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Emotional blunting, dullness, detachment,...

ThreeKings12341's Photo ThreeKings12341 21 Nov 2016

Male 25




main symptom: EMOTIONAL BLUNTING :( - ill write more to that after a few symptoms.


ocb: (thinking, but got better a bit, but i am  a perfectionist in some ways. in schooldays my bag had to be paralled next to my chair, but i dont have that a´nymore - )


body dysmophobic disorder ( developed when i was 16, comments from school mates in combination with my obsessive thinking developed bdd, since then i had nosesurgerys, crying a lot); wearing glasses in public makes my bdd completely away


anhedonia: the only times i feel pleasure  is reading about ios- gaming news, or pc games , or playing them but everything else in life is extremly low in feeling pleasure. - if i do - its very dulled


when i was 6 , parents broke up and i developed ocb, and cried a lot, with 16 i developed body dymophic disorder and cried also again a lot  - so that maybe shut down my emotions?, also i developed eppstein bar virus - pfeifisches drüsen fieber with 16.....


EMOTIONAIL BLUNTING:  when i cry its only from my head (tears) without emotions, only time i cried with emotios for 7 minutes was when i  realised my cat died and it had gone for a loooooong sleep (was watching how doc gave injection). i can laugh reaaaally lot but its not combined with any activity in my chest or stomach.. no emotions . agressive i can get very easy in public if somebody does me wrong.

i cannot feel love at all (had several girlfirends, and didnt feel it), family i dont feel it , 2 no one....

when reading about new cure solutions i can feel euphoria and exitement


since im 6 i byte off my finger skin and they bleed, but mostly dont hurt.. but not always bleed, i just eat the top skin if possible. --> Dermatophagia


i cant concentrate- watching movies , series, i drift oof eaaaasily, i can only listen if somethings really interesting, with people the same


no sexdrive , also my errections are only like 60 -80%


middle depression.







no alcohol for 9 moths

no nicotine for 9 motnhs

no porn since doing it excessivly for dopamine feelings






age 21-24

gave me dopamine boost "kinda euphoric, or happy feelings which i felt  (not dulled) when taking puffs- in the morning even better, made me less anhedonic in someways


nicotine + nac age:24

VERY EUPHORIC , i felt like cured, couldnt feel love or something, but reallly euphoric and antidepressant feeling, hypomania.....




during drinking obsessive thinking, depressive, but  THE DAY AFTER BINGEDRINKING, i felt NEARLY ALL EMOTIONS, every time i binge drinked i felt emotions the day after



weed(over 150 times i smoked in life)

paranoia and obsessive thinking and  , but still kept doing it since laughing felt nice if i laughed, but emotional deatachment was evern worse when not laughing but when i could feel emtions while laghing



magic mushrooms(tdid it  wice)

WOW very positive vibes, chiildhood emotions, devitiely more emotionns




zombie like, more depressed




dont know




zombie like state, more depressed




zombie like sate, more depressed




didnt notice anything




sleeping better, emotins still dulled



omega 3

more positive, i feel more well in my living room  but still dulled emotions




lethargic, zombie state, compulsive thinking was even worse with this drug; depressed








made symptoms also worse





more energy, and bit euphoric



black tee





i sprint every day now for 4 months, i feel more easyness after sport but not really more emotions, just more positive..




sicne 9 months i stoped alchol, coffee, nictone,  eat veeeery healthy (my gut docotor helps me for that) - i know there is an gut - brain axis...




this week my doc want s to ´ty wellbutrin one me, and im thinking of neurofeedback? is that any good for emotional blunting?


PLS PEOPLE, i neeeeeed your help, i need 2 see the day when i can spread out lvoe too the whorld like i just 2, and want to feel deep emotions hug my family, and be very glad that i have them, and friends



pls :(










Edited by ThreeKings12341, 21 November 2016 - 09:25 AM.

PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 21 Nov 2016

High serotonin is almost always the culprit with my emotions. Try and take tryptophan or anything serotonergic and see if it worsens it.

Edit: seems like your problem is serotonergic.

Edited by RatherBeUnknown, 21 November 2016 - 02:19 PM.

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jack black's Photo jack black 21 Nov 2016

first, why one cannot quote the first post on this forum?


RE: "THE DAY AFTER BINGEDRINKING, i felt NEARLY ALL EMOTIONS, every time i binge drinked i felt emotions the day after"


almost sounds like this (long read): http://www.longecity...ohol-hangovers/


ThreeKings12341's Photo ThreeKings12341 21 Nov 2016

thanks . . but why serotonergic? i metnioned 5htp worsened my state... so tryptophan wouldnt help probably either??



i am following this thread for 2 years now :thanks !


PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 22 Nov 2016

thanks . . but why serotonergic? i metnioned 5htp worsened my state... so tryptophan wouldnt help probably either??



i am following this thread for 2 years now :thanks !

If something which almost only does X worsens your issues, it's most likely because it does X and there is no shame in reasoning that it's because of doing X. It could be because you have low dopamine and serotonin antagonizes that but I am almost certain that it's the actual serotonin.

Long story short, I've had emotional numbing all my life and I've had on a daily basis most symptoms associated (in myself) with high serotonin, I even have a lot of serotonin-caused personality traits. 

My condition seemed to improve as I took things that were potentially anti-serotonergic, but it's still such a tiny effect. I am still looking for drugs that work against serotonin.


jack black's Photo jack black 22 Nov 2016

I am still looking for drugs that work against serotonin.

Have you read this? http://www.longecity...in/#entry796160

PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 22 Nov 2016


I am still looking for drugs that work against serotonin.

Have you read this? http://www.longecity...in/#entry796160


Wellbutrin? I am not sure I understand


jack black's Photo jack black 22 Nov 2016

I am still looking for drugs that work against serotonin.

Have you read this? http://www.longecity...in/#entry796160
Wellbutrin? I am not sure I understand

My second post there. You know, sometimes you have to dig for info.

PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 22 Nov 2016




I am still looking for drugs that work against serotonin.

Have you read this? http://www.longecity...in/#entry796160
Wellbutrin? I am not sure I understand

My second post there. You know, sometimes you have to dig for info.


I read that post but I don't see how that's relevant to having too much serotonin when the problem is more than just depression and ocd, being 2 of the 3 or so symptoms linked to that receptor's activation. There are a lot of different serotonin receptors, all of which could be hyperfunctional in myself. 


jack black's Photo jack black 22 Nov 2016

I read that post but I don't see how that's relevant to having too much serotonin when the problem is more than just depression and ocd, being 2 of the 3 or so symptoms linked to that receptor's activation. There are a lot of different serotonin receptors, all of which could be hyperfunctional in myself.

Sure thing, without trying you will never figure it out.

Btw, lysine also blocks 5HT4 receptors.
Edited by jack black, 22 November 2016 - 07:03 PM.

Kinesis's Photo Kinesis 24 Nov 2016

Your doc is suggesting bupropion (Wellbutrin)? My reaction is mixed. I took bupropion a few years ago, and it definitely helped. For a while, that is. I had more energy. I also had more anxiety too, although that got better after a few weeks. The main trouble was that after a year or so, it didn't seem to work so well. When I stopped taking it, I felt worse than before, really bad brain fog, depression. That gives me the impression it didn't do anything to correct the underlying problem, and may actually have made it worse.

This is not necessarily a rap against bupropion per se though, because that tends to be the way allopathic drugs work. They push your chemical balance in the desired direction. But then your system's homeostatic response kicks in, compensating in order to try to restore the original balance. If the drug increased a neurotransmitter or made your receptors more sensitive to it, your body responds by making less of it or making your receptors less sensitive. Then you need the drug just to feel like you did before you started taking it, and if you stop, you feel worse than before.

These drugs can definitely be of value for short term treatment of acute problems, and the clinical trials they undergo mostly only test for this. I want to be open minded, but take a "show me" attitude before I'm willing to take one in the hope of sustainable benefit.

There's a dedicated thread in this forum on bupropion, where the opening post described an experience consistent with this, worth reading for anyone considering taking it: http://www.longecity...760-wellbutrin/

PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 24 Nov 2016


I read that post but I don't see how that's relevant to having too much serotonin when the problem is more than just depression and ocd, being 2 of the 3 or so symptoms linked to that receptor's activation. There are a lot of different serotonin receptors, all of which could be hyperfunctional in myself.

Sure thing, without trying you will never figure it out.

Btw, lysine also blocks 5HT4 receptors.


I did try a 5HT2A antagonist but it's difficult to tell whether it did anything positive, unless it's linked to social withdrawal which was the thing that Risperidone was very effective against in myself (as I've said in many threads, on Risperidone I had to have someone be next to me 24/7).


Lysine causes some serious issues for me, I made a thread on it. For every thing that blocks some serotonin receptor, it boosts glutamate or blocks gaba or does a second thing that is just as bad as high serotonin or even worse.


ThreeKings12341's Photo ThreeKings12341 27 Nov 2016

any clue what i could do ?


Londonscouser's Photo Londonscouser 27 Nov 2016

I've actually read about some unorthodox techniques that may enable for increased emotions/empathy/connection


This study showed that fiction influences empathy of the reader, but only under the condition of low or high emotional transportation into the story - http://journals.plos...al.pone.0055341


Also, I did read about people who watch horror movies with others have increased empathy levels...but can't find the study...it was quite recent as well



I'm not sure if you actually enjoy anything. I think you said you enjoy playing video game right ? Well maybe if you played video games with other people who are in your vicinity, that will allow for you to maybe relate to them on an emotional level ? Maybe if you did this for prolonged periods of time your brain would re-wire a little bit... I dunno...


ThreeKings12341's Photo ThreeKings12341 27 Nov 2016

hmm interesting, recently i felt sadness for 6 seconds, because my girlffriend wanted to do an relationship-break- random stuff like this happen 5 times a year where i feel strong emotions or emotions. sometimes notice when i watch tv a slight emotion comes, when something herolike happens in the news....


ill look into that londonscouser, so hope i will get healthy.. i feel great in a dulled way, i dont feel depressed like "omg life is shit", but i just want to feel my surroundings, athmosphere family, love and everything else.. it sucks bein emotionaly protected...


if anyone has a clue what could help, tianeptine ? low dose naltrexone? , what causes emotional detachment?, is it dopamine deficiency?..



also wanted 2 add, i dont feel depressed, i feel continously positive in my body but with no emotions.. like just positive and i rarely feel sad or anything else... well pissed off often if someone does me wrong

Edited by ThreeKings12341, 27 November 2016 - 09:59 PM.

PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 27 Nov 2016

I have it once in a while (very rarely, 5 times a year or so) where I wake up with or suddenly feel intense emotions, like a feeling of being alone and abandoned, life is completely ruined and now I want to kill myself, etc.. And these emotions do make sense, it's only that they happen randomly and are short lived.


Is it like so with yourself?


ThreeKings12341's Photo ThreeKings12341 28 Nov 2016

I have it once in a while (very rarely, 5 times a year or so) where I wake up with or suddenly feel intense emotions, like a feeling of being alone and abandoned, life is completely ruined and now I want to kill myself, etc.. And these emotions do make sense, it's only that they happen randomly and are short lived.


Is it like so with yourself?


nope.. never in the morning.. when i won lottery and i thought i have 1,5 euro winning but the guy said youve won 40 euros  i suddengly had for 10 minutes happyhormones flowing in my body..  with nicotine always dopamine feelings, but now wihtout just randomly unexpected if extreme situations happen... and that exremely rarely ...,.. laughing happens everyday .. but with blunted effect in regards of emotion. like i laugh about something pretty hard but at the same time i dont feel a change in my body.... emotionally wise

Edited by ThreeKings12341, 28 November 2016 - 12:03 AM.

Mind_Paralysis's Photo Mind_Paralysis 28 Nov 2016

Right, I'm having a look at your case here, and I must admit to having some problems at first - mainly because of the brand-names of the medications you have taken - they are all quite different from the more common ones in the U.S.A and here in Scandinavia as well.


But, I finally have them figured out, so here's a small guide so everyone can have an easier overview of the meds' you have taken:


ciplralex - Escitalopram

gladem - Sertraline

deanxit - combination of Flupentixol (obscure atypical antipsychotic) and Melitracen (obscure TCA, hyperadvanced MOA, a piece of SH*T really, like many other TCA's)

paroxat - Paroxetine

tritico - Trazodone



Right... let's have a look... you do seem to respond very poorly to serotonergic substances, that's for sure.


Bad reactions:


Venlaflaxine (SNRI)

Escitalopram (SSRI)

Sertraline (SSRI)

Paroxetine (SSRI)

Trazodone (SARI - combined SSRI and 5htp-ANTAGONIST - curious mode of effect, a bit like Mirtazapine and Vortioxetine)


Cannabis (I would say the negatives sound like they slightly overrule the positives here)



Mixed reactions:







Positive reactions:


Omega 3 (BDNF upregulation, aCh upregulation)


Psilocybin (magic mushrooms... a bit difficult to discern... depends on what type of mushrooms we're talking - I'm going to guess Psilocybin though, most likely)

Cardio exercise (BDNF upregulation, catecholamine release)



Ok... I think that's everything, medicine-wise. It seems like you react badly to increased 5HTP, which could imply some kind of schizoaffective disease...


You do have that Epstein-barr problem in the past though - and I see that it appears to have some kind of negative immuno-modulating effects - some people get more autoimmune issues after a Epstein-Barr infection. That could play a role as well... (Epstein-Barr is HERPES, for those not in the know) Might want to give Zinc-supplementation a try, it's a positive modulating immune-compound.



Next up, I would actually suggest you try something like LAMOTRIGINE - which is known to be both a mood-stabilizer as well as a powerful antidepressant. It does this by modulating glutamate activity, working both as an agonist and antagonist, depending on the part of the brain. It would be interesting to see if you react well to that... you do seem depressed, and it shouldn't give you these 5HTP-induced issues. It's also been documented to have an effect on OCD-symptoms, and you do have that Body-Dysmorphic Disorder making your life complicated - that could imply some kind of glutamate-oriented issues.


You might want to try NSI-189 as well, but you seem to have anxiety, so that may not be a good idea... The reason I suggest it, is because for some reason it enhances emotional tone! Sometimes, far, far too much - it seems to depend on how emotional you were to begin with. I've been depressed several times, but I NEVER seem to get truly flat affect, there's always emotional turmoil in there - in me, NSI-189 can easily induce too much emotionality, rage, anxiety, excessive crying or lauging, et c. (had excessive laughing today actually...)


It might also be a good idea to go back to Aripiprazole (abilify) to try that again, but with higher dosages - it modulates dopamine as well as antagonises serotonin. If it's available, the related NEW atypical BREXpiprazole could be a very interesting experiment for you - it has documented antidepressant properties, while modulating the DA-systems even further.


Edited by Stinkorninjor, 28 November 2016 - 02:38 AM.

ThreeKings12341's Photo ThreeKings12341 29 Nov 2016

Right, I'm having a look at your case here, and I must admit to having some problems at first - mainly because of the brand-names of the medications you have taken - they are all quite different from the more common ones in the U.S.A and here in Scandinavia as well.


But, I finally have them figured out, so here's a small guide so everyone can have an easier overview of the meds' you have taken:


ciplralex - Escitalopram

gladem - Sertraline

deanxit - combination of Flupentixol (obscure atypical antipsychotic) and Melitracen (obscure TCA, hyperadvanced MOA, a piece of SH*T really, like many other TCA's)

paroxat - Paroxetine

tritico - Trazodone



Right... let's have a look... you do seem to respond very poorly to serotonergic substances, that's for sure.


Bad reactions:


Venlaflaxine (SNRI)

Escitalopram (SSRI)

Sertraline (SSRI)

Paroxetine (SSRI)

Trazodone (SARI - combined SSRI and 5htp-ANTAGONIST - curious mode of effect, a bit like Mirtazapine and Vortioxetine)


Cannabis (I would say the negatives sound like they slightly overrule the positives here)



Mixed reactions:







Positive reactions:


Omega 3 (BDNF upregulation, aCh upregulation)


Psilocybin (magic mushrooms... a bit difficult to discern... depends on what type of mushrooms we're talking - I'm going to guess Psilocybin though, most likely)

Cardio exercise (BDNF upregulation, catecholamine release)



Ok... I think that's everything, medicine-wise. It seems like you react badly to increased 5HTP, which could imply some kind of schizoaffective disease...


You do have that Epstein-barr problem in the past though - and I see that it appears to have some kind of negative immuno-modulating effects - some people get more autoimmune issues after a Epstein-Barr infection. That could play a role as well... (Epstein-Barr is HERPES, for those not in the know) Might want to give Zinc-supplementation a try, it's a positive modulating immune-compound.



Next up, I would actually suggest you try something like LAMOTRIGINE - which is known to be both a mood-stabilizer as well as a powerful antidepressant. It does this by modulating glutamate activity, working both as an agonist and antagonist, depending on the part of the brain. It would be interesting to see if you react well to that... you do seem depressed, and it shouldn't give you these 5HTP-induced issues. It's also been documented to have an effect on OCD-symptoms, and you do have that Body-Dysmorphic Disorder making your life complicated - that could imply some kind of glutamate-oriented issues.


You might want to try NSI-189 as well, but you seem to have anxiety, so that may not be a good idea... The reason I suggest it, is because for some reason it enhances emotional tone! Sometimes, far, far too much - it seems to depend on how emotional you were to begin with. I've been depressed several times, but I NEVER seem to get truly flat affect, there's always emotional turmoil in there - in me, NSI-189 can easily induce too much emotionality, rage, anxiety, excessive crying or lauging, et c. (had excessive laughing today actually...)


It might also be a good idea to go back to Aripiprazole (abilify) to try that again, but with higher dosages - it modulates dopamine as well as antagonises serotonin. If it's available, the related NEW atypical BREXpiprazole could be a very interesting experiment for you - it has documented antidepressant properties, while modulating the DA-systems even further.


this post made me relly excited yesterday when i read it at university :D thank you!, yes exitement i can feel more or less.. and that not often .. only if its about my healingstory.


my points to this :) :


cannabis with N-acetylcysteine was great, since taking n-acetycysteine at the time i was smoking nicotine , everything felt better, i was kinda hypomanic and  really euphoric, i mention this because i think you forgot about NAC. now.. im off nicotine, weed alc  9 months and when i take nac it does nothing .. so maybe it was the nicotine  with nac (nicotine also gave me dopamine good feelings especially the first cig in the morning but the ones after also were great feelings wise)


im taking pregabalin as u know 75 mg, do u know anything about this? because i noticed that since taking that, i dont feel this short feelings of (i call it) "nervous schocks", for instance normally when i know i have to get out of the train in 10 minutes, (yes 10 minutes^^), i would get this sort of heart falling feeling .. i have this or had this in maaaany situations (escpecially in public), but since pregabalin very rare.. hmm and i noticed it may blunt me different than ssris, because i cant really get excited soo much as i did before pregabalin. ( i think).. --- what could this feelings of heart falling kinda feeling or nervous shocks (in heart region) indicate anyway?


skin picking (fingertip) skin byting is associated with what kinda deficiency?


so lamotrigine could make me more emotional also? (is on my list actually)


zinc im taking since 2 months :)


nsi189 (also on my list): buy group on lc is legitim? or where do i get this :)?


what about low dose naltrexone or tianeptine for emotional blunting?



also my concentation isss soo bad when topics dont interest me . but that doesnt mean ADS doesnt it?



procrastination is also a big problem :/


ThreeKings12341's Photo ThreeKings12341 05 Dec 2016

no respond :(?


Mind_Paralysis's Photo Mind_Paralysis 05 Dec 2016

I've been having some depressive symptoms for a few days, so I haven't been very active on the forums.



Procrastination and concentration-deficits seems more like SCT actually. Have you heard of it? Considered the diagnosis?


It sounds to me like you may have General Anxiety Disorder, SCT, OCD and depression. The feelings in your chest could be slight panic-attack, because as an SCT-er, being on time is extremely difficult, so even such a simple thing like getting to the morning-train can then be a source of anxiety, for severe and untreated cases.


The blunted affect is a symptom of depression - and the skin-biting is a sign of OCD - there is a connection between OCD and ADHD, and a definite connection between anxiety-disorders and SCT - clear co-morbidities.


Take a look here and tell me what you think about this:





If you have SCT, then you have NOREPINEPHRINERGIC deficits, not Dopaminergic - the procrastination can be connected to such issues as well. As far as I can tell, you have never tried any NE-releasers, or NRI's, such as Atomoxetine, Viloxazine and Reboxetine.




ThreeKings12341's Photo ThreeKings12341 07 Jan 2017

I've been having some depressive symptoms for a few days, so I haven't been very active on the forums.



Procrastination and concentration-deficits seems more like SCT actually. Have you heard of it? Considered the diagnosis?


It sounds to me like you may have General Anxiety Disorder, SCT, OCD and depression. The feelings in your chest could be slight panic-attack, because as an SCT-er, being on time is extremely difficult, so even such a simple thing like getting to the morning-train can then be a source of anxiety, for severe and untreated cases.


The blunted affect is a symptom of depression - and the skin-biting is a sign of OCD - there is a connection between OCD and ADHD, and a definite connection between anxiety-disorders and SCT - clear co-morbidities.


Take a look here and tell me what you think about this:





If you have SCT, then you have NOREPINEPHRINERGIC deficits, not Dopaminergic - the procrastination can be connected to such issues as well. As far as I can tell, you have never tried any NE-releasers, or NRI's, such as Atomoxetine, Viloxazine and Reboxetine.


completely forgot about this thread :=, hmmm nope i defintiely dont have sct :/.... read the wiki page . not many symptoms i have from that list.  because i dont think i daydream a lot, i do a lot of sports and i focus on things that really interest me.. and since neurofeedback helps me, i can concentrate a little more...


hmm u have a clue what else i can do or medication wise asking my doc?

Edited by ThreeKings12341, 07 January 2017 - 08:43 PM.

Mind_Paralysis's Photo Mind_Paralysis 12 Jan 2017

I can't give you too much more advice than what I already have - perhaps this, though:


Have you checked if you would qualify for a diagnosis of Schizoid Personality Disorder or Schizotypal Personality Disorder?







Blunted affect is actually a feature of Schizophrenia in some cases - especially if you have minimal or NO positive symptoms. (hallucinations, delusions, paranoia) It's becoming more and more clear that Schizophrenia is a spectrum-disorder, not entirely unlike Autism.



Also, you still haven't tried Lamotrigine and higher-dose Aripiprazol? What about BREXpiprazol? Try those first, and then we'll see if there's any effect.


ceridwen's Photo ceridwen 12 Jan 2017

I think I've always had SCT and hypothyroidism. Now it seems to have become cognitive decline.

PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 12 Jan 2017

The more I read about slow cognitive tempo the more it seems to fit really good but it could very well be that those cognitive issues coexist with schizoschmizospectrum symptoms, after all everything seems to do, even contradictions. 


Londonscouser's Photo Londonscouser 12 Jan 2017

I can't give you too much more advice than what I already have - perhaps this, though:


Have you checked if you would qualify for a diagnosis of Schizoid Personality Disorder or Schizotypal Personality Disorder?







Blunted affect is actually a feature of Schizophrenia in some cases - especially if you have minimal or NO positive symptoms. (hallucinations, delusions, paranoia) It's becoming more and more clear that Schizophrenia is a spectrum-disorder, not entirely unlike Autism.



Also, you still haven't tried Lamotrigine and higher-dose Aripiprazol? What about BREXpiprazol? Try those first, and then we'll see if there's any effect.


So do you think it is possible to have schizophrenia without a person ever experiencing a positive symptom ?


ThreeKings12341's Photo ThreeKings12341 12 Jan 2017

I can't give you too much more advice than what I already have - perhaps this, though:


Have you checked if you would qualify for a diagnosis of Schizoid Personality Disorder or Schizotypal Personality Disorder?







Blunted affect is actually a feature of Schizophrenia in some cases - especially if you have minimal or NO positive symptoms. (hallucinations, delusions, paranoia) It's becoming more and more clear that Schizophrenia is a spectrum-disorder, not entirely unlike Autism.



Also, you still haven't tried Lamotrigine and higher-dose Aripiprazol? What about BREXpiprazol? Try those first, and then we'll see if there's any effect.



yep i have read about these disorders, but now read them carefully and i must say the schizoid personality disorder actually fits really well 2 me. :-O


nope  not yet, i will start in february with medication, at the moment i want to finish my neurofeed therapy.. but lamotrigine is high on the list and the others.. but what should i try first?, also wellbutrin a good idea? and i think uve said that brexpiprazol is a new drug (kind of ) on the market?



Mind_Paralysis's Photo Mind_Paralysis 12 Jan 2017

The more I read about slow cognitive tempo the more it seems to fit really good but it could very well be that those cognitive issues coexist with schizoschmizospectrum symptoms, after all everything seems to do, even contradictions. 


Many diseases have very similar symptoms, for instance, the social problems noted in both Autism and Schizophrenia are both very similar.

Likewise, the cognitive negative symptoms are very similar to SCT and ADHD to some extent.


It's not the same though. The devil is in the details.



Your initial diagnosis was correct, IMHO - Schizoid Personality Disorder.



So do you think it is possible to have schizophrenia without a person ever experiencing a positive symptom ?




It's called Schizophrenia Simplex.


There's also the fact that some have experienced Positive symptoms now and then, without realizing it - if it's mild enough, and uncommon enough, then you won't remember it as such.




yep i have read about these disorders, but now read them carefully and i must say the schizoid personality disorder actually fits really well 2 me. :-O


nope  not yet, i will start in february with medication, at the moment i want to finish my neurofeed therapy.. but lamotrigine is high on the list and the others.. but what should i try first?, also wellbutrin a good idea? and i think uve said that brexpiprazol is a new drug (kind of ) on the market?



If you suspect Schizoid Personality Disorder, you should try and get yourself checked for that.


I wouldn't say Wellbutrin is a good idea, at least not at first, maybe as an adjunct later on. Try a higher dose of Aripiprazol first - then you move on to Lamotrigine.


Brexpiprazol is very new on the market - don't sweat it if it's not available in your jurisdiction yet, just go for something else.


dreamedm's Photo dreamedm 12 Jan 2017

There's a new antipsychotic that seems to be more effective than others at treating negative symptoms, btw. It's called cariprazine.


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pecanpie's Photo pecanpie 21 Jan 2017

Venlaflaxine=Effexor = SNRI

Abilify=Atypical antipsychotic,, common augmentation agent to antidepressants

Ciplralex=Lexapro = SSRI (a very selective one)

Gladem=Zoloft= SSRI(with some dopamine activity)

Deanxit = An old school antipsychotic and a tricyclic antidepressant

Pregabalin = Lyrica = a Gabapentinoid

Paroxat = Paxil = an SSRI

Tritico = Trazodone = an atypical antidepressant


In my experience anyway, SSRIs and SNRIs produce emotional blunting and anhedonia. And they are notorious for producing sexual side effects like loss of drive, delayed orgasm, etc. 


Since Welbutrin is not an SSRI it seems a logical choice. Also low dose lithium ~ 300-600 mg can turn up the volume on the medications you are taking. It's not a high enough dose usually to produce mood stabilization so that may or may not be good. And Lamictal is a mood stabilizer with antidepressant properties that is pretty much side effect free except for the fact that you have to go up very slowly on the dosage and stop immediately if you get a rash. Doctors usually hand out starter packs that taper you up from 25-200 mg over the course of several weeks. Neither of these options should have an impact on your sexual functioning.


Your response to nicotine+NAC and also to alcohol the day after are intriguing. There is a clue there. 


Substances in tobacco other than nicotine are monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI). So despite the health impact, some sort of tobacco use is probably helpful. Vaping or nicotine gum probably would not have the same effect. OR you could go with a traditional MAOI. Many doctors are  reluctant to prescribe them because of dietary restrictions and drug interactions. But Moclobemide(Manerix) is a safe reversible MAOI that may be available in your country. Along with NAC. Given your response to tobacco and NAC this is where I'd lay my money.


The binding and metabolism of Alcohol is complex so it's difficult to say why you had the day after response to a binge. Rather than pregabalin which hits voltage dependent Calcium channels, a  drug more pharmaceutically related to alcohol like Valium might be worth a shot.Personally I'd resist attempts by doctors to give you a short acting high potency drug like Klonopin, Ativan, or Xanax. These cause heartache in the end whereas Valium is a relatively straightforward detox, should that need arise. And some people do experience euphoria from benzodiazepines. I don't, but it can happen.


PS All these medications can interact with recreational drugs in unpredictable ways.

Edited by pecanpie, 21 January 2017 - 02:38 AM.