long term. i doubt too good. tho, i must admit, it is quite tempting somehow. if its anything close to tianeptine....

#23 Major Legend

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Posted 23 June 2015 - 09:26 AM

Brain entrainment for sure (photic, binaural and cranial electrotherapy stimulation". Lions mane, NAC/ or MSM and noopept. Daily Phenylalanine of 500mg to 1000mg should help with mood too, though i'm still undecided whether tolerances develop to tyrosine and phenylalanine supplementation. 


And walk alot - like 10000 steps daily. Or do 10 floors of stairs daily, easy and effective for post depression.

Edited by Major Legend, 23 June 2015 - 09:27 AM.

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#24 OneScrewLoose

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Posted 29 June 2015 - 11:45 AM

amitriptyline is one of those outdated antidepressants tho. nobody really discusses it or recomends it now days. why would you even do that? from wikipedia i read a lot of shit side effects, i dunno how good it is long term. i doubt too good. tho, i must admit, it is quite tempting somehow. if its anything close to tianeptine....

Bullshit. First of all, they aren't outdated. TCAs are the primary treatment for migraines. Second, there are two reasons they aren't used frequently:

1. A lot of doctors suck, and the breadth of their knowledge extends only so far as to what the pharmaceutical reps that pass through tell them.


2. Liability. If someone gets depressed and tries to harm themselves by taking a bottle of an SSRIs, they'll be fine. If they try to do the same with a TCA, they'll be quite dead.


It's not just TCAs that have been thrown by the wayside, drugs like Buspar, Clonidine (for sleep), beta blockers instead of benzos for acute anxiety, Mellaril (A first-gen antipsychotic that has a profile more like a second-gen. Can relieve psychosomatic symptoms in low doses).


Selegiline can act as an antidepressant, treat ADHD, and help with a wide variety of things, but it was never used much beyond treating Parkinson's.


There's more examples. Nortriptyline can be a great antidepressant for some as it has a low affinity for SERT, so there are less SRI-related side-effects like diminished libido and numbness.


These days, Adderall is the first thing prescribed for ADHD. But the sides are too much for some people. Few doctors seem to realize that Ritalin is more mild (It's a DAT Inhibitor instead of a dopamine releasing agent like Adderall), and don't think to prescribe it when Adderall is too much.

Do you know what I think the best SSRI was before Viibryd and Brintellix came out? Prozac. It was weaker in the SRI department than others like it. It had the additional mechanism of antagonizing 5-HT2c, which release dopamine in the Ventral Tegmental Area, one of the two main pleasure centers of the brain. Unfortunately, the stigma of the name alone prevented it from being prescribed often.

The original MAOIs, Nardil and Parnate. Can be deadly with the wrong foods, but they are still the most effective antidepressants. If someone is about to kill themselves, then this should be a definite consideration.

There's more examples. Very few medications are 'outdated', and to call TCAs as such is foolish.

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#25 kurdishfella

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Posted 23 June 2019 - 11:06 PM

I find that, unfortunately, a tolerance to Kava builds quite rapidly, just like Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, and other adaptogens. It may be great for occasional use though.

I highly recommend Amitriptyline. It's an extraordinarily unique drug in that, as far as I know, it's the only drug that agonizes both TrkA and TrKB receptors, the binding sites of BDNF and NGF, and other endogenous neurotrophic ligands. That means it acts as all of these in a single substance. If you rare looking for repair, this could help tremendously with dendritic growth.

Amitriptyline inhibits SERT and to a lesser extent NET. But the time needed to take effect seems to be only 1-3 weeks, as opposed to 5 weeks for SSRIs.

The 5HT2a antagonism and 5HT2c inverse agonism may help you with your incessant thinking and social anxiety. The alpha-1 antagonism could help you calm down in general. It's potent H1 antagonism may deepen your sleep and allow you to feel more rested in the morning.

The 'benefits' of not masturbating are 100% broscience, finding most of their beginnings at reddit.com/r/nofap. This is essentially a collection of guys who haven't had the best luck with girls and have convinced themselves, through shitty science and poor interpretation of studies, that somehow not masturbating will turn them into alpha-males (not joking). The worst thing you can do is let yourself feel guilty for having a nice wank, which would probably itself want to make you do it more since you're not enjoying it the first place. Just sit back, relax, bring yo dick out, and keep jerking it until you find that prono that's just right to finish to. There's no shame in that, and there is no evidence that avoiding this will somehow make you healthier, unless you are doing it so frequently that you're just exhausted.

I noticed there is a TrkC also, does that help cognition too? If so, I'd be intrested to know of a drug which is an agonist on that.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: depression, neurogenesis, memory, concentration, social anxiety, herbs, noots

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