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What nutrients do Wellbutrin and Abilify deplete?

wellbutrin abilify supplements

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#1 Destiny's Equation

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Posted 03 August 2015 - 01:09 AM

Do they deplete anything enough that I need to supplement with it?

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Posted 05 August 2015 - 10:58 AM

im on this combination (+mirtazapine)

never heard that these two deplete anything

but for mirtazapine i heard that it can cause monoamine depletion https://www.dovepres...hp?fileID=11237

so suplementation with AA that are precursors for those amines should work (tyrozine and tryptophan)

found this on crazymeds http://crazymeds.us/...on?section=full

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#3 pamojja

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Posted 05 August 2015 - 11:08 AM

Maybe you'll find something at http://suzycohen.com/, or her book:

'Drug Muggers: Which Medications Are Robbing Your Body of Essential Nutrients--and Natural Ways to Restore Them'

#4 Duchykins

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Posted 05 August 2015 - 07:20 PM

I've been on bupropion for probably 2 years (?) now, and last year I did see a few stray natural & alternative medicine sites on the internet claiming that bupropion depleted glutathione.  Needless to say, I was a tad interested and kept digging.  


After searching scientific literature, I could only find evidence suggesting that the claim was false and/or that the opposite was true, which I laid out in this thread:  




Additionally, I didn't find evidence that bupropion depletes anything like some drugs can do.  This is not to say that it does no such thing, just that it hasn't been observed in the lab (yet).





But be careful of celebrity doctors like Suzy Cohen.  She's part of that crowd that says monosodium glutamate is a special evil excitotoxin that "sort of vibrates the brain cells to death."  



1) Glutamate does no such thing in a cascade event -- calcium does.


2) Study after study have so far failed to support the myth that MSG is a uniquely bad glutamate among glutamates; this means as a migraine trigger, etc


3) These studies have failed to show that MSG is a scary monster because excitotoxicity is typically caused by something other than ingesting a bunch of glutamate; the glutamate-calcium cascade is merely a symptom of an underlying problem



But at least she has the wherewithal to recommend GABA and taurine supplements for people who are overexcitable.



However, I'm sorry I don't know anything about Abilify other than my doc tried to give it to me once and I said no because it's too new to the market (don't know enough about it lol).

Edited by Duchykins, 05 August 2015 - 07:21 PM.

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#5 Ark

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Posted 06 August 2015 - 07:48 AM

Abilify makes me feel very sick, it also makes me feel like I need to sleep and be awake at the same time. I've heard other people report similar experiences online.

Edited by Ark, 06 August 2015 - 07:50 AM.

#6 Destiny's Equation

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Posted 11 September 2015 - 08:32 PM

Thank you to all who replied :)

#7 Area-1255

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Posted 16 September 2015 - 07:21 PM

Abilify makes me feel very sick, it also makes me feel like I need to sleep and be awake at the same time. I've heard other people report similar experiences online.

Abilify is garbage..I mean it's better than some other ant-psychs but it definitely fucks with your mind..and yes, it makes you feel jittery and yet sleepy...part of the reason for this is because it antagonizes the first two histamine subtypes AND it blocks beta-adrenergic receptors which causes your cells to not utilize Insulin and glucose properly.


Amisulpride plus a dopamine agonist makes more sense...

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#8 Ark

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Posted 18 September 2015 - 12:51 AM

Abilify makes me feel very sick, it also makes me feel like I need to sleep and be awake at the same time. I've heard other people report similar experiences online.

Abilify is garbage..I mean it's better than some other ant-psychs but it definitely fucks with your mind..and yes, it makes you feel jittery and yet sleepy...part of the reason for this is because it antagonizes the first two histamine subtypes AND it blocks beta-adrenergic receptors which causes your cells to not utilize Insulin and glucose properly.

Amisulpride plus a dopamine agonist makes more sense...
It's like a modern day insulin shock treatment, that only targets the brain. I'm not convinced that it's a good way to treat any mental disorder, but I could be biased biased on my own experience.

Edited by Ark, 18 September 2015 - 12:54 AM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: wellbutrin, abilify, supplements

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