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Help needed- pssd, anxiety? Can someone solve the puzzle

anxiety pssd addiction rigidity depersonalisation kappa opioid porn depression ssri

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#1 xatu01

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Posted 11 January 2017 - 12:19 PM

I could tell you my full history of problems that i have but i will try to make tl;dr


Everything started 2 and half years ago:

-had some problems with porn abuse(yeah i was always having high from it like from cocaine)

-i noticed that i experience demotivation toward learning in school(was in final class- studying afterwards etc)

-realized it was a real problem (delta fosb etc look at yourbrainonporn.com), and it was strange to me, having no motivation even though i had always best grades at my class-4,5,6;

-got an idea to stop using porn as my coping mechanism of stress (made it 2 months before final exams)

-started feeling so stressfull that i was detached in school- no feelings, no focus, total depression, crying spells

-came back to my porn watching habbit because i wanted to die so much that i couldnt pass my exams(if i didnt do this i wouldnt pass my exams)

-after passing my exams (yeah i did it somehow) i wanted to try noporn/nofap thing again

-got muscle tension that i couldnt get rid of even with full time meditation

-tried ssri which makes me demotivated - actually oposite effect that i wanted to get through no fap/porn

-stoped ssri- full blown withdrawal - no inner thoughts (depersonalisation)? anxiety without reason, heart palpitation, seizures?(pulsating white light even when i close my eyes from time to time) etc

-muscle tension-rigidity stays with me to this day(sometime its get better, sometimes worse but meditation definitely help where exercise and working do the opposite)

-i have tension in my stomach, heartburn, bowel movements, low libido (


-at this point i even have episodes of numbness in both of my legs (so i cant even rest in my bed when i want to)

-depersonalisation and "seizures?" somehow improved but i still have other problems which i have written

-at this point im not using any drugs/porn even though i have used some through my life



So the question is, is there solution for those symptoms? Is it only anxiety induced by withdrawal and kindling ?Are kappa opioids receptors involved in my condition? Is it curable?(maybe not -kindling etc)

Right now im trying i'm trying sodium butyrate which is HDACi and I have seen studies which says that it decrease amount of deltafosb involved in addiction.




Should i try kappa receptor antagonist? Or maybe mianserin which is nri and kappa agonist with great potency?

Edited by xatu01, 11 January 2017 - 12:29 PM.

#2 Madman

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Posted 26 January 2017 - 07:17 PM

It seems to me you have a stress disorder, possibly brought about by diet issues and or lack of exercise...


Do you drink alcohol ?, Consume Processed sugar ?, Smoke nicotine or marijuana ?, Drink Coffee or other caffeine containing drinks ?


How old are you ?



Edited by Madman, 26 January 2017 - 07:19 PM.

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#3 xatu01

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Posted 26 January 2017 - 08:16 PM

Yeah, it might be stress disorder but I remember ssri making everything so much worse. That is why i was hesitant about trying antidepressants again.


I always feel so much better and relaxed when i eat a lot of carbs. When i do this it feels like my stomach relase the tension ? Gas and burping, you know... I feel better thanks to that


Alcohol also makes me relaxed, it might be my favourite drug, my penis seems more relaxed while drinking small amounts of beer, my whole body also seems more relaxed.

Now i dont drink a lot cause i think it make my neuropathy worse? Like i feel numbnes in my legs, cant stand straight on them for a minute.


Nicotine makes me edgy but i like it with combination of alcohol. Marihuana and alcohol doesnt mix well, makes me stressed and tensed.

Marihuana is strange, sometimes it really improves my libido and makes me laugh but sometimes i can  go to sleep 5 minutes after.

The last time i smoked weed i had full blown ocd so i stay away of it- it was when i was working very hard 300h a month in other country.


Now im not working, i went back to my country. Two first weeks i felt like on top of the world cause I'm safe and in my home but now i feel depressed.

That is why i started taking mianserin 20mg a day since 3 days. Thanks to it i have boner every single day but dont know what are gonna be long term effects.

I hope there is gonna be improvement cause im losing my hope, thinking about suicide sometime and those are really rational. I was thinking that my pssd or idk what is gonna go away.

But it is still with me and getting worse now ? What else i have to lose ? I think that im gonna even try ssri again and then , bye bye world.


I'm 21 years old, man. 1,93m height and i weight 87-93 kg.  When everything started, my depression etc. my weight was 55-60 kg so there is much improvement with that.


#4 Madman

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Posted 26 January 2017 - 08:36 PM

Yeah, it might be stress disorder but I remember ssri making everything so much worse. That is why i was hesitant about trying antidepressants again.


I always feel so much better and relaxed when i eat a lot of carbs. When i do this it feels like my stomach relase the tension ? Gas and burping, you know... I feel better thanks to that


Alcohol also makes me relaxed, it might be my favourite drug, my penis seems more relaxed while drinking small amounts of beer, my whole body also seems more relaxed.

Now i dont drink a lot cause i think it make my neuropathy worse? Like i feel numbnes in my legs, cant stand straight on them for a minute.


Nicotine makes me edgy but i like it with combination of alcohol. Marihuana and alcohol doesnt mix well, makes me stressed and tensed.

Marihuana is strange, sometimes it really improves my libido and makes me laugh but sometimes i can  go to sleep 5 minutes after.

The last time i smoked weed i had full blown ocd so i stay away of it- it was when i was working very hard 300h a month in other country.


Now im not working, i went back to my country. Two first weeks i felt like on top of the world cause I'm safe and in my home but now i feel depressed.

That is why i started taking mianserin 20mg a day since 3 days. Thanks to it i have boner every single day but dont know what are gonna be long term effects.

I hope there is gonna be improvement cause im losing my hope, thinking about suicide sometime and those are really rational. I was thinking that my pssd or idk what is gonna go away.

But it is still with me and getting worse now ? What else i have to lose ? I think that im gonna even try ssri again and then , bye bye world.


I'm 21 years old, man. 1,93m height and i weight 87-93 kg.  When everything started, my depression etc. my weight was 55-60 kg so there is much improvement with that.



Sounds to me like your body behaves very similar to my own when I had a stress problem


I found that alcohol, although it relaxed me nicely, it was also causing high levels of stress and adrenaline release when I was not drinking, even though I was not consuming much, also Marijuana did the same, made me paranoid and I used to eat carbs to balance my mind, calm my body, I also tried medications but this was just masking the underlying problem.


If you want to feel relaxed, I strongly suggest quitting alcohol (for 3 months), don't smoke marijuana, remove sugar from your diet, and add jogging and or swimming to your routine, it may take a few weeks or months until you feel relaxed and normal but I am sure you will over time by following this advice.


It will also take time for the negative effects from the SSRI to wear off. if you are able to stop taking medication after speaking to your doctor then try the natural approach for now and see how you get on with this, but if after 3 months or so you still feel the same I would seek medical advice again from your doctor.


Following a good exercise program and a healthy diet can work wonders for stress problems.


Some people don't do well with alcohol, marijuana, caffeine and sugar at all, due to differences in brain chemistry, hope this helps you :)

Edited by Madman, 26 January 2017 - 08:42 PM.

#5 xatu01

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Posted 26 January 2017 - 08:47 PM

To me it feels like i need relaxation but my body cant relax properly even after the stress cause is gone.

When i meditate sometime i feel really good afterward but sometimes i cant even properly focus on it. 


It is a constant loop of stress to which my body adapts and makes more stress. I hate living like that.

Even simple working out sometimes makes my mind blank so i cant even exercise as much as i want.

And im on top of my youthfulness ? Its gotta be a joke. Fuck you god if you actually exist

#6 Madman

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Posted 26 January 2017 - 09:18 PM

It really does sound like a stress problem, and if you follow the advice I gave you, it will help but it will take time, about 3 months probably. I know it seems hard and you may not see improvement straight away, but over time you will become more relaxed.


Good luck.

#7 gamesguru

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Posted 31 January 2017 - 01:13 PM

not sure of kappa opioid.  sounds like you need to lower serotonin and boost dopamine tho

#8 xatu01

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Posted 01 February 2017 - 04:22 PM

Yeah, I understand that it might be caused by excess serotonin, problem with 5ht1a autoreceptor etc. but there is no longterm solution for this to my knowledge.

Do you know what can be a cause of  numbness in my body? It usually happen in my legs and is comorbid with spasm and feeling of cold in them.

Is it caused by too much sodium influx or what ? 


Is there something that could block at least this symptom ? I think that exercises aren't really helping for this

#9 gamesguru

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Posted 01 February 2017 - 10:03 PM

listen bubba. i don't mean to burst your bubble, but that's sounds serious.  sounds like fibromyalgia.  possible co-morbid raynaud's.  are you sensitive to the cold?  do your extremities ever turn white or blue?  do you have cognitive symptoms such as forgetfulness?  sensitivity to pain at certain times?
on the optimistic side, it could just be reactive hypoglycemia and hypokalemia.  in that case simply go about it by increasing dietary potassium, and consuming less sugars/ more fiber in spaced-out meals

Edited by gamesguru, 01 February 2017 - 10:13 PM.

#10 xatu01

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Posted 01 February 2017 - 10:46 PM

Here are some lab test i have done ,

as you can see i have increased aldosterone and lack of growth hormone (i'm 1,93 m) , is it a cause or a symptom of other causation?


ACTH (L63.)
  ACTH 38.9 pg/ml wart. ref.: < 46 pg/ml
  GROWTH HORMONE (GH) <0.05 ng/ml Wart. ref.: 0.01 - 3.00 ng/ml
  ALDOSTERONE 231.16 pg/ml
CHOLESTEROL CAŁK. 218 mg/dl wart. pożądana 115 - 190 mg/dl
  CHOLESTEROL HDL 49.5 mg/dl wart. pożądana >40 mg/dl
  TRIGLYCERIDES 162 mg/dl wart. ref.: < 150 mg/dl
  CHOLESTEROL LDL 136 mg/dl wart. pożądana: poniżej 115 mg/dl
  ESTRADIOL 46.42 pg/ml
  TESTOSTERON 549.23 ng/dl wart. ref. mężczyźni: 241-827 ng/dl


Edited by xatu01, 01 February 2017 - 10:52 PM.

#11 xatu01

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Posted 19 February 2017 - 04:52 PM

I am thinking if maybe I just have too much histamine in my body?

My experience with mianserin was that i was very sleepy at the start of taking and i had improved my anxiety, but after 5 or more days i started developing problems with my heart rate(palpitations) without cause.

That is why i had to leave mianserin unfortunatelly.


I'm also thinking if th2 dominance could be the cause of my symptoms ?


I tried some ginger also which feels laxative to me ? Hard to describe, definitely improve  my anxiety a little.

But, i found an info that it is a 5ht1a partial agonist so it's not a longterm solution...

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#12 Madman

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Posted 20 February 2017 - 09:50 PM

Ginger will help with anxiety, it settles the stomach and has strong anti inflammatory influences, its family member Turmeric will work stronger on your anxiety, I recommend you try both as they work in the same and different ways, perhaps taking Curcumin, turmeric and ginger daily.


Many anti histamines have a sedation effect, because they sedate you does not been you have a problem with histamine. Some anti histamines have been used as sleep aids and to calm psychotic patients due to the sedation effect.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: anxiety, pssd, addiction, rigidity, depersonalisation, kappa, opioid, porn, depression, ssri

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