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Bit confused about noots and depression

depression anxiety stress trauma

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#1 Nimx

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Posted 17 February 2016 - 09:08 AM

Hello, I've a long story of traumas, when I was about 28 (I'm now 34) I was starting to make my own life and to grow wiser, but long story short, before I reached that goal 5 years ago I went through a period (2-3 years) of extreme stress and anxiety (almost 24/7) for a major life events (I met my dad after several years I've not seen him, I started a job with him because I found myself alone and had to stop studying, I was happy at the start but soon I realized that that event has been everything but nice, he has been too hard on me, devastated my fragile self esteem and my idea that I could deserve love) it ended with a sudden psychological collapse which leaded me to a chronic generalized anxiety (severe and daily panick attacks) plus a medium depression and to worsen all of this I developed tinnitus, I went through hell, I won't write all the symptoms.


I started meds, but every time I tried to taper them down my symptoms started to come again. So after 1 year I began to work on myself, lot of reading (psych and philosophy), some brief period of psychotherapy , things started to go better, I went down from 40 drops of paxil to 20-25 feeling fine. Then I started meditating, this made the greatest difference, my anxiety almost disappeared and I'm now feeling decently with 8 drops of paxil even if I'm actually stopped meditating everyday, I just do it from time to time so I guess I have room to improve yet. I still suffer from some mild brain fog and mild fear some day with some rare but still temporary debilitating mood swing.

Assuming I'm retraining (recovering) my nervous system and cognitive system (yes it was hell but must say it is the reachest part of my life and I'm grateful about it), I'm looking for any other way to rebalance my brain.


I'm a bit confused reading other discussions about supplements for depression, how can they fit in my therapeutic retraining ? I'm not really into the "depression is a chemical imbalance that needs to be addressed via meds or supplements", I'm more in "you can retrain retrain your brain to fix the causes of those imbalances".

So my question is, do you think I can speed up my recovery using supplements and taper off those few drops of paxil ? 

Where should I start ? I'd like it simple, not dozens of noots. I'm really confused, lot of supplements, I've been looking into uridine + omega3, may it be a good starting point ?

Also, I'd like to hear from you your vision about depression and supplements, are they just an healthy alternative to meds or you think these supplemens work on a lower level (lets' say on causes) compared to meds (which, in my experience, worked just on symptoms, and to be optimistic they gave me back a good support of energy and neurogenesis for retraining myself using therapy, both behavioral and cognitive, and meditation) ?

I'm planning to start, soon or later, some physical excercise (i'm somewhat lazy:) to boost my recovery.

I'm doing fine and I'm determined to win this battle so any suggestion is welcome.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: depression, anxiety, stress, trauma

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