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David Bohm, Master of the holographic universe

holographic universe holography quantum this quantum that

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#1 TheFountain

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Posted 21 November 2015 - 12:05 AM

In this video he talks about how modern physicists lack responsibility for their ideas when they leave them hanging out in space with their equations. 


Check it out.


Edited by TheFountain, 21 November 2015 - 12:06 AM.

#2 Multivitz

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Posted 20 December 2015 - 10:22 PM

Hologrphic Universe theories are just math that reflects space and its energy potential imo. He's right about being responsible, HT is portrayed in a glamorised fashion.
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#3 TheFountain

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Posted 22 December 2015 - 02:18 AM

Hologrphic Universe theories are just math that reflects space and its energy potential imo. He's right about being responsible, HT is portrayed in a glamorised fashion.



"To test the theory, scientists spent three years creating gravitational equations that do not require exotic spaces and, instead, live in a flat space.

'If quantum gravity in a flat space allows for a holographic description by a standard quantum theory, then there must by physical quantities, which can be calculated in both theories – and the results must agree', says Grumiller."

Daniel Grumiller's 'New force at large distances' TEDx Talk
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#4 Multivitz

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Posted 22 December 2015 - 11:37 AM

Lol. Gravity IS a product of magnetism. This fool thinks he's using fundermental physics, the only thing that was valid is the Rindler principle and that would only work if it used the correct Pi! Dark matter as they call it is the conjugation of field harmonics in the energy system of space, it gives the apearance of large masses of energy, its just a massive area of fine waves in near close conjugation. In nature everything effects everything else THATS WHY WAVES ARE CURVED AND NEVER IN A STRAIGHT LINE, nothing in nature is straight! With obseration from a long distance away the massive curved waves of energy look straight and are straight enough in regions to present patches for long range probe sensors to reply back to us.
OMG I think Miller has his education and doesn't want to upset his peers, he does this by pulling bits of equations from different systems of observation, you can't calculate the universe like that. That probe is floating away from us, you can't compare it's actions to a body with varied orbit, the field harmonics are unique to each field, the objects masses are not the same, one probably has an energised core of sorts. But he's right in noticing the probe goes away from our sun. What a load of arbitory wank. New forces at a distance indeed :(

Edited by Multivitz, 22 December 2015 - 11:50 AM.

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#5 Multivitz

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Posted 22 December 2015 - 11:47 AM

In my other post I was agreeing with David, he does well at what he does, but it is still a theory, and I think it's misplaced maths thats all. I think the math would be better to describe an infinite 90 degree rule instead of saying its a hologram, we know it's a hologram, but of potentials thats all I'm saying. Potentials move things when theres enough potential OMG wake up please......

#6 Multivitz

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Posted 22 December 2015 - 02:02 PM

Bohm said in this interview than memories are kept in the brain, I hope others don't share that assumption, at least about long term memory.

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