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Check out my stack, and my questions

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#1 canz

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Posted 10 September 2005 - 07:47 PM

I've recently started a stack that I've read about in a better brain book with anti oxidants as well as some piracetam and hydergine. I started the piracetam at 4800mg for 5 days attack dose then went down to 2400mg per day split up into 3 doses, that was 2 weeks ago. One week ago I started the hydergine at 4.5mg per day in the morning. I am also taking 1000mg split up into 3 doses of a choline/insitol supplement that I bought from the vitamin shoppe. The past few days, I have not been able to sleep, and once I do fall asleep, its restless and I wake up alot, and I cannot figure out why this is. I am also taking the following below:

Ginko Biloba 60mg
Acetyl L cartinine 500mg
Phosphatidyl Serine 100mg
vit b complex 100mg
folic acid 800mcg
vit c 2000mg
vit 3 400iu
b12 1000mcg

I would also understand that some of the supplements above including piracetam and hydergine are either water soluable or fat soluable. Could someone seperate the supplements that should be taken with food and the supplements that should not be taken with food to increase effectiveness or prevent stomach problems please? I want to get the most effectiveness that I can out of these. Also, could someone critique my supplement intake? Something is keeping me up at night, just trying to figure out what.

Side note: Through reading from this site, I've ordered some huperzine A, pyritonol and Alpha GCP(as a more reliable source of choline) and am thinking of dropping the hydergine.

#2 canz

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Posted 10 September 2005 - 08:16 PM

To add to that I'm 28 y/o. 5'10", 230, 12% bf.

#3 canz

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Posted 10 September 2005 - 09:21 PM

out of 15 views, no one has any suggestions, knowledge or opinions on the above?

#4 canz

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Posted 11 September 2005 - 01:08 PM

I think insomnia is due to piracetam. I had the same problem. The only thing to suggest here is to try experimenting with lower doses and see if that alleviates the problem.

As for the other stuff, I suspect you can find all the answers, and much more, in the archives, if you will just do a simple search. It worked for me every single time. :)


Thanks! I'll do a search, I guess I was just being lazy with that part! [thumb]

The last two days I've cut the hydergine out and maintained my dose of piracetam, but taking 1600mg upon waking and 800mg at lunch. I slept well last night. I also stopped taking everything else but the vitamins and choline. I'm gonna slowly start working everything back in. I'm almost thinking that I was taking them too late. We'll see.

#5 mitkat

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Posted 11 September 2005 - 03:32 PM

canz, i don't take any racetams after 7pm because they will keep me up.

#6 canz

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Posted 13 September 2005 - 01:51 AM

I have slept like a baby the past few nights so I think I've remedied the problem. Another question. Last night I drank about 3 beers. I went back to my hotel room and laid down for a little bit, when I got up to go to the bathroom, I noticed that my shoulders, the top of my back and one side of my neck was red and blotchy. Is this from the piracetam, or any of the other supps above that I'm taking? I don't know how long it lasted. It didn't itch, it was just blochy and I was kind of warm. This is the first time I've drank any alcohol while I've been taking any of the above supps.

#7 canz

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Posted 14 September 2005 - 12:41 AM


#8 Guest_da_sense_*

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Posted 14 September 2005 - 07:17 AM

It's not piracetam for sure

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