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Nootropic stack advice from New Zealand

nootropic new zealand

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Posted 14 August 2016 - 02:31 AM

Hello Everyone,

Many substances in New Zealand seem to be illegal or prescription that people regularly use in their overseas stacks.. The ones I've managed to find here and order are : Gingko pills, now foods Alpha GPC, source natural vinpocetine and huperzine-A. I'm just curious as to which go best together, after a few weeks of researching them I am still confused although it appears the Gingko and vinpocetine would go best and The huperzine-a just used sparringly if I have a particularly important project at work or sports event? Alpha GPC maybe just by itself if the other combo doesn't work or possibly even not required at all? If anyone has any advice and sound reasoning on which goes best and doses or if anyone is from New Zealand and can recommend I get additional substances to add to this and where from please let me know.

Currently I just take Solgar multi's x 2 per day and also solgar B12. I struggle to maintain focus in my job and struggle to maintain information sometimes, also in social situations I sometimes get anxiety, playing sport I am generally quite focused but could be improved. I'm 30 years old and in good health apart from this. 5'11 - 80kg.

Hopefully I'm posting in the right area, the nootropics stacks area wouldn't allow me to post within that.

Any advice is much appreciated.

Regards Jimmy

Edited by NZMVP, 14 August 2016 - 02:40 AM.

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