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long term NAC use

using long term

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#1 ironfistx

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Posted 18 October 2015 - 07:51 AM

Since it is supposed to increase glutathione to help keep the ear from developing problems after being around loud noise, I take NAC most days using about 600mg.  I recently had some expsoure to loud noise and increased the amount to 1 or 2g per day in divided doses, and up to 4g for a day or two in component doses and was wondering if there is any concern in doing so.

#2 albedo

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Posted 18 October 2015 - 09:38 AM

I do not use it every day and also cycle it in particular occasions (high level of oxidation, alcohol consumption etc ...) From what I know it is generally considered as safe between 600 and 1800 mg/d. Was also discussed in this Forum. You might check these links:





"..There have been no further publications supporting this one-time observation made in an animal model using doses 10-20 times those suggested for long-term human supplementation. No human study has uncovered any evidence for a similar effect in humans. By contrast, there have been numerous studies demonstrating human benefit from NAC supplementation at moderate doses (1,200-1,800 mg per day) over the course of nearly 4 decades. At this point the known benefits of NAC appear to outweigh any potential risks. As with all supplementation, people should communicate clearly with their healthcare providers about how supplements and medications might work jointly to influence their health..."

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#3 Dorian Grey

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Posted 18 October 2015 - 04:38 PM

I took rather low dose NAC (600mg/day) daily for several years (perhaps 5 years) till I revised my supplement protocols and stepped up to SAM-e for glutathione support.  


This thread:




NAC breaks down BBB, increases Amyloid and Microbleeds in Stroke-Prone Rats


caught my eye recently, as I suffered a remarkable Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) issue back during the time I was on daily NAC.  


I actually don't recall accurately whether I started on the daily NAC before the MCS, but I believe I did.  I do recall the MCS did resolve several months after quitting the NAC.  It's been several years since I went through my MCS nightmare (that lasted for several years), and my jaw dropped when I came across the above linked post.  Can't imagine what might have happened if this had not resolved.  I had to change jobs to get away from chemical exposures at work, and nearly became unemployed and unemployable at the time.  


Glad those days are over...  NAC?  Nevermore!  

Edited by synesthesia, 18 October 2015 - 04:42 PM.

#4 Skyguy2005

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Posted 18 October 2015 - 06:31 PM

NAC is on my avoid list. I tried it and immediately got my only cold in two years.


Also it can inhibit autophagy. Which is a little rubbish.

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#5 ironfistx

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Posted 18 October 2015 - 06:50 PM

I have been taking it every day afor about the past 5 weeks due to loud noises.  A year or so ago I developed tinnitus and and there was a study done that said nac and alcar taken before and after loud sounds can prevent aural damage.  I was taking it before and after but I had heard some really loud noise and I didn't want to affect my tinnitus so I took bigger doses that night and for the next few days so that would hopefully stop it from building.  Suposedly it does this by strengthening glutathione.  I was taking it thoruhgout the day but I dook 2 1g pills one night .  When I read the study it didn't actually specify the quantity used.  http://hearinghealth...educe_your_risk I know they use a big amount to treat some things but that's like a one time thing.

Edited by ironfistx, 18 October 2015 - 07:37 PM.

#6 ironfistx

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Posted 20 October 2015 - 06:09 AM

If you read post 6 in this thread it mentions how much you should take for protection from noise.

Swallow Some Protection
Inside our ears lie thousands of hairlike cells that turn sound waves into electrical signals so the brain can interpret what we hear. But very loud noise generates free radicals that damage those cells -- sometimes permanently. The U.S. military has been pouring money into research on prevention, and it's paying off. A clinical trial revealed that an over-the-counter supplement called N-acetylcysteine worked much better than earplugs alone at minimizing damage in Marines exposed to gunfire. Researcher Richard D. Kopke, MD, recommends taking 1,200 milligrams 12 hours before you're bombarded by loud noise (say, at a sporting event). If the noise is unexpected, pop 1,200 milligrams as soon as possible and take 900 to 1,200 milligrams three times a day, with meals, for the next 14 days.

Which comes from herehttp://www.huffingto..._n_2632499.html

Edited by ironfistx, 20 October 2015 - 06:11 AM.

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#7 nowayout

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Posted 20 October 2015 - 03:06 PM

I have been taking it every day afor about the past 5 weeks due to loud noises.  A year or so ago I developed tinnitus and and there was a study done that said nac and alcar taken before and after loud sounds can prevent aural damage.  I was taking it before and after but I had heard some really loud noise and I didn't want to affect my tinnitus so I took bigger doses that night and for the next few days so that would hopefully stop it from building.  Suposedly it does this by strengthening glutathione.  I was taking it thoruhgout the day but I dook 2 1g pills one night .  When I read the study it didn't actually specify the quantity used.  http://hearinghealth...educe_your_risk I know they use a big amount to treat some things but that's like a one time thing.


If you are frequently exposed to loud noise (work or recreation related) you should wear silicone earplugs that seal well.


I wouldn't bank on supplements doing all that much to protect ear cell hairs from mechanical (vibration) damage when you can effectively protect yourself with earplugs.  A couple of very small studies mean very little.   

Edited by nowayout, 20 October 2015 - 03:07 PM.

#8 Strelok

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Posted 20 October 2015 - 04:52 PM

I wouldn't take NAC for more than a couple weeks at anything above 100-200mg.  I think it's best kept as a tool to use for short term purposes.  It's also best initiated immediately before an assault is going to happen, whether that be drinking excessive alcohol, exposure to damaging sound levels (as inidicated above), etc.

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#9 docmaas

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Posted 25 November 2015 - 01:08 AM

I've been taking 1.8g + 5g glycine 2xday to restore glutathione levels for hyperglycemia.  It does have a nice acute effect for lowering blood glucose but it's not foolproof which is typical for anything that helps hyperglycemia.    

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#10 Supierce

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Posted 25 November 2015 - 03:40 AM

I've taken 1.8 grams/day for almost ten years for a respiratory problem. I've had no problem with side effects of any kind.
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