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Informational Pamphlet Series

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Posted 17 September 2005 - 12:01 PM

The Imminst Health Forums seem to have a good deal of above par information.
It's just a matter of compiling it. And for more than the good of just the members and lurkers.

I suggest that pamphlets for x number of topics be written for mass reproduction and dispersal within our respective communities.

I could see a potential increase in membership from a number of different channels with this type of project. I will not go into an eloquent, heart-warming presentation as I am not up for it right now, but I feel this is such a powerful idea that most will see the potential outright. By harnessing the intellectual power of many of the people that spend their time writing in these forums into community outreach we could bring attention to the concerns of Imminst and also educate the public. This shouldn't be considered so much a marketing of Imminst, but a goodwill gesture by members to provide their communities with up-to-date information. Think about it. You could hand out bundles of pamphlets to local highschool sports teams, school health & science classes, office departments and union heads, mail stacks of pamphlet series to each of these places, etc. But, the main goals to this suggestion/proposal would be to 1) produce a series of information pamphlets worthy of being associated with, then 2)be able to hand these out where we are able to in our communities, then 3) gain new members willing to disperse these web-available pamphlets. For less than the cost of becoming a member to make copies of some of these pamphlets, Imminst could very well increase it's membership two-fold in just the first wave of dispersal.

Structural Suggestions:
+Topical foci, striations, and partitioning could be decided upon within each forum.
+Only full members would be able to edit content. (Perhaps "sub-moderator" type positions could be created.)
+All members would be allowed to comment on relevant issues but also post content for consideration.
---Subsections within each "Pamphlet X" section for posting pertinent links, rhetorical considerations, content formatting suggestions, etc.

Basic Format:
Brief synopses, Attractive Layouts, Bi- or Tri-fold Layout, No Pictures/Color, with links to further in-depth info/studies/articles, links to pamphlets themselves for reproduction/dispersal by newbies interested in continuing the spread of the new found info.

Possible Topics:
Vitamins (why more than 100%, where to get quality, optimal %s, etc)
ALCAR/RALA (that whole question...)
Supplements (Which for what, Concerns with, etc)
By Affliction (List and available research online for treatments/supps/noops,
Nootropics (Each one, Stacking, Etc.)
Capping & Bulk Sources ($$$ saved, reputable sources, COAs explained, etc)
Anti-Aging (should we even consider this for public consumption? maybe "neutral information" is best..?)
ADD/ADHD (maybe not...put Imminst on radar of drug-companies/EPA/FDA ?)
Anti-Depressants (ditto...)
Food/Nutrition (Polyphenols & other mysterious things most of the public don't know about, best for long life, etc)
Physical Fitness (importance of, studies, basics, how-to-get-started, etc)
Other Topics whose discussion in the forums builds enough of a focus on a topic to guide the writing of a new pamphlet...

At the very least it would get info in each Health forum standardized and centralized.

#2 markm

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Posted 17 September 2005 - 01:56 PM

I'd be happy to offer my service in the creation of these pamphlets.

#3 liorrh

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Posted 17 September 2005 - 09:13 PM

How about pamphlets explaining advances in SENS or AI and the implications?

Edited by liorrh, 18 September 2005 - 10:54 PM.

#4 Pablo M

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Posted 18 September 2005 - 01:14 AM

I would also suggest that we add a section on interactions-- which supplements are complementary, and which clash. I would be willing to help with any of the topics listed above. All I can contribute are my own anecdotal experiences, but what the hey.

Umm... another way I can thing of would be going through the forums from the beginning, combing for LifeMirage's posts. I've been doing this lately anyway. Highly valuable info.


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Posted 18 September 2005 - 06:18 PM

The Health forums seem to have the most, ahem, credible information ***as far as the general public goes***. If you hook them with biological enhancement info (vitamins, supps, noops, exercise, food/diet) you might just get some people understanding the deeper jist of Imminst's raison d'etre; "through a man's stomach, his heart~". It seems like most people find this place by accident, ala Google. Why not advertise with a little more guided purpose?

Anyone that has posted here, please PM other members with which you are acquainted.

#6 eternaltraveler

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Posted 18 September 2005 - 09:55 PM

This is a good idea. I would be willing to help myself. If we can put this together in a relativly short amount of time I could move quite a few of them at the university of colorado (I won't be a student here past this semester).

#7 John Schloendorn

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Posted 18 September 2005 - 10:33 PM

deeper jist of Imminst's raison d'etre

Some flyers on SENS and other ideas are available here. I think this section could use much more diverse content and also updates of existing material. If you have time, please do contribute.

#8 losty

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Posted 19 September 2005 - 09:27 AM

I wish I had the ability to help......Ill hand some out ??


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Posted 19 September 2005 - 02:17 PM

justinrebo, at uni or not, we could find out what type of standards or qualifications we would have to meet to eventually have these handed out in grade school health classes and sports organizations. Pounding the pavement isn't necessarily a mandatory step.

losty, you can still be just as helpful as anyone else! We will all need to fish around the Imminst forums and Google sites when putting together each pamphlet. We all have something to offer here.

Now let's begin with Step #1...

1. Decide first topic.

2. Set up new thread for relevant info & link posting.
3. Write "full" version, strip to skeleton, voila~! a pamphlet.
4. Anyone have "pamphlet template" software? Convert into *.pdf.

I suggest "Supplement Regimen Basics" as the first pamphlet.
Fishoil, ALC, Multivitamin, etc.

The thing with this topic is that each subtopic within this could be developed as a separate pamphlet such as "Multivitamin Basics", "Fishoil Basics", etc. I would say that when it comes down to 'Nootropics' we would do best to list as many as possible in a pamphlet but with the majority of info available, cleaned cut and polished, at listed links. We could just tidy & beef up the Research section in the Nootropics forum. Perhaps a Research section in Supplements and Diet/Exercise would be the natural progression of this project.

But let's focus on Step #1. Please jump right in.

Edited by liplex, 19 September 2005 - 02:33 PM.

#10 eternaltraveler

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Posted 19 September 2005 - 09:23 PM

In order for this to be of meaningful value to lay persons it is going to need to be fairly general and easy to follow.

My friend's family owns a print shop perhaps they could print them up for us (at a discount I hope).

What kind of volume are we thinking for the trial run?

Possible Topics:
Vitamins (why more than 100%, where to get quality, optimal %s, etc)
ALCAR/RALA (that whole question...)
Supplements (Which for what, Concerns with, etc)

The above might be good for one pamphlet, then again we all know so much info it might be hard to distill down to that small of a space.

By Affliction (List and available research online for treatments/supps/noops,
Nootropics (Each one, Stacking, Etc.)

very helpful I think

Capping & Bulk Sources ($$$ saved, reputable sources, COAs explained, etc)

Uncertain about this. It may come off as an advertisement for said sources, and could appear as though imminst personally endorses said companies.

Anti-Aging (should we even consider this for public consumption? maybe "neutral information" is best..?)

We should absolutely consider "anti-aging" for these pamphlets. I wouldn't get into the nitty gritty of SENS right away, but we can certainly address why we think certain supplements/nutrition/exercise can combat the aging process to some extent. Otherwise when someone checks out this site (I'm assuming that we would of course have imminst's web address on each pamphlet) they aren't completely surprised to find it is a site all about fighting aging.

ADD/ADHD (maybe not...put Imminst on radar of drug-companies/EPA/FDA ?)
Anti-Depressants (ditto...)


Food/Nutrition (Polyphenols & other mysterious things most of the public don't know about, best for long life, etc)
Physical Fitness (importance of, studies, basics, how-to-get-started, etc)

Good topics.

I would also say that we have an in depth area on the forum that goes into all the details for why we put such and such information on the pamphlets. And gives those that desire all the studies, facts, and figures they could hope for.

#11 eternaltraveler

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Posted 19 September 2005 - 09:25 PM


I'd be happy to offer my service in the creation of these pamphlets.

That would be greatly appreciated.

#12 losty

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Posted 20 September 2005 - 12:38 AM

Well I can be the Laypeople proof-reader?Having left school at 12 years old I'm as lay as they come.

First Topic

As justin says....It should definitely have something Anti-aging....

These pamphlets could be great to OPEN ppls minds and make more receptive to the idea as quite honestly most people I refer to this website have a little chuckle or quiet smirk to themselves. "Immortality ?? Infinite Lifespans ?? what a bunch off whacko Sci-Fi kooks and geeks...." They kind of switch off and their minds close to all the valuable information you guys have here.

The language used should be considered very carefuly with that in mind. As an eg Life Extension Foundation sounds alot better than Immortality Institute. Not much you can do about that particuar item but you know what I mean I hope.

I think hook people in with some "believable" life-extension tactics. State of the art knowledge on nutrition/suppplements/nootropics etc.

Also a neutral stance in regards to recommending sources for any products(Supps,Nootropics etc) rec People tend to switch off sometimes when they are trying to be sold something.

SO....First Topic.....1 pamphlet right.....Thinking of a broad entry covering life-extension technolgys??? Showing briefly whats available and benefits?? Very concise Paragraph or two on Nutrition/SUpps/Nootropics/Excercise etc.....



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Posted 20 September 2005 - 08:43 AM

Each pamphlet should be a well focused survey of items that fit the heading. The depth of info would be limited to generalities, a fresh bit or two, and then a link for the raw in-depth references.

So the first topic would be something along the lines of "longterm diet modifications". If we made this one, we could just put the subsequent pamphlets online...

...kind of an umbrella pamphlet.

"Imminst Health Basics"
1) Multivitamins
a) Recommended Daily% (above RDA due to absorption-timescale; other?)
b) Preferred vitamin forms (absorbability, other?)
c) "Extras" (polyphenols/etc., herbs, ALC, RALA, etc)
2) Fish Oil
a) EPA & DHA science (benefits of each, other?)
b) Safety/Quality (Wild/Farmed, "molecularly-distilled", other?)
c) Dosage basics (ratio of EPA:DHA, other?)
3) Exercise
a) Necessity of physical development (might be a hard one to focus on...)
b) Cardio, Walking, Weights, Martial Arts, Yoga (graphical meter showing level of type of benefit in each?)
c) Basics (duration, times/week, tips on when to eat in relation)
d) Link for "busy people" (ways to squeeze in exercise, ex: dumbbell while reading e-mail, crunches before bed, pushups while dinner is cooking, etc. be creative, yes, needs work before inclusion)

If we feel doing a "Imminst Nootropics, distilled" pamphlet first would be a better idea, then we could move on to that. Pro: more exciting, people looking for these kinds of things but don't know they exist(tv news magazines ala Nightline, don't cut it). Con: No foundation, candy-first approach?

Even defining the borders between Multivitamins, Nootropics, and the many grades within Supplements(animal/plant vs. chemical derived; metabolism/'detox'/vasodilators/enhancers/protectors) could be a worthy approach.
There's three pamphlets right there with a conceivable 'centralizing' pamphlet not much different than the one listed out above.

We should get the interplay/overlap of topics defined and idea-tree'd out first.
Health Forum Topics Only.

#14 scottl

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Posted 20 September 2005 - 09:54 AM

To say there will be less then 100% agreement is an understatement... even on something so simple as a multi....probably LEF + tinkering is best well say if you're 40+...and want maximum...protection (sounds like a deodorant commercial)...but the one I mentioned in other thread is probably OK if you're like 20 years old....

kurtzweil did a reasonable job e.g. posted here:


Covering the topic of food re: vegetarianism will be problematic given the PC of (much of) this place....

Edited by scottl, 20 September 2005 - 10:14 AM.


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Posted 21 September 2005 - 07:00 AM


Multivitamins: list an optimal range; grocery brands would then be glaringly deficient; brand-choice would be up to reader; the Kurzweil #'s could be a great template for daily values in the pamphlet.

Food: Yes, too much to cover; any way we did it would come off as "the sky is falling!" ...not helpful.
So we'll just stick to the topics proposed in the "Imminst Health Basics" outline.

Let's all remember this is going to be a 'compilation' of the 'better-agreed-upon' topics in the forums relating to the outline. Anything that seems 'normal' to any of us is probably a good place to start (like the Kurzweil vitamin doses) since it would be create a solid foundation for the writing of the pamphlet.

#16 losty

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Posted 23 September 2005 - 09:25 PM

Ran out of energy??


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Posted 26 September 2005 - 02:22 PM

I guess the info on the Health forum serves Imminst better as an overgrown, dense, inconsistant briarpatch.

Should have probably put this thread in a more befitting forum, "Community Outreach". At least it would have died in the proper surroundings.

Regardless, I still think this is the best outreach project to come along to get a larger population interested in Imminst. Please feel free to leave comments. Don't be a 'democratic forum member" where a post=a vote for keeping a thread alive. Tell us why this "pamphlet outreach" project should live or die.

#18 mitkat

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Posted 28 September 2005 - 02:54 AM

I think this project should live, absolutely. At the risk of sounding redundant, I don't know what I could do, besides from the aforementioned combing of past posts, gathering info, etc. I'm at the University of Toronto everyday, so handing out is easy (and fun!).

Health is definately the simplest, and possibly most readily important issue to the first-glance reader. And yeah, it's gonna be hard not to bash to grocery-store multi's. As for printing...I guess we can't afford (in a non-economic standpoint) to go photocopy?

#19 Bruce Klein

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Posted 28 September 2005 - 05:51 AM

I agree that this is a worthwhile project... sorry, I'll be unable to give much time as the Conference and Film need attention until Nov 5. But I can suggest putting together a time-line and budget to which ImmInst may be inclined to help sponsor.

#20 losty

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Posted 29 September 2005 - 10:19 PM


Perhaps you could ask one of the nootropics suppliers to sponsor you with some motivation and focus?

A shitload of deprenyl, dl-phenalylanine, pramiracetam, pyritinol and centrophenoxine ought to do the trick.


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Posted 06 October 2005 - 11:59 PM

I've been away on vacation. Back now, of course.

I think I just might put together a project prospectus for this idea I have.
Unless some people really want to help out here...

If you go back and read the ideas and *limits* I have for this project it should be rather obvious how easy it would be to accomplish this. Search for links, collate links, glean main points from links, put succinct point in pamphlet, put link synopses in dedicated forum thread, put thread links in pamphlet, make pamphlet itself linkable for reproduction/printing by anyone who cares to distribute, spread like avian flu, I mean the plague or wildfire or the common cold in a thirdgrade classroom in the fall, or a bag of doritos in a frathouse.

Please, tell your Imminst cohorts about this project. I know discussing the conflicts of tomorrow is addictive, but perhaps they might see the importance of cleaning up around, composing, and then widening the door most people come in through to this place.

#22 lightowl

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Posted 07 October 2005 - 02:41 AM

Tell us why this "pamphlet outreach" project should live or die

I think its a good idea and it should definitely be tried.

However, a major stumbling-block is that people are being stuffed with this kind of information on a daily basis by commercial sources. At least that is the situation at the moment where I live. I(We) are living in a health-crazed world where people are turned off by all those choices. I agree it needs to be simple, but something special is needed. Something that make it spring out from all the other litter.

I had the idea to get my local pizza guy deal something like this out when delivering food to people. The leaflet could picture a large greasy pizza with lots of nasty stuff and with pepperoni as eyes on a face with an open mouth filled with bacon teeth. Then a title saying "EAT YOUR FAT FACE", or something similarly catchy. That would definitely get peoples attention, but it would be bad for business for the pizza shop. Imagine getting health-tips from your pizza guy. It would be like your pants telling you when your getting to fat. :)

Anyway, just a crazy idea. heh!

#23 caliban

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Posted 07 October 2005 - 08:04 AM

My suggestion would be to just start collating relevant information into one thread. When people see how valuable it is, it could grow from there.

If you need a workspace to develop the material you can of course use the ImmInst wiki

#24 aurora

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Posted 08 October 2005 - 02:15 AM

I read this before.I really like the idea of Informational Pamphlet Series.I think it could get alot of others more interested about life extension and possibly encourage new members of ImmInst.I would be happy to offer my services to help hand out Informational Pamphlet Series here in Australia, as most young people I encounter don't even realize this forum exists or comtemplate the benefits of life extension.I think I could very well be the only teenage member of ImmInst in my home state.But I hope that changes in the future and many more young students sign up.Informative Pamphlets could very well increase the likelihood.

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