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Looking to cure insomnia and depression after listening to binaural beats

brain wave insomnia depression

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#1 Pleasantness

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 06:52 PM

Hey Everyone,


Five years ago I listened to a brain wave entrainment audio track called “The Dive” from a meditation audio system called Holosync, from the company Centrepointe.

The Dive according to Centrepoint:

“While you’re hearing the sounds of soothing rain and distant crystal bowls through stereo headphones, the embedded Holosync® tones in The Dive™ will gradually take you, over a thirty-minute period,  into an alpha brain wave state, then into a theta brain wave state, and finally into a deep delta  brain wave state.”


One day I listened to the track which I found very relaxing. The next day I experienced the following Side Effects:

  • Complete lack of ability to fall asleep at night
  • Chills and Sweats at night while trying to fall asleep regardless of room temperature
  • Feeling alone and sad about my life without any conceivable reason.
  • Anxiety and nervousness from the ordinary situations that I was happily doing before I listened to the audio CD.

Too afraid of what can happen from just listening to a single track once, I threw away the CD and vowed to never listen to another binaural beats audio track ever again.


And now the kicker: These side effects have been continuing for the last 5 years, from only listening to the audio track once, ever! Yowza.


My Journey to Healing:

  • I have seen many doctors, none of which could relate or had any experience in regards to brain waves and audio.
  • I’ve been prescribed Seroquel XR (Quetiapine) for insomnia and mood, which really helped me fall asleep, but at the same time really dulled my emotions.
  • I’ve also been prescribed the SSRI Cipralex (Escitaopram) for depression which was fine except for the constant desire to eat.



Now for the Sunshine:

After discovering nootropics and Longecity (thank you!) three months ago, I knew I could cure this without having to rely on the above medications. I want to restore and normalize my brain waves. If I could change them once, I can change them back. I am not afraid anymore.  


First I tapered off both Seroquel XR and Cipralex.

Instead I now take:

  • High quality MultiV
  • High DHA Fish Oil
  • 150mg Uridine UMP
  • L-Tyrosine and L-Tryptophan every other day or so (Not as mood uplifting as SSRI Escitalopram, so I’m keeping my eyes peeled for something more potent)  
  • Trazodone for Insomnia (I can’t wait to stop taking this. Sure it helps me fall asleep, but my sleep quality could be so much better)
  • Nutritious Vegan Diet for health and compassion (3 years in and loving it)



Now I need to figure out how to normalize my brain waves to cure that insomnia and restore everything else.


Game Plan:

1.    Read more into brain waves, binaural beats software, and this interesting field.

2.    Find a more potent long term sertonergic mood booster than L-Tryp and L-Tyro .



I would also love to hear any thoughts or advice you brilliant people may have J


Thanks for reading!


#2 OneScrewLoose

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 10:04 PM

The effects of binaural beats and other 'brainwave entertainment' are inconclusive and poorly understood:


http://www.ncbi.nlm....l [title] beats

I'm not saying the do nothing. I'm saying we don't really have a good grasp of what they do. This means that the specific effects that track had and what may or may not have happened is impossible to discern, unfortunately.

The most likely thing that happened isn't that the binaural beats themselves triggered these things, as that would be extraordinarily unlikely in just one session. The most probable thing is that it triggered some sort of latent disposition to anxiety that you've always had. So I'd recommend treating this from an anxiety approach, not a brain wave approach. This goes doubly, since the brain wave states and mood states have only correlations between them, and few cases of causation. You can look up 'Neural Correlates of Consciousness' for more info in this general area. This implies that you can't use brain waves to get consistent, predictive results from altering them, as this would require a causal mechanism.

So let's look at this from an anxiety approach.

Do you do any meditation?

There is no harm in take Tryptophan and Tyrosine every day, and I would recommend it in this case if you're not taking much.

Are you open to pharmaceuticals other than Trazodone? To you, is there a difference between supplements and pharmaceuticals? If so, why?

What's your multi?

There's no evidence that high DHA or high EPA fish oils have any benefit over regular fish oil. It just costs a lot more money. Just get a good fish oil with the typical 2:1 ratio of EPA to DHA and save some big bucks.

Why Uridine?

Also, the human body was not meant for a vegan diet. Unless one is very careful, it can cause the body to lack nutrients and endure stress. A diet where one most take B12 in a pill form or supplement other things does not seem natural to me. I highly recommend switching to vegetarianism, and finding sources of milk and eggs that are kinder to the animals if that is your concern.

I wish you well!

  • Ill informed x 1

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#3 Pleasantness

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Posted 25 May 2015 - 12:32 PM

Thanks for resonding, Onescrewloose.


Looks good, I will definitely give it a read.


Quite the interesting field, that is for sure. I'll also look more into anxiety as well.


There is no harm in take Tryptophan and Tyrosine every day, and I would recommend it in this case if you're not taking much.

Are you open to pharmaceuticals other than Trazodone? To you, is there a difference between supplements and pharmaceuticals? If so, why?

What's your multi?

There's no evidence that high DHA or high EPA fish oils have any benefit over regular fish oil. It just costs a lot more money. Just get a good fish oil with the typical 2:1 ratio of EPA to DHA and save some big bucks.

Why Uridine?

Also, the human body was not meant for a vegan diet. Unless one is very careful, it can cause the body to lack nutrients and endure stress. A diet where one most take B12 in a pill form or supplement other things does not seem natural to me. I highly recommend switching to vegetarianism, and finding sources of milk and eggs that are kinder to the animals if that is your concern.

I wish you well!



I listen to a guided meditation every day, which helps me focus on positivity, warmth, and good feelings. I also believe in that our thoughts create our reality. These principles have certainly changed my life in a profoundly positive way.


Trypt/Tyro: I read somewhere that it is not recommended to take trypophan/tyro everyday, as you could build a tolerance to it. But at the same time, I want to be able to feel physically happier every day, not just every other day.


Multi: Thorne Basic Nutrients 2/Day. I'm thinking of switching to something less potent though. I only take 1 cap because it is so strong.


DHA: High DHA actually makes me feel pretty good! 


Uridine: There is a big thread of Uridine, DHA, and Choline. I experimented a bit, and found that 150mg Uridine gives me a nice energy boost without affecting my ability to focus and think. 


Vegan Diet: This diet definitely has its pros and cons. For example Haven't caught a single cold, asthma virtually gone, no more headaches, and so much more. And at the same time, I am learning that the body isn't designed evolutionary for this diet, especially when I experimented with Fish Oil and realized how much it improved my sense of wellbeing. I'll be supplementing with Choline to fill that nutritional gap as well. 



I am also going to post my sleep results here and what routine/supplements I took that day.

Edited by Pleasantness, 25 May 2015 - 12:41 PM.

#4 OneScrewLoose

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Posted 27 May 2015 - 07:47 AM

You will not build a tolerance to Tryptophan very much, because your body has a mechanism that controls the rate it gets converted to 5-HTP. However, if Tryptophan helps a good deal, 5-HTP + EGCG (prevents the conversion o 5-HTP to 5HT before it reaches the brain) might help you even more.

I like Life Extension 2 per day multi, which I only take once per day. I don't think we really need large doses of vitamins beyond the RDA, except for Vitamin D (2000 IU/day is usually optimal).

I would highly recommend considering switching to a vegetarian diet.

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#5 ironfistx

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Posted 05 June 2015 - 02:53 AM

I did some of those brain wave things using a frequency that another member said worked well which was 40hz or something, and after like a day or two I had increased anxiety.  I thought it was the ginseng I was taking, but it wasn't.  I stopped the brainwaves and effects went away.

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