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Sorry Zoltan! Trump will be the Greatest Antiaging Science President Ever

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#1 jroseland

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Posted 08 October 2016 - 09:12 AM

Like most Biohackers I hold government regulating agencies in especially in low esteem. Trump's made a couple of statements indicating that he's going to tell the FDA (and possibly the EPA and DEA) You're Fired!
Which makes me all the more positive about voting for him...
A policy statement from Trump's website indicating him strongly considering eliminating...
“The FDA Food Police, which dictate how the federal government expects farmers to produce fruits and vegetables and even dictates the nutritional content of dog food... The rules govern the soil farmers use, farm and food production hygiene, food packaging, food temperatures and even what animals may roam which fields and when... It also greatly increased inspections of food 'facilities,' and levies new taxes to pay for this inspection overkill."
Of course a bunch of statist commentators online responded hysterically
If the federal government isn't regulating everything we consume everyone is going to die of food poisoning!
I can see how the FDA made sense 50 years ago when it was next to impossible for the average layperson to understand the science and chemistry of what they consumed but it's 2016! Now that we have the Internet consumers themselves can vote with their dollars and the regulate food and drug industry.
In 2016 if you're some dumbass that smokes cigarettes, drinks beer and eats hamburgers and fries every day of your life, when there's so much information, so easily accessible about diet and lifestyle - You deserve to die of cancer!
The supplement industry has been largely unregulated for several decades and I think it's proven that free markets actually regulate themselves pretty reliably. Over the past few decades hundreds of millions of people have consumed many thousands of different supplements that were not evaluated by the FDA...
How many people died from unregulated supplements?
How many people got sick from bad supplements?
How many people got cancer?
Not many and surely a whole less than from FDA approved pharmaceutical drugs and GMO foods!
My optimistic side thinks we may actually be on the cusp of a bright era of enlightenment where adults are expected to take responsibility for themselves and their decisions. Where we don't look to the government as a surrogate parent that takes care of all our needs and tells us what we can eat and what we can or cannot do.
I'm really a health science geek...
I listen to all the Biohacking and health podcasts (well not all but a lot of them!)
I watch every documentary on health and antiaging
I spend about 10 hours a week reading abstracts of studies on Pubmed
I read voraciously, at least one book at any given time on health science
And I can come up with literally zero examples of useful, helpful things the FDA has done! Can you?
Thanks to the FDA's ever vigilant regulating...
After 45 years of the War on Cancer and +20 billions dollars in research more people than ever get cancer.
Obesity rates are higher than ever
Even in very progressive states we can't seem to get common sense GMO labeling laws passed
Obama passed what many call the Monsanto Protection Act which even conspiracy theory adverse Snopes couldn't deny is a "precedent-setting limitation on judicial review of genetically-engineered crops."
I think there's fair evidence that the FDA really stands in the way of antiaging innovation...
If you're a genius scientist who has a great idea for a drug or product that could help sick or suffering people you can't simply devote yourself to inventing a helpful product, you need to raise many millions of dollars to hire lawyers and to stay compliant with thousands of very confusing laws and regulations.
Supplement manufacturers are not allowed to honestly represent the benefits of their products. For example, checkout this fascinating discussion of NTX, a truly helpful medical innovation and the very expensive uphill battle they facing to use accurate, scientifically-backed health claims
Another example, 23&Me a really innovative company's genotyping product made LESS useful by the FDA's regulations
I think Lumosity being fined for deceptive advertising is a great case study of the tyrannical over reach of government regulators. If Lumosity was selling a product that gave people cancer because of false advertising claims than yeah they should totally be fined but if the worst possible outcome is the customer wasting a little bit of time and $12 a month we really don't need the government regulating that
Even if you're the stodgiest skeptic who refuses to watch the documentaries about how the FDA has killed millions of people by obfuscating science, you must see how there is significant moral hazard in a government agency getting paid many millions of dollars by the industry it is supposed to be policing.
We saw how the DEA just tried to pass a rapid ban on Kratom - which a few principled politicians have seemed to put the breaks on - likely because it competes with big pharma's products. Which useful supplement is going to be criminalized next?
Think of the explosive innovation in the largely unregulated smart phone industry that we have seen in past 10 years. What great leaps and bounds would be made in antiaging if the health science was unregulated?
Finally Trump isn't owned by the elites.
He mostly self funded his campaign, only about 1% of his campaign funding came from super pacs. Unlike most politicians he doesn't owe any huge (yuge!) favors to the pharmaceutical industrial complex.
It seems like the FDA is just a den of corruption - waste, fraud and abuse. Please shut it down President Trump!
Agree? Disagree?
Let's keep the discussion below respectful and focused on how Trump's getting rid of these regulating agencies would effect the Longecity mission.

Edited by jroseland, 08 October 2016 - 09:19 AM.

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#2 ceridwen

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Posted 08 October 2016 - 12:50 PM

I agree providing he doesn't start ww3
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#3 TheFountain

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Posted 19 October 2016 - 10:08 PM

I agree providing he doesn't start ww3

When the fuck did he make any comments alluding to war? Do you have ears that work and did you watch the last presidential election where he stated he would like to be friends with Russia? Whereas Hillary has made every indication she wants war with them?


Fuck sake man. 

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#4 ceridwen

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Posted 20 October 2016 - 12:49 AM

Woman actually
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#5 niner

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Posted 21 October 2016 - 04:20 PM

The premise of thus thread is wrong. Regardless of what Trump says, he CAN'T get rid of the FDA on his own. A large majority of the population wants it, so like it or not, it will stay. The Republicans are the anti-science party. They don't want to fund it, and want to restrict it on the basis of Christian extremism. If you want the best candidate for anti-aging, you have to go with a party that supports science and is not in the thrall of religion.
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#6 niner

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Posted 21 October 2016 - 06:57 PM

It's worth pointing out that the President of the US is not a dictator.  They really can't do much without Congressional buy-in.  Trump, Hillary, Bernie and the rest have said that they would do a lot of stuff that they can't do on their own.  (e.g. free college, building a wall)  Obama wanted to close Guantanamo, but Congress didn't go along, so it didn't happen.   The one point where the POTUS really has some power is in the appointment of Supreme Court justices.  Trump has already said he will appoint judges with socially conservative views.  Is that what you want on the court when issues of "Playing God" are upon us?  When we begin to have therapies that will significantly extend life, we are going to be accused of playing God, and we want smart progressive judges if they are going to hear cases that might prevent us from developing or using treatments.

Edited by niner, 21 October 2016 - 07:12 PM.

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#7 sthira

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Posted 21 October 2016 - 07:47 PM

I can see how the FDA made sense 50 years ago when it was next to impossible for the average layperson to understand the science and chemistry of what they consumed but it's 2016! Now that we have the Internet consumers themselves can vote with their dollars and the regulate food and drug industry.
In 2016 if you're some dumbass that smokes cigarettes, drinks beer and eats hamburgers and fries every day of your life, when there's so much information, so easily accessible about diet and lifestyle - You deserve to die of cancer!

Sure, eliminate the FDA and rely on the internet for your science and chemistry choices and education; but how would you know if your local store bought cucumbers had salmonella; or if your octopus salad had listeria monocytogenes; or if your dietary supplement contained undeclared sibutramine and phenolphthalein; or your salmon bacon was tainted with clostridium botulinum; or your glass bottled tea contained the possible presence of glass fragments; or if your ginger drink held potential for unopened bottles to burst; or or or or...your recital digital thermometer displayed an incorrect temperature measure? http://www.fda.gov/S...015/default.htm

I'm curious: have you ever lived in a third world country that has no consumer protection agencies?
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#8 Hip

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Posted 22 October 2016 - 06:39 AM


I agree providing he doesn't start ww3


When the fuck did he make any comments alluding to war?


Did you not see this story:


Donald Trump asked 3 times in 1 hour why U.S. doesn't use its nuclear weapons | Daily Mail Online

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#9 TheFountain

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Posted 23 October 2016 - 01:40 AM



I agree providing he doesn't start ww3


When the fuck did he make any comments alluding to war?


Did you not see this story:


Donald Trump asked 3 times in 1 hour why U.S. doesn't use its nuclear weapons | Daily Mail Online




And a ton of other shit about Hillary!

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#10 TheFountain

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Posted 09 November 2016 - 08:55 AM


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#11 platypus

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Posted 09 November 2016 - 09:27 AM


Agreed. Unfortunately underprivileged Americans are not in the position to emigrate  :cool:

#12 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 12 November 2016 - 05:53 AM



Agreed. Unfortunately underprivileged Americans are not in the position to emigrate  :cool:



Don't be so sure, people should never let someone define their value as a human resource and the people make the country and we are a competent and well educated nation. Mass migration would result in a shift in the balance of power and a sudden drop in the value of the dollar, cripple US businesses, and result in the isolation/ostracism of a new and even more well educated class of people and eventually lead to either a total collapse or WWIII. But I don't think the rest of the world would stand for that... and we're all too busy watching TV and reading LongeCity for it to happen. The Democrats would basically have to broker a mass migration movement to a country or countries that would accept so many people.

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#13 YOLF

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Posted 12 November 2016 - 11:08 PM

We need the FDA to put pressure on things and act in a responsible manner, we take them for granted, but at the same time, they do get annoying and get in the way of good supplements and good healthcare. If they took an informed shades of grey approach to healthcare and supplements, we'd all be much better off.

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#14 timar

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Posted 14 November 2016 - 08:23 PM

The point about Trump's idea to cut down the FDA has already been made by sthira, and niner's remarks on the US government systems probably holds true for many of his other nonsensical, ignorant and populist ideas. Not nearly for all, though, as both the Senate and the House of Representatives are dominated by a radicalized Republican (Tea) Party at odds not only with liberal society but also with science and rationality.


Will Trump be a great anti-aging president? Whatever that could possibly mean, the answer is certainly no. Not even because he is in cahoots with the anti-scientific, religious right but because, even if he is going to realize only half of his incoherent ideas, he will very likely drive the US economy into a grave recession.


Why? Well, if I had a masterplan to destroy the US economy and sink it in exploding national dept, I would probably...


...deport millions of immigrants on whose cheap labour many industries vitaly depend.

...isolate the export-dependent economy from global trade by terminating trade contracts.

...start trade wars through protectionist measures.

...radically cut all taxes...

...while greatly increasing government spending, particularly for productive infrastructure such as a modern version of the Chinese Wall.

...ruin the image of the US all over the world by doing all this and other abhorrent things.


In other words, if I was Putin and wanted to see the US going down, I would support Trump. Wait a moment...

Edited by timar, 14 November 2016 - 08:38 PM.

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#15 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 16 November 2016 - 09:18 PM

I think Trump knows how to run a business, and I'm actually starting to like his healthcare ideas... they sound good so far... it's not everything I wanted... I wanted a single payment, no worries HC solution that would sabotage itself if it didn't actually provide permanent sustainable health (immortality), using the adjective 'Canadian' was got me into Hillary. Obamacare was doing a pretty good job of exploding in price if the numbers on TV weren't misrepresented, this would have made antiaging and rejuvenation an absolute necessity. Trump is a different breed and won't bankrupt us, and he might even do a good job, but he'll need to fire alot of Republicans. I've got images in my head of Apprentice and a line of guillotines. Then there's the "Fired" version of the "China China China" video.


I also didn't realize that his education plan will allow for private and boarding schools, not just charter schools? I'd still want to see boarding schools etc paid for 100% for qualifying kids. Even overseas schools.


Time to go, more later.

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#16 Kalliste

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Posted 17 November 2016 - 05:55 AM

Lets hope Thiel can talk some sense into him regarding Rejuvenation as an alternative to the trillion dollar black hole that is the budget for an aging population.

#17 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 19 November 2016 - 10:49 AM

What has Thiel been involved with so far? I've heard he was a supporter, but I haven't known exactly what he's supported.

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#18 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 19 November 2016 - 10:52 AM

Found this: 


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#19 timar

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Posted 19 November 2016 - 01:15 PM

For those of you who put their hope in Trump being "the greatest antiaging president ever": why not apply for a consultant job in his team? There are not many posts left, so better be quick!


To qualify, you have to fullfill the following requirements:


1. Male

2. White

3. At least 60 years old

4. Having achieved notoriety for at least one of the following attitudes (the more, the better):

a) Racism

b) Antiislamism

c) Antisemitism

d) Sexism

e) Homophobia


Being a member of the Republican Party and a millionaire is of further advantage, as is the commitment to conspiracy theories, such as the "Global Warming Hoax", Obama not being a US citizen, the Jews being in charge of the "New World Order", the moon landing having been staged or the whereabouts of Elvis.


Job interviews will take place in the upcoming, ultimate season of The Apprentice.

Edited by timar, 19 November 2016 - 02:00 PM.

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#20 sthira

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Posted 20 November 2016 - 03:43 AM

To qualify, you have to fullfill the following requirements:

1. Male
2. White
3. At least 60 years old
4. Having achieved notoriety for at least one of the following attitudes (the more, the better):

a) Racism

b) Antiislamism

c) Antisemitism

d) Sexism

e) Homophobia

Also Seeking applicants who are:

5. Female;
6. Under 25 Years of Age;
7. Hot (e.g., Sexually or Visually Appealing to Him);
8. To Remain SILENT when POTUS Trump:

a) Comments Upon:

1) Clothes;

2) Hair;

3) Makeup;

4) Weight;

5) Randomly Selected Body Parts TBD;

b)Touches applicant Whenever and Wherever He Feels The Urge;

c)Assaults applicant;

d) Threatens to Humiliate, Fire or Sue applicant in Court if He Perceives:

1. Failure of applicant to Remain SILENT in All Instances Beyond Fawning Over Him and Exclusively To Him and To No Other;

2. Failure of applicant to Comply with (b) and c) [indent=2]3. If applicant seeks fair financial living wage

Edited by sthira, 20 November 2016 - 04:43 AM.

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#21 zorba990

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Posted 20 November 2016 - 06:24 PM

Considering the history of the Clintons, with even the most cursory examination of information readily available, the hypocrisy is head spinning.
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#22 timar

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Posted 20 November 2016 - 07:55 PM

Considering the history of the Clintons, with even the most cursory examination of information readily available, the hypocrisy is head spinning.


This is flawed logic. First: does one evil excuse another evil? Second: whose hypocrisy? Has anyone here said anything positive abount Clinton? You are evoking the fallacy of the false dichotomy, because you are subject to the absurd polarization caused by the two party system in the US, leaving only the choice between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich (as South Park once put it straight - the current season and the last one being a brillant satire of the the US election circus, btw.)


In case you want to know: if I was an US citizen I would probably have voted for Jill Stein.

Edited by timar, 20 November 2016 - 07:58 PM.

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#23 jroseland

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Posted 21 November 2016 - 01:55 PM

Wow this thread is going off the rails a bit...


My objective was to have an interesting discussion on how tectonic political events might impact antiaging progress.

Let stay focused on that. My hypothesis is that an antidisestablishmentarian politician will deregulate the supplement and health industries which will be a huge boon to antiaging.

Let's stay focused on that.


Trump won. Hopefully in 4 years we can come back to this thread say whether he proved or disproved that.



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#24 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 22 November 2016 - 11:06 AM


Considering the history of the Clintons, with even the most cursory examination of information readily available, the hypocrisy is head spinning.


This is flawed logic. First: does one evil excuse another evil? Second: whose hypocrisy? Has anyone here said anything positive abount Clinton? You are evoking the fallacy of the false dichotomy, because you are subject to the absurd polarization caused by the two party system in the US, leaving only the choice between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich (as South Park once put it straight - the current season and the last one being a brillant satire of the the US election circus, btw.)


In case you want to know: if I was an US citizen I would probably have voted for Jill Stein.


iirc, ~40 states allow you to write i a Candidate, I've been writing myself in the last few elections.

Edited by YOLF, 26 December 2016 - 12:10 AM.

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#25 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 22 November 2016 - 11:17 AM

Wow this thread is going off the rails a bit...


My objective was to have an interesting discussion on how tectonic political events might impact antiaging progress.

Let stay focused on that. My hypothesis is that an antidisestablishmentarian politician will deregulate the supplement and health industries which will be a huge boon to antiaging.

Let's stay focused on that.


Trump won. Hopefully in 4 years we can come back to this thread say whether he proved or disproved that.

Ok, so here's one problem I have, Trump is going to get rid of Obama's executive orders, one of which allows me to use my state laws to the benefit of my health. Will trump allow us to buy drugs across borders? 


Will he stop making stuff like vinpocetine illegal? How will nootropics fair? There are some orders that are protecting noot users. I'm even thinking there are secret EOs that are protecting modafinil users and perhaps some others. Though I won't share how I arrived at this. I'd be very careful with purchasing modafinil after the change over. Lots of stuff like that potentially hanging in the balance.

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