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Cannabis Extract Treatment for Cancers


ShadowWolf's Photo ShadowWolf 26 Jan 2016

   Some of you may have heard of Phoenix Tears, Rick Simpson Oil, Cannabis Oil, Hemp oil, etc. These oils contain various cannabinoids with Phoenix Tears/Rick Simpson Oil containing a high concentration of THC and Hemp Oil generally being devoid of THC. Claims have gone out that Rick Simpson Oil (contains THC) "cures cancers." I was skeptical of this up until I found a study on the administration of such oils.


Study: http://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC3901602/


Excerpt from study:

"These results cannot be explained by any other therapies, as the child was under palliative care and was solely on cannabinoid treatment when the response was documented by the SickKids Hospital. The toxicology reports ruled out chemotherapeutic agents, and only showed her to be positive for THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) when she had ‘a recent massive decrease of WBC from 350,000 to 0.3’ inducing tumor lysis syndrome, as reported by the primary hematologist/oncologist at the SickKids Hospital."


Leukemia: http://www.webmd.com...leukemia-basics


"Leukemia is an abnormal rise in the number of white blood cells."


The cannabinoid treatment reduced WBC very significantly. It literally reversed the main effect of Leukemia.


Tumor Lysis Syndrome: https://en.wikipedia..._lysis_syndrome

"Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) is a group of metabolic abnormalities that can occur as a complication during the treatment of cancer,[1]most commonly after the treatment of lymphomas and leukemias. Inmedicine (oncology and hematology) this is potentially fatal complication, and patients at increased risk for TLS should be closely monitored before, during, and after their course of chemotherapy. Tumor lysis syndrome is characterized by high blood potassium (hyperkalemia), high blood phosphorus (hyperphosphatemia), low blood calcium (hypocalcemia), high blood uric acid (hyperuricemia), and higher than normal levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and other nitrogen containing compounds. These changes in blood electrolytes and metabolites are a result of the release of cellular contents of dying cells into the blood stream from breakdown of cells after cytotoxic therapy or from cancers with high cell turnover and tumor proliferation rates. The metabolic abnormalities seen in tumor lysis syndrome can ultimately result in nausea and vomiting, but more seriously acute uric acid nephropathyacute kidney failureseizures, and cardiac arrhythmias.[2]"


Excerpt from study:


"This therapy has to be viewed as polytherapy, as many cannabinoids within the resinous extract have demonstrated targeted, antiproliferative, proapoptotic and antiangiogenic properties. This also needs to be explored further, as there is potential that cannabinoids might show selectivity when attacking cancer cells, thereby reducing the widespread cytotoxic effects of conventional chemotherapeutic agents. It must be noted that where our most advanced chemotherapeutic agents had failed to control the blast counts and had devastating side effects that ultimately resulted in the death of the patient, the cannabinoid therapy had no toxic side effects and only psychosomatic properties, with an increase in the patient's vitality."

   This paragraph sums up the use of cannabinoids for the treatment and prevention of cancer nicely.


"Despite the nonstandardization of the medicines, the dose was readily titrated according to the biological response of the patient and produced a potentially life-saving response, namely, the drop in the leukemic blast cell count."


  The patient died mainly due to complications from chemotherapy and the tumor lysis syndrome caused by tumor cells dying off  in response to the cannabinoid treatment. However, the results clearly point to the treatment working.




Maybe I am overexcited about this study, but this is big news for anyone dealing with or wanting to prevent cancers. I drink Hemp Oil (no THC) every day for it's several benefits and after reading this study I will continue indefinitely.

Edited by ShadowWolf, 26 January 2016 - 02:49 PM.

joelcairo's Photo joelcairo 26 Jan 2016

Interesting that oil from different strains of cannabis variously did/did not achieve a therapeutic response. Of course you couldn't expect one particular combination of cannabinoids to be the most effective in every case, but it points out the need to try different formulas and to carefully monitor the response to such treatments.


Sad that the patient died. This reminds me quite a lot of that early case study of 3-bromopyruvate in a young patient, where the liver cancer was apparently totally eliminated but the damage that had been done to the liver, combined with tumor lysis syndrome, eventually killed him.

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ShadowWolf's Photo ShadowWolf 27 Jan 2016

Effectiveness of some of the strains was not alluded to, but none were said to be ineffective. In light of this study is there any reason not to take hemp oil daily as a cancer preventative measure?


joelcairo's Photo joelcairo 27 Jan 2016

I should say that the second strain of hemp oil did not appear to be effective at the equivalent dose. But even after increasing the dosage it acted differently. Blast cells began to increase (which was a negative indicator) for 10 days or so before suddenly succumbing to tumor lysis syndrome. So one could speculate that different combination of active constituents was relevant to the outcome. Anyway the main point I was making is that in cancer treatment it helps tremendously to have some kind of benchmark of progress, otherwise you're flying blind.


As for using it as a cancer preventative, I would look into the longterm neurological/psychological effects of marijuana use before trying this experiment. I know there's been a lot of scaremongering over the years, but it does seem like there's something there. In my judgment there are a lot of easier and cheaper and safer ways to reduce your cancer risk.



ShadowWolf's Photo ShadowWolf 27 Jan 2016

For the strains that were less potent it was a matter of adjusting dosages and timings, but each strain had the same effect once potency was adjusted for. 


I never recommended using marijuana, but THC-free Hemp Oil that anyone can purchase legally. I bought mine from Amazon.com.


Turnbuckle's Photo Turnbuckle 27 Jan 2016

For the strains that were less potent it was a matter of adjusting dosages and timings, but each strain had the same effect once potency was adjusted for. 


I never recommended using marijuana, but THC-free Hemp Oil that anyone can purchase legally. I bought mine from Amazon.com.



Hemp oil typically has no THC and virtually no CBD, so which brand are you buying from Amazon, and where did you discover it actually has significant CBD?

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ShadowWolf's Photo ShadowWolf 28 Jan 2016

It seems I was mislead because there is no CBD in hemp oil. However, it should still contain other cannabinoids that have anti-tumor effects.


This study points out the anti-tumor effects of cannabinoids



jondoeuk's Photo jondoeuk 01 Feb 2016

Some of the preclinical studies found evidence that cannabinoids, under some circumstances, can actually stimulate cancer cell growth and possibly contribute to tumour progressionhttp://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/15026328 Further more it may inhibit anti-tumour immunity and lead to metastasishttp://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/15749859 http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/10861074 Cancer cells can develop resistance to cannabinoids and start growing againhttp://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/21233844 Also when taken by mouth, cannabinoid entry into the body is erratic. As little as 4% of an oral dose reaches the bloodstream - too little to be reproducibly and therapeutically usefulhttp://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC2689518/ From this study http://www.nature.co...l/6603236a.html in humans: ''Median survival of the cohort from the beginning of cannabinoid administration was 24 weeks.''


aconita's Photo aconita 15 Nov 2016

Hemp oil is from pressing seeds, no cannabinoids there.


The oils used for medical purposes are not oils but hydro-alcoholic extracts from cannabis flowers which is a total different matter, they are called oil just because they are called so traditionally (don't ask me why) even if there is no resemblance with an oil whatsoever.  


Cheaper and easier than cannabis?


Like what?


joelcairo's Photo joelcairo 18 Nov 2016

The "Susan Bonita" post above may be a scam and the email a fake. See the reactions when almost the same post was made on another website. Also Susan Bonita cured herself of prostate cancer? I guess in this day and age it's possible, but it's a red flag to me.



william7's Photo william7 13 May 2017

I would watch out for those CBD oils from Amazon. From my understanding, they're from the industrial hemp plant that does not produce a good quality CBD. See, for instance, https://www.projectc...oil-vs-hemp-oil.


Of course, if you live in a State where cannabis is totally prohibited you don't have legal access to high quality CBD products. Amazon might be the best you can get until prohibition is ended.

Edited by william7, 13 May 2017 - 09:31 PM.

lakesurfer's Photo lakesurfer 18 Nov 2017

My wife cured her non hodgkin's follicular lymphoma cancer naturally.....a big part was with cannabis oil  (made the Rick Simpson way using 99% isopropyl alcohol as a solvent. You need Indica dominent cannabis to make medicine.  Hemp oil from the industrial hemp with not help very much. Rick Simpson says you need the whole plant oil with THC and all the cannabinoids. IT WORKS!   Also apricot kernels (B17) kills and prevents cancer.  I take 10 a day, for 3 yrs.   Wife also took 40 a day while doing the oil.About 3 months.  Her info is at facebook.....Cancer Beaten Naturally. Prayers work also :)  You can't go wrong with Rick Simpson's advice.  I made tincture with vegetable glycerin and Wappa indica.....my sister needed a knee operation (so a specialist said)  Woke her up every night. She took 12/day drops for a week,. knee did her not pain her.  Then 2nd week took 6 drops/day. Now she takes 6 drops whenever thinks she needs it. I had sore knees and arthritic worn out thumb joints....6 drops a day keeps the pain away. Went to Panama surfing for 2 months last winter, no tincture and my knees and hands were feeling okay. Cannabis is wasted when only smoked. I don't ....don't like the high feeling.


jondoeuk's Photo jondoeuk 11 Dec 2017

Dr. David Gorski MD, PhD said this: ''Justin Kander, cited a case report https://www.karger.c...fulltext/356446 that’s been going around social media as “proof” that cannabis cures cancer. This case report describes a 14-year-old girl, PK, who presented with symptoms of “weakness, shortness of breath and bruising when she was taken to the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada, on the 10th March 2006.” She was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and underwent standard chemotherapy for ALL for six months. Upon analysis, she was found to be positive for a mutation in the Philadelphia chromosome, which is found in 2-10% of pediatric ALL cases. Philadelphia chromosome-positive ALL http://www.umm.edu/h...ocytic-leukemia tends to have a poorer prognosis than other ALL. PK underwent a bone marrow transplant but was noted to have blast cells six months after treatment and therefore underwent aggressive chemotherapy along with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. After more recurrences and more treatment (such as radiation therapy to the brain for a presumed, but never completely documented, infiltration of the brain by leukemia) it was stated in the case report: ''On the 4th February 2009, blood was noted in the patient’s stools and a blood cell count revealed the presence of blast cells. As a result, all treatment including the disatinib was suspended and the patient’s medical staff acknowledged failure in treating her cancer. It was charted by the patient’s hematologist/oncologist that the patient 'suffers from terminal malignant disease. She has been treated to the limits of available therapy and no further active intervention will be undertaken.' She was placed in palliative home care and told to prepare for her disease to overwhelm her body and from which she would suffer a stroke within the next 2 months.''

The family found articles on how cannabis supposedly cures cancer, and found their way to Rick Simpson, who has been featured in utterly credulous articles in High Times https://hightimes.co...mp-oil-medicine and SF Weekly http://www.sfweekly....of-finding-out/ (the latter of whose editors really should have known better) as the man who can cure cancer with hemp oil, who provided her with hemp oil mixed with honey (because of the bitter taste and viscous nature of hemp oil). This was administered in daily doses. It is claimed in this case report that there was a strong correlation between increasing dose of the hemp oil and decreases in PK’s blast count (a measure of leukemia cells in the blood), but looking at Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4, I have a hard time seeing it. Figure 1 shows increasing doses of hemp oil from what was called the “chronic” strain. That’s the closest we see to decreasing blast counts correlating with hemp oil dose. By day 15, the chronic strain was gone, and PK started taking Hemp Oil #2 from an outside source. In actuality in Figure 2, we see the blast count increasing with increasing dose until day 27, when it starts falling. Figure #3 shows Hemp Oil #3 (Afghan/Thai strain) from days 44 to 49. Given that the blast count stayed the same one can’t say much about this. Then Hemp Oil #4 was tried from day 50 to day 67, and her blast counts started rising. Finally, Hemp Oil #5 was tried and PK’s blast count fell between days 69 and 78. During that time, PK suffered the psychotropic effects of the hemp oil, including euphoria, disoriented memory, and the like.

Unfortunately, PK developed gastrointestinal bleeding and bowel perforation with peritonitis on day 78 and passed away. So, basically, she lived two and a half months after being placed on hospice. The authors assert that a dose-response curve was achieved, but to my eye I really don’t see it, except perhaps at the beginning, nor do I really buy the claim that the bumps in blast counts correlate with using “lower potency” strains. They also assert because PK was treated for tumor lysis syndrome (a syndrome in which the waste products of tumor breakdown, often seen after intense chemotherapy in hematopoietic malignancies, injure organs such as the kidneys), it must mean that the hemp oil was effective.

Unfortunately, even if a mild dose-response effect was observed that would not rule out spontaneous remission. Spontaneous remission is known to occur in ALL, although it is usually temporary http://media.noetic....s/chapter10.pdf and spontaneous tumor lysis syndrome http://www.omjournal...oType=1&aId=463 has been reported, although it is rare. In any case, one has to wonder whether the patient’s bone marrow was petering out near the end, something that is hard to determine because almost no laboratory values other than blast counts are presented, except at the end, when she had a very low platelet count (8K; normal 150K to 450K), a low white blood cell count (1.4, normal 4.5-13.0), and severe anemia (hemoglobin 8.2; normal: 13 to 16). It wasn’t established how the diagnosis of tumor lysis syndrome was made other than that the patient had elevated urate levels. Indeed, the entire case report seemed to have been written with the belief that it was the hemp oil that accounted for the decrease in blasts. A lot of information has been left out about the patient’s clinical course. All we know is that, after being placed in hospice, she was fortunate to have her blast count fall, developed a central line infection, and was treated for tumor lysis syndrome. We can also infer that she was still having considerable issues with her gut because she was on total parenteral nutrition (being fed by vein) and had trouble when they started to try to feed her orally again.

It should also be remembered that, whether or not hemp oil was responsible for the decline in blasts (which is possible but not convincingly demonstrated by this case study) or whether it was “burnout” of the bone marrow in the terminal phase of the disease or even spontaneous remission, the patient still died. She still developed GI bleeding and a GI perforation with peritonitis and died of it only 78 days after going on hospice. There’s no way of knowing whether hemp oil prolonged her life. Probably it did not, as a two to three month survival after going into hospice after being declared terminal for leukemia is well within what is expected. In other words, this case report is mighty thin gruel indeed.

Of course, the sad story of PK and the treatment of her terminal relapsed ALL with hemp oil is probably the highest quality cancer cure testimonial out there, and unfortunately its quality is not that high at all. The rest of the anecdotes I ran into tended to be about as convincing to someone familiar with cancer as nearly all the other alternative cancer cure testimonials I’ve found; i.e., not very.''


jondoeuk's Photo jondoeuk 11 Dec 2017

Effectiveness of some of the strains was not alluded to, but none were said to be ineffective. In light of this study is there any reason not to take hemp oil daily as a cancer preventative measure?


It was a single case report and PK passed away. It's the only evidence we have for Rick Simpson's Oil.

Edited by jondoeuk, 11 December 2017 - 09:17 AM.

lakesurfer's Photo lakesurfer 11 Dec 2017

After you cure your cancer with cannabis oil (60 grams over 2-3 months, 120 grams over 4-6 months if you had chemo or radiation)  you are suppose to take a rice grain size every day for maintenance. After my wife got better we went on a 3 week trip and did not take the rice grain size. She continued to take the apricot kernels (B17).  When we got home she began to take the rice grain size for 2 days, found she was not use to it anymore and felt tired.  She elected to drop the oil and continue with 10 apricot kernels a day ever since, about 2 yrs. so far.  I think oil could prevent cancer if taken every day but so does apricot kernels.  My 85 yr. old father in law had skin cancer above his eye, the Dr. gave him cream to burn it off for 3 months and said if that doesn't work they would operate on it. Instead we put cannabis oil on it with band aid, changed it every 4 days, 12 days later...cured, looked  like baby's skin. Works great on burns also...could save many lives this way also. Rick Simpson does not sell oil and says not to trust any you do not make yourself. (Indica dominant, highest THC you can get) In Canada the official gov't oil can only be 19% THC.  When you make it it is 80% plus, you need at least 80% THC to kill cancer.

Edited by lakesurfer, 11 December 2017 - 03:11 PM.

jondoeuk's Photo jondoeuk 01 Jan 2018

After you cure your cancer with cannabis oil (60 grams over 2-3 months, 120 grams over 4-6 months if you had chemo or radiation)  you are suppose to take a rice grain size every day for maintenance. After my wife got better we went on a 3 week trip and did not take the rice grain size. She continued to take the apricot kernels (B17).  When we got home she began to take the rice grain size for 2 days, found she was not use to it anymore and felt tired.  She elected to drop the oil and continue with 10 apricot kernels a day ever since, about 2 yrs. so far.  I think oil could prevent cancer if taken every day but so does apricot kernels.  My 85 yr. old father in law had skin cancer above his eye, the Dr. gave him cream to burn it off for 3 months and said if that doesn't work they would operate on it. Instead we put cannabis oil on it with band aid, changed it every 4 days, 12 days later...cured, looked  like baby's skin. Works great on burns also...could save many lives this way also. Rick Simpson does not sell oil and says not to trust any you do not make yourself. (Indica dominant, highest THC you can get) In Canada the official gov't oil can only be 19% THC.  When you make it it is 80% plus, you need at least 80% THC to kill cancer.


There is no evidence RSO can treat any type of cancer in humans. Laetrile (aka ''Vit B17'') was tested and shown not to work (PMID: 7033783, 7054687 & 25918920). As for you're wife's cancer then she may have experienced spontaneous regressions or remission (PMID: 6548796) (assuming she had no other treatments) and I hope she remains like this for many, many years to come.

Edited by jondoeuk, 01 January 2018 - 02:08 PM.
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Astroid's Photo Astroid 15 Jan 2018

I would watch out for those CBD oils from Amazon. From my understanding, they're from the industrial hemp plant that does not produce a good quality CBD. See, for instance, https://www.projectc...oil-vs-hemp-oil.


Of course, if you live in a State where cannabis is totally prohibited you don't have legal access to high quality CBD products. Amazon might be the best you can get until prohibition is ended.



I tried what was suppose to be imported CBD oils for a scalp infection. I saw very little results.. after 3 bottles. 


However, I did end up being approved for the Florida Medical Marijuana program and used THC Extract with great success on some known skin cancer.. It is just very slow.. I used lotion, oral drops and finally a pill with the parts of the full flower chopped up inside, which was the strongest.. said the Pharmacist.  


I also used Black Salve - Bloodroot initially, followed by the THC products.  


Wanting to speed the process, I adjusted dosage and combinations of supplements. 


Adding Liposomal Glutathione, Liposomal B Vitamins and Minerals, SOD, and a SuperGreen Food.. seemed to have the best accelerated healing success rate. 

Within 3 days of adding the Liposomal Glutathione I noticed better healing on some very chronic spots, both on my arms and scalp.  

Plus adding the Marijuana Pill afterwards ... once a day... also seem to boost the process, as I expected after the Pharmacist endorsed it.


My MD said there are some 53 or 57 cannabinoids (I forget exactly), but only 2 have really been tested to know the impact on humans. 

So cut up Marijuana flower/buds.. makes the most sense to me to take orally.. for health. 

One may not make a diet of it long term however. 

I only take the Pill when I am not driving and usually before bedtime. There is some psychological impact from the pill, as well as the lotion and drops if take at high enough dosage.


I had never used any Marijuana previously.  
