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Noopept under psychological Stress situations

noopept stress modafinil pramiracetam

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#1 Creo

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Posted 16 June 2015 - 07:39 AM

So i have been experimenting with modafinil for some time now, i think it is an amazing substance which keeps me awake on long study days, and also keeps me calm.
In my country we have all our medical exams orally, in the time i have experimented with modafinil, it always helped in those situations. I must add that i easily get nervous in oral exam situations. My Heart just starts beating like Crazy and it really limits my concentration.
I read a lot about noopept and as my big exams Are coming up in a few months, i started experimenting with it, plus a choline Supplement about a week ago. First three days i didnt notice anything. Now however i always have memories easier coming back. And i really like that. However i tried it in a situation where i hat to present a case infront of an audience and. I really felt inhibitet to explain my thoughts again. My heart was rushing and in my brain i was just thinking why cant i just structure my sentences and talk normally. It was so extreme i havent felt for a long Time.
Has anyone else had these experiences with noopept? Or is that just me. I think i may just take noopept on learning days and switch to modafinil on exam days.
At the Moment i take ciltep in the morning, cdp choline and 10mg noopet spread out 3 Times throughout the day.
What about pramiracetam, does it also make expressing your thoughts into words more complicated?
Thank you for your ideas or experiences in advance

#2 Aurel

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Posted 16 June 2015 - 03:47 PM

Do you by any chance study in Berlin? We have the guy here (HU Berlin) who writes all the top selling books on speaking anxiety. Talked to him some weeks ago and you can easily get an appointment with him.

That would be my first suggestion. Instead of taking pills and then to take pills against the side effects of taking pills.


Personally I have to take SSRIs at the moment, one thing that it does for sure is making me not to feel any social anxiety at all (it inhibits the feelings of social joy also). So maybe something that pushes serotonin could help you? That would just be a guess on my part.

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#3 m77

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Posted 18 June 2015 - 04:46 AM

I have had issues with mod being detrimental to my verbal fluency/speech. I can sound like a complete idiot, have trouble expressing myself and tend toward being anti-social. Not sure if anyone has a solution/supplement/stack to help with that side-effect? Noopept typically gives me an abstract/creative boost and some social motivation. Anxiety is mildly reduced but not full proof for all situations (eg, big meetings, presentations, tight deadlines, etc).

Edited by m77, 18 June 2015 - 04:50 AM.

#4 Aurel

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Posted 18 June 2015 - 09:23 AM

Improving verbal fluency:



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#5 Creo

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Posted 18 June 2015 - 11:17 AM

Improving verbal fluency:




Thanks for that link :)

For me it is weird with mod, it really calms me down and i dont tend to be more open to conversations, however i am more interested and i can explain my thoughts better and i am more motivated to question what someone tells me.

I have been continuing Noopept and i havent really had this anxiety anymore. I shouldnt have taken it for the first time on a day i had a presentation maybe.

Thank you for the offer Aurel but i am not close to berlin sadly. But i will take that step as soon as i have more time after my exams. In the long run i guess that will help me the best.

Edited by Creo, 18 June 2015 - 11:18 AM.

#6 Aurel

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Posted 18 June 2015 - 12:36 PM

Great that it didn't affect you anymore. Remember, every university has a psychological consultation service. I had to stop studying in the past because of severe depression and anxiety; and because I haven't turned to anyone for help.


Here is the one book (there is a 2015 version available now): http://www.amazon.de...=holger walther


I am sure that every library has it, so you don't need to buy it.


Concerning verbal fluency. On page two there is a (in my opinion) great post from Eczema. You could look into that one.

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#7 jroseland

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Posted 29 June 2015 - 09:09 PM

It sounds like you have pretty normal social anxiety around public speaking... Noopept is a focus, memory drug. It's not going to do much for your social anxiety. Aniracetam is better for social anxiety...


But what would probably make much more significant difference is public speaking training, exposure therapy etc


By the way I'm also in Berlin. Just arrived, loving it here!

Do you by any chance study in Berlin? We have the guy here (HU Berlin) who writes all the top selling books on speaking anxiety. Talked to him some weeks ago and you can easily get an appointment with him.

That would be my first suggestion. Instead of taking pills and then to take pills against the side effects of taking pills.


Personally I have to take SSRIs at the moment, one thing that it does for sure is making me not to feel any social anxiety at all (it inhibits the feelings of social joy also). So maybe something that pushes serotonin could help you? That would just be a guess on my part.


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: noopept, stress, modafinil, pramiracetam

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