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Mixing Herbs and Supplements

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#1 Elusive

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Posted 21 January 2006 - 07:45 PM

Hi to everyone!
Please give your opnions on the following

Can St Johns Wort be taken with Ginkgo? What is the downside of SJW?

Can Ginkgo, Fish oil and Vitamin E be taken together daily in these amounts without thinning the blood dangerously?
(Ginkgo extract 10-15mg, Fish oil 1000mg and Natural Viatmin E 100 IU)

Your comments will be valuable as i am embarking upon such a trial to see its effects.


#2 scottl

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Posted 22 January 2006 - 06:30 PM

Hi to everyone!
Can Ginkgo, Fish oil and Vitamin E be taken together daily in these amounts without thinning the blood dangerously?
(Ginkgo extract 10-15mg, Fish oil 1000mg and Natural Viatmin E 100 IU)

Your comments will be valuable as i am embarking upon such a trial to see its effects.


For 99.9% of the people yes. I take higher then those doses of all three (about 800 iu mixed tocopherols, 60 or 80 mg gingko and about 1.5 g EPA + DHA. Then again, I'm 46).

Just skip the asprin.

#3 Elusive

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 04:27 PM

Thankyou Scott...

#4 Elusive

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 04:33 PM

I took 50mg SJW just to test (and i am not on any medication or drug - good health) and it gave me a real bad reaction (shortness of breath, weakness, loss of focus and mild confusion) so i wont take it again...ever!.
But a multi + fish oil ginkgo and vitamin E is fantastic...so i would stick to that.

#5 mitkat

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 06:54 PM

I totally agree with scott. Make sure you have a good vitamin e supplement! That's too bad about the SJW, I've heard and had good experiences with it. But everyone is different.

Are you looking to gain anything specific from taking supplements, or just looking to improve your general health?

#6 Elusive

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Posted 26 January 2006 - 10:54 AM

Hi Mitkat...i am actually looking out for general health improvement. I am in good health, i am 34 and just want to ward off any assualt that comes with age on memory and general health. You are recommending good vitamin E supplement, can u please further expand on or discuss that (with regard to good memory as well). In the past i have tried Bacopa (brahmi), ginkgo, fish oil, vinpocetine and phosphatidyl serine. Ginkgo Brahmi and Fish oil have been excellent all these years but i do stop taking brahmi and ginkgo after sometime and then start again.

Vinpocetine and phosphatidyl serine supresses the immune system (at least it did mine) so i stopped taking them. But later on i had similar problems with fish oil too...and the reason was .....that i was not taking any additional Vitamin E with it. Since i have started taking 500 mg of C and 100 IU of natural Vitamin E i never had a single occurance of throat infections or flu and i feel great. One thing concerns me though i have heard that vitamin e has the potential to increase blood pressure...is it true?

I am wondering if i take vinpocetine now while i am taking vitamin E, i should give vinpocetine a try and see if it supresses my white cells or not? What do you think on that?

#7 mitkat

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Posted 26 January 2006 - 03:44 PM

I can't answer all your questions, I'm sure someone else will ring in soon, but I'll tell you what I do know. Vitamin e can be a potent anti-oxidant associated with memory. Low vitamin e levels have been associated with low/poor memory. Also, 100IU of e is a fairly low dose. I take between 400-800, and a lot of people take more.

I don't know about vinpocetine and P.S suppressing the immune system, I've never felt anything of the sort, but everyone is different. As for vinpocetine having problems with vitamin e in regards to white blood cell counts, I'm not sure. I know vitamin e helps in the formation of red blood cells.

#8 scottl

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Posted 26 January 2006 - 04:07 PM

I would suggest taking 500 mg vit c several times/day

add a good multi (sorry aor's don't have enough B vits for my liking) e.g. twinlab daily one without iron (B25 + trace minerals). no it's not optimal but its a start (recommending LEF's multi to lots of people....probably will just get them to ignore you since they don't wish to spend that much $$)

now brand...gamma tocopherol or some such name....has amounts of alpha gamma and otehr tocopherols spepcified on the label.

sufficeint water, sleep and exercise....

Those are fundamentals..more later if I have time

#9 Elusive

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Posted 26 January 2006 - 08:23 PM

thanks guys... keep your suggestions coming....

I have started on daily GNC Mega men + 200 IU of GNC natural mixed tocopherols + 1000mg of GNC Vit C in 2 divided doses + a gram of GNC fish oil and... twice or thrice a week Brahmi(bacopa) 6gram (135 mg bacosides A). Lets see how it affects me. By the way i do believe in sleep, exercise, lots of water and GOOD ANIMALISTIC SEX ;) !!! A-Ha!

i will post my experience with the above in due time till then please keep sharing the wisdom...thanks

#10 Elusive

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Posted 27 January 2006 - 05:13 PM

Does anybody know a supplement that can nicely induce Lucid Dreams and Out of Body experiences? I had these experiences while i was taking vinpocetine 5mg daily a few years back. Just wanted to know how can i start again with that great stuff! your help will be appreciated!

#11 mitkat

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Posted 27 January 2006 - 06:17 PM

For out of body experiences, I couldn't really recommend anything that wouldn't need either a lot of research, or that is always legal in certain countries. An serious O.B.E can be very dangerous and you'd have some reading to do it right. If you were feeling something from as low as 5mg of vinpo...oh mama. That's wild. But lucid dreaming can be easy, rewrding, and is very safe.

Ayahuasca, and other mixtures/substances that contain dimethyltryptamine are used to create O.B.E states, but are quite heavy, to put it mildly. There could be more pharmaceutical/conventional drugs to produce these states, but then you have to ask yourself just what it is you're trying to achieve it for ;) I'm getting very off topic...

#12 Shepard

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Posted 27 January 2006 - 06:25 PM

Ever try mescaline?

#13 Elusive

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Posted 27 January 2006 - 07:45 PM

Actually to tell you the truth i had my first out of body experience when i was 24 (10 years ago) for no rhyme or reason and i didn't know what to make of it or what it was?
Yet it was so intense that it will always be a vivid detailed memory for the rest of my bodily existance. The whole thing from start to finish lasted to about 45-50 seconds.
As i came from jogging tired i lay down on my bed and tried to meditate... in a few minutes i felt myself dozing off but instead of dozing off i suddenly felt as i was rising in my own self or sensed a feeling of rising in me
...next moment I was floating above my body and the whole room looked liked it was a part of me ...brightly lit ...and i was sensing myself to be expansive point of light emanating in all directions or omni-directional...probably...
all this with a undescribible sense of lightness and freedom that i cant put into words ever. As soon as i became strongly aware of what was happening i feared and that stupid fear instantly snapped me back into my body.
I was quite puzzled and later on started looking for others who might have had this kind of experience and the result was that most people thought i was on drugs or just plain weird. Although i have never taken a mind altering chemical drug in my life and never will.
Then after two years accedentally i got my hand on Mr. William Bhulman's book Adventures Beyond the Body ...where i learned how to put my experiences into perspective...and not fear that anything was seriously wrong with me, that was a BIG relief!!!
I also had a few more experiences before i learned about the book but in those episodes sometimes i had a body and it was as solid as the one i have now but that one could change according to my desire and and became ghostly like when i tried to touch an object in my room, that scared me even more ....but i got use to the experiences and everything use to be fine and back to "normal" once got back to physical body.
These experiences slowed down but became more controllable once i read the book and i do get them once in a while if i take either vinpocetine or just fish oil with brahmi...it seems i am prone to this phenomenon more than others.

Although i believe who ever desires it can have this experience with little practice done correctly and without FEAR...FEAR is the only BIGGEST hurdle in achieving any new and different than ordinary experience!!! Please share thoughts on it.
Other books that helped are:

Jane Robert's Seth Speaks about the eternal validity of the Soul
Jane Robert's The nature of personal reality
Esther Hick's Ask and it is Given
The Dissapearance of the Universe
A mind blowing Recent DVD "What the Bleep Do We Know"
All available at amazon.com

#14 Elusive

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Posted 28 January 2006 - 08:03 PM

Can someone please shed some light on Vinpocetine, how often should it be taken and how much...if one is taking a a multivitamin with it? Has anybody tried vinpocetine 10 mg + Acetyl L Carnitine 30mg?

#15 Shepard

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Posted 28 January 2006 - 09:54 PM

I take 30mg of vinpocetine per day. The normal dose is 20-40mg.

I would up the Alcar if you wish to notice anything from it.

#16 desperate788

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Posted 01 August 2008 - 03:11 PM

possible gotu cola nicergoline interactions, any caution? how will vitamin c effect a nootropic stack including piracetam. I just wanted to add vitamin c to my stack because it is said to be crossing blood brain barrier and its a potent antioxidant.

#17 luv2increase

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Posted 01 August 2008 - 03:14 PM

possible gotu cola nicergoline interactions, any caution? how will vitamin c effect a nootropic stack including piracetam. I just wanted to add vitamin c to my stack because it is said to be crossing blood brain barrier and its a potent antioxidant.

This thread is 31 months old! Why would you bring it back like you have. Vit C has nothing to do with it. And to answer your question, Vit C is ok to add to a stack geeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzz!

#18 Bghead8che

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Posted 02 August 2008 - 04:14 AM

possible gotu cola nicergoline interactions, any caution? how will vitamin c effect a nootropic stack including piracetam. I just wanted to add vitamin c to my stack because it is said to be crossing blood brain barrier and its a potent antioxidant.

This thread is 31 months old! Why would you bring it back like you have. Vit C has nothing to do with it. And to answer your question, Vit C is ok to add to a stack geeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzz!

You have an interesting way of dealing with people. I've read you last few posts and you current stack appears to be bringing out some sort of nootropic induced rage.


#19 desperate788

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Posted 02 August 2008 - 04:50 PM

possible gotu cola nicergoline interactions, any caution? how will vitamin c effect a nootropic stack including piracetam. I just wanted to add vitamin c to my stack because it is said to be crossing blood brain barrier and its a potent antioxidant.

This thread is 31 months old! Why would you bring it back like you have. Vit C has nothing to do with it. And to answer your question, Vit C is ok to add to a stack geeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzz!

I'm searching all the forum to find the most efficient instant concentration enhancer, I have still couldn't find it.

#20 Rags847

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Posted 02 August 2008 - 07:01 PM

possible gotu cola nicergoline interactions, any caution? how will vitamin c effect a nootropic stack including piracetam. I just wanted to add vitamin c to my stack because it is said to be crossing blood brain barrier and its a potent antioxidant.

This thread is 31 months old! Why would you bring it back like you have. Vit C has nothing to do with it. And to answer your question, Vit C is ok to add to a stack geeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzz!

I'm searching all the forum to find the most efficient instant concentration enhancer, I have still couldn't find it.

Stimulants (d-amphetamine, d-methylphenidate) for the most efficent instant concentration enhancer.
Piracetam: Thinking/intellectual/creative enhancement.
Oxiracetam: Different than Piracetam, but it did seem to have an intense-concentration feeling (walked around with a furrowed brow) the few times I tried it.

Edited by Rags847, 02 August 2008 - 07:08 PM.

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