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A941's Photo A941 28 May 2015

What do you think about Antinatalism?


I especially mean the idea that it is better to not reproduce because your children will always suffer in life, and that the ammount of suffering will outweigh the good in life.


Personally I think there will always be some sort of struggle, even if we remove all pain, the only thing problematic for life is death because it ends all experience and leaves no real space for meaning.

I dont know if they did ad death to their equation.


N.T.M.'s Photo N.T.M. 07 Jul 2015

Considering how things are looking presently, I think antinatalism is a very tenable position. Having kids in this environment seems pretty selfish. In the future, of course, this may be different, but for now I find it difficult to argue.


sthira's Photo sthira 07 Jul 2015

I really love Schopenhauer.

niner's Photo niner 07 Jul 2015

People have been taking the antinatalism view for decades, if not centuries.  And yet, things keep getting better.  The future has a positive bias.  I know that some will disagree with my position on this, but instead of looking at whatever is the horror du jour, consider the broad sweep of history.  Do you really want to live in the 1100's?  The 1840's?  The 1950's?  If I had a time machine, I'd head straight for the future.  Until aging is cured, the only way to live on is through your germline. 


Don't forget that humans are just another species of mammal.  Evolution has provided us with a powerful drive to procreate.  Later, when you're the parent of a surly teenager like I am, you might find yourself questioning your procreational decisions, but evolution doesn't care about that.  It's interesting that as cultures get more wealthy, educated, and secure, the birthrate slows down, and has dropped below the replacement rate in some developed nations.


sthira's Photo sthira 07 Jul 2015

^^ yeah I agree with that. And if you find someone you really love and cherish -- and neither of you are too far messed up -- and you both actually plan a child instead of just kinda making one out of a sex accident -- and you're willing to make the longterm commitment to raise the damned things for the next twenty years -- haha -- then procreate. Me? No fucking way haha

Antonio2014's Photo Antonio2014 07 Jul 2015

I don't agree with their reasons but, since world's birth rate duplicates death rate, yeah, go ahead with antinatalism!
