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Alcor Documentary "The Limitless Future"

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#1 cryofan

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Posted 11 September 2005 - 08:58 PM

I just got a DVD of this Alcor documentary, "The Limitless Future," in the mail.

Very professional looking! Very good outreach tool. About 30 minutes long. Beautiful scenery, etc.

Has a number of well known cryonicists speaking about cryonics (Wowk, Harris, Lemler, Waynick, Riskin, Merkle, de Grey, Jones, Vita-More, etc). Also featured are two publicists from Walshcomm, I think.

Interesting to see recent pix of these well known cryonicists, who have changed with age since I first saw their pix about 10 years. Time, she do march on (except for Hugh Hixon; he is like the Dick Clark of cryonics....).

One question though: why is the usage of this video restricted to home viewing? I would think that since this is an outreach tool, Alcor would take advantage of upcoming internet video capabilities to reach more people.

#2 lightowl

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Posted 12 September 2005 - 12:11 AM

The video with a book can be ordered for free here:


I believe video like this is very important. We are in a battle to change popular sentiment away from the often negative opinions of main stream movies. People want to be informed in an entertaining and easily accessible way. Video can be a very powerful media.



#3 chubtoad

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Posted 12 September 2005 - 02:19 AM

Maybe if Alcor sees sufficient interest it will make the video available for downloading since it is free anyway. What is the best way to contact Alcor?

#4 Richard Leis

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Posted 13 September 2005 - 02:42 AM

Thanks for the link! I sent away for the information, something I never thought to do before.

#5 Infernity

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Posted 15 October 2005 - 03:58 PM

Ah just saw it, really really beautiful ^ ^

Just one thing that a bit bothered me.

We are not getting into nature's way and doing unnatural things. That's not what science does.

Humans are part of nature, and there's no argue on that. Now if there is an argue on that, then the whole issue is irrelevant...

Every living organism has some instrument to survive. Some have gotten speed, some toxic, some strength, some camouflage, some firmness, some sharp teeth, wings, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera... Each animal and it's survival means.

All these instruments, are termed under the category of natural. All the animals do to protect themselves and so generally everything they do- is called natural.

Now, lets talk about humans. What have we got? Non of the pointed above or anything alike. The Nature has given us Intelligence. What can you do with Intelligence to actually protect yourself and survive? Simply create means to do that, develop the protection, by mind and logics.

Which means, everything we do- is natural. We've got natural Intelligence, hence all done by it is natural.

All organisms are trying to survive, hence what we do is natural. And cryonics is another way to expend our lifespans and cure, it is pat of out natural development processes.

"The reality of the humans' nature is to rise above the nature's reality"

And one more thing...

About the God issue "interrupting God's ways":

If God is the answer to everything, he knows and wants us to do it. He is responsible to our ambition to live without limits and develop such things.

Who we are to stop it? his fault.

All the bed people- he decided that.

Moreover, if all the science we are using is against God's ways and we should be punished for it, how come it always successes? It seems that the sinner live happily after all. Get the money from the developments and are helping the whole race. So what God thinks of all that is irrelevant.

Do what YOU want not what some feeling of God's existence tells ya [huh]


Edited by infernity, 15 October 2005 - 04:26 PM.

#6 Neurosail

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Posted 24 November 2005 - 11:20 AM

I agree with Infernity, god should not have been used. [sick]
Also, how much is it to get a second copy? I give the copy they mailed me to a "friend" at work and can't get it back. [cry]
PS: Just got "Exploring Life Extension" and loved it. [lol]
Thanks [thumb]

#7 icyT

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Posted 23 August 2006 - 02:52 PM

Wow, never noticed all those Mprize vids, Imma make a CD outta that. I think I already ordered Alcor's free pack, but if it comes with a movie and book too all the better :)

#8 razor

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Posted 26 August 2006 - 07:27 AM

I am a journalism student and am working on a news feature about cryonics and people that sign up for it or have family members that have undergone the treatment.

If you are any of the following and you live in the Los Angeles area and would like to share your story/beliefs/experiences with me on camera please e-mail at:


Are you any of these?

1. Are you signed up for cryonics?

2. Do you have a family member that has already undergone the process of cryonics?

3. Are you an employee at a cryonics center?

4. Are you a doctor that can speak authoritatively about cryonics on camera?

If you can answer 'yes' to any of the above and you live in the LA area please contact me at : helprazor@gmail.com
I would greatly appreciate your help!

***This is for a student project and has the potential to air on our school television station.***


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